How To Defend Yourself Against False Drug Charges?


24 September 2022


false drug charge

The issue of getting falsely accused by another person has become quite common today. And, if it’s not taken care of as quickly as possible, the case might end up ruining your life.

So, how do you take care of it?

Well, when it comes to defending yourself against a false drug charge, it’ll be ideal for you to hire a lawyer quickly. Or else, things might get out of your hands pretty quickly.

Apart from that, you should also…

1. Stay Calm And Composed

Getting falsely accused of something you didn’t do can be quite devastating. And, if you are a rather emotional individual, it might also take a toll on your psychological health.

However, you shouldn’t worry too much about it.

Hire a qualified Appeal Attorney in Atlanta, tell them your side of the story, and stay as calm as you can. Let them do their job and help them only when you are asked to.

And, don’t try to defend yourself without anyone else backing you up. Getting too angry and talking in a rash way can hurt your case quite a lot.

2. Gather The Required Evidence

Once you are done consulting with your attorney, you should start working on gathering evidence. And, do it as much and quickly as you can.

Also, it’s recommended for you to keep a record of each and everything in a file as well as in a digital format. So, even if you lose something, you’ll always have a backup for it.

Besides, after you’ve been falsely accused, you should also try maintaining a journal. It’ll be something like a diary to you where you have to write all of your daily events accordingly.

And, please don’t meet with the person who has falsely accused you. And, if you want to talk to them one last time, make sure to take your advocate with you.

Related Resource: What Are the Penalties for Drug Possession in Arizona?

3. Challenge The Credibility Of The Accuser

Once you meet your attorney, you should start talking to them to create a strategy for the case instantly.

Law On Drag Charges

The core essence of the same quill expend on more than one factor, though –

  • The type of false accusation you are dealing with, and 
  • If you are going to criminal court or a civil one.

However, in most cases, your responsibility is going to be to protect yourself and make sure that the other person’s lying. So, how are you going to do that?

  • Find out if the person has a history of lying or not.
  • Keep an eye on their other motives for accusing you.

For example, sometimes, people can sue their husbands for “child abuse” so that they can get sole custody over their children. Hence, if you can find something as such in your case, you’ll be able to win the same pretty easily.

4. Find Your Supporting Witness

Your accuser is going to get a witness to prove their part. So, if you want to win your case, it is best to find someone for your plans as well.

While you are collecting evidence, just find someone who was present at the scene and took note of your actions. You can ask them to come to the court and attest to your innocence.

And, if they play their part well and truly, winning your case will be a piece of cake. But, just before you get into the court, make sure to tell them what you want them to say, and all.

5. Finding A Way To Turn It Around

Making a false accusation, which may lead to defamation, is illegal in the state of Atlanta. So, if you can prove that you’re innocent, you can easily throw them in a law-related pothole.

However, if you want to prove the same, you will need to demonstrate that –

  • The defendant has made a false allegation about you.
  • They have acted purposefully and negligently to accuse for their personal benefit.
  • They have talked about something that’s caused material or reputational harm to you.

As long as you can prove that the defendant has acted against you with actual malice, you can easily win the case. Talk to your lawyer to know more about this context.

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Arnab is a professional blogger, having an enormous interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, He carries out sharing sentient blogs.

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DUI Charges

7 Things You Should Know About DUI Charges: Can You Go to Prison as a Result?

In most cases, a first time DUI offense is considered as a misdemeanor, and you may go to jail for up to 6 months if you are guilty of the offense.  Here are some of the things you should know about DUI charges You may spend a few days in Jail as a First-time Offender: Criminal practice experience has shown that most first-time DUI offenders spend few days to some weeks in jail when found guilty. First DUI offense is considered a misdemeanor hence it carries lighter punishments, though sentencing can be increased to 6 months depending on the severity of injuries caused to victims. DUI May Involve Distinct Legal Cases: When you are involved or arrested for DUI, you may have two different legal issues. First of all, there may be a legal proceeding against you, over your driver’s license. Secondly, you may be charged with criminal DUI. There are different legal standards applicable to these two DUI cases,  but the result of one will not influence judgment on the other. You will need DUI attorneys to look into your peculiar case. A Third DUI Offence is considered a Felony: While the first DUI is considered a misdemeanor, a third offense is considered a felony. It is important to also note that DUIs may stay on your personal records forever. You May Get Probation Sentence  Instead of Jail Term: As a first-time DUI offender, you may have your prison term suspended and converted into probation, especially if no one was hurt in a car accident that you are responsible for. You may also make a plea bargain with the prosecutor, but you need to consult with an attorney before you sign such a plea bargain. Expungement of DUI Charges May be an Option for You: Expungement is a situation where your DUI records are removed from your personal records, this could be very helpful when you are looking for a job. In most cases, you can only file for expungement only after serving your DUI punishment. Some Conditions May Aggravate Your DUI penalties: Your DUI punishment may be increased if you were caught driving under extremely high alcohol influence, or if you have a minor, under 18 years of age in your car or if you were caught driving outside of the speed limit. You May Get a Bond Supervision After Multiple DUI: Since multiple DUI charges are considered a felony, you may be placed on multiple bond supervision for a very long time. Bond supervision means you may be placed under house arrest, random urinalysis and you may be asked to report to a probation officer. In conclusion, it is possible to get your DUI case thrown out if you can seek the help of a DUI attorney. In this case, the attorney can find strong proof that you were not responsible for the DUI situation, hence the injuries or death sustained from such accidents cannot be linked to you directly or indirectly. Read Also: How To Choose A Personal Injury Lawyer What Are The Penalties For DUI In Florida 6 Important Questions To Ask A Personal Injury Lawyer The Effects Of Drinking And Driving Under The Legal Age Of 21 Featured Image:

Personal Lawyer

How to Choose A Personal Injury Lawyer

Accidents happen and are unavoidable at times. You may have been in a crash, and you got injuries, but you are not sure if you can win the case especially if somebody else was to blame. How do you identify the right personal injury lawyer for you? Research: Finding the right lawyer for your case is a process that needs to be done. Before anything else, have a list of the personal injury lawyers near your locality that can help with your case. Getting a lawyer such as SK Law Shrewsbury who specifically deals with personal injury law is a better shot at winning the case. After identifying some of the firms offering such cases, research them. Have a look at their website and look at reviews from clients. Such a move is to help you narrow down your list. Call and Schedule a Consultation Visit: After getting your list in order, and identifying some trusted law firms, make calls. The call should be for scheduling consultation services. Ask about the quotes and see if it is a budget you can manage. Also, ask if the consultation is free or charged so that you can decide whether to go or not. Some of the leading personal injury firms like the Gieger Law Group are more than happy to help and offer free consultations. During the consultation, they discuss various aspects of the case and point out some of the strategies which they feel would be best for you. This helps shed light on the way forward and allows the individuals to get an idea about what can happen. This is another elimination step off your list. Visit firms that are in your price range. Make an appointment with a particular firm for further consultation. Make inquiries about their services and how they intend to handle your case. Talk to a specific attorney so that you can get their point of view. Handling Consultations: Before attending any consultation, ensure that you have all the necessary documents such as accident reports.  This will give you the chance to present any information the personal injury lawyer may need. You can look up some questions online you can ask the lawyer for clarification. Also, ask for a detailed quote. Some lawyers have an hourly fee while others have a flat one. An accident can affect your finances which makes you late for payments. This, in turn, hurts your credit score and makes it difficult to seek out a loan. If your budget is tight, ensure you get an affordable attorney who will not make you end up with an even worse score. However, you can check out to learn ways of rebuilding your credit if needed. Get a Referral: Before settling on the attorney, get a referral from friends or relatives. This could be a good idea for finding the perfect fit for your case. Don’t make up your mind about hiring a particular lawyer until you have had a talk with them and see if you can be a good match. The lawyer’s personality may be different from yours, and you may not be able to communicate well enough.  Another way is by asking other lawyers you may know. Referrals work best as they are an assurance of better services rather than somebody you pick randomly. Experience: You need somebody who you are confident will deliver and has a higher chance of winning. Settle on a lawyer who knows what they are doing. During the consultation, ask them how long they have been practicing personal injury. How many cases have they tackled? Of these, how many have they won? Ask for some client feedback on their previous cases. Find a lawyer who has the necessary expertise to handle your situation. Once you settled on a lawyer, make the necessary call so that you can discuss how they will handle your case. It is essential that you be on the same page as you have a better shot at winning. Identify somebody who is good at communication so that they can analyze all the possible solutions. Read Also : Divorce Lawyers In Houston Texas: A Short Guide On Saving Your Marriage Protect Your Rights Today With Domestic Violence Lawyers Choosing & Relying Upon The Best Personal Injury Lawyers

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What’s Liability In A Personal Injury Case?

You probably heard the term “liability” while reading about a personal injury case. However, do you know how it works? Or, why should you consider using it while handling a personal injury claim? Well, if your answer is no, don’t worry. In this article, we’re going to discuss a little on the subject of personal injury and proffer a bit of additional information, too. But, if we miss out on something, don’t forget to tell us about it in the comment section below. We’ll answer you as soon as possible. What Is A Personal Injury Case? A personal injury incident can include trauma, accident, mental strain, and illness caused due to someone else’s action. However, you can only go for the claim if you’ve been physically or psychologically affected due to the externally-caused problem. Also, before you can submit your issue, you’ll need to understand the type of damage you’ve sustained. Or else, you might end up submitting the wrong claim altogether. So, in this case, it will be ideal for you to opt for a Long Island Personal Injury Lawyer. Thanks to their experience and expertise, they’ll know precisely what you have to do in your personal injury claim submission. Besides, the attorney will also offer their help in solving all of your paperwork accordingly. They can also represent you in court. So, it’s better to hire someone who can assist you in every possible aspect. Personal Injury And Liability - What’s The Catch? From a general viewpoint, almost every person is responsible for whatever action they have taken. Apart from that, the law also assumes that each individual has the responsibility to act properly so that someone else doesn’t get injured. However, if someone fails to follow the aforementioned duty, and an injury occurs, they’ll be held liable for the incident. The definition of liability can also include - An individual has a certain duty to follow to keep everyone else safe and secure.However, they’ve somehow failed to perform the same properly.And, due to that reason, another person has sustained a potentially life-ending injury.The person who didn’t do their duty correctly will be liable for the consequences. Remember, you can only hold someone else liable if you’ve been injured due to their action. If they didn’t lose anything or didn’t suffer any damage, they won’t be liable for anything. Hence, before you make such a claim against someone, you should always ensure that you’ve kept the proof in the right place. If you cannot provide the same, you won’t be able to acquire even a single penny from the defendant. Even an attorney can’t help you in this aspect. Fault, Negligence, And Liability When talking about liability, you’ll probably find two more words associated with the same - fault and negligence. Here’s what they mean. So, “fault” is all about something else making a mistake knowingly to cause harm to you. An example of this will be an individual slashing someone else with a knife. In this aspect, they knew that the action would hurt the other person. Yet, they still did it. On the other hand, the act of “negligence” isn’t as direct as that of “fault.” It can be either an act done deliberately or an accidental omission of something. In any case, if you want to make a personal injury claim, you’ll need to prove the fault or negligence of another person. Or else, it might not work out as you wanted. Types Of Liability When it comes to liability in a personal injury case, it can be divided into two options. Here’s what you need to know about it. 1. Strict Liability A negligent party can be held strictly liable for a case if they can prove that the negligence was done deliberately. In this case, you can omit the aspect of proving their intent altogether. For example, a strict liability claim can apply in a product injury case. If the item was a little defective in one way or another and caused an injury, the seller and manufacturer will be held liable for the damages. Apart from this, some other cases of strict liability can include injuries involving - dog bites, wild animals, and other dangerous activities. 2. Vicarious Liability In most personal injury felonies, the individual who has acted negligently will be considered as liable for the damages. But, in some cases, a party will be vicariously liable for damages as well. Let us share an example to offer a little more clarity on this aspect. Say, you’re working in an office as an employee and have started a fire in the building due to some reason. However, if someone was injured due to the same, they’ll sue your employee as you, as an employee, are their responsibility to look after. And, if your boss has to pay for the claim, they’ll be called vicariously liable for the incident. FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions In this section, we’re going to talk about some stuff related to our topic that we didn’t discuss before. Let’s keep reading to know more about it. 1. How Is Liability For An Injury Determined? The amount of the responsible person’s liability is going to be determined by comparing the status of their carelessness. The percentage of the same will tell us the amount of money they are going to pay to compensate for the damage. 2. How Do You Establish A Liability? To prove that someone is liable for an injury, you’ll need to provide information about their legal duty and how they’ve failed it. Apart from this, you’ll also need to offer a little bit more information about the extent of physical harm. The better the proof, the higher your chance of winning the lawsuit will be. Wrapping It All Up! So, that’ll be all for this article. We hope you’ve understood the true meaning behind liability and how you can claim it. However, if you still have something else to ask, don’t be shy. Use the comment section and let us know what you’re thinking. We’ll be glad to help you out. Additionals: What Personal Injury Law in California InvolvesTop 10 Colorado Springs Personal Injury AttorneysWhat Are The Effective Ways To Communicate With A Personal Injury LawyerFiling A Personal Injury Lawsuit In South Carolina: Here Are 7 Things You Should Know