Are you aware of Belviq – a Weight-Loss Drug?


29 February 2020

Health & Fitness


Belviq (lorcaserin) is a well-known solution for weight tranquilization. The medication is sold and created by Eisai Inc. – a Tokyo-based drug-maker. It was first affirmed by the FDA in 2012 for U.S. markets. It modifies the mind’s concoction signals liable for craving and expands sentiments of totality to assist patients with getting thinner.

The medication is utilized as a consolidated treatment with diet and exercise to help grown-ups who are overweight or enduring weight-related clinical issues. lorcaserin is once in a while endorsed to treat heftiness connected to diabetes, hypertension, and elevated cholesterol, however, it doesn’t treat basic health conditions.

Belviq (lorcaserin) is accessible in two separate structures. Belviq is a 10 mg tablet endorsed to be taken two times every day. Belvin XR is an all-inclusive discharge type of lorcaserin endorsed as one day by day portion.

How is Belviq dangerous?

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) mentioned that Eisai Inc. pulls back Belviq from U.S. markets referring to worries over the medication’s connections to cancer growth. This is the reason why you should consult a Belviq lawyer if you come across this medicine. Since lorcaserin was affirmed in 2012, analysts have been concentrating on the medicine’s safety. The FDA initially necessitated that the medication maker leads a twofold visually impaired, randomized, fake treatment controlled clinical preliminary that verified the dangers of heart-related medical issues.

However, the scientists broke down roughly 12,000 members, some of whom were given Belviq while some took a fake treatment. Scientists didn’t find resulting heart issues attached to Belviq, however, they found that patients taking the medication had a higher cancer growth analysis rate than the individuals who took a fake treatment.

FDA analysts found expanded paces of cancer in patients recommended Belviq. About 7.7 percent of patients who took lorcaserin had a cancer analysis contrasted with 7.1 percent who got a fake treatment.

Through the span of the preliminary, 662 lorcaserin patients were determined to have 520 primary cancer while the fake treatment group had 423 patients determined to have 470 tumors. The FDA likewise revealed that the more extended a patient was on Belviq, the more noteworthy the expanded danger of creating cancer.

Other dangers of Belviq

The FDA prescribed that individuals taking lorcaserin promptly quit taking the medication following exploration discoveries binds the drug to expanded dangers of cancer growth. It’s essential to take note that the medication was endorsed for individuals who are overweight (with a BMI somewhere in the range of 27 and 30) and have hypertension, elevated cholesterol, or diabetes. Belviq symptoms include:

  • Cerebral pains
  • Faintness
  • Weariness
  • Sickness
  • Constipation

Patients with diabetes who take lorcaserin can likewise also experience back agony, coughing, and hypoglycemia. Lorcaserin can likewise cause heart valve issues and eased back heartbeat.

The Drug Enforcement Agency characterizes the medicine as a Schedule IV controlled substance referring to dangers of addiction; individuals who take more than recommended may encounter hallucination, slow thinking, and elation. Belviq can likewise unfavorably interface with different drugs.

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CBD: The understanding of its benefits

Miracle Medicine or Shark Scam? The substance cannabidiol, CBD, is gaining more attention and allegedly curing and alleviating a number of diseases and symptoms - but what exactly is it? According to a page named as the upcoming, CBD is one of the hundreds of so-called cannabinoids in the cannabis plant, and unlike the intoxicating and known substance THC, the CBD is not psychoactive and in itself does not cause intoxication.  However, both THC and CBD are pharmacologically interesting and there is a great potential for medical use - both individually and in different combinations between them. In some states, like Arkansas, it is now legal for people to use both THC and CBD medicinally. Getting a medical marijuana card in Arkansas to help alleviate certain ailments is now made easier with telehealth options emerging. Historically, the medicinal properties of the cannabis plant have been used for a number of ailments in much of the world. For example, to reduce pain or to relieve symptoms from rheumatism and epilepsy. Today, this palette of disease states that cannabis is said to alleviate and the cure has increased even more, although the scientific support for its medicinal effect is often weak or non-existent. CBD is removed from the list of prohibited substances A major problem, however, has been that the research on cannabis medical potential has been made more difficult by the drug classified as a heavy drug without medical potential, which among other things has meant that few large and well-made studies have been done in humans. The fact that it is difficult to patent natural substances is also a reason why pharmaceutical companies have not invested in cannabis medical studies. But much has happened in recent years and today we can see a more relaxed view of the CBD. For example, the anti-doping organization Wada will remove cannabidiol from its list of banned substances in 2018 - while cannabis and THC are still on the list. We can also see that the sales of high quality CBD products, often in the form of oil drops, have grown sharply in recent years. The CBD industry in the US: The CBD industry in the US is both large and profitable. But from the point of view of authority, the criticism has long been hard against the industry. The US FDA recently released a number of letters to a number of major CBD dealers in the United States. Message: Stop marketing your products with medical claims that are not backed by science. The authority is also critical of the fact that CBD oil is marketed as a dietary supplement, although according to the FDA it is obvious that the products are pharmaceuticals. A new study on CBD content in products in the US market also showed that 70 percent of the tested products contained more or less CBD than the table of contents declared. It should be pointed out that there are tons of CBD brands, which claim to be the best at what they do. Huge claims are made about the purity of the extraction process and how well they work when it comes to relieving muscle and joint pains, promoting sleep, and so on. However, closer examinations reveal that the majority of brands operating in the CBD industry are just trying to hitch on the popularity bandwagon. Experts state that apart from brands like, there are hardly others who can really claim to be creating great CBD products. Meanwhile in some countries: In some countries, it is difficult to obtain figures on how large the industry around CBD products is today, but that the growth is strong in recent years is clear. Many salesmen have long worked in a legal gray area and marketed their products as food and dietary supplements. This has meant that you have been in a more or less lawless country since you do not have to follow the Medicines Act and it is up to the manufacturers themselves to be responsible for ensuring that the products are safe. Specifically, this means that buyers can’t possibly know whether the amount of CBD in the product is actually what is claimed or if it contains heavy metals, other drugs, or toxic substances. You also have no responsibility to collect any side effects. Can CBD cure unusual diseases? In the United States, CBD passed on a broad front after a notable CNN report in 2013, where one had to meet the five-year-old girl Charlotte Figi who suffers from a very difficult and unusual form of childhood epilepsy, Dravet's syndrome. Charlotte was plagued by up to 300 heavy epileptic seizures a week and after existing drugs did not work, the parents tested her medication with CBD-rich cannabis oil, which drastically reduced the epileptic seizures. The girl suffers from the difficult and unusual epilepsy disease Dravet's syndrome and became an early symbol of the medical cannabis movement. Photo: TT And it is precisely to relieve and reduce seizures in difficult-to-treat and unusual epilepsy that CBD has shown the most promising results. In a review article from 2016, a number of researchers went through a number of studies on cannabidiol's medical effects and pointed out a number of areas where CBD drugs can be extra interesting, especially if combined with other substances, such as turmeric for example. To note, CBD and turmeric benefits are considered important by a lot of researchers. Epilepsy: Here, both early clinical data and anecdotal evidence indicate that CBD can be effective against epilepsy and then specifically difficult-to-treat forms that affect children, such as Dravet's syndrome and Lennox-Gastauut's syndrome. A British pharmaceutical company, GW Pharmaceuticals, is also in the final phase with a CBD-based drug that many people hope to be able to print soon to children suffering from severe epilepsy. A study from 2017 on 120 children and young adults with Dravet's syndrome also adds additional weight to CBD treatment in epilepsy. One could then show a statistically significant reduction in severe epilepsy cases in the group receiving cannabidiol. However, the CBD group also had more side effects than the placebo group. Schizophrenia and Psychosis Diseases: Today we know that cannabis use is one of several risk factors for suffering from schizophrenia and other psychosis diseases. And that one should be able to relieve and treat this with substances from the cannabis plant may sound strange, but cannabidiol antipsychotic properties are now being studied carefully. In the review article, the researchers stated that various studies have shown that it is possible to alleviate symptoms from schizophrenia with CBD. And among the more than 100 studies on cannabidiol that are currently registered, there are several whose future results can clarify the CBD's potential in psychosis disease. The same British drug companies that develop the CBD-based epilepsy drug have also, in a recently published and well-done study, shown that CBD can provide symptomatic relief in schizophrenia. Depending Disease: Another interesting area where CBD is predicted to have a medical field of application is dependency disease. Studies are currently underway in the treatment of problematic use of alcohol, cocaine, and opioids. There are also studies suggesting that CBD and turmeric capsules can reduce withdrawal symptoms in people trying to stop cannabis. And much more… From the information above, it can be concluded that CBD really has health benefits. But of course, it would be wiser if the use is consulted in advance with the doctor or related medical officer. Read Also: 4 Advantages Of Using CBD Oils Is CBD Oil & Edible Treats Safe For Pets – Dogs & Cats Cannabis Can Help In The Fight Against Drug Addiction

Dental Hygiene

5 Dental Hygiene Tips for a Healthier Smile

Do you want to have a beautiful, glowing smile? Dental health is critical to the health of your heart and overall well-being. It's important you try to maintain good dental hygiene if you want to be healthy. No two individuals have the same types of teeth. It depends on our genetics, food intake, lifestyle habits, and more. This is why dental hygiene differs from person to person and should be taken seriously. This article will teach you 5 dental hygiene tips so you can have pearly whites that impress. 1. Floss Twice Daily: Too many Americans skip flossing altogether, citing the excuse that they don't have time in their busy lives. We get it; work is tough, but gum disease is tougher. Not flossing regularly can lead to irritated gums, plaque, and gum disease. If you feel like you have no time to floss try flossing while doing other activities like reading your emails or brewing coffee. 2. Brush Longer: Ten seconds is not nearly enough time to brush your teeth thoroughly. Two minutes is an appropriate length to brush your teeth. Try brushing your teeth while getting a leg workout in by squatting or doing calf raises. 3. Pay Your Dentist a Visit: Ideally, you should be visiting your dentist for a cleaning twice a year. Some adults forgo seeing the dentist altogether but this could be a fatal mistake. Your dentist can tell you when something is seriously wrong with your teeth and stop the problem before it develops into something serious. A cosmetic dentist can determine if braces are the right choice for you to attain straighter teeth. Do your research to find the best cosmetic dentist near you. 4. Try Oil Pulling: Swish a spoonful of coconut oil around your mouth for 10 minutes at the end of a long day. This practice pulls out the grime in your teeth as it sticks to the oil. When you're done swishing, spit the oil into a garbage can. Oil pulling is a great way to get a serious clean feeling in your mouth before heading out to a big occasion. 5. Use Mouthwash: Try an organic mouthwash to top off your dental routine. Mouthwashes are the final step after brushing and flossing and it makes your mouth minty fresh. Mouthwash has a high alcohol content and thereby helps kill the germs that are lingering in your mouth. Remember, a clean mouth is a healthy mouth. Follow These Dental Hygiene Tips for a Healthy Mouth Follow these dental hygiene tips to get a healthy mouth and a healthy body by extension. Your mouth needs to be clean so that plaque and tartar don't build up on your teeth. If you enjoy biting into steaks and smiling with your teeth on camera, you need to treat them well! Like this article? Want to tell us your tips for dental hygiene? Please contact us here. Read Also: The Relationship Between Oral Health And General Health

baby sleeps

Things to do before bed for a perfect night’s sleep

Good sleep is usually described as how a baby sleeps. A baby is likely to enjoy quality sleep because they have no worries or anything that could hinder that perfect sleep. However, as you grow up, sleep quality tends to deteriorate because of different factors associated with adulthood. It is very important to have enough and good sleep as it has a significant effect on your body in terms of health and general activeness. You need to adopt the habit of sleeping early and having uninterrupted sleep time for about 7-9 hours every night. What should you do before bed to have a good night's sleep? Tidy your room. Study shows that people with clean and decluttered rooms tend to sleep better than those whose rooms are untidy and unkempt. Make your bed, fold your clothes and keep your room in order. Finish up your daily chores. Once the day is over, you should have finished everything you had planned for that day. Wash that blue cantilever umbrella you had planned to by the end of the day. By doing so, your mind will be able to relax when you get into bed. Eat dinner early. Most people will have their meals so late in the night that they end up sleeping late. It is better to eat early so that you can give the food time to digest. Doing that will actually help you sleep better. Make your bed comfortable. This includes changing your bedsheets into clean ones and getting the right sized pillow and mattress. You should also get s blanket that will shield you from the cold at night and is soft to your body as well. Take a warm bath. This helps to cool off your body and prepare it for sleep. Bathing with warm water will get your body temperature going down when you step into the cool bedroom from the shower. That helps induce sleep. Set the room temperature. You do not want a room that is too hot to sleep in or too cold that you cannot sleep. Regulate the temperature to what you feel is comfortable for you. Organize your thoughts. Going to bed with a lot of unorganized thoughts will keep you up for hours. Make sure you write down anything disturbing you and try to find a solution before you can sleep for better sleep quality. Switch off electronics. Things like phones, laptops, and TV should be switched off 2 hours to sleeping time. The blue light produced by these gadgets is not so good for your eyes when you want to sleep. Eat cherries. As I said, you should not eat right before bed. However, you can snack on some cherries as they are natural sources of melatonin which is a sleep-inducing hormone. Block any light from outside. You could switch off your electronics but there is still light coming from the outside. Total darkness is the recipe for sleep. Use dark and heavy curtains to block any light coming from the outside. Read a book. This is a good way to spend the last minutes before bed. Make sure the book does not require a lot of intellectual engagement and neither is it too exciting to take away your sleep. Listen to soothing music. There are people who cannot sleep in total silence. If you're one of these people, get some soothing music and play it in low tones right before you sleep. Spray some lavender scent into your room. Lavender is associated with having a calming and sedentary effect on you. It will help you sleep much faster and better. Conclusion : Don't deny yourself the opportunity to sleep better by ignoring some of these things that are necessary for a good night's sleep. In fact, these things are very easy to do and they can have a tremendously positive effect on your sleep life. Observe each one of them and make it a routine before you go to bed. Within a month or so, your body will have adapted to the change and you won't have to keep a reminder anymore. You'll be doing these things naturally. Invest in good sleep and your body will thank you for it. Make sure that everything is done to your preference for an easy time. Read Also : 5 Ways To Make A Big Statement In Small Bedroom 3 Tips On How To Plan The Best Cheap And Fabulous DIY Bedroom Makeover 5 Innovative Ideas To Lend Your Bedroom With More Space