Things to do before bed for a perfect night’s sleep

Published on: 13 June 2018 Last Updated on: 24 July 2024
baby sleeps

Good sleep is usually described as how a baby sleeps. A baby is likely to enjoy quality sleep because they have no worries or anything that could hinder that perfect sleep. However, as you grow up, sleep quality tends to deteriorate because of different factors associated with adulthood.

It is very important to have enough and good sleep as it has a significant effect on your body in terms of health and general activeness. You need to adopt the habit of sleeping early and having uninterrupted sleep time for about 7-9 hours every night. What should you do before bed to have a good night’s sleep?

  • Tidy your room. Study shows that people with clean and decluttered rooms tend to sleep better than those whose rooms are untidy and unkempt. Make your bed, fold your clothes and keep your room in order.
  • Finish up your daily chores. Once the day is over, you should have finished everything you had planned for that day. Wash that blue cantilever umbrella you had planned to by the end of the day. By doing so, your mind will be able to relax when you get into bed.
  • Eat dinner early. Most people will have their meals so late in the night that they end up sleeping late. It is better to eat early so that you can give the food time to digest. Doing that will actually help you sleep better.
  • Make your bed comfortable. This includes changing your bedsheets into clean ones and getting the right sized pillow and mattress. You should also get s blanket that will shield you from the cold at night and is soft to your body as well.
  • Take a warm bath. This helps to cool off your body and prepare it for sleep. Bathing with warm water will get your body temperature going down when you step into the cool bedroom from the shower. That helps induce sleep.
  • Set the room temperature. You do not want a room that is too hot to sleep in or too cold that you cannot sleep. Regulate the temperature to what you feel is comfortable for you.
  • Organize your thoughts. Going to bed with a lot of unorganized thoughts will keep you up for hours. Make sure you write down anything disturbing you and try to find a solution before you can sleep for better sleep quality.
  • Switch off electronics. Things like phones, laptops, and TV should be switched off 2 hours to sleeping time. The blue light produced by these gadgets is not so good for your eyes when you want to sleep.
  • Eat cherries. As I said, you should not eat right before bed. However, you can snack on some cherries as they are natural sources of melatonin which is a sleep-inducing hormone.
  • Block any light from outside. You could switch off your electronics but there is still light coming from the outside. Total darkness is the recipe for sleep. Use dark and heavy curtains to block any light coming from the outside.
  • Read a book. This is a good way to spend the last minutes before bed. Make sure the book does not require a lot of intellectual engagement and neither is it too exciting to take away your sleep.
  • Listen to soothing music. There are people who cannot sleep in total silence. If you’re one of these people, get some soothing music and play it in low tones right before you sleep.
  • Spray some lavender scent into your room. Lavender is associated with having a calming and sedentary effect on you. It will help you sleep much faster and better.

Conclusion :

Don’t deny yourself the opportunity to sleep better by ignoring some of these things that are necessary for a good night’s sleep. In fact, these things are very easy to do and they can have a tremendously positive effect on your sleep life.

Observe each one of them and make it a routine before you go to bed. Within a month or so, your body will have adapted to the change and you won’t have to keep a reminder anymore. You’ll be doing these things naturally.

Invest in good sleep and your body will thank you for it. Make sure that everything is done to your preference for an easy time.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Cocaine Addiction

What Are the Symptoms of Cocaine Addiction and Can It Be Treated?

Cocaine Addiction is a highly potent substance that has been glamorized for decades as being a party drug, mainly because it makes users feel “larger than life” in social situations. Being the center of attention or enjoying popularity may seem like an attractive incentive for taking cocaine but the risks are significant and can include death. According to a study of cocaine rehabilitation centers, the substance is one of the most common people are treated for in America today. Cocaine is so addictive because it is fast-acting, creating euphoric sensations in the brain. Users are often so impressed by the effects of taking cocaine for the first time that they can quickly become dependent on the substance to give them an extra energy boost at work or extra confidence in social situations. Because the high cocaine creates lasts only around thirty minutes, users find themselves reaching for more. Often alcohol is involved in the mix, which can actually combine with cocaine to produce toxins in the body that are extremely dangerous. Another reason cocaine is highly addictive is because the intense "down" users feel when the drug wears off. The crashing depression some feel can be so intense as to "force" them to use again to buoy themselves up again. The extreme mood swings cocaine produces through its influence on the brain's neurotransmitters can cause significant psychological damage, making cocaine addiction particularly complex to treat. Symptoms of Addiction to Cocaine: It is more common to notice a change in behavior in a person abusing cocaine than it is to see physical signs. When someone is in a pattern of abusing cocaine despite the harm it is doing in their lives, it is a clear sign they no longer have control over when they use. The following are some typical signs of addiction to cocaine: The person uses more cocaine than they planned to They drop out of family or work commitments in favor of using Intense feelings of guilt emerge after using the substance Financial difficulties result from continued cocaine use A developing preoccupation with buying and using cocaine Depression, anxiety, and paranoia Lying about how much or often cocaine is used when confronted Sluggishness and extreme aggression when not using How Is Cocaine Addiction Treated? There are several different approaches to treating cocaine addiction including those with holistic components that work in combination with intensive counseling. Unlike other substances, cocaine addicts don’t necessarily have to go through detox although they are recommended to be supervised through withdrawal when they decide to quit. Just as cocaine is fast-acting, its influence is quick to leave the body and the bulk of the damage done is likely to be more emotional and psychological than physical. That said, prolonged use of cocaine can lead to serious health conditions and potentially death depending on how the drug is taken. A major danger of cocaine is that it is manufactured in illegal labs that are unlikely to be sterile and then cut with other substances to boost the dealer’s profit margin. This means it is possible to have a potentially fatal reaction to taking cocaine. There are almost one million Americans abusing cocaine at the current time. Nevertheless, treatment for all types of cocaine addiction has been shown to be highly effective in restoring balance in a person’s life, particularly when a holistic recovery path is chosen. Residential Cocaine Rehab Is Recommended: With a drug as powerfully addictive as cocaine, it is always recommended people seek specialist rehab and aftercare drug treatment, especially if they have developed serious problems. When people start using cocaine, they often find themselves moving in different circles and going to different places where drug use is considered the norm. This can lead to people being enabled to continue abusing cocaine because they lose their sense of perspective about what is normal and what is not when in drug-taking environments. Peer pressure also comes into play as others encourage cocaine use by indulging in it themselves. The fact is that users can never be sure they are buying cocaine that hasn’t been mixed with detergent, talcum powder, baking soda; or worse. Every time an individual uses cocaine they are throwing the dice on their future and every year, more and more people run out of luck. Cocaine rehabilitation centers take people out of their home environments so that they are able to immerse themselves in their healing. Although it may not be practical for everyone to dedicate three months of their time to get better, the rewards of being rehabilitated from a crippling cocaine addiction are infinite. Cocaine rehabilitation centers are considered preferable for cocaine users not only because it provides a drug-free environment where they won’t be enabled to use by others but also because aftercare is often provided as extra support for the rest of their lives in recovery. How Holistic Therapies Are Effective in Treating Cocaine Addiction: Cocaine has particularly damaging effects on a person’s state of mind because of the way it interrupts natural brain function and because holistic therapies focus on a person's overall well-being, they are effective in treating this type of substance abuse. The main challenge faced by individuals in cocaine rehab centers is addressing the root causes that caused them to form an addiction the substance in the first place. For example, the person seeking a confidence boost to make them a party animal may have self-esteem issues or an underlying mental illness. It is always important to assess each individual entering holistic cocaine rehabilitation centers to determine the most appropriate therapeutic approach to their treatment. Holistic therapies including meditation, yoga, massage therapy, experiential treatments, aromatherapy, nutritional awareness, and aftercare drug treatment have all been shown to be extremely effective in promoting long-term recovery. Essential coping mechanisms can also be learned in holistic cocaine rehab centers that provide recovering addicts with an arsenal of tools to maintain their sobriety. Read Also: Addiction Treatment: 11 Tips To Find The Best Rehabilitation Center 9 Signs You Have A Prescription Opiate Addiction


Finding A Leading Melbourne Dentist For The Perfect Smile

Visits to the dentist can seem daunting, especially if since childhood you have had your friends tell horror stories from their appointments (most of which are undoubtedly either untrue or severely exaggerated) and so you have been putting off visiting for years. The problem with this though is that it is only to your detriment and regular visits to the dentist for hygiene check-ups and treatments are necessary for keeping your teeth and gums healthy. Many people feel that they haven’t had any serious teeth issues up until now so why try to fix something that isn’t broken, and you can see here it for others who feel this way or have an opinion on the topic, but does that make them right? We will be looking at the importance of oral health and how to go about finding the right fit in a dental clinic to get you that perfect smile you see in magazines. You may have landed a new job or been given that promotion you have been working so hard towards and with this comes more meetings and face-to-face appointments, hence the concern of looking into your dental condition. The last thing you need is for your employees or clients to be focused on stained, unsightly teeth rather than the services being offered, and then still trying to get them to sign up for your services. The time to act is now, you have a bump in salary, more people will begin to recognize you as a top-level manager, let’s give them a smile to match that personality, am I right? Dental check-up The first things you need to consider are your goals, what are you looking to achieve at the dentist. Is it more about the upkeep of general oral health and hygiene, or are you taking your smile to the next stage with a more uniform and aesthetically appealing appearance? Do you want your teeth whitened, or perhaps you have minor gaps that need filling, irrespective of your choice the main objective is having work done by a professional and reputable dental clinic that makes you feel comfortable and at ease? The last thing we need is to have an experience that plays out your childhood fears. Reputation goes a long way and clinics such as The Dental Room understand that patients may be nervous and will do their utmost to help you feel calm and relaxed. You want a dentist who explains the processes you are considering, answers questions happily and without hesitation giving you the confidence that you are in safe and capable hands. What to look for in a dentist Meeting new people can make some of us feel anxious, and when that person has to look into your mouth it is even more overwhelming. Unfortunately, it has to be done so finding the right fit is essential for a good experience. What makes for a good dentist? Is it whether they themselves have a good set of teeth, or their staff, their manner in the room, or how they make you feel? Let’s see some of the more common features patients consider essential in a good dentist, the dental atmosphere, and overall experience. This is important because treatments can get expensive, even more so if you are looking at cosmetic and specialized dental services and procedures. Ask the various clinics you have narrowed down your choice to for visiting if they accept your insurer before making any appointments. It isn’t a priority point but it has been mentioned a lot, and that is the appointment times. Ask the receptionists when you phone how long the average appointment is, not only do you not want to be sitting in a waiting room for hours (life is busy enough as it is) but why are the consultations taking so long if they seem abnormally long. Of course, there is a long list of features and traits people consider necessary or more important than others, some of which you can read about in this link to look further into it, but a general idea is a good starting point and you can build from there to suit your lifestyle or family. Do they offer the treatment you want, is the dentist on-site if it is more of a specific procedure, or do they cover general services and have had some experience in the field of treatment you want. Before signing up check if they treat all ages, or are they more tailored to just adults or just children. You ideally want a dentist that can see and treat everyone in one visit to save time and trips back and forth. Hygiene importance We may brush our teeth twice a day and think that it’s enough, but there is so much more to keep up with our teeth and mouth hygiene. The mouth is essentially the gateway to the body, everything passes through the mouth cavity and into the internal workings of the body, so we need to ensure it is a clean passage. Early signs of illness and disease are easily detected from symptoms in the mouth and can be discovered early on and treated if you maintain regular visits to the dentist. Your physician will advise and guide you on how to prevent or treat any tooth issues, this keeps them strong and in most cases prevents tooth loss. Related Reads: Effective Brushing Procedure And if you are a regular dentist enthusiast and looking simply to create a more aesthetically appealing smile then you can chat to your dentist about it, he may be able to perform the procedure himself or will certainly be able to recommend where to go or what your best options are. The days of being afraid of the dentist are long gone, teach your children from early on to visit the dentist and keep up with the dental routine and those myths and stories will soon be a thing of the past. Read Also: Everything You Need To Know About Calcium In Water: By Experts What Is A Good Alternative To Wearing Dentures? At Home or At the Dental Clinic: What Canadians Should Know About Teeth Whitening

Practical Methods of Tackling Insomnia

Natural and Practical Methods of Tackling Insomnia

Insomnia is a type of disorder experienced by a lot of people. The problems involved in this sleep disorder are difficulty in falling asleep, sleeping restfully throughout the night, and staying asleep for as long as you want to. Insomnia can have some adverse effects on your health because you are not able to get the amount of sleep you need to have energy throughout the day. You cannot function properly and risk getting into accidents on the road if you can’t focus on your driving from lack of sleep. Additionally, it can also lead to anxiety and depression since you are always tired and cannot cope with the normal activities that keep your mind and body healthy. Many factors can cause insomnia like irregular sleeping schedules, neurological issues, pain and sickness, and even medications for certain conditions. While sleeping hours can vary with different people, it is recommended that adults get 7-8 hours of sleep every night. Because insomnia can cause serious conditions, steps must be taken to resolve this condition. For a lot of people, water-soluble CBD has been helpful. Here are more natural methods you can try to tackle insomnia: Exercising Without a doubt, exercising improves physical and mental well-being. It keeps you positive, provides energy, helps you maintain your weight, and allows you to sleep better. Exercise can also reduce stress and anxiety that may be causing sleepless nights. Moderate exercise daily for at least 20 minutes is advisable, though you can decide to do something more vigorous during the course of the week. Setting a schedule for exercising each day puts you on the right track and helps you get the sleep your body requires. Essential oils Using essential oils has become more popular in recent years though they were used in ancient times for all sorts of physical conditions. They are all-natural coming from plants and herbs and have healing properties that make them effective. Lavender essential oil, for instance, is known for its calming effect and the way that it promotes good sleep. Whether taken internally or added to a carrier oil for massage, lavender can help relieve tension and induce restful sleep. Steer clear of unhealthy habits Smoking, drinking alcohol, or taking in too much caffeine can contribute to insomnia. Smoking is certainly one habit that needs to be avoided completely. Alcohol, in moderation, is not harmful. Just the same, it should be reduced especially if you are already having trouble sleeping. Some people drink to the point of stupor, thinking that it can relieve them from stress and make them sleep. This is not the case, though. The kind of sleep you get from too much alcohol is not restful, and you wake up feeling tired and experiencing headaches and other physical pains. Coffee in moderation is alright. Still, avoid having it at night as it can keep you from sleeping too. Living healthy can help you avoid insomnia. Develop good sleeping habits so that it comes naturally to you. Have a good massage when you are tense and practice meditation and other relaxation techniques to make sleep come easy to you. Read Also: Symptoms and Effects of Co-occurring Disorder on Human Health 5 Mental Health Benefits of Massage Therapy That You Must Know 5 Protein Enriched Food To Improve Mental Health