What Are the Penalties for Drug Possession in Arizona?

Published on: 22 November 2018 Last Updated on: 19 July 2019
Drug Possession

With the opioid epidemic at an all-time high, law enforcement agencies are cracking down on drug possession offenses all over the country. Arizona is no different. In Arizona, if you are caught with drugs on your person or in your car, you can expect to face some serious legal repercussions. This also applies to anyone caught with drug paraphernalia in their possession. Depending on the type and amount drug, you could be facing some serious fines and jail time.

Arizona takes drug possession very seriously. The bottom line is if you are caught under the influence of drugs or with drugs in your possession, you will probably be charged with a felony. In order to be found guilty of drug possession in Arizona, the state must prove the following:

  • You knowingly possess the drugs or paraphernalia- It’s not enough that you are found in a house where drugs are found. There has to be some connection between you and the drugs in order for you to be found guilty.
  • The substance was, in fact, an illegal or illicit drug – Just because you think something is a drug, doesn’t mean you’ll be convicted of the crime of possession. If you have a bag of oregano, you can’t get charged with possession of marijuana – even if you bought it thinking it was marijuana.

Arizona also breaks drugs down into different categories. Drugs can be defined as any of the following:

  • Marijuana – This category includes synthetic marijuana, edibles, or regular marijuana.
  • Peyote
  • Prescription drugs – This would include anti-anxiety drugs and other drugs that are legally prescribed. To be charged with drug possession, you would have to be found with drugs that you personally don’t have a prescription for.
  • Dangerous drugs –this would include methamphetamines, cocaine, ecstasy, etc.
  • Narcotics – Pain medication and other opiates.
  • Vapors – This would include inhalants.

What are the Different Penalties for Drug Possession?

If you are busted with drugs in Arizona, you are going to face some serious consequences. The severity of the penalty will depend on how much of the drug you have in your possession. If you have just enough for personal use, it will more than likely qualify as simple possession. If, however, you have more than you could be expect to use yourself, you’ll be charged with possession and intent to distribute.

In Arizona, you will not be sent to prison for your first or second offense of drug possession. You will be sent to mandatory treatment and will be handed some pretty stiff fines. Additionally, you may be given a suspended sentence or probation for your first or second offense. Arizona will not impose a prison sentence until your third offense.

Defenses to Drug Possession:

As with most crimes, there are defenses to drug possession in Arizona. Your criminal defense attorney will raise any and all of the applicable defenses in your trial. He will also use these defenses as a bargaining tool when he tries to negotiate a reduced charge or sentence with the prosecutor. The available defenses to drug possession in Arizona include:

  • Lack of Knowledge – If you truly had no idea the drugs were in your possession, you may be found not guilty. Examples of this are when third parties placed drugs in your car or purse. It is very difficult to prove lack of knowledge.
  • Illegal Search – If the police had no reasonable basis for conducting the search in the first place, the charges will have to be dismissed.
  • Religious Use – This defense is rarely successful. In order to use this defense, you have to prove that you were using the drugs as part of a religious (not merely a cultural) ritual.

Medical Marijuana Card – If you are caught with less than 2.5 ounces of marijuana and are a legitimate marijuana patient, you may raise this defense. You will still have to prove that the drugs came from a genuine and legal dispensary.

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Criminal Defense Attorney

What Are The Top Reasons For Hiring A Criminal Defense Attorney

Criminal Charges can ruin your Career. They, if established in court, can ruin your entire life. But could you afford to go to such an extent? Now you might be thinking of the cost of keeping the lawyer or with the help of some intervention. You now think that you can fight your own battle.  Please don't take the risk. Hire a lawyer. Getting an Attorney to Handle Your Criminal Case must be your ultimate objective. There are benefits. The article discusses the top reasons for hiring a criminal defense attorney. The Top Reason You Should Hire A Criminal Defense Attorney  A criminal defense attorney has its benefits. First, they are professionals who can help you out in your legal battle. We discuss them in this section so that you get a clear idea of the subject.  1. Remember, Time Is Not On Your Side  If you have been charged with a crime, note, in the crudest way possible, you have less time to react. The prosecutor will continue to hurl allegations designed to hurt your maximum.  So it's better to stop thinking and fight your defense. You might need to negotiate things outside court; a bona fide attorney can help you out here so that you don't find any problem in handling the charges thrown against you. 2. They Understand The Judicial System The criminal defense lawyer has a good knowledge and understanding of the judicial system. They know the complex network of acts, laws, and their sections. Then, when you are charged with a crime, the prosecutor will come hard at you with a well-crafted case.  That time you really need some solid defense. For this to happen, you need to take the help of a professional who is equally capable of defending you. Professionals like criminal defense lawyers in Athens GA. have the knowledge and understanding of the judicial system. They can help you out.  3. Professional Approach  When you are facing a criminal offense, you can not dare take things lightly. The appellant will try all means to penalize you in the hardest possible ways. Therefore, in that case, you can not have a lenient approach to the case.  You will have to fight the accusers and their legal team. A professional approach is all you need. Remember that an experienced lawyer can easily help you out of a difficult situation as they adhere to a professional approach.  Right from understanding the case to the collection of evidence in your defense, the law firm will display a professional approach. 4. Built-In Relationship With The Prosecutors  The legal battles are long battles. Now and then, both sides hurl allegations and counter-allegations. But, if you take the services of a capable attorney, you can indeed draw things in your favor.  When all defense efforts become ineffective, your lawyer can exploit the good professional Relationship to settle things outside. Remember, the attorneys are staunch enemies of one another inside the court premises. The competition and professional attitude draw out enmity.  But this does not necessarily follow outside courts. For example, it could be that both professionals are good friends. In that case, the relationship can help settle outside the court.  5. They Can Protect Your Future An experienced criminal attorney can fight the case on your behalf so that your future is safeguarded. Furthermore, a good and skillful attorney will try their utmost to reduce your penalties.  By reducing them, they can keep the felony charges off the records. Remember, any criminal charges documented in the court can jeopardize your future prospects. Therefore, the lawyer can work to bring the case to a close and close it from all corners.  The court case will be completely dismissed, and no traces of it can be found anywhere. This clean track record is what you need for your future prospect. Closing The Discussion Criminal charges are dangerous, and they can pose a danger to your career prospects. However, criminal Defense lawyers are highly effective and can be a great asset to anyone taking their services.  They have the experience and capabilities to keep you out of the charges and settle things back on track. Additional: Criminal Law Enforcement Important Questions To Ask Before Hiring A Criminal Lawyer What Happens At A Preliminary Hearing Of A Criminal Case In Knoxville?

false drug charge

How To Defend Yourself Against False Drug Charges?

The issue of getting falsely accused by another person has become quite common today. And, if it’s not taken care of as quickly as possible, the case might end up ruining your life. So, how do you take care of it? Well, when it comes to defending yourself against a false drug charge, it’ll be ideal for you to hire a lawyer quickly. Or else, things might get out of your hands pretty quickly. Apart from that, you should also… 1. Stay Calm And Composed Getting falsely accused of something you didn’t do can be quite devastating. And, if you are a rather emotional individual, it might also take a toll on your psychological health. However, you shouldn’t worry too much about it. Hire a qualified Appeal Attorney in Atlanta, tell them your side of the story, and stay as calm as you can. Let them do their job and help them only when you are asked to. And, don’t try to defend yourself without anyone else backing you up. Getting too angry and talking in a rash way can hurt your case quite a lot. 2. Gather The Required Evidence Once you are done consulting with your attorney, you should start working on gathering evidence. And, do it as much and quickly as you can. Also, it’s recommended for you to keep a record of each and everything in a file as well as in a digital format. So, even if you lose something, you’ll always have a backup for it. Besides, after you’ve been falsely accused, you should also try maintaining a journal. It’ll be something like a diary to you where you have to write all of your daily events accordingly. And, please don’t meet with the person who has falsely accused you. And, if you want to talk to them one last time, make sure to take your advocate with you. Related Resource: What Are the Penalties for Drug Possession in Arizona? 3. Challenge The Credibility Of The Accuser Once you meet your attorney, you should start talking to them to create a strategy for the case instantly. The core essence of the same quill expend on more than one factor, though - The type of false accusation you are dealing with, and If you are going to criminal court or a civil one. However, in most cases, your responsibility is going to be to protect yourself and make sure that the other person’s lying. So, how are you going to do that? Find out if the person has a history of lying or not.Keep an eye on their other motives for accusing you. For example, sometimes, people can sue their husbands for “child abuse” so that they can get sole custody over their children. Hence, if you can find something as such in your case, you’ll be able to win the same pretty easily. 4. Find Your Supporting Witness Your accuser is going to get a witness to prove their part. So, if you want to win your case, it is best to find someone for your plans as well. While you are collecting evidence, just find someone who was present at the scene and took note of your actions. You can ask them to come to the court and attest to your innocence. And, if they play their part well and truly, winning your case will be a piece of cake. But, just before you get into the court, make sure to tell them what you want them to say, and all. 5. Finding A Way To Turn It Around Making a false accusation, which may lead to defamation, is illegal in the state of Atlanta. So, if you can prove that you’re innocent, you can easily throw them in a law-related pothole. However, if you want to prove the same, you will need to demonstrate that - The defendant has made a false allegation about you.They have acted purposefully and negligently to accuse for their personal benefit.They have talked about something that’s caused material or reputational harm to you. As long as you can prove that the defendant has acted against you with actual malice, you can easily win the case. Talk to your lawyer to know more about this context. Read Also: Is DUI A Serious Crime?10 Tips for Saving on Prescription Drug CostsAre you aware of Belviq – a Weight-Loss Drug?

Probate Lawyer

What Does A Probate Lawyer Do?

Estate and assets are essential aspects of our life. We live in this world, and we need a place to stay, and that is also with our own identity. The shelter is the fundamental thing that everyone craves for an estate and works hard to acquire.  When we talk about an estate, we talk about generations. Estate acquired once will stay for generations, and that is the process of staying and working and developing a family. Estate is an interesting topic to discuss as it can not be decreased. A person can be deceased, but his or her estate remains intact for the next generation.  This article is based on estate concerns, and that is called ‘probate’ in terms of the law. Most people keep their will for their estates so the next generation can consider pieces of the particular estate and are called beneficiaries.  It becomes hard for the beneficiaries to acquire an estate of assets if the will was not created by the decedent. Here comes the problem related to estate, and there is also a solution for that. Only the Las Vegas Probate Lawyers can help you to mitigate any kind of estate problems.  What Is Probate?  It does not matter if the will was made or not, but the law is always there for you, and the Las Vegas Probate Lawyers are there to give you the justice that you deserve.  This section is very important for you to understand as probate is a related term of law that considers estate problems. When the will is certified under the seal of the court and the jurisdiction allows the administration of the testator, their probate comes.  Probate can work in various ways. Probate becomes very crucial for the immovable assets between states. Probate is not for all but only for the executor who is granted under the will.  How Does Probate Work? The probate process is very lengthy and confusing for the common people, and it can take upto many years depending on the complexity of an estate.  It does not matter if the decedent presented a will or not, but it would definitely help the court and the beneficiary to move the case forward quickly with the presence of a will in advance. No matter what the situation is, the court will appoint a family member of the decedent to find out the assets and collect those. Court rules need to be followed by the representative, and depending on the conditions, the creditor's claims can be fulfilled or rejected. After the discovery of the assets, the court will ask the family representative to show proper accounting, and according to that, the estate will be distributed to the beneficiaries. What Does A Probate Lawyer Do? In probate, Las Vegas Probate Lawyers have many things to do and an important role to play for you. It doesn't matter who you are, the creditor or the beneficiary or executor; different legal matters can be discussed with you.  The Las Vegas Probate Lawyers know the estate laws more than anyone else, and they have so many things to consider at once for you. During a probate cycle, a probate lawyer follows various steps- Secure the assets by identifying them.Pay bills and mitigate debts.Handle the whole process of paperwork. Resolves all kinds of tax issues. Understand the financial records and bring down the approval of the court to distribute the assets and estate to the beneficiaries.  Is It Necessary To Have A Probate Lawyer?   There are several things to consider when you go for probate, and that will not be possible without the involvement of a professional lawyer. Thus it's better to follow the instructions of the court than to lose your part in the estate by the law.  Law is not biased, but if you do not know the procedures, then there are so many manipulations available to dismiss your credit on the case. Hire An Attorney Filing the details and managing the whole paperwork is not your task, and you are not expert enough to do that. Moreover, probate is already a lengthy process, and you should hire an attorney to make it as quickly as possible.  This is not the time to think, but to hire one and a professional attorney will be your main assistance in such a case. Read Also: Picking the Right Law Firm for You and Your Family5 Easy Estate Planning Tips to Help You Plan for the FutureWhy Should You Hire An Estate Planning Lawyer In Las Vegas?