What Golf Equipment to Pick When You Start Out

Published on: 05 December 2020 Last Updated on: 27 December 2023

Getting into a new sport is not the simplest thing in the world. It’s important to start out properly and learn the basic moves on which you later can build your strength and skill. The other part is the equipment such as cheap golf carts, some depend on it, while others use it for assistance.

Equipment is important, but it can never outshine talent and dedication.

Golf in particular is not among the cheapest sports, and it can sometimes be hard for new players to pick the right things up. I wanted to learn more about golf so I decided to talk to Bombtech Golf who gave me some insight on how and where to begin. Here’s what you should consider when you decide to try this sport out.


The club is the main tool. There is a multitude of types used for different situations. The fun part is building your first set. It’s important to note that within the spectrum of various golf clubs for different positions and terrain, there are also clubs that differ in quality, and of course, the price. The most expensive is not always the way to go, especially when you are new, and you are still in the process of learning.

A set of golf clubs consists of woods, irons, wedges, hybrids, and putters. The clubs are also numbered 1 to 9 and these numbers represent how far you want the ball to fly, a lower number means further distance. Clubs also have different angles which are also determined by the number. If you want a bigger backspin then you need to use the club with a higher number, increased backspin means shorter travel distance, which all starts to make sense when you are on a terrain playing.


If you thought that the story ends with clubs used for particular situations, there are also different types of balls. It is worth noting that they do get damaged and you can also easily lose them. There are two-piece and three-piece balls, and if you are only starting out, two-piece balls are recommended because they can fly further but lack maneuverability which is fine if you still haven’t learned to control it.

They can also endure more hits before breaking. You don’t have to go out and buy the best and most expensive ones, especially if you tend to lose them often. If that’s the case then it’s best to look for second-hand options until you are more confident in your skill.


Golf is the perfect sport for people who love to tweak their equipment constantly. Among the items, you can play around with there are also bags. You’d think bags are unimportant and they serve only 1 purpose, but in reality, it is important to find a comfortable bag that can fit all your clubs, balls, and whatnot. Also, there’s also the fashion element to consider when trying the perfect bag to match your outfit.


The final aspect of the stuff you need is clothing. Although it doesn’t play a major role, it is still important to consider a few things before venturing onto the field. Some players would use gloves that improve your grip, but it still depends on your personal preference. Waterproof clothes are also welcome, especially shoes. Golf is famous for its dress code as well. It’s not always obligatory to dress a certain way, but some courses and golf clubs have strict dress codes and you should always bear that in mind when you consider shopping for clothes for your golfing endeavors.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Better Golf

4 Fundamentals to Better Golf

If you are a beginner golfer, you will always probably be aiming to improve your golfing skills maybe through intensive training or registering for a golfing course. However, one thing most golfers usually forget is that the only way to better golf is through practice. It is almost impossible to better your golf if you play every once in a while. To significantly improve your skills, create at least two hours daily to practice on your area of weakness, and it would certainly not take long before your game gets a top-notch higher. With better-golfing skills, you undoubtedly will relish this old, exhilarating and skillful sport to even play at a competitive level. Below are four fundamentals to substantially better your golf. Fundamental aspects of better golf to improve your game 1. Practice holding onto your club firmly: Numerous problems including inaccurate swings and too much power are usually linked to the way a golfer holds the club. These problems can, therefore, be solved by merely improving one’s grip when holding their clubs. There are three main types of golf grip, i.e. overlapping grip, interlocking grip, and ten-finger grip also known as the baseball grip. Most golf players prefer the overlapping grip attributed to its accuracy and power. However, the ten-finger grip is usually recommended to beginner golfers as it simplifies early instructions and builds on their clubbing accuracy. A fundamentally sound grip is crucial to better your golf since a sound grip enables you to create power and feel at the same time. The major undoing with many golfers is that they have a weak lead-hand which usually resulting in too much grip in the palm producing shot that slices and lacks power. The first step to better your golf, therefore, is to strengthen your lead-hand to enhance your grip and deliver powerful shots. 2. Correct Setup Position: In addition to the drip, the setup position is an essential fundamental to better your golf. Your setup position significantly affects your swing, and you are more likely to better golf by focusing on the setup position. While a good setup does not guarantee success, it is essential for improving your performance substantially. In the correct setup position, your body should be positioned parallel to the target line. Your feet should be shoulder-width for the middle irons with the back foot being at right angle to the target line. To achieve a sufficient balance, your weight should be equally distributed on the balls of the feet with the knees slightly flexed and directly over the balls of your feet. The body should be bent slightly at the hip and not the waist. A correct setup position provides you with the right balance necessary to make an accurate shot. Hampton.Golf offers expert trainers on their courses that you correct the swing, the posture and other aspects of your technical game. 3. Proper Swing: A proper swing should have a consistent tempo along with a great balance. The key to a significant swing is to maintain your balance while using a smooth rhythm. A rushed swing will result in loss of balance and consequently an inconsistent contact and poor ball flight. When hitting the ball, hit down on it while trying not to lift the ball. A proper swing amounts to better golf. 4. Understanding the Rules of Golf: This is not usually indicated but its actually a crucial requirement when planning to better your golf. Golf rules keep on changing and are kept, updated and published jointly by the United States Golf Association (USGA) and the Royal & Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews(R&A). It is therefore essential to be up to date with the rules in addition to practicing golf etiquette to ensure that you better your golf. Conclusion: Other than consistent practicing, the other way in which you can substantially better your golf is by use of the right and advanced golf equipment. Golf is indeed a difficult yet enjoyable game that requires your dedication and constant improvement to get better in it and even play professionally. Read Also: BEST GOLF COURSES IN DUBAI How To Choose The Right Golf Club Set For Beginners


Finding the Right Soccer Goal Post for My Little One

Soccer is becoming more and more popular among the kids by the day. My little one is a super fan. So we enrolled him in his school team and bought him basic practice kit. Buying a football wasn’t that hard, but the difficult part was getting the right goal post. What I didn’t know was that you have to consider a lot of things before you buy a soccer goal post. 1. Finding the Right Size : While buying a goal post, you need to pay attention to the size of the post. There are different rules regarding the dimensions of the goal post for different clubs and fields. You need to buy one that sticks to the regulations along with keeping in mind other factors like the number and age of the players and the size of the field. Since my kid is in an under 8 team, I had to buy an 18 ½ *6 ½ club sized goal. I would suggest checking with the coach before you buy a goal post. 2. How Portable Is It? : Portability is an important thing to look for while buying a goal post. Portable goal posts are very lightweight and easily dismantle-able. They usually come with bags to keep the post in while traveling. You star can pick up the bag and practice wherever he wants. Moreover, portability also helps in shifting the post from inside to on-site in the field. 3. Keep Safety In Mind : It is not unusual to get hurt in a game like a soccer. However, we should take precautions wherever we can. There are many cases where the player collides with the post and that can lead to serious injuries. Even experienced players get hurt in the field. So try looking for a safer soccer goal post. Goal posts with a post paddings are preferable for kids. You can also get post paddings separately. Pay attention to the corners and their shape. They should be more curved to be less dangerous in case of collision, especially if the post is shorter than the player. 4. What Kind Of Net? : It came as a shocker to me that the kind of net used in the goal post is also an important detail. The material, as well as the formation of the net, makes a lot of difference. Nets need to be durable since they will go through a lot of sun exposure. For younger kids, velcro mesh nets are a better option because they absorb the tension of the shots. It takes a little effort to find the right practice equipment for your rising star, but it’s all worth the trouble when they’re able to play better and you get to be proud of them. If you live in the UK mainland, you can check this site out for some good quality and durable equipment and free delivery. If you’re buying from a local shop, try to look for warranty products since the equipment are costly and you may want to avoid repurchasing too frequently. Read Also :  Football Brain Teasers And Quizzes Football Fans Now Have Their Own Social Network