4 Factors to Consider When Making a Great eLearning Course

Published on: 09 May 2021 Last Updated on: 21 December 2024
eLearning Course

The efficiency of online learning is not in question. And everyone creating a course of their own today know to make it simple, informative, and clear. However, there is a difference between a good eLearning course and an excellent one. These factors are what make that difference.

4 Factors To Consider While Making An eLearning Course

eLearning Course is different than the regular educational course. In the eLearning course, you have to make your course more attractive than the traditional course. As you are not using the pen and pepper you have to design your course with a more student convenient approach.

Here are four tips that are going to help you to make your robust eLearning course.

1. Make your visuals engaging instead of distracting :

Visuals are an invaluable part of an eLearning course because they help memorize information better. Psychology Today lists quite a few studies that explain how and why human brains rely on visual input for memorization and information processing. However, they fail to caution how this can have a negative effect on your course.

The trick here is to choose the right kind of visuals. Otherwise, your learners might lose their focus and get distracted from the lesson. The ‘rule of thumb’ here is to use only the graphics that enhance the course. If you aren’t 100% sure that the video/picture/infographic helps people learn the subject better, leave it out.

Remember that the visual design of the course also needs to be considered. Go for practicality here and discard any backgrounds, animations, and other visual details that don’t contribute to the educational value of the course.

2. Get the course localized for foreign learners :

When developing a great eLearning course targeting different cultures, you’ll need to have it localized. It’s not only about the language, so you can’t use some translation software to ‘convert’ the content. Localization is about adapting the material in a way that will make it more understandable to the targeted audience. This means changing the language as well as adjusting some points to make them more clear in the context of the local culture.

The difference between translation and localization is subtle and can be understood by professionals only. That’s why you should seek the services of an experienced company that can offer a truly comprehensive package of localization alongside its eLearning translation.

3. Engage learners through rewards :

When you work in a classroom setting, you can complement your learner’s and otherwise offer positive encouragement. However, eLearning lacks the ‘personal’ approach, so you’ll have to engage them in different ways. Offering rewards is a great method of keeping people motivated, so says research.

A great eLearning course should not only have its inner system of assessment that will allow learners to earn points (add extra points for special achievements). It also should be integrated with social media. This way, you’ll give your learners a chance to share their successes and progress with their friends. Although not a ‘reward’ in the common sense of the word, this feature will be as good for motivation as offering a cookie for right answers on a quiz.

4. Keep it short :

The most important things that you need to understand about today’s learners are that they are impatient and short on time. This means that you have to offer information on ‘small bites’ to keep them engaged.

It might be best to develop a series of short courses that’ll take no more than 6 hours per week. Organize them in a way that’ll allow learners to start using their new knowledge between the courses to motivate them to learn even more.


These four tips are going to help you to design an eLearning Course. If you have an idea about your audiences and the target of your audiences. Then your course design will become more robust. So what is your opinion? Do not forget to share your opinion in the comment section.

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Are You Ready for the GRE?

The GRE may be one of the most important tests that you take in your life. You have put in countless hours studying and taking practice tests, but the question is whether you are truly ready to take the test. As with any major exam, typically you have a strong idea of whether and when you are prepared and ready for the exam. Here are some signs that you are ready for the big day. Your Practice Scores Exceed Your Goals: Every test taker has a score in mind that is their target for the exam. Given that the best way to take the exam involves taking numerous practice exams, you should have an idea of where you are before the exam. It is a fact that the conditions of the actual exam may cause you to not perform as well as you would otherwise hope. This could be due to the pressure or the unfamiliarity of the setting. Therefore, you should have your practice scores slightly above your target. When these metrics exceed your target score, you have a good indication that you are ready for the exam. You Start Feeling Confident: When you are preparing for a clutch exam, you spend many hours in a state of panic. As you begin to get a handle on what you are doing, panic starts to be replaced with other emotions. This does not happen overnight. Instead, it takes countless long study sessions and a gradual process. It is unrealistic to expect a test taker to simply snap their fingers and change their mindset. This comes through hard work. After the extensive effort, fear gives way to confidence. When you actually believe that you can beat the exam, it comes after you have put in the necessary hard work and it means that you are prepared. Study Material Seems Rote: When studying for an exam, test takers should usually cover everything more than once. The first time that they read through the material, it seems new and there it will take some effort to gain familiarity and mastery over the material. As you begin to become more familiar with the material, it will come easier to you on each review. At a certain point, the material should be drilled into your head. At that point, when you read the material, you will have a strong sense of Deja vu. Then, you will know that the material has become second nature to you, and you are good to go to take the test. You Have Taken a Practice Course: GRE prep courses are a great way of preparing you to take the big exam, but like everything else, they cost money. When you take one of these classes, you gain the benefit of instruction and tips from experienced test takers. These classes follow and track the exams, and they will be able to tell you about recent trends with the exam. While some test-takers are certainly able to prepare themselves with a few practice exams and a study book, many people find that more is necessary. One option to accomplish this is free online GRE prep. This can save you money and give you the help you need for the exam. Read Also: 3 Amazing Online Resources For GMAT Prep 10 Tips To Memorize All Necessary Information Before Exams

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15 Historical HBCU Facts You Didn’t Know

Historically Black Colleges and Universities, or anything related to the HBCU facts, are exciting news. Not only are they a huge part of U.S. history, but they also provide excellent opportunities for today’s students to thrive and succeed. While most people know, or can guess, that HBCUs were formed around the time of the Civil War as places for formerly enslaved people to earn an education. This is true, but there is so much more to the history and historical figures behind HBCUs. In fact, there is quite a lot about the history of HBCUs that most Americans don’t know. 15 Historical HBCU Facts You Didn't Know Let’s take a look at 15 HBCU facts that you may not know but will appreciate learning more about. Across the United States, there are more than 100 HBCUs. Alabama has the highest concentration of HBCUs, with 15 schools in the state. Atlanta is the city with the highest concentration of HBCU facts, with nine schools in the city. The Cheyney University of Pennsylvania and Lincoln University are the oldest HBCUs in the U.S. Chyeney was founded in 1837. Lincoln was established in 1854. 75% of Black Americans with doctorate degrees earned their undergraduate degrees from HBCUs. More than 80% of Black Americans with degrees in dentistry and medicine graduated from Howard University or Meharry Medical College – two HBCUs. 5% of Black officers in the U.S. Armed Forces earned an undergraduate degree from an HBCU. 80% of Black U.S. federal judges earned undergraduate degrees from HBCUs. HBCUs are leading institutions in STEM fields, including science, engineering, mathematics, and physical sciences. In fact, HBCU facts, are responsible for one-quarter of all Black STEM graduates. Students who graduate from HBCUs are more likely to complete graduate school or professional training. Around half of the Black faculty members at White research universities earned undergraduate degrees from HBCUs. A Gallup-Purdue University study reveals that Black students report more meaningful educational experiences at HBCUs than their peers at other colleges and universities. Black HBCU students reported in a survey that they are more likely to recall instances of feeling supported by faculty members. Notable Graduates 8 Impressive Black Americans In The History In addition to these HBCU facts, we must mention just how notable HBCU alumni are. Some of the most impressive Black Americans in history attended HBCUs. Some examples: Booker T. Washington – educator and advisor to several presidents – attended the Tuskegee Institute, later called Tuskegee University, in Tuskegee, Alabama. Martin Luther King, Jr. attended Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia. Joycelyn Elders, the first Black American Surgeon General of the United States, attended Philander Smith College in Little Rock, Arkansas. Katherine Johnson, a NASA employee, credited with critical calculations that made the first (and subsequent) space flights successful, attended West Virginia State University, located in Charleston, West Virginia. Lonnie Johnson, a NASA engineer, and creator of the Super Soaker toy graduated from Tuskegee University in Tuskegee, Alabama. Nobel Laureate and author Toni Morrison attended Howard University in Washington, DC. Starbucks Chief Operating Officer Rosalind Brewer attended Spelman College in Atlanta, Georgia. Reverend Jesse Jackson attended North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University in Greensboro, North Carolina. The first female Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris, attended Howard University in Washington, DC. As you can see, there is a lot to learn and learn about HBCU facts in the U.S. Not only are they deeply rooted in history, but they continue to produce incredible graduates that are changing the world. If you are considering colleges or universities for undergraduate or graduate studies, now is a great time to consider HBCUs. At a time when diversity and equality are at the forefront of Civil Rights, HBCUs continue to support variety within the educational system. Conclusion: These all of the HBCU facts give you an excellent idea about the future perspectives of the US. Even after the black freedom, there were separate schooling systems for blacks and whites. When you want to develop a unique race, you have to mix up the children from different races. As the students and youths, they are always making a historic symbolic movement for the rest of society. And these facts are proof of these historical movements. Read Also: 4 Emerging Trends in the Education Sector Top 6 Reasons Why Professional Qualification Courses Are The Best Way To Learn

online learning

The Many Benefits of Online Education

Studying online used to be a foreign idea, but now it is becoming common. Some parents prefer to home school their kids and decided to use the internet to communicate with the teachers. There are also courses in college that are available through online delivery, so if you are already working but you still wish to continue your education, you could study online. In many cases, online learning could be as effective as face-to-face learning and if you want to improve your communication skills, you could learn about transition words and other sophisticated ways to communicate with others. These are some other benefits of learning online. 1. Lots of options: From traditional four-year courses to postgraduate degrees, there are several options available for you. Ask the college to assess your current credentials to determine if you could take those courses and if you do not want a regular degree, there are crash courses for you to consider instead. 2. Cheaper cost: The tuition fee might be the same with regular universities, but you are saving money on everything else since as you can study from home, so you do not need to spend money on rent. You are not driving to school, you can also cook your meals from home and even the resource materials are available online. You can print them yourself instead of purchasing expensive resources meaning you’ll also return all the requirements online, being much more efficient. 3. Comfortable learning environment: The primary reason why several college students do not do well is that they do not feel comfortable with their learning environment. They need to force themselves to wake up to study even if it is too early. With online education, you decide when you want to study. In education, the law of readiness is crucial and it states that learners could maximize learning when they are ready to do so. Therefore, having an online course allows you to study based on your free time, and on the time when you are comfortable to learn since otherwise, it’s likely nothing will enter your brain. 4. Flexibility: Some people are already working, but they still want to improve themselves through formal education. You can now work and study at the same time with the help of online learning, so you can work during the day and study at night. If you are a parent, you can stay at home and still take care of your kids even while you are earning your degree. This clearly shows that it is not yet too late for you to learn. 5. Advance your career: While working, you also want to advance your career. The problem is when you didn’t study advanced courses, your fellow employees who did will have better opportunities than you. Since you can now study whenever you can compete with them. You can also use the knowledge obtained from your online course to prove that you are worthy of the promotion. Given these reasons, it is time to consider studying online. Whether your goal is to finish a degree or to have a crash course to improve your writing skills, it is now possible when you enroll online. Read Also: 3 Reasons Why Online Degrees Are Better The Benefits Of An Online Adult Education Kids Will Get These Benefits If They Learn Coding