How to Express Gratitude?

Published on: 22 April 2020 Last Updated on: 23 January 2021

Gratitude is the quality of being thankful. In other words, seeking out what’s good and appreciating it. Think of the time when someone thanked you for something or maybe gave you a gift or token of appreciation. How did it make you feel? Pretty good, right? Now, this is how the other person feels when you acknowledge their support by showing gratitude. Check out Prem Rawat’s words of wisdom on

Gratitude is the greatest of all the gifts. While this feeling of gratefulness won’t come in a day, here are some simple ways you can practice to express gratitude towards others.

Express in words

Words are the most underrated way to express gratitude. But also, the simplest and the most direct. When we don’t say the word, like a simple thank you, unknowingly, we are taking the other person for granted. Not expressing how grateful you are to them will give them a wrong idea, that they are not enough, or they are doing something wrong.

Do you know it costs you nothing to express your compassion? Start at home, be grateful to your family, first. Think about what and how to be grateful, and then adopt the actions and habits that will support this thinking. Tell someone how much you appreciate them and their efforts, and see the life-changing effects your words bring.

A token of gratitude

Expressing gratitude is a gift in itself, as said above. Words are indeed important, no doubt, but gifting something thoughtful is more permanent. Going out of the way and buying something meaningful that can be kept and treasured for life, will surely put a smile on anyone’s face.

While choosing a gift, the monetary value shouldn’t be the first priority. Cards and other personalized gifts will be enough to make someone feel warm inside. Even a little something can make anyone feel special.

Listen to what they have to say

Not everyone is open about their emotions; sometimes, you need to ask. Actively participating in the conversation and listening to what they have to say is enough to make them feel good. A sense of belonging is all one wants from the other person.

A simple conversation, a little of your time can make their day better, so why not? Start it from this moment, call someone you haven’t talked to in days, text someone, leave them a gratitude note, or write them a letter and put a smile on their face. In the end, gratitude makes you feel good too.

Take nothing for granted

Your domestic help, the server in a restaurant, the usher in a movie hall, and many more such unsung beings help you in regular life. How often have you acknowledged their efforts? Don’t answer it, think about it. Drop a tip in the jar, or tipping your server, or a cup of tea for your domestic help — these small gestures will fill their heart with joy.

We are taught, ‘Count Your Blessings.’ Today’s world, we are so busy complaining that we lose sight of what we have. The study says grateful people are happier with high self-esteem and life-satisfaction. Random acts of kindness take you a long way, be kind.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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cotton fabrics

Why Cotton is the Best Fabric

Shop cotton fabrics: Our heart flutters we just think about shopping. While shopping selecting the right fabric within the estimated budget is the most important factor. Most of us choose cotton fabric other than the other fabrics that are available in the market. It hides the most intimate parts of your body as well as depicts what kind of personality you are. Quality fabric: As all of us expect our garment to be durable, and to retain for certain duration cotton fabrics will solve your queries. To cut the cost manufacturers distinguish high-quality fabrics from low-quality ones. One thing what you have to notice is the price and quality are not always related. While purchasing the fabric you need to look into the following: Whether the fabric will suit a particular garment The quality of the fabric Man-made fibers are also available in the market. The basic difference between natural and synthetic fibers is that they are not obtained naturally. Pick the right fabric while shopping: After some experience and practice, you will understand the difference between the natural and synthetic blended fabric. Here are some of the tactics that you can follow while selecting the right fabric: Cotton fabric keeps your skin breathable and hydrated on any weather climate. Though the silk fabric looks good for everyone, they tend to crease up with your skin quickly. Even while choosing a linen fabric, the fabric should be 100% blended before using. Woven fabrics will help you in durability as the thread goes from left to right and up to down. Popular fabric in the world: Cotton is considered to be the most popular fabric in the world. It is amazingly versatile and all the garment decorators know how to get a detailed and well-crafted garment for your wardrobe. The most important quality of cotton that staples the minds of consumers is its durability, softness, material length etc. Since cotton is considered as natural fabric, smoothwares guide on clothing will help you in understanding. There are some common ways to obtain cotton fabrics. Cotton fabrics are found naturally due to geological processes. Jute, cotton, hemp etc are produced by the natural growing plants for which humans give different shapes and structures. Here is the reason why cotton fabric is best: Fabric made of long and lengthy fiber materials is generally considered to be high-quality fabric material. Below are the reasons why cotton fabric is the best. ● Lifetime durability: Fine yarns are more tightly bonded to make a strong fabric with more durability. Longer the fibers, finer the yarn will be. And also withstands water while washing. ● Adaptive breathability: Some fabrics do not contain breathable holes. Cotton fabric keeps its consumers comfortable by creating thermal insulation holes that are associated with breathability. ● Softness and resistance: Since the fabric has long fibers it will be easy to spin long fibers. Longer fabrics are closely bounded in different directions. ● Moisture control: As the fabric is said to be breathable, it also transmits moisturizers away from the body and removes the absorbent and keeps the body hydrated. It also allows you to remain comfortable during exercises and promotes a joint between skin and clothing. ● Hypoallergenic: Wearing cotton garments is always recommended by doctors for skin allergies. Because the cotton is said to be hypoallergenic as it is used in medical products such as gauze, bandages, buds, x-rays, tissues etc. ● Shrinkage and wrinkling: You should always make sure the cotton clothes fits you before buying, as the cotton has poor elasticity. Stretching out the shrunk cotton material using ironing or pressing gives more elasticity. ● Weatherproof: Most of the weather-resistant garments are manufactured with cotton materials. Dense fabric is used for weather-resistant clothing. ● Insulation: Cotton fibers hold the fabric away from the skin further allows the skin to feel comfortable and breathable. Types of cotton fabrics: The method of weaving and production varies to create a wide range of cotton fabrics. Plain and twill are the two methods of weaving. Cotton fabrics include: Muslin Percale Gingham Broadcloth Terry cloth Poplin Seersucker Flannel Uses of cotton fabric: As there are many uses of cotton fabric some of them are listed below: Accessories: Cotton is used in accessories such as trimmings, ribbons, handcuffs, umbrellas etc Textiles or home utilities: The fabric is used in table clothes, bedclothes, hand towels, kitchen clothes, carpets, furniture coverings, bath towels etc. Apparel fabrics: It includes blouses, shirts, nightwear, leisure wears, trousers etc. Industrial textiles: Shoes, bags, clothing, medical supplies such as bandages, gauge and sewing threads Bottom line: Though the other fabrics are easily affordable in the market, our opinion about cotton fabric is always on the upper hand when looking for a long term. Hopefully, all the above-mentioned criteria you will have a conclusion of why cotton fabric is the best among others. 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Waste Disposal

Proper Waste Disposal and Recycling: Things to Remember

Proper waste disposal is something everyone must remember these days. Gone are the days of indiscriminately throwing out the trash. Now we need to separate biodegradable waste from non-biodegradable waste. For example, when cleaning the yard after a party, you’ll have to separate the tissues from the plastic cups and the leftover food waste. There are a lot of things that can be found in the garbage, and a lot of them can be harmful to the environment. It is essential that you learn to segregate trash so that it can be appropriately disposed of and avoid being detrimental to nature. With that said, here are some things to remember when disposing of your waste: 1. Make sure to segregate your waste properly: Biodegradable waste like used medical supplies and broken sharp objects like glass are separated from the rest of the trash. Use different colored garbage bags or garbage containers to differentiate the items. This will ensure that contaminated items will be disposed of properly and the sharp objects will be handled properly, so no one gets hurt. 2. You can reduce the biodegradable waste you throw out: If you have a backyard with some soil or garden, dig two holes and bury biodegradable materials there instead of throwing them away, to create compost. It is a simple procedure: you dig a hole, put biodegradable waste into it, and cover the top portion again with earth. You don’t fill up the rest of the hole with dirt if you just threw in a small amount of waste. Instead, cover the trash with just enough soil to block it from smelling, and you do this until the hole is filled up. 3. Some materials, like eggshells or bones, take very long to become compost or don’t degrade at all: You may have to crush them into powder before burying them with the other biodegradable waste. If you don’t want to, you may dispose of your chicken eggshells and bones. 4. Recyclable materials must also be sorted out based on what they're made of for easier disposal: Grouping together aluminum cans separate from plastics will make it easier for the removal services. Also, you may want to find some things that are usable enough to keep, such as glass jars, which make excellent containers if cleaned well. Moreover, if you are looking for a trustworthy rubbish removal company then click here to find the best one. As an option, you may also want to call a yard waste removal service instead of waiting for the weekly public service to pick up the trash, especially if you have been clearing out a lot of things in your home to get ready for a home improvement project. These removal services will ask for some details regarding the junk that they will be picking up, so if, for example, you have a huge amount of garbage you want to get rid of, you’ll probably need to send them a picture and details about the trash. Not only will you be helping the removal service if you follow the tips above, but you can also help contribute to a cleaner environment by reducing your waste. It doesn’t take much to act on the suggestions above either, and you can plan on doing these tips in your own time thanks to junk removal services now being available to contact even on the internet. Read Also: 8 Plumbing Myths Busted 6 Tips For Keeping Your Home Clean (With Pets And Kids)

sustainability tips

Do You Really Want to Live on Mars? 3 Sustainability Tips for an Eco-Friendly Lifestyle

As I write this, over 316 million tons of household waste has already been produced this year. And it is only March. Luckily, a report from 2014 shows that 55% of the developed world population consider the environment when making a purchase. While being a conscience buyer helps, more needs to be done to cut emissions and waste. If we don't, then there won't be a planet to enjoy in a few decades. I personally use these 3 sustainability tips to keep the Earth and my wallet lean and green. 1. Energy Eco Tips: The energy we use at home provides a multitude of ways to cut back on our resources and carbon footprint. Use these simple green tips to save on the cost of your gas and electric while helping save the planet. Turn off the lights when you leave a room. Instead of turning up the heat or AC, dress for the weather. Turn off and unplug electronics when not in use. Switch to renewable energy by contacting local solar companies that can provide cheaper and eco-friendly energy options. Use LED lights or open the shades for natural rays of sunshine. Buy energy efficient appliances like a washer/dryer or gas stove. 2. Reuse and Recycle: Being thrifty and nifty with your trash saves me from buying new things when I can fix up something old and keeps trash out of landfills when I follow these environment tips. Save glass jars for storage or use as planters. Buy second-hand clothes and furniture. Separate your trash properly to make recycling easier. Start a compost using your food scraps. Fix broken appliances, furniture, and clothing. Use reusable containers for food instead of plastic bags. 3. Healthy Living Sustainability Tips: Sustainable living also includes our personal health and fitness as they can affect emissions too. From our mode of transportation to our diets, lifestyle choices take a toll on our environment just like our bodies. These green tips for healthy living should not be left off our list. Start a fitness routine to burn energy efficiently. Avoid animal products as they increase carbon emissions and use more water. Begin an organic garden to save food transportation costs, cut grocery bills, and eat a well-balanced diet. Take a bike to work to save on gas emissions. Use all-natural self-care products like sunscreen that won't poison the ocean. Skip eating out because you can choose the ingredients and save on traveling costs when we cook at home. Saving the Planet has Never Been Easier: This may sound like a lot of work, but finding ways to implement these sustainability tips in our daily lives couldn't be easier or more essential than it is today. Companies usually an offer green section for recycled or eco-friendly products, organic food has now become the norm in most grocery stores, and renewable energy is accessible in any part of the world. Share with us your favorite ways to be environmentally friendly in the comments below. Read Also: How Cleaning Helps Us Feel Better And Why We Don’t Do It Why You Must Embrace Green Home Technologies? Seven Simple Ways For Achieving Cozy Bedroom Environment: For Perfectly Night Sleep