Financial Plan For Your FIRST Small Business – Low Budget Plan


12 September 2024


Financial Plan For Startup Business

One of the common reasons why small businesses fail is the lack of working capital. Poor financial decision-making can be detrimental to your small business.  

This will not scare you or put you off the idea of starting your very first business. However, it is to convince you how important it is to draft a financial plan for your small business.

The importance of predicting your financial health is not just to maintain a steady cash flow but also…

Understand how lucrative your business is in the long run.

How long will your business be at break-even (no profit, no loss)?  

When can your business start making a profit?

Most importantly, what is the contingency plan of any financial hurdle?

In this blog post below, we will be discussing the following:

  • Importance of a financial plan for your small business.
  • Elements of a financial plan for your small business.
  • A template to create a small business plan (for any business).

Importance Of A Financial Plan

Importance Of A Financial Plan

Here is why you should begin creating your very first-ever financial plan for your small business.

1. A Business GPS?

Imagine yourself driving to a new destination without knowing where you are or in which direction you should proceed.

This is what it is like to open a business without having a financial plan.

A financial plan will give you a clear roadmap to your business journey, and determine how much to spend on each destination.

2. Where Is The Goal Post?

We all have a vague idea of what a startup goal should be. However, getting overwhelmed is common without a clear picture.

A financial plan will provide you with a clear goalpost. I am talking about tangible, measurable, and achievable goals.  

Whether you want to expand your business, increase profits, or reduce costs, a financial plan gives you a clear path.

3. What Ifs & Risks!

It is given that your business won’t be smooth sailing forever!

Businesses often face unexpected expenses. It could be something as simple as equipment breakdowns or sudden major market changes!

As a business owner, being financially ready is a crucial step!

A financial plan can help you set aside emergency funds, so you’re prepared for these surprises.

4. A Long-Lasting Impression

Want investors early on for your business? Then, it would help if you offered them a steady financial plan.

Remember, lenders and investors want to see a well-thought-out financial plan before they commit their money.  

Therefore, having a solid plan shows them that you understand your business’s financial health, its cash flow, and the potential profit opportunity. Hence, we are serious about making your business a success.

5. Improves Financial Decision-Making

With a financial plan, you better understand your cash flow, revenue, and expenses.  

This knowledge helps you make informed decisions, like when to invest in new equipment or whether to cut costs.

Important Elements Of The Financial Plan Of A Small Business

Important Elements Of The Financial Plan Of A Small Business

Before you begin your financial planning, you should be aware of the different financial jargon for a business.

1. Cash Flow Projection

This includes predicting the market, what effect your product will have on the market, and how much you can earn from it.

Now, taking the potential amount you create capital expenditure for each month. The function of a cash flow projection is to ensure you have enough (at the end of the month) in terms of expansion.

It is common for a business to live month by month with no profit for the first six to eight months of the business. Essentially you are establishing your business.  

However, if it crosses the one-year mark with just a break-evens, the following could be the reason:

  • Your business is not making money because of the lack of demand.
  • The expenditure is way over your income. You must start some cost-cutting methods.
  • There is a lack of marketing, and your small business is not reaching the target audience.
  • You do not have enough investment for the small business you are starting.

Keep these points in mind when starting your cash flow!

2. Balance Sheet

A balance sheet is a financial estimation of your small business’s current state. Here are some of the important items your balance sheet will have:

  • Income & Expenditure
  • Total owning & total owing (personal debts or small business loans).
  • Assets that are currently under collateral.

Upon reading it might sound simple. However, when it comes to a balanced business sheet, you will require a finance professional to craft one.

3. Personnel Expense

This brings us to the next point in any financial plan for a small business. The personnel expense, or the amount you are spending on hired personnel.

It doesn’t always have to be your employees. In fact, the number of employees for a small business will hardly reach 15 in the very first year.

A personnel expense includes individuals working as consultants for the business, and the different professionals you hire to help with the internal work (e.g. Finance officer to create the balance sheet).

Some of the common elements of a personnel expense are:

  • Cost is based on the positions each professional is holding.
  • Personal insurance plans for your workers (at least medical insurance).
  • Expenses are spared for other professionals working externally with the business.

4. Assets

The tangible assets that your small business owns:

Current Assets: What the business currently owns. These include inventories, machinery & tech devices, prepaid expenses (for example, digital tools), and other office supplies.

Tangible Assets: The one that physically exists under the name of your small business. Real estate (This will not include rented warehouses or offices. These will go under the expenditure section), land inventory, tangible investment (gold & bonds), and saleable merchandise.

Non-Tangible Assets: These are assets that are not in a physical form. Intellectual property, pre-paid tools, investments (stocks, Cryptocurrency, mutual funds).

Non-Operable Asset: Assets under your small business but from which you are not getting any income. For example, land you have an investment in but not yet open for any business-related functions.

Operable Asset: Assets that your business owns currently, and that are bringing some income. For example: produced goods, factory space, warehouses, and office space.

5. Products & Services

The products and services you are planning to offer will also come into the financial planning for small businesses.

These include the following:

The raw materials are required to create the goods.

  • Factory costing.
  • Warehouse costing.
  • Transport & Drop shipping costing.
  • Worker’s salary & insurance.
  • Contingency management funding. (In case of any accident or unpredictable situation).

The summation will give you the total cost of production. With which you can create and understand the market value of your product.  

This step is very important to assess the profit and loss of each item.

6. Income Projections

Another crucial part of small business finance planning is prediction. This is how you can predict whether your income will have any substantial income.

Here is how you can protect your business income (before starting it):

  • Check business income projections of competitors through several data analyses. 
  • Is your small business subject matter trending in the market? What is the current market share of such companies?
  • Are investors willing to invest in a business venture as such? In fact, check some of the Shark Tank successes, and analyze which business venture seems more profiting by investors themselves.
  • The inflation rate of the past decade regarding the product or service you are about to sell also matters.

7. Marketing

You cannot spend everything on logistics and not worry about marketing.  

One cannot ignore this matter, especially in today’s day and age when small businesses are reaching new milestones by a simple influencer shoutout, or social media virality!

Here are some of the factors in which you will need to spend in marketing:

  • Social media marketing tools.
  • Influencer marketing.
  • Small ad-films over YouTube.
  • Website building and digital marketing (Website domain and SEO tools).

8. Risk Management

No business is protected from the risks that come to every business in its lifespan. However, the contingency plan is not getting ambushed by a sudden change.

Here are some of the financial risks/uncertainties your new business could face:

Market Risk: The ups and downs of the current & dynamic economy. In fact, after the pandemic, things have become a little less predictable.

Reputation Risk: Social media is indeed bringing customers and businesses closer. However, the downside of such connectivity is the risk of a tampered reputation, especially when audiences jump to conclusions upon hearing anything on the internet.

Competition Risk: This is a common risk every business faces. When your competitors launch something new & exciting, there could be a significant shift in sales numbers for you.

Environmental Risk: One good example of environmental risk that has previously impacted businesses majorly is the pandemic.

Political Risks: The political scenario of your country can have a considerable effect on your business, especially in terms of export-import & business expansion.

This is one of the reasons why having a financial contingency plan for managing sudden risk is one of the crucial components of a business financial plan.

Business Template For A Startup

Business Template For A Startup

As promised, we have a business template that will help you take that very first step for your startup.

Financial Plan For Startup (Template)

Table of Contents 

1. Financial Overview: A Financial Overview will consist of a financial overview of your business’s current state. Also, please provide the key points and takeaways of the financial data that you will provide.

4. Assumptions – Market Research: This is the step for market research and predicting the business’s profit potential.

5. Break-Even Analysis: A table or graph which provides information on the number of units your business needs, and how much you need to sell to make a profit.

6. Financial Statements: This will include the following charts.

– Profit & Loss (Optional if you have a startup)

– Cash Flow Statement (How the monthly cash flow will look)

– Balance Sheet (Monthly/Quarterly/Yearly Income & Expenditure)

Elements For Your Balance Sheet

The following is what your balance sheets should include based on items required: monthly, quarterly, and yearly income & expenditure.

Operational Financial Plan

  • Business Location and Facilities
  • Technology and Equipment
  • Key Operational Processes
  • Supply Chain and Inventory Management

Management and Organization Financial Plan

  • Organizational Structure
  • Key Management Team
  • Roles and Responsibilities
  • Hiring and Training Plan

Financial Plan

  • Start-up Costs (for new businesses like loans, downpayment; collateral, and personal investments)
  • Revenue Projections
  • Expense Projections
  • Cash Flow Statement
  • Profit and Loss Statement
  • Break-even Analysis

Funding Requirements and Strategy

  • Funding Needed
  • Purpose of Funds
  • Potential Funding Sources
  • Funding Timeline

Key Risks

  • Risk Mitigation Strategies

Financial Tools to Ease Your Job

In the modern age of technology, you can always lean on tools to automate some of the financial tasks.

So, if you need that digital assistance when

Begin Your Journey!

This is a sign for you to begin your journey as a first-time business owner. Yes, it is overwhelming, and yes it can be intimidating (hence the long procrastinating period!).

Creating a financial plan for even a startup can be intimidating. Here is how you can make this journey a little easier.

Start with defining your business first. The executive plan is a must. You should know what your business is all about.

Then, move through the basic income and expenditures.

Take help from professionals in tax advice and create a detailed balance sheet.

Finally, consider seeing your whole financial plan in a timely manner. It is important to take one step at a time.

Hopefully, we can give you enough answers about a business financial plan. How is your journey going? Please let us know in the comment section below.

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Deepanwita is a seasoned practitioner of ‘jumping the ship’. She started out her journey with literature and now holds a double graduation degree, one of which is in psychology. As a result, she is now using this skill to help confused job seekers to pick a direction. Given her academic background, her writing is laden with analytical analogies and deep research. As one of Content Rally’s most regular contributors, readers can find a sense of confidence in her writing.

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Embedded Finance In Online Businesses

Embedded Finance In Online Businesses: The Role Of Account Top-Ups And Currency Exchange

Ever wondered how you can instantly top-up your business account or exchange currency without leaving your favorite online platform? No, it's not magic—it's embedded finance. This revolutionary approach is changing the way online businesses operate, making financial transactions smoother, quicker, and more integrated than ever before. Let's dive into what embedded finance is and explore its role in account top-ups and currency exchange. What Is Embedded Finance? Embedded finance is the seamless integration of financial services directly within a non-financial platform or application. Imagine being able to perform all your banking needs—like topping up your account or exchanging currency—right within the app or website you're already using for your business. No need to juggle multiple tabs or apps; it's all there, integrated into your existing workflow. Why Is It Important? In today's fast-paced world, efficiency is key. Businesses are always looking for ways to streamline operations and improve the customer experience. Embedded finance does just that by eliminating the need to switch between different platforms for financial transactions. This not only saves time but also reduces the chances of errors, making life easier for both businesses and their customers. Functioning Of The Embedded Finance In this section, we try to understand about the emergence of embedded finance. So let's get started with the discussion. In order to develop an idea of the functioning of embedded finance, an individual has to understand the key shifts which are driving it.  Shift To E-Commerce  The digitization of commodes has opened the pathway for embedded finance. This is because the business integrates these financial services within their digital platforms as a section of customer experience. Various E-commerce businesses like branded credit cards,  NPL financing tets, and rewards programs help increase sales. The on-demand platforms provide digital wallet payments to woo the attention of consumers.  The Advances In Integrating Technology  The fast development of integrating financial services into non-monetary platforms helped it become workable or scalable. The digital onboarding real-time data connections have enabled authenticated transactions. The API has enabled the Software as a service and subscription services to add the required flexibility in  payment options. The APIs have also incorporated in-app invoicing, lines of credit, and business users. Consumer Expectation  Consumers are the king in a perfectly competitive market. They are more comfortable with the nontraditional providers for the financial services. It is driven by the streamlined experience and the search for convenience. The systems within their limits are trying to become the streamlined experience. The ubiquity of smartphones, commerce, digital banking, and e-commerce has enabled changes in digital banking. It has helped bring about the change in the entire system of services. The Last Shift Is Reaching The Unreserved.  Some argue that embedding finance into daily transactions can ease the acces to financial products. Some others opine that integrating embedded technology could bring about huge changes in services, such as ride-sharing transactions. It makes the services easier.  The Convenience Of Account Top-Ups The Old Way Vs. The New Way Remember the days when topping up your business account meant logging into a separate banking portal, filling out tedious forms, and waiting for confirmation? Those days are long gone, thanks to embedded finance. Now, you can top-up your account with just a few clicks, right within the platform you're already using for your business operations. Real-world Use Cases - Uber: Drivers can top-up their accounts within the app, allowing for immediate cash-outs and a smoother financial experience. - Airbnb: Hosts can easily top-up their accounts for quicker payouts, all without leaving the platform. Benefits Of Embedded Account Top-Ups - Speed and Efficiency: No more waiting for bank confirmations. Top-ups are instant, letting you focus on what matters—your business. - Reduced Friction: By integrating financial services into existing platforms, embedded finance eliminates the need to navigate multiple apps or websites. - Enhanced Customer Loyalty: When you make life easier for your customers or users, they're more likely to stick around. The Flexibility of Currency Exchange Traditional Currency Exchange Woes Gone are the days when exchanging currency meant a trip to the bank, standing in long queues, and dealing with complex fee structures. Traditional methods often come with hidden charges and are time-consuming, making it a hassle for businesses that operate internationally. Real-world Use Cases - Shopify: Sellers can easily exchange currencies right within their dashboard, making it simpler to manage international transactions. - Revolut: Offers in-app currency exchange at competitive rates, allowing users to switch between currencies without leaving the app. Advantages of Embedded Currency Exchange - Cost-Effectiveness: Say goodbye to exorbitant fees. Embedded finance often offers more competitive rates, saving you money in the long run. - Real-Time Exchange Rates: No more refreshing your browser to get the latest rates. Embedded finance solutions provide real-time information, so you always get the best deal. - Simplified International Business Operations: Managing a business that operates in multiple countries? Embedded currency exchange makes it easier to handle transactions in different currencies, all within a single platform. Regulatory And Compliance Aspects While the convenience and efficiency of embedded finance are undeniable, it's essential to note that these services also come with built-in compliance features. This means you don't have to worry about navigating the complex landscape of financial regulations—most of it is taken care of within the platform itself. Future Trends As technology continues to evolve, so will the capabilities of embedded finance. Shortly, we can expect even more streamlined services, particularly in the areas of account top-ups and currency exchange. Whether it's instant cross-border payments or even more competitive exchange rates, the sky's the limit for how embedded finance will continue to revolutionize the online business landscape. Conclusion Embedded finance is not just a convenience; it's a game-changer for online businesses. From the ease of account top-ups to the flexibility of currency exchange, this integrated approach to financial services is making business operations smoother and more efficient than ever before. If you're in the online business space, now's the time to consider how embedded finance could benefit you. By understanding and leveraging the power of embedded finance, you're not just staying ahead of the curve—you're shaping the future of online business. Read Also: Things You Need To Know About Online Statistics Studies What To Think About When Making A Name For Your Business How You Can Grow Your Small Business By Taking Help From Crypto

Investment in Gold

What Investors Should Know about Investment in Gold and Silver Assets

The stock market is one of the investment platforms that readily come to mind when (especially) new investors think about investing. The truth is that this investment platform promises a lot. This is the reason many people take this investment route. Be that as it may, you need to know that this investment platform has its few downsides. However, they are few enough to have caused many people financial wrecks in the past. The point is not to discourage you from investing in the stock market. Trading commodities can be a great decision if you are looking to diversify your portfolio. Historically, precious metals like gold and silver have been tried-and-tested safe investment options as far as traders are concerned. You can get in touch with a leading gold trading broker to evaluate your options and then proceed accordingly by trading these commodities. However, it is about opening your eyes to some of its dark sides and making sure you see the need to diversify your investments. This way you can make the most of many investment platforms or make sure you are not completely at a loss if the stock market has problems. For those that need to better understand the possibility of the stock market crashing, you can visit: You would discover that regardless of where they are situated, no stock market is completely immune from a crash. Investors in places like the United States, the United Kingdom, China, Brazil, EU Nations, Dubai, Japan, South Korea, and many other places have had this experience. It is for this reason we all need to equally consider investing in other profitable assets as well. On this note, this article will shed some light on gold and silver investment. The ways this can play out and a few other things will be explained here. The information here is very important and so you are advised to keep reading. You should also pay rapt attention as you do so. Gold or Silver – Which Should You Invest in? For the record, both precious metals are not the only options that can be considered by those hoping to make the most of the precious metal market. However, both are unarguably the most common options for precious metal investors. Other than this, some of the details discussed concerning both precious metal assets are equally applicable to others. Having established this, the million-dollar question on many people’s minds is “should I invest in gold or silver?” There are many things you need to consider to make the proper decision in this regard. One of them is something known as the gold-silver ratio. This is about using the value difference between both precious metal assets to make informed decisions as an investor. Fortunately, there is always a clear figure of this ratio to help people make the right choice. You need to make your decisions based on this ratio amongst other things. This is so that: You choose precious metals based on their prospects You get your assets at a market valuation that is fair Your assets will not be undervalued when it is time to liquidate the assets These are some of the basic reasons you should take this ratio seriously as there are a few other reasons. Against this backdrop, you should also make sure you are working with real-time information. This is to be certain that your investment decisions are well informed. If you would like to know more about the gold-silver ratio (especially how it is calculated), you can read this article. Investing in Gold and Silver Some similarities come with investment in gold and/or silver. One of them is that they share the same investment methods for the most part. So, this is valuable information for those planning to invest in silver, gold, both precious metals, and even a few other precious metals. Having established this, some of the methods that can be considered include: 1. Bullion Purchase There are a few precious metal forms that would pass as bullion. However, the underlying factor here is that the precious metals are gotten, sold, and valued based on their weight. This is unlike what is obtainable with collectibles and special precious metal coins. Speaking of bullion, they would either be offered as bullion coins or bars. The latter usually weighs one ounce and its valuation is based on this. On the other hand, the former weighs a lot more. This is no less than 400 ounces. To invest in gold and silver using this method, you have to work with a precious metal exchange company. Many service providers are in this business. Some of the very common ones include Money Metals, JM Bullion, Vaulted, and a host of others. It is very important that your chosen precious metal exchange company ticks all the right boxes. This is in terms of credibility, impressive track record, and a long list of other important things. You are advised to get a full review from a credible review platform(s) to make the right choice. 2. Gold IRA The Internal Revenue Service is heavily involved in formulating tax laws and seeing to it that they are implemented in this country. This is especially at the federal level. You should also know that this body is also actively involved in regulating the IRA scheme. The IRA scheme offers a lot of tax benefits to account holders and the good news is that there is an IRA plan that allows people to invest in precious metals. The truth is that there are only 4 precious metal assets that the system allows account holders to invest in. These are gold, silver, platinum, and palladium. You are advised to understand the rules set by the IRS as regards investing in precious metal assets. These are especially rules that center on withdrawal of precious metal assets, storage, eligible forms of precious metals, approved purchase techniques, and so on. 3. ETFs This is an investment option that is quite popular. This is especially as it concerns investment in the stock market. The good news is that the Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) system is not restricted to the stock market. You can also make the most of the precious metal market using this system. Other than the bullion purchase method discussed above, this one would not require handling the assets physically. Frankly, this is one of the advantages of this silver and gold investment method. For more on this subject, you can visit: Conclusion We have discussed a few things you need to know as someone hoping or planning to invest in silver or gold. You should also know that some of the information here will help you invest in other precious metal assets properly. So, you are advised to make the most of these details going forward. 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Private Money Lenders

Private Money Lenders – Here Is Why This Is A Great Alternative For Your New Business

If you need funding - and need it fast - sometimes traditional funding methods do not do the trick. The loan is either too slow, requires too many pre-requisites to qualify for the loan, or you can’t seem to figure out where to ask. We have the best alternative for you that provides fast capital with few strings attached! Benefits of private money lenders for your business If you are interested in really making a name for yourself as a realtor or in the real estate business, you need to make sure you have a constant flow of cash and capital to continue renovating houses, purchasing properties, and dealing with clients. However, if you don't want to go into your own personal debt, you need to use new funding methods that can let you spend the money it takes to flip houses for a profit. But who should you use? Consider using private money lenders to help spur on your business and create long-term potential! Fast approval rates Instead of typical bank loans, where the approval rates and the process can take between weeks - and even sometimes months - using private money lenders is a much quicker process. If you want to buy a property that you are going to flip within the next week, you need money in your hand fast - and private money lenders like Asset Based Lending can do that for you. You have time to improve your property The second reason that you should consider using private money lenders for your business with the flexibility offered with this type of loan. Since a hard money loan is given by private investors, you can change the terms of the loan based on the individual situation and the people involved. This means that if you want to get a long-term financing method to help you with a more extensive house renovation, you can speak with them and negotiate a deal where you earn more funding to make the necessary changes to your property to earn a profit. Credit scores are not valid The third benefit of using private money lenders near me instead of bank loans is that you do not have to worry about your credit score! Whether your credit score has always been poor, or your credit score suddenly dropped due to applying for too many new lines of credit, you may find that your credit score is too low to qualify for the bank loan you need. When it comes to private money lenders, don't worry - they do not take your credit score into account! The only thing the private money lenders care about is the value of the property and the potential for renovation. Bonus: Consider reading our guide on boosting credit scores. Hope it will help out. Conclusion If you're considering using traditional bank loans for your real estate property, choose something else - private money lenders. Not only will this funding method help you get quick approval, get cash in your hand fast, and avoid using pre-requisites like credit scores, but you can immediately begin working on flipping or renovating the house to turn a profit! Read Also: No Credit Rating Check Lendings Online split Second Authorization