What Do Consumer Services Jobs Pay? A Detailed Salary Breakdown


09 September 2024

Job & Career

what do consumer services jobs pay 

Is consumer service jobs a good career path or not? , you have landed in the right place If you have the same question.

Firstly, consumer services are only one of the preferred areas where people try to start their careers. However, we must take a look at it and explore the opportunities that it has to offer. This particular sector has a lot to offer, which can help you achieve career growth while earning the utmost potential for a great future.

Consumer service jobs play a vital role in an excellent economy. It also helps provide all kinds of necessary services for individuals while providing significant support to most industries.

Besides, consumer services play a significant role in the overall GDP or gross domestic product. Moreover, employment opportunities for millions of people.

In this blog, we will discuss consumer services and what consumer services jobs pay. I will also provide examples of consumer service jobs that can help you grow in your career.

The concept of consumer service jobs

The concept of consumer service jobs

Consumer services are known for some activities designed to meet the personal needs of consumers. There are industries such as retail, hospitality, finance, education, telecommunications, etc., which are highly focused on consumer services.

Consumer services put their focus on providing better convenience as well as supporting all the daily activities. These experts use human resources, technology, and computers to assist all the customers.

The primary aim of all consumer services is to meet two things: the needs and expectations of the consumers. Various industries provide services that are beyond the customer’s abilities.

In the following few sections, I will discuss a few examples of consumer services industries along with the top 7 consumer services jobs.

Examples of consumer services industries

Examples of consumer services industries

The consumer services industries are vast in numbers. They include the services provided by various hotel companies, personal insurance, education, healthcare, recreation, catering, home maintenance, etc. Here, I have provided some of the examples:


Education is a service that provides help to students of all ages, backgrounds, and academic levels. The primary aim is straightforward: to meet learning needs.

Mainly, an educator prefers using many teaching methods like lectures, storytelling, and experiments, which help the students learn.

As a result, students can benefit a lot from education. They start to develop new talent, gain a lot of knowledge, improve their communication, and learn to think critically.

If you are looking for a consumer service job in the education sector, here are some examples:

  • School teacher: For elementary level
  • High school teacher
  • College professor 
  • Adjunct Professor

In the legal industry, consumer service includes helping anyone who needs legal assistance. The legal service providers typically help others by assisting in court. 

Moreover, this may include representing a person in court or helping an individual while dealing with police authority. In the following, I have listed a few legal services careers for great future opportunities:

  • Lawyer
  • Public defender
  • Police officer
  • Detective
  • Paralegal service providers 


Medical services comprise anything that is related to the healthcare sector. In general, the healthcare services are segregated into four parts:

  • Diagnosis and treatments
  • Disease prevention
  • Health promotion
  • Rehabilitation.

Doctors, nurses, and other healthcare providers are responsible for providing medical services to patients. The professionals who work in the healthcare industry are:

  • Pediatrician
  • Nurse
  • Emergency medical technician
  • Surgeon
  • General Physician
  • Psychiatrist


Information technology or IT falls under the consumer service jobs. As an expert in the technology industry, individuals may provide all kinds of technology-related resources.

The IT specialist mainly provides services such as developing, designing, maintaining, and supporting various web applications. Moreover, they work on different computer networks, help you troubleshoot systems, and install computer programs.

The technology services include:

  • Software developers
  • IT consultants
  • Network engineers
  • Technology service managers


Restaurants are known as the most common ground for consumer service jobs. Furthermore, this industry offers many services that ensure better loyalty and satisfaction.

The services mainly include food, drinks, and dining experiences. The primary aim of the service providers is to maintain a clean ambiance to increase customer engagement further.

In the following, I am going to provide some of the positions that are considered consumer jobs in the restaurant industry: 

  • Sous Chef
  • Sommelier
  • Chef de partie
  • Dining server
  • Executive chef 
  • Restaurant manager

Top 7 consumer service jobs and how much do they pay

Top 7 consumer service jobs and how much do they pay

Consumer service jobs seek great people skills. If you are good at that, then consumer service jobs are the one for you. As I have mentioned before, you will find consumer service jobs in almost every industry, such as healthcare, retail, etc.

The field has high-paying jobs with a lot of future opportunities. Moreover, as a consumer service provider, you will cater to customers and focus on improving customer satisfaction. Now, you might be wondering what consumer services jobs pay and how much they pay.

Here are some of the best roles you can pursue if you want a career in consumer services.


Firstly, as a receptionist, you will be the first contact person for the visitors and customers of your workplace.

Average salary: $47,431 per annum


  • Greeting all the guests in a polite and friendly manner
  • Providing guiding visitors to the right person or a department. 
  • Making schedules 
  • Keeping the records updated
  • Managing all kinds of administrative tasks 
  • Answering essential phone calls and connecting them to the correct department. 

Client service manager

Second, a client service manager provides services as the first contact for a business client. They focus on maintaining a good relationship with both existing and new clients.

Average salary: $69,411 per annum


  • Understanding the needs and expectations of consumers.
  • Providing better customers and guiding the clients 
  • Managing client relationship
  • Onboarding clients and collecting feedback.
  • Checking if the clients are satisfied with the services or not.

Front desk manager

A front desk manager is responsible for managing every front desk operation as well as staff at a business.

Average salary: $52,507 per annum 


  • Managing reservations and bookings
  • Coordinating with different departmental staff
  • Addressing customer complaints and managing them
  • Answering phone calls and emails. 
  • Making schedules for employees.

Help desk analyst

When you are working as a help desk analyst or a technical support representative, you become an essential part of the IT team of an organization.

Average salary: $48,771 per annum 


  • Providing technical assistance
  • Resolving all kinds of system-related issues
  • Addressing and resolving technical issues over emails and phone calls
  • Performing maintenance for the back end.

Flight attendant

As a flight attendant, your primary focus will be to ensure the safety and comfort of all the passengers while traveling by air.

Average salary: $39,448 per annum


  • Greeting all the airline passengers during boarding
  • Performing a proper safety check to ensure passengers’ safe journey
  • Keeping the passengers educated about the emergency and safety protocols
  • Helping all the passengers find their designated seats
  • Addressing customer queries and resolving issues 

Even planner

The event planner job role falls under the hospitality industry. As an event planner, you are supposed to execute events like corporate parties, events, weddings, etc.

Average salary: $47,052 per annum


  • Understanding the needs and wants of clients
  • Finding suitable venues and booking places.
  • Keeping a good partnership with vendors to organize events.
  • Managing both budgets and timelines. 

Patient Coordinator

Lastly, the patient coordinators are responsible for overseeing patient care and related services, communicating with patients, managing patient appointments, and lastly, ensuring proper care.

Average salary: $50,000


  • Making schedules for patients based on the availability of doctors
  • Handling the process of insurance verification
  • Addressing patient queries during billing
  • Managing patient records.

Wrapping it up!

In conclusion, the blog has explored different kinds of high-paying customer service jobs. From the client service desk to the patient service coordinator, we discussed each role along with the average salary for each role.

This blog will help you stay informed about consumer service jobs and what consumer services jobs pay. If you want to learn more about consumer service roles, please let us know in the comment section. 

Happy job hunting!

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Deepanwita is a seasoned practitioner of ‘jumping the ship’. She started out her journey with literature and now holds a double graduation degree, one of which is in psychology. As a result, she is now using this skill to help confused job seekers to pick a direction. Given her academic background, her writing is laden with analytical analogies and deep research. As one of Content Rally’s most regular contributors, readers can find a sense of confidence in her writing.

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legal and compliance jobs in Malta

What you need to know about legal and compliance jobs in Malta

How does a firm keep track of the desired implementation of its rules, policies, standards operating procedures, and regulations? How will it know if it is adhering to the regulatory and legal requirements that are mandatory for the continued running of operations? Individuals with legal and compliance jobs are the ones that assure that these organization matters are in order to avoid responsive actions from regulatory authorities plus ensuring that company policies are well adhered to. Legal and compliance jobs in Malta are the toughest in organizations and require people that are not just thoroughly aware of all SOPs and policies of the firm, but also be updated with the latest requirements and laws for operating in the industry. Legal and compliance jobs in Malta are in demand since it is hard to come across a compliance officer, given its nature, which needs intensive training, in-depth knowledge in the industry, and proper certification as well as the market and law of the land. These jobs are very demanding and they involve so much responsibility, therefore, the population of compliance officers in any given company is very low. Smaller organizations can have just one compliance officer. The minimum academic requirement for landing the compliance job is a bachelor’s degree. Nevertheless, with continuous technology modernization and procedure advancements and techniques of running the business, many companies prefer employing candidates with a master’s degree. When it comes to field experience, the requirement of firms varies but it ranges in between five to ten years of working in the relevant industry. Legal and compliance jobs in Malta revolve around this office working hand in hand with the legal department of the firm to ensure that there is no violation of regulatory policies. The job includes locating flaws in procedures of operation of the firm and take points where the policy of the company has not been followed by departments or individual. These jobs involve reviewing databases, files, and records making sure that they are in the desired order and there is no missing paperwork. The main reason is that all records are crucial to the firm as incomplete ones make the task of a new recruit hard since they are not aware of past events of the firm. It is a must to have experience in this field, but individuals that are keen observers and can pick very slight irregularities in procedures are the ones that are for this job. Legal and compliance jobs in Malta are common. Individuals in these roles spend most of their time making sure that industry regulations are partly insured, which means that the insurance requirement terms on their loans or lease are met. These jobs also entail looking for the right insurance company and policy to ensure you. It may be hard at times to locate the right insurance for your client. Compliance issues usually plague many brokerage or insurance companies as there are moments when the broker or agent cannot just provide the right insurance levels and keep it affordable to the customer. It may be telling the tale of the chosen industry because if the insurance is hard to acquire, it means the risk is quite high. Vehicle owners are the ones that make legal and compliance jobs in Malta and around the world hard since insurance has to be on the vehicles at all times. The failure of presenting valid insurance when requested by law enforcing agents will lead you to deep issues and fines. It is crucial that when you are an operator or owner of the vehicle to have the required insurance for the vehicle. Additionally, if you are leasing the vehicle or having a lien or loan for the vehicle, you have rules of insurance to follow because they incorporate so much insurance to prevent loss when there is an accident or collision.  Read Also : 5 Of The Highest Paid Remote Jobs Go For A Better Legal Job In 2018! Hotel Jobs In NYC – Top Reasons To Explore This Opportunity

Personal branding

How Personal Branding Online Can Help Your Job Search

Every day, you see brands, you wear brands, you use brands, and you eat and drink brands. Business branding is everywhere. You are also a brand. Personal branding is especially useful when you’re job hunting or promoting yourself for other reasons. It’s up to you to craft your personal brand so that it conveys what you want it to convey. What is a personal brand? Your personal brand is the combination of factors that create an impression of you in the minds of other people. It’s your values, strengths, personality, passions, and all the other characteristics that people see in you. You don’t need a logo, and your resume is only a part of your personal brand. You are a complete package. When you develop your personal brand, you shape it to help your best qualities stand out. You can shape it differently for different purposes to show employers and others who you are. How a personal brand can help you How many times have you had what you thought was a successful job interview, knowing that you were fully qualified for the job – and you didn’t get it? It used to be that a good resume and a suitable personality were all you needed to get the job you wanted. These days, employers look further. When they research applicants online, they may find LinkedIn profiles, Facebook profiles, articles that you wrote, questionable photos, snide remarks on Twitter that you posted, and so on. In fact, almost 80 percent of recruiters are required to look into your online reputation to see if there are any red flags. Your personal brand helps you set yourself apart from others. Chances are that your competitors have already built their personal brands, making it easier for hiring managers to make decisions about them. One of them may have been hired for your dream job. A well-developed personal brand can also help you with these endeavors: Getting job promotions Having recruiters notice you Receiving recognition in your field Developing industry connections Attracting clients Strengthening your desirable qualities Reaching your goals more easily How to develop a personal brand First, identify the elements of your personal brand. You are a brand product, and you need to know how to describe it. You need to know what skills, strengths, talents, and experience you offer, what accomplishments show what you can do for others, and what are your core values and passions are. You need to be able to explain your goals and decide what you want to people to recognize you for. The answers to those questions form the unique package that is you. Once you’ve identified these traits, you need to package and publish them. There’s a bunch of different ways to go about this. LinkedIn is a key part of your personal brand. Prospective employers and clients will look for you and expect to see you there. Spend time writing a profile that shows off your personal brand. Review and update it regularly. Take part in LinkedIn discussions. Quality contributions will make people notice you and view your LinkedIn profile. Create profiles and take part in other social media platforms as well. Keep personal posts private so that professional connections see only posts that contribute to your personal brand. Applicants who have a personal website are more likely to be hired than those who don’t have one. Use your website to draw attention to your accomplishments, and keep it updated. If you write well, consider having a blog. A blog with industry-relevant articles can go a long way to building your credibility and attracting job offers. How to use your personal brand Now it’s time to create a resume that highlights the characteristics that form your personal brand. Use it to help employers understand your unique qualities that are relevant to their needs. Today’s resumes are more than lists of past jobs and responsibilities. Start your resume with a personal statement that describes your brand and what you offer of value to employers. Have a bulleted list near the top of the first page with accomplishments that illustrate your proficiency. Hand in hand with resume writing is researching target employers. Read their job ads carefully, and shape each resume to underscore the aspects of your personal brand that can best meet their challenges. Research jobs not only on large aggregate sites but also on local job boards. If you live in New York, for example, search the ads for jobs in your field at New York Jobs. You can also post your resume online. Choose a version that will appeal to the majority of employers you’re targeting. Let recruiters and your personal contacts know that you’re looking for a new position. When they understand your personal brand, they’re better able to recognize potential job matches. Networking groups may also help you find the right connection. Continue to take part online, monitor your social media presence, and write in your blog if you have one. Hiring managers and recruiters could be searching for you online at any time. Continue to connect with more people online. Past colleagues and supervisors, college alumni, people in your networking groups, and other people in your field can be valuable connections. Help them when you can, and they’ll want to help you. Read also: How is Social Media Playing A Role In Career Building?

Veterinary Science Degree

A Complete Overview Of Veterinary Science Degree

Veterinary science is a component of medicine, also known as veterinary medicine, that deals with the health and well-being of animals. This medical specialty is primarily concerned with the prevention, control, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases affecting the health of animals of different species. The professionals of the veterinary science department are called veterinarians. Veterinarians ensure the good health of animals by supplying safe food to monitor and maintain the health of food-producing animals. Thus, a veterinary medicine program helps individuals learn veterinary science through well-structured courses. There are around 450 veterinary degree programs available across the globe. The basic science veterinary course offered by accreditated Caribbean vet schools provides the students with an opportunity to develop in-depth foundational knowledge. During the first few semesters, aspiring students are subjected to intensive classroom learning in the form of a basic science course that caters to a better theoretical understanding of the subject. However, in the later years of the veterinary medicine program, the students undergo clinical training, and this is when they can understand the importance of gaining theoretical understanding beforehand. If you love animals and get fascinated by the majestic creatures, then veterinary science will allow you to create a profession in the field. In this blog boost, we will look at the overview of the veterinary science degree. Programs available in veterinary science A veterinary science degree program is offered at various levels, including undergraduate, postgraduate, diploma, and doctoral courses. The aspiring students can choose a degree that best matches their future goals. Eligibility criteria  and admission process to enter the veterinary science program To apply for a veterinary science degree program, you are required to have pre-requisite coursework in subjects, including general biology, general chemistry, biochemistry, language arts(English), organic chemistry, and maths or computer science. If you fulfill the eligibility criteria, then below is the admission process for the veterinary medicine course. In order to apply for a veterinary medicine program, you will be required to follow the steps of the admission requirement, which may be different for different vet schools. However, in general, to apply for a veterinary science degree program, the students are required to complete the following steps: Complete the online admission form by filling in all the required details. Submit the application fees, if any. Produce the required documents, namely official transcripts, personal statement, resume, letter of recommendation, and English language proficiency certificate as TOEFL. Career scope and job opportunities of earning a veterinary science degree The scope of veterinary medicine is growing, and nearly all well-to-do families have a pet. Veterinary is not limited to looking after pets but also taking care of a wide species of animals. Earning a veterinary science degree can open doors for an array of career opportunities in veterinary fields. As a qualified student with a degree, you can take on the following job roles: Animal Anatomist Animal Surgeon Public Health Veterinarian Wildlife Veterinarian Veterinary Laboratory Diagnostician Veterinary Dentist Veterinarian(VET) Conclusion Studying veterinary science degree is challenging, but it is one of the rewarding and fulfilling careers. If you are passionate about ensuring the well-being of animals, then opt for a veterinary medicine program and learn to deal with all animal creatures with confidence. Take the first step towards your dream career by enrolling yourself in the veterinary medicine program now! Read Also: Is Medical/Dental Instruments A Good Career Path Is Medical Assistant A Good Career Path In 2021? What You Need to Know About Medical Malpractice How Big Is The Problem Of Medical Malpractice In Miami?