How to Write and Design an Article that Attracts to Your Business

Published on: 14 December 2015 Last Updated on: 24 February 2020
Business| Content Rally

For some people not introduced into content marketing can cost them visualize how to write an article for a corporate blog or a personal blog, you can achieve persuade and attract new customers for a business. The truth is that we can do before you start to analyze some keys do have to pay attention to two important preconceptions:

1- Such articles are not only written but also designed the visual part will be crucial to a potential new client you can do go through the whole cycle/sales funnel.

2- If we pay close attention to these practices we will be well aligned with the latest trends in digital marketing:

– Google has increasingly given more and more important to the content after the last update to its search algorithm, you can review it in the article: “The most important previous notions for search engine optimization”

– You’ll get more engagement with the new batch of digital consumers, “What is a prosumer? Why is it important to be your business thrive?

Our mission for these articles is that your potential customer goes through all this funnel since it realizes it has a need to generate a sale (it is very interesting to see what before was considered as marketing has changed now).

Read More: How To Ensure You Have The Perfect English To Enhance Your Blog


The keys are:

1- Locate the subject carefully finding the meeting point between what solves your product or service and looking at your potential customer’s internet: here’s an essential task because you can find totally ineffective situations:

– Write about a topic related to your product that no one searches the network

– Write about something that people look but it costs relate to your product. If the link does not look natural, users will not make this leap for you

2- layout very well to the article: Article should be attractive at first glance and easy to navigate it. For this I recommend the following:

– Insert images and videos to be

– Short paragraphs, indents and bold to introduce the user to scan it easier

3- Take time to find a memorable title: this I know it’s difficult but try to comply with all this: to generate interest, short, with a clear message and that goes in line with what is sought in the network and thus solves your product or service.

4- eye with the first part of the article: we all know that your final intention is to attract customers but if you’re going to live very simply be a publicity article and more users will input. Focus on the user’s need which is why visiting your text, if you do not you will be disappointed and will never trust you. Once resolved there’s your opportunity to present the part that interests you.

5- Put dedication in search engine positioning of publication (SEO): Belief me when I say that the best thing that can happen is that your article out the first Google when users seek to solve a particular issue. That is an open tap into your website. To do this wisely use keywords, the URL is friendly, uses tags and get some relevant links pointing to your post.

6- Do not distract the user !: try to be careful not to introduce links to other websites, if you put references, photos or videos that everything is within your website.

 7- well the end of the article with a call to action: When you have provided the information needed by the user searches for a way to call for action to be recorded in your database or give a sales page. It is more effective if you use some incentive like a gift (ebook, coupons ..) or a discount for new customers.

Once you have built this article only have to promote it to see the impact on the user and correctly measure if you can connect with potential customers optimally.

Read More:

  1. How To Write An Effective Resume That Get Noticed?
  2. How To Write An Effective Dissertation

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manage Anxiety

5 Surprisingly Simple Ways to Manage Anxiety at Work

Anxiety is a common factor that one gets due to various experiences in life. Work anxiety is anxiety that occurs in the workplace due to various workloads. Work anxiety can cause negative effects both on the employees and the organizations in various ways. Work anxiety can also cause some disorders. Work anxiety can hinder one’s performance at work, relationships with colleagues at work. 5 Surprisingly Simple Ways to Manage Anxiety at Work Here are 5 simple ways to manage anxiety at work: 1. Get away from the computer: In today’s world, most people sit in front of the computer in order to finish their daily works without even blinking their eyes and moving around. This can increase the level of anxiety in an individual at the workplace. To avoid this, one should set a timer to oneself to get up from the place and walk around at least once in half an hour. This can help in reducing the level of stress in an individual at the workplace. 2. Communicate with the people: Communication in the workplace is a very important factor that can help in reducing anxiety. There should be someone to express one’s feelings related to the workplace. Anxiety gets relieved when one speaks it out. There are chances of anxiety getting worsened due to confusion or mixed emotions. So it is very important to have communication with the colleagues around you. One can also try self-improvement courses like those offered by Landmark Forum (formerly, Landmark Montreal) and others. 3. Don’t overthink stressors: Sometimes, one can increase one’s anxiety by thinking about stressors. Some of the jobs can cause more stress for people. Thinking more about stressors can increase the level of anxiety. One should think or change their way of routine which causes stress. There is no help to oneself in thinking about stressors. 4. Create a balanced schedule: If one gives too much value to what happens in the workplace then it can cause a lot of anxiety. To enable us to live a great life at the workplace then the working environment must be good enough for that. One should find a balanced schedule by analyzing one’s responsibilities, schedule, and daily tasks and try to find some healthy balance. 5. Take a deep breath: When one feels that the stress level has increased in one’s life then just meditate for 3 minutes or just take a deep breath and evaluate within yourself throughout the day. Taking a deep breath is one of the other ways that can help in reducing stress levels. It sends some signals to the brain when the anxiety level is high. Anxiety is the factor that will be present at each and every point in one’s life. Anxiety can be considered as an unpleasant emotion. It can be considered as an opportunity to have career growth in one’s life. Improving one’s relationships, improving communication, asking for assistance in the workplace can help in reducing anxiety without any difficulty. Work anxiety in one’s daily life can never help in enjoying one’s profession. Just try fighting against anxiety and keep treating oneself with respect. Read also: Effects of Anxiety on Heart Disease 7 Ways to Reduce Test Anxiety

Small Business

Basic Small Business Tips for Noobs Who Want to Start a Venture in 2020

Running a small business is probably one of the best ways you can earn money. However, it’s no secret that it entails a few things. You can start by looking at the current trends in the market. Find out more about your target market and industry competitors. What products or services are currently available in your area today? How can you compete with the existing offers? Another thing you need to focus on as a small business owner is learning how to manage your revenue, profits, losses, and expenses. Understanding basic accounting can work wonders for your business. It will guide you in making crucial decisions such as setting your budget for your monthly expenses, purchasing new equipment or hiring additional staff While you can hire a professional from companies such as, it still pays to have enough background in accounting. Try enrolling in basic accounting classes. You can also use other resources such as blogs, vlogs, and webinars. Secure and manage your funds Aside from having an accounting background and solid market research, you must have enough starting capital. While ideas can indeed drive a small business forward, it is still important to have substantial funding in order to get things done. You should have funding equivalent to six months of your estimated cost of operation. This will provide you with a security blanket in case you don’t earn enough money during the first few months of your business. Once you receive your funds, your next priority is to ensure that you manage them correctly. Allocate money for various aspects of your business such as your employee’s salary, store rentals, utilities, and equipment. Don’t forget to stick with the budget you created. Prepare the necessary documents To ensure that your business adheres to the local laws and regulations, see to it that you submit all the required documents. Also, check the requirements for business permits and other necessary certifications. Ask the local authorities or refer to small business consultants if you're not sure how to process the documents. Say no to procrastination Establishing a business is a very serious matter. Don’t lose sight of the important things such as maintaining your momentum. Look for ways you can motivate yourself and your team to move forward. Also, never procrastinate! Schedule your tasks and see to it that you complete them on schedule. If you have a hard time completing tasks, don’t hesitate to ask for help from other members of your team. Thousands of business-minded individuals try their luck at building their own companies. Some of the common types of businesses you can find today include online retail shops, brick and mortar stores, service-based startups, digital marketing consultancies and software development firms. Whatever type of small business you want to start, see to it that you have a clear set of goals. Also, use the tips and tricks enumerated above. These are super helpful in creating a successful business. Make the necessary adjustment to fit the needs and goals of your dream business. Read Also: Cost-Effective Custom Mobile Accessories Packaging for your Small Business How to Empower Your Small Business through Digital Marketing? What Are the Alternatives for Small Business Startup Loans?

branding tips

5 Critical Branding Tips to Attract New Clients to Your Auto Parts Shop

Building a brand is hard work. You have to really understand your business, your market, and your customers. Then you have to learn all the new social media tricks while keeping your traditional customers happy. Thankfully, getting started doesn't have to be overwhelming. Here are 5 branding tips to help you establish your auto part shop's brand. Basic Branding Tips: Start here before checking out the actionable steps. Before making any branding decisions make sure you have a clear vision of who you are and what you do. We know, we know, it should be obvious that an auto body shop fixes cars right? The trick is conveying that in your branding strategy. Make sure you know exactly what image you want your brand to present. 1. Know Your Existing Brand: When most small businesses set out to build a brand they forget that they already have one. Your reputation with customers, suppliers, and the local community is the foundation of your branding efforts. Ask regulars what they like about the way you do things. Get people to join your mailing or emailing list with each purchase. This lets you find out what the community already thinks about you and shapes your branding efforts going forward. 2. Clarity Is Key: You can have the best, most viral campaign ever and it won't do you any good if people don't know what it's actually for. Make sure any move you make is clear on what your business is. That doesn't mean you need a broken car in every picture. Just be clear in any logos, names, and promotional materials what your business is and what it does. 3. Produce and Display Value: No matter what your business does you have to produce value. That's the only reason people will use your services. Be certain that a value approach drives your small business branding strategy. Don't just go for attention-grabbing techniques. Try to embody the core principles and benefit you bring to customers. Let them know why and how you'll work hard to help them with their problems. A great start would be explaining the long term benefits of high-quality parts. 4. Get Online: No one would accuse an auto parts shop of being a startup. That doesn't mean you can't use the newest customer engagement tools to your advantage. Create profiles for your shop on social media. Find a few hashtags that work for your business and use them strategically. Building a brand takes time and requires you to learn new techniques. Check out sites like for good examples. 5. Always be Scaling: A lot of people slow down once their brand is established. This is a mistake. Creating a brand is just the first step in your business' journey to prosperity. You need to make that brand work for you and your goals. Once you've built your brand image you're perfectly placed to scale. Add in new programs that leverage your existing customer base and brand recognition, such as: Referral programs Giveaways Local sponsorships Email list marketing You want to seamlessly combine old school local business practices with the wonders of modern media. Don't Be Afraid to Try: Establishing a brand from nothing is nerve-wracking. As long as you follow the best branding tips available it can be easier than you think. For more useful branding and small business tips, check out our other articles here. Read Also: 5 Tools That Can Help You Get Your Business Organized How We Could Be Able To Get Benefits From The Outdoor Marketing 4 Simple And Cheap Methods To Attract More Customers For Your Small Business