How to Write and Design an Article that Attracts to Your Business

Published on: 14 December 2015 Last Updated on: 24 February 2020
Business| Content Rally

For some people not introduced into content marketing can cost them visualize how to write an article for a corporate blog or a personal blog, you can achieve persuade and attract new customers for a business. The truth is that we can do before you start to analyze some keys do have to pay attention to two important preconceptions:

1- Such articles are not only written but also designed the visual part will be crucial to a potential new client you can do go through the whole cycle/sales funnel.

2- If we pay close attention to these practices we will be well aligned with the latest trends in digital marketing:

– Google has increasingly given more and more important to the content after the last update to its search algorithm, you can review it in the article: “The most important previous notions for search engine optimization”

– You’ll get more engagement with the new batch of digital consumers, “What is a prosumer? Why is it important to be your business thrive?

Our mission for these articles is that your potential customer goes through all this funnel since it realizes it has a need to generate a sale (it is very interesting to see what before was considered as marketing has changed now).

Read More: How To Ensure You Have The Perfect English To Enhance Your Blog


The keys are:

1- Locate the subject carefully finding the meeting point between what solves your product or service and looking at your potential customer’s internet: here’s an essential task because you can find totally ineffective situations:

– Write about a topic related to your product that no one searches the network

– Write about something that people look but it costs relate to your product. If the link does not look natural, users will not make this leap for you

2- layout very well to the article: Article should be attractive at first glance and easy to navigate it. For this I recommend the following:

– Insert images and videos to be

– Short paragraphs, indents and bold to introduce the user to scan it easier

3- Take time to find a memorable title: this I know it’s difficult but try to comply with all this: to generate interest, short, with a clear message and that goes in line with what is sought in the network and thus solves your product or service.

4- eye with the first part of the article: we all know that your final intention is to attract customers but if you’re going to live very simply be a publicity article and more users will input. Focus on the user’s need which is why visiting your text, if you do not you will be disappointed and will never trust you. Once resolved there’s your opportunity to present the part that interests you.

5- Put dedication in search engine positioning of publication (SEO): Belief me when I say that the best thing that can happen is that your article out the first Google when users seek to solve a particular issue. That is an open tap into your website. To do this wisely use keywords, the URL is friendly, uses tags and get some relevant links pointing to your post.

6- Do not distract the user !: try to be careful not to introduce links to other websites, if you put references, photos or videos that everything is within your website.

 7- well the end of the article with a call to action: When you have provided the information needed by the user searches for a way to call for action to be recorded in your database or give a sales page. It is more effective if you use some incentive like a gift (ebook, coupons ..) or a discount for new customers.

Once you have built this article only have to promote it to see the impact on the user and correctly measure if you can connect with potential customers optimally.

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  2. How To Write An Effective Dissertation

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Market a Small Business

How to Market a Small Business in a Big City

Big cities tend to have a highly competitive market base. As such, small businesses based in large cities like New York might find themselves at a loss when trying to develop a marketing strategy to engage a large audience with a relatively unknown brand. Market a Small Business in a large city like NYC requires a multi-faceted approach, and your plan should not merely emulate that of larger brands that may have much larger budgets. There are plenty of effective marketing strategies available for every budget. Working with a professional digital marketing agency will give you an excellent return on your investment if you have a limited budget. If your business is based in the Big Apple, you may want to consider having a New York digital marketing company help you perfect these strategies as they know how to serve the market best. 1. Research Conducting thorough and comprehensive market research services in Singapore should be the first step in your marketing campaign. The data you collect reveals vital information about your potential consumer base as well as your competitors. You can then use this information to tailor your marketing strategies to reach your audience best and stand out amongst the crowd. Here are some of the objectives that market research aims to achieve: Know Your Audience This involves general information about your target audience—their demographic information, location, what they do, what they like, how they act, etc. Identify Your Competitors Knowing who your competitors are is vital to building brand awareness. Knowing your competitors means knowing what products/services they sell, their marketing strategies, and what kind of audience they target. Spot Emerging Market Trends Stay up-to-date about your target consumer base’s latest developments and mold your marketing campaign to remain on-track with those developments. 2. Create Quality Content Content marketing is the strategic use of high-quality, relevant, and on-brand content like blogs, videos, or articles to market your brand or a product to a well-defined audience. Typical content marketing strategies include, but are not limited to: Social Media Content Marketing  This involves the consistent uploading of a relevant content on various social media platforms. This content can include images, videos, animations, stories, or even live customer service videos. Blogs  Blogs are one of the easiest and cheapest ways to produce content on the web. It is essential that your blogs are creative, engaging, and contain original copy, not plagiarized from other websites. They should be well-researched and tailored to the specific audience that your brand is targeting. Paid Advertisements Sponsored ads require financial investment, but they can be a great way to reach a broader audience and ensure that your brand remains visible and relevant on the web. Content marketing is an excellent way for small businesses to market their brand or product with a minimal investment. 3. Leverage SEO Search Engine Optimization(SEO) is another vital aspect to consider when developing your digital marketing strategy. SEO involves curating your website and its content to rank higher in a search page result. With more and more businesses developing a web presence, having good SEO scores should be high on your marketing strategy’s priority list. SEO isn’t always cost-prohibitive; the price for SEO implementation depends on who is setting it up and working on it. The initial investment can range from cheap to spendy, depending on what level of ranking you desire for your site. If you decide to do SEO yourself, start by researching relevant terms and keywords for your industry. You can then add internal links and secure backlinks (another facet of content marketing), produce quality, highly-legible copy, write blog posts with numbered lists, and add relevant keywords throughout your website. Properly implementing SEO will establish your site as an authority and drive more traffic directly to you. 4. Have a Strong Digital Presence When digital ads account for half of all ad spend, developing and maintaining a strong web presence is imperative for any serious small business. A robust online footprint includes both your business website as well as social media pages. It is a cost-effective way of building brand awareness in your target market base. Developing and maintaining a business website should always be one of the top priorities of your marketing campaign. Your site will serve as the primary representation for your brand on the internet, which is crucial in building consumer loyalty and brand reputation. For top-notch website creation, there are several options for you to consider. The first one is using CMS like WordPress. The second one is custom web development. For this, you can hire RoR developers, a UX/UI designer, and a project manager. Additionally, social media can serve as an excellent digital marketing tool to reach a broader or more specific target audience. Social media serves as the vehicle to transport your brand to the masses and increase its visibility. 5. Generate Leads When your marketing campaign loses its potency on a specific target audience, you’ll need to generate new leads that you can then use to either find a new audience or expand the one that you’re already targeting. Here are some ways to generate new leads: Optimizing Your Landing Page  Use landing page strategies like implementing Call-To-Actions and write compelling headlines to improve your website’s traffic and conversion rates. Lead Generation Software  As the name suggests, this software identifies and collects new leads from multiple sources. With the right software, you can generate quality leads that significantly boost your conversion rates and sales. Data Validation Software  This is similar to lead generation software, but instead of crawling the internet for leads, it validates the information you already have. It works in one of two ways; it can either complete a batch validation analysis of a lead data spreadsheet or live as an API on your site’s contact forms and checks the data’s accuracy in real-time as forms are submitted. This can save time and effort when pursuing new leads. Email Marketing  Email marketing remains one of the most cost-effective ways to generate brand awareness and boost sales. These include implementing newsletters, sign-me-up forms, or generating automated email ads for specific audiences. Budget As a Tool, Not a Barrier Small businesses should develop a very different marketing strategy than large corporations in a big city like NYC. Approaching marketing from a small business perspective is the best way to ensure the most effective use of limited budgets and resources. Your finances should never be a hindrance to achieving your marketing goals. With proper strategies and a bit of creativity, your marketing campaign can be just as impactful as your competitors'. Read Also: Optimize Your Small Business Revenue by Taking These Steps Basic Small Business Tips for Noobs Who Want to Start a Venture in 2020 How to Empower Your Small Business through Digital Marketing?

Call Center Industry

Top 4 Creative Team Building Ideas for a Call Center Industry This 2020

Call Center employees are into a most demanding job as they represent the human face of a specific brand or organization while delivering one of the best excellent customer services. Given the intense rhythm of a call center and sometimes isolated nature of an agent's work, team building in a call center industry is considered to be the most essential thing of motivating the employees, enhancing their sense of camaraderie, and sharing their learning driving their productivity. Given here are the five major ideas and strategies for bringing out the team spirit in a call center through team-building activity. 4 Creative Team Building Ideas for a Call Center Industry: 1. Role Play: Roleplay generally shows the customer service representatives that they could rely on their team members for advice and feedback, giving them an opportunity to ask questions about how they could handle calls in a better manner, allowing employees to walk away from the session with some tips that could apply while receiving calls. Have employees act out scripts one with a customer calling placing an order, and the other disgruntled customer who has not received an order yet. Have your employee being acted as a customer while the other as the customer representative and then switching their roles again. 2. Gamification: Gamification is one of the most popular trends in the call center industry posing a variety of benefits such as healthy competition, optimizing the training of all the call center employees, and employee motivation to succeed. Call center industry representatives would here compete with each other in order to reach specified goals like achieving first call resolution or signing into new accounts. Gamification is here likely being used to train and assess the agents in a fun yet meaningful way. Agents would share one of the best practices with their friends and employees while being motivated to achieve their best for every business activity they have been doing. 3. Hosting a holiday drive: During a holiday season have your employees work as a team to collect items for a charity drive. To begin collecting from toys and all the non-perishable foods in order to winter the clothing and blankets. So plan to donate to one or the other several households or to a non-profit organization. Call center to begin to be fulfilled, as they give the community back with the things they need, and continue to feel proud that they along with their fellow co-worker making a difference. Once the drive ends to reinforce the idea of working as a team in order to achieve the goals relating the ideas to provide one of the best services over the phone. 4. Shared Learning: Agents would continue to feel like a team where their ideas are heard and exchanged among the team members. And in addition to meeting the above best practices, call centers could here make a step further encouraging the employees to read books together in a book club format attending a webinar that is related to their business, or taking classes with the continuous post-activity decision on internal social networks exchanging ideas and take away. To conclude Call center organizations are typically a force behind the success of customer service and sales, so it does become critical enough to foster a team spirit through call center team building that would recognize the individual potential while establishing their common goals and best practices. Through the team building activities, the employee would here tend to feel more motivated enough to do their best while learning and meeting their professional goals. Read Also: Five Things Every Great Leader Should Know 7 Startup Essentials Entrepreneurs Should Know About 5 Steps To Accelerate The Growth Of Your Startup Why Your Business Needs Call Center Tracking How Business Leadership Plays An Important Role In Business Success?


The Need to Settle End of Tenancy Issues Before Leaving

Small businesses usually rent a small office space given the number of employees who need to work in the same place. If you decided to rent a small office in a popular commercial establishment, you could sign a lease for about a year. Once the contract is over, you can decide to continue it or not. After a year, if your business has already grown drastically, and you intend to hire more employees to join you, it does not make sense to stay in the same place. You need to find a bigger office where you can successfully conduct all your operations. Before you leave the current office, you need to deal with the end of tenancy issues. You don't want to have problems with the owner of the space and not get your deposit back. Read the contract: You need to go through the agreement again to determine what you need to do as your tenancy is about to end. You might have to inform the landlord a month or so in advance that you don't intend to continue your lease. There might also be other stipulations you need to be familiar with before you decide to pursue the next steps. Deal with repair issues: A part of the contract is to keep the place in good condition. Some contracts might have clauses about damage due to wear and tear, which is perfectly fine. However, there might be other severe damage that you need to repair before you leave. Otherwise, the landlord could charge the amount to your deposit, and you won’t get it back in full. Clean the office: If you intend to leave soon, you need to start looking for a new place at least three months in advance. You will then have enough time to ask your employees to pack their stuff and move to the new office. If they will be busy packing their things, you can’t expect them to deal with general cleaning too. Besides, they are also doing their regular job while moving. You need professional cleaners like the ones at to do the job. They will make sure that the place will look as good as new. When the landlord checks the site, it will feel like no one rented and used it. If you feel satisfied with the services provided by the cleaning company you choose, you can partner with them again when you move to your new office. Pay any outstanding bills: you won't leave, you need to settle all your bills. You might still have packing them to pay. Tell your employees to do the same if they borrowed something from nearby establishments. You don’t want to start in a new office elsewhere with issues still unresolved in your old office. Once you finish doing all these things, you will be ready for a fresh start. Keep in mind everything that you do when you leave the old office since you might go through the same process again in the future when your new lease expires. Read Also: Necessary Spaces To Include In Building Your Office Choosing Open Office Space Vs Cubicle Office Space