I’m On a Boat!: How to Throw a Boat Party the Lonely Island

Published on: 15 November 2018 Last Updated on: 24 February 2020
Boat Party

Get your towels ready, it’s about to go down!

A top-notch party can be the highlight of anyone’s year. And while it’s totally possible to have a killer party on land, you’ll be sure to wow your guests when you take this party offshore.

But it’s not as simple as changing the location of your shindig. In fact, there’s a lot of planning you should do if you’re considering throwing a boat party for the ages.

Grab your swim trunks and your flippie-floppies and dive in to find out what you have to do to throw a truly amazing party on a boat.

Pick a Theme:

Sure, you could go with a tried and true nautical theme when you’ve chosen a boat party, but why keep it simple? You should use this occasion to really spice up your party style and invite your friends to do the same.

If this is a party where a fun theme is acceptable, consider doing an 80’s prom night party. If your friends are fans of mysteries, give a Clue-themed party a shot. Invite your friends to dress in their best party clothes and let loose, have a good time.

Once you’ve selected a theme, follow the trends of all hipster weddings of today and chose a hashtag! This is a great way to build some buzz up around your party and to give your guests a collective way to share their photos of the event with each other.

Choose Your Colors:

You’ll really be able to wow your guests if you manage to color coordinate your party. Think about all of the little elements that add up on the boat you’ll be partying on and find a way to incorporate them into your theme.

Some great, hip color schemes are navy blue and gold, ultra-violet and white, peach and mint, and purple and green.

Once you’ve picked your colors, you can start to collect things that will go with them. Don’t forget things like napkins, pillows, and blankets!

Plan a Menu:

Planning a menu for a boat party can be tricky. You’ve already got so much on your plate, you’ll probably want to think about some kind of catering.

When you’re planning your boat party menu, keep it simple. You don’t want an overcomplicated dish to give you or your caterer a headache. Besides, sometimes simple finger foods are the most fun when you’ve got other fun things to do at a boat party!

Get Your Drink On:

Now that you’ve got your menu planned and your theme picked it, it’s time for the most fun part of the night: the drinks!

There’s nothing wrong with setting up a BYOB rule, especially if you’re already dishing out a fair chunk of change for your menu and other aspects of this boat party. But if you’re inclined to serve a little booze as well, here are a few ideas for you to choose from:

  • Jelly shots shaped like fish bowls
  • Blueberry-limoncello punch
  • Watermelon Daiquiri
  • Dark and Stormy
  • Paloma
  • Mojito

No matter what you decide to serve for your party, remind your guests to drink responsibly. You aren’t trying to be a buzzkill, you’re trying to keep everyone safe!


You might think that a beautiful sea backdrop is enough to make your boat party a beautiful success, but there’s a lot more you can do to make your setting pop!

Keep your color scheme in mind while you’re picking out your decorations. Put up colorful flags, layout pillows and blankets, and don’t forget the minor details! They’re what make the get together special and stand out in your guest’s minds.

If you’re feeling extra adventurous, try making some of your own decorations by hand! A beautifully hand-lettered sign and handmade pennants that reflect the theme and color scheme of your party will be sure to wow your guests.

Plan Your Guest List:

Here’s the fun part: deciding who you want to invite to your party. It’s not just as simple as putting a few names on a list and hoping for the best. If you want your boat party to go off without a hitch, you’re going to want to take a few precautions before you decide who’s invited.

First of all, is this a work thing or a friends thing? Because if you have a few rowdy friends, you might not want to introduce them to your boss unless you’re absolutely sure your boss is comfortable with seeing the shenanigans that happen after a few too many mojitos.

It’s also a good idea to take a good look at your friends’ list and see what the relationships between the others are. The last thing you want is a dramatic showdown starring spurned lovers or jealous ex-friends in the middle of your boat party. It’s supposed to be a laid-back and relaxed day!

Whether the Weather is Fine:

It’s also a solid idea to have a plan in case the weather turns nasty. Consider getting in touch with a local restaurant or coffee shop to be your backup just in case the weather turns foul.

It’s also important to remember that not everyone on your boat will be comfortable being on the water. Have a quiet area where nervous guests can go if the waves get choppy!

Be Safe:

It might not seem to be very representative of The Lonely Island to have a whole section here about safety, but it’s important nonetheless!

It should go without saying that you need to obey all safety laws and make sure common sense prevails over everything else. Sure, boats offer a sense of fun and a relaxed atmosphere, but there’s a very real danger of drowning or injury if something were to go wrong.

Make sure your guests know where the life vests are and have a brief chat before the festivities really kick off about some of the safety measures they should follow if need be. You can view here some tips for new boat owners if you’re not sure what to look out for.

The Boat Party of the Century:

Do you have your nautical themed pashmina afghan ready? Because it’s time to get out there and host your own boat party that The Lonely Island would want an invite to. All you’ve got to do is do a little pre-planning in order to get sailing today.

Are you looking for more fun party plannings tips? Check out this post about making birthday parties pop!

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Wedding Registry

One List, Two Celebrations: How To Combine Your Wedding Registry And Housewarming Gifts

Congratulations on your engagement! As a soon-to-be-wed couple, who's also ready to step into their new home, here's a revolutionary idea that might save you time, energy, and maybe even a few gray hairs. While you're in the midst of wedding planning - a crucial step right now is creating your wedding registry. So instead of having separate registries for your new house and the wedding celebration, simplify the process by combining them into a single list. This way, guests can easily navigate your gift preferences based on what you two value - for your personal sanctuary or starting a new chapter as partners - and enable you to craft a meaningful gift list with both everyday essentials and big-ticket items that you'd otherwise save for: be it a honeymoon fund or a piece of furniture. (Yes, your wedding guests are totally happy to finance your honeymoon.) This is actually the best way to utilize your gift list to its full potential. You can simply convey this new concept to your family and friends about how merging the wedding registry and housewarming gift list into one master wish list can eliminate the need for multiple gifts for each milestone celebration. And non-wedding or non-housewarming items can also be added to your wish list, narrowing the search and easing the entire shopping process while giving guests plenty of gifting options. Let your guests know what you need for your not-perfect but meaningful living using a wedding website where you can include all the details for the big day and a link to your gift list or by sharing a customized URL on your wedding or bridal shower invites. To ensure that items don't run out before the big day celebrations, or to help direct your guests to one convenient spot for cash funds, donations, or experiential gifts apart from what you add to the wish list, opt for a universal registry service, like MyRegistry. It's easier for your family to browse all the options, be notified in case of special store discounts, or track your presents before they reach you. So, get ready to learn some smart housewarming AND wedding registry tips and unique ways to approach the gift selection process, which can enhance the occasion(s) while keeping your loved ones happy. Let the merging begin! Tips to Combine Your Wedding Registry and Housewarming Gifts into One 1. The Ultimate List-Merge Planning the ultimate wedding or designing your dream home are important tasks that require you to be clear on your goals and desires. Start by creating a detailed and in-length gift list that may serve a dual purpose or transition from your wedding celebrations to serving your new abode. It can be based on how you wish to live your daily life, how you want to add functionality for the longer term, and your recipe for a perfectly furnished bedroom, living space, or kitchen - opt for items that reflect your personality. Another plus of a combined list is that guests can avoid gifting duplicate items or picking presents that may sit for too long in your closet without any use.  2. A ‘Note’ of Brilliance As we mentioned, the best way to inform your family is by including a fun and detailed note in your wedding invitations about your brilliant merging idea. Here's how it works - let them know about your registry service (preferably a universal one) and briefly explain the rationale. Assure them that by doing this, you're making the gift-giving process simpler for everyone involved and guaranteeing that their generosity will have a noticeable impact on your newlywed life. They'll appreciate your wit and consideration! 3. Tech-Savvy Consolidation Use a user-friendly digital platform to combine your wedding registry and housewarming list in one place and enhance the overall shopping experience for you and your loved ones. Look for platforms that allow you to create a customizable gift list smoothly and efficiently. Added features like easy-to-navigate, the ability to sync different store registries, partnerships with popular gift retailers, etc., can be convenient for couples to look after their needs and preferences. Make a single, appealing list with all necessary information, including descriptions, images, and direct purchase links. In this manner, your guests can easily browse and choose their gifts. 4. The Power of Flexibility Apart from being unique, your gift should feature a range of budgets, so it's best to add small and big-ticket items. Some people may be conservative with their gift preferences, while others wish to splurge. So the best way is to make your list accessible to all budgets and items - including memorable experiential gifts. Think honeymoon funds, kitchen remodel, charitable donations to your preferred cause, on an all-inclusive registry service - the options for a combined gift list are endless! 5. Beyond Tangible Treasures As mentioned above, gifts needn't be limited to physical items. Think outside the box, and include experiences or contributions to more significant projects or experiences in your wedding registry. A travel fund is a gift that you'll absolutely use, and it can easily be combined with other house essentials in your combined list. This way, your guests can give you a once-in-a-lifetime honeymoon experience or even support a once-in-a-lifetime travel fund. Give your family & friends the option to contribute to your travels and become part of something big - which can build into a wild adventure, life-long memories, and a fun story for the future. 6. A Heartfelt ‘Thank You Note Gratitude never goes out of style! Once the celebrations wind down and the excitement settles, it's time to express your genuine enthusiasm and gratitude for their support. Send your guests unique thank-you cards to show appreciation for their generous contributions and to let them know how their gifts have upgraded your life - share some funny anecdotes too! This way, they’ll feel good about their contribution, and your relationship with them will grow stronger. End Note Merging your wedding registry and housewarming gift list into one is almost a stroke of brilliance. You can make the gift-giving process easier for your loved ones and ensure that each gift aligns with your passions and goals. Enjoy your double-celebrations as you unwrap each precious item, knowing how it reminds you of the love and affection surrounding you. Cheers on starting a new, magical life together! Read Also: Tips for Having a Weed-Friendly Wedding 10 Smart Strategies for Unique Wedding Photos Popular Styles For Punjabi Salwar Suits At Weddings

Shower Cabin

Best Ways to Maintain a Shower Cabin

If you own a modern shower cabin, as opposed to a traditionally tiled shower enclosure, then the bad news is that you will still have to keep it clean.  The good news is that this is a whole lot easier than it is with old-fashioned shower enclosures, mainly due to the absence of tiling, which is just a time-consuming pain to clean.  What's more, if you go about it the right way, maintaining your shower cabin can take very little effort.  These tips can help. Wipe your feet (or put a towel down): Wandering around in bare feet can be very comfortable but it means your feet can get very dirty, very quickly, so you might want to think about cleaning off the surface grime before you step into the shower.  Alternatively, put a towel down on the shower floor and then just stick this in the wash after you've finished.  Either of these approaches will go a long way to keeping the floor of your shower cabin white and gleaming. Little and often is the way to go: Ideally, all shower users should end their shower by going around the enclosure with the showerhead in one hand and a brush in the other to get rid of surface dirt.  They should then use a microfiber cloth to remove the water.  Back in the real world, at least give the shower enclosure a quick once over to remove any residue from the products used or, as an absolute minimum, run the water over any visible deposits. Aim to give your shower a proper clean twice a week: Before you gasp in horror, this approach will actually save you time and effort over the long term.  We'll explain why as we go along.  As a minimum, clean your shower enclosure once a week for hygiene and practicality (plus it can help to extend the life of your shower).  Here are some tips on how to keep your shower enclosure sparkling. Start with the showerhead: Fill a container with white vinegar and leave your shower head to soak in it while you clean your shower.  If you do this at least every other time you clean your shower (assuming you clean it twice a week), then a short soak will be just fine. Remove suds promptly: It may seem like foam disappears all by itself if you just leave it but actually what happens is that the liquid content evaporates but the chemicals generally stay put, along with the dead skin cells and hair carried off your body in the foam.  The advantage of rinsing your shower after each use is that this will catch everything when it's at its easiest to remove.  After this, a 50/50 mix of vinegar and water will probably do the trick, especially if you use it a couple of times a week as we suggest.  If you do let the dirt in your shower cabin build-up to the point where you have to resort to a commercial cleaner, then make sure to use a non-abrasive one. Vinegar and water is the perfect cleaner for reflective surfaces: That same mixture of vinegar and water will also do a great job on the glass in your shower enclosure (and if you have mirrored tiles it works on them too).  The key here is to get all the liquid off afterward to avoid streaks so a microfiber cloth is a good investment.  Again, if you opt for commercial cleaners, make sure they're non-abrasive. Give your shower cabin doors plenty of love: Doors aren't just glass panels, they have handles, hinges/rollers, and seals as well, plus they open and close.  Handles are easily dealt with; your vinegar/water mix will keep them looking shiny.  Hinges/rollers don't typically need to be cleaned, but you could take the opportunity to give them a touch of lubricant to keep them moving freely.  The seals on the door, however, are places where dirt can easily accumulate, especially the one at the bottom of the door.  Use a stiff brush to get it off. Keep an eye out for mildew: One of the huge benefits of shower cabins and compared to traditional shower enclosures is that they are practically immune to mildew and mold due to the absence of both tiling and shower curtains, which are the main places it usually takes hold.  The only place mildew and mold could potentially attack a shower cabin is in the seams and you can avoid this by using proper sanitary silicone when you assemble the shower.  If, however, you have used ordinary silicone to assemble the shower, there is a small possibility that you may get some slight mildew or mold.  Ideally, you should take this as a sign that you should rebuild your shower using the right silicone, but realistically a simpler approach would be to apply that vinegar and water mixture using an old toothbrush and if that isn’t enough change to bleach and water and do the job again, very carefully and preferably wear gloves. Pamper your plumbing: If you live in a hard-water area then fitting a water softener to your shower can be a very good idea.  Even if you don’t (or you have fitted a water softener), taking care of your shower plumbing is still a good idea and it’s so easy, there’s really no reason not to.  As your first line of defense, put a protector over your drainage hole to trap hairs and such like.  Then pour some baking soda down the hole every time you clean your shower if you like add some vinegar or lemon juice.  If you start to notice a blockage (the water draining away slowly), then an old trick is to grind up some eggshells and put them down.  They are gentle scourers and will often do the trick cheaply and naturally.  If all else fails, then look for a good chemical cleaner.   Read More:  1. Mirror Decorating Ideas To Style Your Bathroom. 2. Home Hacks: Stuff You Can Clean in One Hour or Less.    


What Are The Key Features Of Addiction?

When a drug, activity, or behavior becomes the primary focus of an individual's life, it causes physical, mental, or social harm to themselves or others; this is called addictive behavior. Anything may cause a person to become addicted or reliant on it. There are different types of addictions, but a few specific symptoms are typically present for all kinds of addictions. So, how can you tell whether someone has gotten addicted? Continue reading to discover the most common key features that you or someone you care about is on the approach of becoming addicted. 1. Eliminating social and leisure activities Substance abuse can make some people drop out of their activities. An internet junkie, for example, may decide not to go camping if they know they won't have access to the internet while they're there. In the same way, an alcoholic may avoid extended journeys where they know they will not have access to alcohol. 2. Dangerous conduct Addicts may engage in hazardous conduct to obtain their substance of choice, such as exchanging sex for drugs or money or even stealing to satisfy an addiction. Drug users, on the other side, may participate in dangerous behaviors such as irresponsible driving. 3. Relationship conflicts Due to their concealment, addicts frequently have interpersonal problems, which can lead to distrust difficulties. Armed conflict and emotional abuse are common when a relationship degrades. 4. Dependency on resolving problems An addict frequently believes that they can't deal with their issues without their drug of choice, so they misuse it as a kind of self-medication. 5. Obsessiveness An addict may spend more time and energy thinking about obtaining more of their substance or even using it in new ways. 6. Secrecy and Opacity Many addicts use their drugs on their own, with or without the knowledge of others. When confronted with their behavior, they either refuse to admit or deny that there is a problem. 7. Having legal issues Addicts may face legal issues due to the dangers they incur when they use due to poor judgment. Alternatively, people may breach the law to get their preferred medication. 8. The individual is unable to quit using the drug In many cases, such as with alcohol or drug addiction, a person has made a genuine attempt to break free from their addiction at least once but has failed. 9. Addiction persists despite health concerns Despite acquiring illnesses connected to the medication, the individual continues to use it. A person who is addicted to alcohol, for example, may continue to drink even after learning that they have liver disease. 10. Financial problems If the substance is expensive, the addicted person may sacrifice their budget for rent or food to maintain their constant supply of the drug they're into. In whichever angle you look at it, addiction negatively impacts one's career, dreams, goals, and life in general. The struggle doesn't only affect the addict but also their families, friends, loved ones, and even the community they live in. It's important to be knowledgeable and identify signs of addiction so it can be prevented or cured at the early stages. It might be a painful experience for both sides, but it's the best choice for the benefit of everyone. Read Also: Famous Alcoholics and the Symptoms of Their Addiction When Someone You Love Has an Addiction: 5 Tips on How to Help an Addict