KF Documentary: Tips For Small Business To Learn From KFC’s Brand Turnaround

Published on: 31 December 2020 Last Updated on: 03 June 2021
KFC documentary

It wasn’t that long ago that reports about KFC’s sales falling were drawing a rather dismal picture for the brand. And yet today, it’s standing strong as ever, proudly taking the title of the second most popular fast-food chain on the planet. Today in this KFC documentary, we will look into the strategies KFC used to regain its position.

The turnaround this brand managed to accomplish in a handful of years is rather miraculous in the world of business, and many can learn from its example. Some of the techniques used by KFC in its road back to the top can be adapted for small businesses that are working their way up their own niches.

KFC Documentary: Brand Revival

After KFC fall to the ground and fail to satisfy their customers with their product in 2013, they decided to connect with the customers on the emotional levels and started marketing business once again. This time they took the help of the digital platform to reach out wider bandwidth of audiences.

1. Make Advertisements Branded And Fun

Ads are annoying, and people skip them, right? Well, KFC managed to create a series of ads that people were really looking forward to watching. Each was an entertaining clip featuring ‘Colonel Sanders’ in some new interesting role. Colonel, the founder and greatest asset of KFC, is the embodiment of the brand today. On the contrary, the company is immortalizing him by turning him from a real-life showman and marketing genius into a fictional hero who has his own fan club. There are even books about his rise to the brand icon role now.


A small business will not be able to launch a multimillion campaign with fancy ads, but you can create a character that will give a personality to your brand. Choose something or someone that your target audience will be able to relate to. Your goal is to make your marketing seem less like self-promotion and more like a friend or idol offering advice.

2. Make Your Customer Feedback Count

One thing that KFC has always been focused on was delivering a top-quality customer experience. One of the main methods the brand uses to achieve that is directly asking for feedback and actually using it. All you need to do in order to share your opinion and be heard is to fill up the KFC survey. Have you ever done this yourself? Did it help improve the service or address any issue you had? Did you feel like you can contribute to the betterment of your favorite fast-food restaurant by taking that survey?

KFC customer feedback

Considering how smoothly the KFC customer service runs, the answers to those questions are most likely ‘yes’. And that is what a small business owner should learn from KFC. You need to establish a way for your customers to provide feedback (a customer satisfaction survey is a good start). Then, you need to pay attention to that feedback and follow up on it immediately. Today you can find or develop specialized solutions that will process this information to make this easier. That’s why the survey format is optimal for small companies that cannot hire a full-time call center service.

KFC Documentary: Final Thoughts

Of course, there was more to KFC’s triumph, like leveraging humor as well as extensive work in local market research and launching dozens of localized projects, like traditional menu changes. However, as a small business owner, you need to start with things that can bring tangible results right away.

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Call Center Industry

Top 4 Creative Team Building Ideas for a Call Center Industry This 2020

Call Center employees are into a most demanding job as they represent the human face of a specific brand or organization while delivering one of the best excellent customer services. Given the intense rhythm of a call center and sometimes isolated nature of an agent's work, team building in a call center industry is considered to be the most essential thing of motivating the employees, enhancing their sense of camaraderie, and sharing their learning driving their productivity. Given here are the five major ideas and strategies for bringing out the team spirit in a call center through team-building activity. 4 Creative Team Building Ideas for a Call Center Industry: 1. Role Play: Roleplay generally shows the customer service representatives that they could rely on their team members for advice and feedback, giving them an opportunity to ask questions about how they could handle calls in a better manner, allowing employees to walk away from the session with some tips that could apply while receiving calls. Have employees act out scripts one with a customer calling placing an order, and the other disgruntled customer who has not received an order yet. Have your employee being acted as a customer while the other as the customer representative and then switching their roles again. 2. Gamification: Gamification is one of the most popular trends in the call center industry posing a variety of benefits such as healthy competition, optimizing the training of all the call center employees, and employee motivation to succeed. Call center industry representatives would here compete with each other in order to reach specified goals like achieving first call resolution or signing into new accounts. Gamification is here likely being used to train and assess the agents in a fun yet meaningful way. Agents would share one of the best practices with their friends and employees while being motivated to achieve their best for every business activity they have been doing. 3. Hosting a holiday drive: During a holiday season have your employees work as a team to collect items for a charity drive. To begin collecting from toys and all the non-perishable foods in order to winter the clothing and blankets. So plan to donate to one or the other several households or to a non-profit organization. Call center to begin to be fulfilled, as they give the community back with the things they need, and continue to feel proud that they along with their fellow co-worker making a difference. Once the drive ends to reinforce the idea of working as a team in order to achieve the goals relating the ideas to provide one of the best services over the phone. 4. Shared Learning: Agents would continue to feel like a team where their ideas are heard and exchanged among the team members. And in addition to meeting the above best practices, call centers could here make a step further encouraging the employees to read books together in a book club format attending a webinar that is related to their business, or taking classes with the continuous post-activity decision on internal social networks exchanging ideas and take away. To conclude Call center organizations are typically a force behind the success of customer service and sales, so it does become critical enough to foster a team spirit through call center team building that would recognize the individual potential while establishing their common goals and best practices. Through the team building activities, the employee would here tend to feel more motivated enough to do their best while learning and meeting their professional goals. Read Also: Five Things Every Great Leader Should Know 7 Startup Essentials Entrepreneurs Should Know About 5 Steps To Accelerate The Growth Of Your Startup Why Your Business Needs Call Center Tracking How Business Leadership Plays An Important Role In Business Success?

branding tips

5 Critical Branding Tips to Attract New Clients to Your Auto Parts Shop

Building a brand is hard work. You have to really understand your business, your market, and your customers. Then you have to learn all the new social media tricks while keeping your traditional customers happy. Thankfully, getting started doesn't have to be overwhelming. Here are 5 branding tips to help you establish your auto part shop's brand. Basic Branding Tips: Start here before checking out the actionable steps. Before making any branding decisions make sure you have a clear vision of who you are and what you do. We know, we know, it should be obvious that an auto body shop fixes cars right? The trick is conveying that in your branding strategy. Make sure you know exactly what image you want your brand to present. 1. Know Your Existing Brand: When most small businesses set out to build a brand they forget that they already have one. Your reputation with customers, suppliers, and the local community is the foundation of your branding efforts. Ask regulars what they like about the way you do things. Get people to join your mailing or emailing list with each purchase. This lets you find out what the community already thinks about you and shapes your branding efforts going forward. 2. Clarity Is Key: You can have the best, most viral campaign ever and it won't do you any good if people don't know what it's actually for. Make sure any move you make is clear on what your business is. That doesn't mean you need a broken car in every picture. Just be clear in any logos, names, and promotional materials what your business is and what it does. 3. Produce and Display Value: No matter what your business does you have to produce value. That's the only reason people will use your services. Be certain that a value approach drives your small business branding strategy. Don't just go for attention-grabbing techniques. Try to embody the core principles and benefit you bring to customers. Let them know why and how you'll work hard to help them with their problems. A great start would be explaining the long term benefits of high-quality parts. 4. Get Online: No one would accuse an auto parts shop of being a startup. That doesn't mean you can't use the newest customer engagement tools to your advantage. Create profiles for your shop on social media. Find a few hashtags that work for your business and use them strategically. Building a brand takes time and requires you to learn new techniques. Check out sites like https://www.ultrex.com.au/brand/subaru/ for good examples. 5. Always be Scaling: A lot of people slow down once their brand is established. This is a mistake. Creating a brand is just the first step in your business' journey to prosperity. You need to make that brand work for you and your goals. Once you've built your brand image you're perfectly placed to scale. Add in new programs that leverage your existing customer base and brand recognition, such as: Referral programs Giveaways Local sponsorships Email list marketing You want to seamlessly combine old school local business practices with the wonders of modern media. Don't Be Afraid to Try: Establishing a brand from nothing is nerve-wracking. As long as you follow the best branding tips available it can be easier than you think. For more useful branding and small business tips, check out our other articles here. Read Also: 5 Tools That Can Help You Get Your Business Organized How We Could Be Able To Get Benefits From The Outdoor Marketing 4 Simple And Cheap Methods To Attract More Customers For Your Small Business

your small business

How to Boost Traffic to your Small Business

We read about new startups coming up with their services and products on the market almost every day. The story of most of the entrepreneurs is same; a team of hard-working people coupled up and managed to string some money to get off the strip to finally cruise in the field of business. Unfortunately, most of them have to close up shop for numerous reasons. Being an entrepreneur, one should be able to learn so many things, all at once. Failure teaches a lot, and there’s always a way out of the mess in every field I can imagine of. Some make it to the next level, which is; a small business: one that has steady growth and ensured revenues. Since a considerable number of people have moved on from the offline world to the digital arena, business firms have to evolve their marketing strategies as well. Failing to do so will only make your business get out of the market in the end. To create a hurdle for failure on your way, the most important thing today is to opt for some affordable digital marketing services. Affordable is necessary to cut the overall costs because initially, most startups do not have enough financial resources. What digital marketing does is that it attracts people towards the services that you have to offer to them. The four primary pillars that digital marketing works on are content, communication, community, and commerce. Let us circle around these pillars in brief. Content : To enhance your visibility to the public, you need to have a presence on the platforms that people use frequently. You must spend a little deal of your precious time and money in buying a website which can be used to reach out to the people. But to be able to generate some customers from there, you need to put some content over there to lure the masses. Content Marketing does not directly promote the business. If done correctly, it attracts the targeted audience, which can eventually drive to profitable customer action. Communication : As it is said; it takes two to tango. Although it does not precisely fit into the context, the rough meaning it carries here is that you must not focus only on speaking. Give the visitors a platform to respond to you as well. This can be achieved through adverts, personal communication with people who seem to be interested, and social media. With the application of email address at almost forum, there’s a very thin chance that people will not go through yours when they open up their account. Community : This again is customer engagement but in a slightly different way. Because of the presence of social media, businesses have the liberty to interact with their audience to understand their opinions about them. Visitors can help you improve your services to an all-new level. These platforms occasionally make changes to their policies as a whole, so you must go through them every single time they amend. If you don’t manage accordingly, well, get ready for the consequences then. Commerce : Regardless of where people choose to buy a product, it all starts with the internet today. A significant number of people search for a product online and read about it in different places to know about it as much as they can before paying for it. Digital marketing commerce meets the needs of consumers based on how they research and purchase. Review sites are the places where people spend most of their time to read about the products, and then is the online shopping stores. People use multiple applications on their smartphones to look out for the product description as well. Summing Up : Traffic is the backbone of every business, and that is why it needs to be taken care of, for better growth. Enterprises survive in the competitive market only when they have enough customers. Note that you must never compromise your quality for quantity. While there are a lot of things like SEO, SEM, PPC, this article was about what exactly can digital marketing do for your business to grow over the years. Smart and hard work must go hand in hand to reach the top of the business ladder. Read Also : Money Borrowers, A Profitable Business Building A Brand For Your Small Business Google Maps Marketing: Guides On How To Boost Brand Advantage Why Every Business Needs Digital Marketing