Things You Need To Know About Online Statistics Studies


30 September 2021


Online Statistics

Millions of students around the world take a few online classes or study thoroughly online. Looking at why and how far online education has come, it was just a matter of time before this eLearning platform gained the popularity it now enjoys.

If you are looking to pursue statistics, one of the decisions you will be required to make is to choose between studying online and sitting in a classroom. While you likely have studied in a classroom before and know what it entails, you might not be as familiar with online learning.

Here, learn five things you need to know about online statistics studies.

1. You Get Enough Support and Study Aids

1. You Get Enough Support and Study Aids

Most students erroneously assume that learning online is impersonal and that students lack the support they need to get through their courses; this is not necessarily true.

Most online learning institutions invest heavily in their platforms to ensure their students get the support they need from when they join to when they graduate. Most of the platforms you get today allow you to communicate pretty easily with your instructors. There are also numerous other studies aids available online to help you study. Visit this URL to see an excellent calculator for your statistics classes.

2. You Get More Flexibility

In-person classes require you to follow a standard schedule; this means having standard times for when you have to sit in class. However, this does not offer much flexibility as you then have to plan your life around your classes.

Online classes work oppositely. Once you register, you get your class lectures online. With this, you can choose to study at times that are most convenient for you.

3. They Are Cheaper

3. They Are Cheaper

Studying statistics online is more affordable compared to in-class learning.

Institutions that offer online education need little in terms of physical infrastructure. They are also able to have a lean staff. Ultimately, these translate to lower utility bills, staff salaries, and infrastructural upkeep costs.

On the flip side, traditional learning institutions have both teaching and non-teaching staff to pay, multiple campuses to manage, and so on. This means high overheads. Unfortunately, these costs are passed on to students in terms of higher tuition fees.

If you consider learning statistics online, you will be happy to know that it will cost you less than taking traditional classes.

4. Time Management Skills Will Be Critical

4. Time Management Skills Will Be Critical

As you may already know, an online statistics class comes with a lot of flexibility.

While this can be advantageous, it can also be your undoing if not handled correctly. If you opt for online statistics courses, time management will be critical. You will need to look at your schedule and plan how to attend your classes, revise, attend group work, do your assignments, and so on.

Because life has multiple competing needs for time, it is easy to find oneself neglecting their school work. But, unfortunately, this does nothing to ensure good performance.

Students who succeed with online learning exhibit good time management skills and the discipline to follow through with their study schedules.

5. All Online Statistics Courses Are Not Equal

All traditional learning institutions are not equal; neither are online courses.

Some institutions are recognized as leaders in specific disciplines and ranked higher than others. As you seek to take your studies online, be sure to research how good the statistics programs in your institution of choice are.

Ultimately, you want to pick a solid school to get your certifications. Not only does this give you a quality education, but it can also give you a better learning experience and an edge in the job market.

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Bean Bag Chairs

Reasons Put Bean Bag Chairs in Your Classroom

Teachers are always looking for ways to engage their students. They design interesting lesson plans, take students on fascinating field trips, and even create intricate reward programs. They work hard to make sure our children get the education they need and deserve. If you’re a teacher, first of all, thank you. Second, have you considered putting bean bag chairs in your classroom for even more student engagement? The best bean bags on the market are ideal for use with kids of all ages. Here are three reasons to put bean bag chairs in your classroom. They Look Inviting When students come into your classroom, they want to see that it’s going to be a comfortable place for them for the year. They expect to see desks and chairs, but they don’t expect to see several bean bag chairs in the corner of the room where they can sit quietly and read when they’re done with their work. If they see something that reminds them of home, especially younger children who might be apprehensive about going to school in the first place, they are more likely to let down their guard more quickly and feel like they belong. When you pick bean bag chairs for your classroom, consider bright, fun colors that will attract children right away. You want them to notice the bean bag chairs as soon as they come into the room so they can see that your classroom is a welcoming place to be. You only need a couple in the room, perhaps in a reading nook, to completely transform the room. Related Resource: Good Literacy is Good Literacy: Improving Reading and Writing They Can Be Used as Rewards Kids love having a special place to sit, especially if all the other kids have to sit in regular chairs. This is what makes using bean bag chairs in your classroom a special reward that kids can earn the privilege of sitting in. Believe it or not, this is a reward that even older kids will want to work for. Sitting in a bean bag chair while doing your schoolwork makes the time go by more quickly, so it will be a coveted prize for students in any grade. They Can Help With Sensory Issues Many students struggle with sitting still during the school day, especially if they have been diagnosed with ADHD or a sensory disorder. Bean bag chairs can help with both conditions. The “weightless” style of bean bag chair is designed to perfectly conform to a person’s body when they sit or lay on it, which provides gentle, comforting pressure against the body. This pressure is often enough to keep a child that has ADHD or sensory problems sitting still for a longer period of time than in a regular chair. Physical therapists have been using bean bag chairs as therapeutic tools for patients that have sensory disorders for many years. Teachers can tap into these healing properties by choosing bean bag chairs for their special needs students. Related Resource: Online Schools the Only Source for Personalized Education Conclusion These are just three of the most compelling reasons to add bean bag chairs to your classroom setup. No matter how you decide to use them, though, you can be sure your students will feel at home with this small added touch. Read Also: 3 Tips to Help You Perform Better at College 3 Tips For University Application Worldwide Things You Need To Know About Online Statistics Studies


Top 10 Punctuation Mistakes English Speakers Make In Emails

Punctuation is an area of language that is frequently overlooked by English speakers who focus on the choice of words, grammar rules, and different writing styles. It is, in fact, a method of silent intonation. Creating tension and internal movements within your text that are similar to stops, pauses, or emphatic techniques used in oral conversations. As reported by many users of our Punctuation Checker software, even native speakers find it difficult to properly use punctuation marks in all cases. Which frequently makes their email correspondence look less professional than desired. Here Are 10 Prime Punctuation Mistakes English Speakers Make In Emails: Below, are the 10 most widespread mistakes in this sphere that you can use as a reference for proofreading your texts and avoiding these confusing problems. 1. Quotation Marks One of the most popular punctuation mistakes made by English speakers in emails is the unnecessary use of quotation marks. They should only be used in situations when you actually quote something. Right:Wrong:As our client, Mark said, “This is the best customer service I have ever seen”.You can get the ‘best service in our city’ if you contact us now. 2. Missing Commas Missing commas are another widespread problem in email marketing. If you use long sentences (which we would not advise you to do in the first place), you must make sure that you use punctuation marks to divide them into logical fragments that are more ‘manageable’ to read. Right:Wrong:Black Friday ends, but our discount programs for long-term clients remain indefinitely.This product may seem excessively expensive at first glance yet it is worth the extra cost if you use it professionally. 3. Extraneous Apostrophes Many writers tend to place apostrophes in the places where they should not be used. This mistake comes from mixing their use for contractions versus their use to form the plural form of nouns or other similar constructions. Right:Wrong:You needn’t have done it.Until Friday, you can buy ten bottle’s for the price of five. 4. Excessive Commas Commas are usually used to separate multiple items within lists, series of adjectives, introductory phrases from the main sentence, or complete sentences. Unfortunately, the rules of punctuation in this sphere are extremely complex and somewhat contradictory, which frequently leads to the use of excessive punctuation marks by writers. Right:Wrong:Our newest product has received the highest ratings in a recent review from Agency A, and it is already available in our store.Our product is a fantastic, one-of-a-kind, electronic communication device. You May Also Check: 6 Creative Skills You Can Use During Your Essay Writing Process 5. Dashes and Hyphens Some writers use dash signs instead of hyphens, which may be deemed a punctuation mistake making your emails look unprofessional. Make sure to use hyphens and dash marks correctly! Right:Wrong:1. We offer high-quality electronics.2. Our clients prefer tablets – they are more portable than traditional PCs and laptops.1. We offer high–quality products and services.2. Consider our latest offerings from Oppo - their smartwatches are almost as good as their Apple counterparts. 6. Exclamation Marks While exclamation marks can be used to put emphasis on certain sentences or calls to action, they should be used sparingly. Right:Wrong:Our Christmas sale will continue until the 30th of December or until our last stored products are sold, whichever comes first. Make sure to place your order early!Our Christmas sale will only last one week! When our discounted items are gone, they are gone! Place your order now! 7. Colons Colons effectively serve as highlights within your text to signal some in-depth information clarifying the facts discussed earlier. The main ‘rule of thumb here is to never separate verbs from subjects and objects linked with them or nouns from the verb linked with them. Right:Wrong:We presently offer our subscription plans in three variants: standard, premium, and custom.The three subscription plans offered by us are standard, premium, and custom. 8. Parentheses and Brackets These punctuation marks are frequently used in email marketing. However, many English speakers make the mistake of putting exclamation points, question marks, and periods before parentheses and brackets. Right:Wrong:As soon as you receive your package (in a branded self-seal box), please, inform our manager about the successful delivery.As soon as you receive your package, (in a branded self-seal box), please, inform our manager about the successful delivery. 9. Semicolons Semicolons are usually used in cases when you join independent clauses within the same larger sentence without using conjunctions. When you use ‘and’ between the same parts, you should not use one, which is frequently forgotten by some English speakers. Right:Wrong:We recruited the best engineers to design our product in 2020, and this decision has proven to be one of the best strategic choices we have made so far.We recruited the best engineers to design our product in 2020, and this decision has proven to be one of the best strategic choices we have made so far. 10. Ellipsis Ellipsis marks are usually used to replace some omitted sentence fragments or create a pause in your speech. This gives your readers some space for thought or you can leave your sentence on a cliffhanger prompting them to read on. Unfortunately, many marketers overuse them and create unnecessary confusion and ‘trailing off’ effects as a result. Right:Wrong:You will not believe how many marketers make the mistake of...These marketing communication techniques are powerful but have a number of significant implications... We hope that this brief guide will help you improve your writing style and achieve the perfect readability of your texts. In the highly competitive world of today, the quality of your email correspondence may determine the attitude of your readers and make you look more reliable and competent than your rivals. If you have discovered multiple problems in applying the above-mentioned rules, you may want to check our other guides. You can also use our punctuation-checking software to be 100% certain about your writing style quality. Read Also: Online Services to Help StudentCover Letter Sample To Get A ResumeResearch Paper Help to Compose Great Pieces