What you need to know to win your slip & fall case

Published on: 29 August 2018 Last Updated on: 26 May 2021

First of all, we must define what is considered a slip & fall accident. Generally speaking, this is an accident where the individual is injured due to a fall on private or government property.

The fall can be caused due to slippery, rough surfaces or other threatening conditions. If you’d like to pursue a slip and fall case, then it’s best to talk with a professional personal injury attorney.


The injuries can be devastating for the human body and when the problem could have been solved by the responsible party, then you should be compensated for your troubles.

The compensation that you can receive in cases like this include:

  • Medical Bills
  • Lost Wages
  • Pain
  • Suffering

Accident Report:

 This is the official document that gives the description of the whole accident. One must always report their accident to the managing staff or the property’s owner. This way, you’re legally protected and eligible for compensation.

If you were not able to speak to the managing staff at the moment, then we recommend contacting your personal injury lawyer before taking any other steps.

You need to understand that this accident report will form part of the evidence when your case goes to trial. This is why you need a personal injury attorney that can help and influence the police to be as accurate as possible. The owner of the establishment will try his or her level best to keep damaging details out. If you wish to explore more on the topic, view website.


 In these cases, the liability solely rests on the property’s owner, because they must always ensure the safety of all passengers.

To win a case like this, you have to prove that the accident could have been avoided if the owner wasn’t negligent with his property. Owners of a property aren’t private individuals only, but also government or commercial institutes.

Slip and fall accidents fall under the Premises Liability category. It’s a legal theory, which states that the individual has the reasonable expectation that he won’t be injured upon entering another person’s property.

Evidence required to win a slip and fall case:

It all depends on the way that the accident has occurred. Some of the most important pieces of evidence that you must have included:

  1. Surveillance footage
  2. Pictures of injuries
  3. Medical record
  4. Accident Report
  5. Clothing
  6. Witnesses
  7. Photos of the dangerous conditions

This information will allow your attorney to start a solid case, which would result in a financial agreement to cover all losses.

What is Comparative Negligence?

“This is the factor that determines whether the fault is split between the defendant and the property’s owner” Philadelphia slip & fall lawyers reveal to us. If the defendant has a percentage of fault, then the amount will be reduced from the compensation. In some states, if the court determines that he has over 50% fault, then they are not eligible for any incentives.

What actions should I take after a slip & fall accident?

Very often these accidents leave the victims with great damage, which often costs a considerable amount of money. When this occurs, there are certain steps you can take to ensure that the other party is held responsible for their negligence and that you recover fully.

1. Define the causation of the accident 

It is of great importance to inspect the surrounding area to determine the cause of the accident. The evidence found during the check can be used within the case, showing the negligence of the other party.

2. Seek medical help 

Your health is the most important thing, so you need to seek medical attention as early as possible. Moreover, the medical records are serious evidence that will determine the severity of the accident.

3. Follow the legal procedures

This includes filing an accident report and notifying the property’s owner of the accident. You must be accurate with the given information and it is suggested to contact your attorney to ensure your legal rights.

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Wrongful Death

7 Most Common Types Of Wrongful Death Cases

In many jurisdictions, death by negligence is a criminal offense. If someone dies as a result of another person's negligence, the person responsible may be charged with a crime. Depending on the circumstances, this could be a misdemeanor or a felony. A wrongful death claim is a civil action brought by the surviving family members of a person who died due to the negligence or misconduct of another. In order to win a wrongful death case, the plaintiff must prove that the death was caused by the negligence or misconduct of the defendant and that the surviving family members have suffered damages as a result of the death. Seven Types Of Wrongful Death Cases: Wrongful death cases can arise from a wide variety of circumstances, but there are some that are more common than others. The following are 7 of the most common types of wrongful death cases: 1. Medical Malpractice Medical malpractice is one of the leading causes of wrongful death in the United States. This occurs when a doctor or other medical professional fails to provide the standard of care that a reasonable person would expect, and as a result, the patient dies. There are many different ways that medical malpractice can occur. It could be something as simple as a doctor failing to properly diagnose a patient, or it could be something more serious like a surgeon operating on the wrong body part. Whatever the case may be, if you have lost a loved one due to medical malpractice, you may be entitled to compensation. 2. Car Accidents Car accidents are unfortunately one of the most common types of wrongful death cases. This is because car accidents can often be very serious, and even fatal. If you have lost a loved one in a car accident, you may be wondering what your legal options are. When a car accident occurs, it is often the result of negligence on the part of one or more drivers. This negligence can be in the form of speeding, drunk driving, or simply not paying attention to the road. If a car accident results in the death of another person, the driver who caused the accident can be held liable for wrongful death. 3. Workplace accidents Workplace accidents are unfortunately quite common. They can range from minor injuries to major ones, and sometimes even death. These can occur in a variety of ways, but often involve some type of negligence on the part of the employer. For example, failing to provide a safe working environment, failing to properly train employees, or failing to take precautions to prevent accidents from happening. If an employee is killed as a result of this negligence, the family may be able to file a wrongful death lawsuit against the employer. 4. Product liability Product liability is one of the most common types of wrongful death cases. When a defective product or dangerous design causes the death of a consumer, the company that manufactured or sold the product can be held liable. In some cases, the company may have known about the dangers of the product but failed to warn consumers. In other cases, the design of the product may be so dangerous that the company should have known about the risks. 5. Slip and fall accidents Slip and fall accidents can occur anywhere there is a slippery or uneven surface. They can happen at home, at work, or in a public place. Slip and fall accidents can be caused by many different things, such as wet floors, loose carpeting, or even ice and snow. Slip and fall accidents can often be prevented by taking some simple precautions, such as wearing proper footwear, using caution when walking on slippery surfaces, and keeping floors clean and dry. 6. Pedestrian and bicycle accidents The number of pedestrian and bicycle accidents has increased significantly in recent years. These accidents are often caused by careless or distracted drivers who fail to yield the right of way to pedestrians or cyclists. Unfortunately, these accidents often result in serious injuries or death. If you have lost a loved one in a pedestrian or bicycle accident, you may be entitled to compensation for your losses. 7. Drunk driving accidents Drunk driving accidents are all too common. Every day, people die or are seriously injured in collisions caused by drivers who have been drinking. The consequences of these accidents are devastating, not only for the victims and their families but for the drunk driver as well. A drunk driving accident can ruin a person's life, and it is a tragedy that could have been prevented. Conclusion If you have lost a loved one due to the negligence of another, you may be entitled to compensation. An experienced wrongful death attorney can help you investigate your case and determine if you have a claim. Read Also: 5 Common Types Of Personal Injury Cases Top 10 Colorado Springs Personal Injury Attorneys How Much Compensation Can You Expect Run Accident Claims

e Role Of A Connecticut Motorcycle Accident Lawyer In Protecting Bikers’ Rights

Riding Towards Recovery: The Role Of A Connecticut Motorcycle Accident Lawyer In Protecting Bikers’ Rights

When seeking justice and protection on the roads, the expertise of a Connecticut motorcycle accident lawyer is invaluable. These legal professionals are not just advocates; they are dedicated defenders of bikers' rights, equipped to navigate the complex landscape of motorcycle accident claims. Their role becomes crucial, considering the heightened risks and prevalent biases motorcyclists face daily. Understanding The Risks Of Riding A Motorcycle Motorcycling carries inherent risks, not just due to the lack of physical barriers found in cars but also because of the subtle nuances of road sharing that many motorists overlook. Statistically, motorcyclists are 28 times more likely to die in a crash than passengers in cars. This staggering figure underscores the vulnerability of bikers, who are exposed to more significant dangers due to the open nature of their vehicles. In Connecticut alone, the rising number of motorcyclist fatalities, increasing annually, highlights an urgent need for protective measures and informed legal support. The Bias Against Bikers There's an undeniable bias against motorcyclists, rooted in longstanding stereotypes that paint them as reckless or law-defying. This prejudice can manifest not just socially but also legally, affecting the fairness of settlements and court rulings. A lawyer specializes in countering these biases, ensuring that the biker's story is heard and that their rights are comprehensively protected. They strive to dismantle the misconceptions, advocating for the recognition of motorcyclists' rights to the road and fair treatment in the legal system. Championing Biker Rights A motorcycle accident lawyer's primary role is to champion the biker's rights, ensuring they receive fair compensation and justice for their injuries or losses. They navigate the complex legal landscape, challenging any unjust biases and advocating for the biker's best interests. Their expertise is crucial in negotiating with insurance companies, litigating against negligent parties, and securing the most favorable outcomes for their clients. The Importance Of Legal Representation Navigating the aftermath of a motorcycle accident can be daunting, especially when facing insurance companies and legal proceedings. The legal representation a seasoned lawyer provides is invaluable, offering the strategic advantage needed to tackle the complexities of personal injury claims. They bring a deep understanding of the law, a commitment to justice, and a compassionate approach to each case, ensuring that the injured party's rights are at the forefront. Safety Advocacy And Prevention Beyond individual cases, motorcycle accident lawyers play a pivotal role in advocating for broader safety measures and preventive strategies. They work tirelessly to promote awareness, push for the enactment of stricter safety laws, and ensure that the roads are safer for every motorcyclist. Their efforts extend beyond the courtroom, contributing to a culture of safety and responsibility that benefits the entire community. Legal Expertise And Client Support The expertise of a motorcycle accident lawyer is essential for navigating the legal challenges post-accident. They provide comprehensive support to their clients, from the initial consultation to the resolution of the case, ensuring that each step is taken with the client's best interests in mind. Their specialized knowledge of motorcycle laws and personal injury claims enables them to offer the highest level of legal representation. Achieving Fair Outcomes The ultimate goal of engaging a motorcycle accident lawyer is to achieve a fair outcome for the client. This includes securing adequate compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and other related costs, as well as addressing non-economic damages like pain and suffering. The lawyer's negotiation skills and legal acumen are key in ensuring that justice is served and the client's future is protected. What To Consider When Looking For The Best Motorcycle Accident Lawyers When you meet with an accident, you must first get yourself treated for the best recovery. On the other hand, you must be highly observant of the developments. One of the most important steps that you have to take is hiring a bonafide motorcycle accident lawyer. However, this section discusses some of the steps you must consider when looking for the best motorcycle accident lawyers. They must come with Adequate Experience When considering the legal option, you must find a legal expert with experience. Experienced lawyers understand the legal complexities. They also read your circumstances. Based on this, they can provide you with the right advice. Look at your appointed lawyer's experience fighting similar cases! Previous experiences help them to prepare the case. Working On The Contingency Basis Some motorcycle accident lawyers do not charge a penny on a contingency basis. But they charge a percentage when they help you extract the right settlement amount. This is considered profitable. When you move on to hire a lawyer, you must look for the ones whose charges are based on the following model. It will put you in a convenient place. Good Communication  One of the virtues of the most successful lawyers is the right communication. A lawyer with the best communication always loves hearing from their client. This helps them prepare the case. Afterall, a good communication style helps the lawyer put the argument. The experienced lawyer understands when to settle the matter through the right communication. Success in court cases depends not only on the right resources but also on putting the case vehemently. Good communication becomes the key to attaining the right verdict. They Care About Your  Situation  The best author always tries to take care of their clients. They take responsibility of the entire case. It helps the client cope with the injury and stress. Quality lawyers patiently hear your situation. They also talk to the doctor to take note of the recovery journey. On the other hand, they gather input to prepare a strong case. Conclusion In a world where motorcyclists navigate a precarious balance of thrill and threat, the support of a motorcycle accident lawyer becomes not just beneficial but essential. Their role transcends mere legal representation; they are staunch advocates for motorcyclists' rights, dedicated to ensuring justice and fostering a safer environment for all riders. By understanding the risks, challenging the biases, and providing unwavering support, they uphold the principles of fairness and protection that are the cornerstones of our legal system. Additional: Steps To Follow After A Car Accident Steps to Filing a Car Accident Claim in Waukegan Philadelphia Residents: How A Car Accident Lawyer Can Help You?

How To Protect Yourself Legally During An Accident With A UPS Truck

How To Protect Yourself Legally During An Accident With A UPS Truck

Online shopping is the norm today and has led to a surge in UPS truck drivers on the road to cope with the increased demand for deliveries. This increase, while bene ficial in saving buyers the hassle of going to physical stores to shop, can also lead to an increase in road accidents. After all, UPS trucks can also be involved in such accidents, as is the case with all other vehicles. A UPS truck accident can lead to minor to critical injuries due to being a bigger vehicle. When this happens, you’ll need to be aware of what to do next as you explore your legal options and ensure you get compensated for damages, including your pain and suffering. That said, below are the things you need to do to ensure you're legally protected following a crash with a UPS truck. Top 5 Ways To Protect Yourself Legally During An Accident With A UPS Truck 1. Get Immediate Medical Attention Regardless of how minor your injuries may seem after a UPS truck accident, seeking medical attention should be your priority. Doing so is crucial even when you don't feel as though you're in pain, especially since some injuries like concussions don't show signs immediately and stay dormant for weeks or even months. By seeking medical attention, a medical professional can assess your condition, conduct the necessary tests, and prevent your injuries from becoming much more severe, ensuring your recovery. Aside from securing your health and well-being, getting a medical examination also provides a record of the full extent of your injuries. You can use this as evidence in court in your fight to seek adequate compensation for the damages you sustained from the accident. 2. Take Pictures And Videos Of The Accident Scene And Your Injuries One of the best ways to prove the UPS truck was responsible for an accident and increase your chances of winning your case is to take photos of the accident scene. You can do this yourself if you haven't suffered serious injuries. Alternatively, you can request a bystander to take the pictures. When taking the photos, capture different angles of the accident scene well. This can help get a better idea of the extent of damage resulting from the incident. Also, it’d be best to capture the license plates of the vehicles involved. Pictures are great evidence, especially when dealing with a big corporation such as UPS. This evidence can go a long way in establishing what happened and proving your claims that they’re responsible for the incident. In addition, you should also take pictures of any injury suffered following your crash with the UPS truck. This step is highly recommended since cuts, bruises, and other injuries fade and heal over time. As such, doing so can help provide a clear idea of how severe the injuries were to help determine your compensation. 3. Contact A Legal Professional UPS is a huge corporation with thousands of drivers spread parts in the United States. This company maintains files on all its drivers and records transport routes to maintain smooth operation. They also provide all drivers with internal training materials and safety programs. But despite all this, UPS truck accidents still happen. If you're a victim, you must contact a personal injury lawyer. With a legal professional's guidance, you'll know your legal rights. This is vital because UPS truck accident claim cases often get complicated, so you’ll need proper guidance as you navigate the complex process of pursuing a case. A legal professional is also better suited to examine the case to determine your deserved compensation. 4. Call The Police To File A Report Another way to legally protect yourself after an accident with a UPS truck is to contact the police. They can help you file a traffic accident report and put it all on record. The report should present a clear record of certain crucial details, such as: The accident's location Date and time of the accident Photos of the destroyed vehicle The weather conditions outline whether it was sunny, foggy, or rainy Other details explaining what might have led to the accident, such as failure to use the turn signal As you file for a report and work with your lawyer, ensure all the facts about the road accident, be it your injuries or damage to your car, are factual. This can help strengthen your case and your chances of successfully getting your compensation. 5. Collect Documentation And Evidence Supporting Your Compensation Claim Whether you sustained minor or life-threatening injuries following an accident involving a UPS truck, you’re likely to spend money on medical bills to nurse you back to good health. In most cases, this will be a huge financial burden, increasing the need to win your case against the responsible party and seek compensation. But to stand a chance of winning, make sure to have compelling evidence to support your claims. To start, you can compile copies of your medical bills and expenses. The medical bills you'll need to pay during your hospital visits may include the following: Physician visits Inpatient care expenses Physical therapy Medical prescriptions and devices Scans and x-rays Surgeries If there's a need for more medical care in the future, also include the documentation. You can consult your physician and do your research to get an overview of how much this future treatment will cost. Aside from medical bills, you could also prepare a summary and proof of other economic damages or tangible losses you sustained following the accident. This includes lost wages due to accident-related injuries and property damages. You can get an accredited auto repair facility to examine the extent of your car's damages. Wrapping It Up It's not anyone's wish to get involved in a road accident, more so with a delivery vehicle bigger than your car. But in the unfortunate event you get involved in an accident with a UPS truck, knowing your next steps can be beneficial. This guide has outlined insights you need to know to help you deal with such an incident. Hopefully, you can be guided as you navigate the legal process of getting the compensation you deserve. Read Also: Steps to Filing a Car Accident Claim in Waukegan Legal Ways to Determining Fault for an Arizona Truck Accident Filing A Personal Injury Lawsuit In South Carolina: Here Are 7 Things You Should Know