Why you Need to Research People Online Before a Date

Published on: 15 February 2020 Last Updated on: 22 February 2020
Online dating

With more and more people resorting to dating apps and sites to meet potential romantic partners, safety becomes an important factor. Online dating is an industry that has immensely grown over the past few years. While dating sites were frowned upon a few years ago, today they are the most common space to meet new people. There are a lot of options to choose from. You can find niche dating sites that cater to specific religions, hobbies or interests. Some apps work better for those who are on the look for a committed relationship.

Other options work best for people looking for a good time with no strings attached. If you are considering giving online dating a try, a good place to start is to decide which of them suits your needs best. A first recommendation is to always go to reputable sites.

Check out reviews and user comments before making a decision, as one of the first steps is to enter personal information. While most dating apps will gather general data on users and perform some security checks, tricking them is really easy.

Why do you need to Research People Online Before a Date?

So, after you swipe right, or agree to a first chat, what should you be on the look for? From the tone to the content of a conversation, first exchanges are really important. Take your time to know more about someone before committing to an actual first date. While during these first conversations people may want to highlight their best traits, they can be really useful in deciding if you really want to meet in person. Online dating has its dangers, and being cautious is the best way to stay safe. Red flags at this stage may include rudeness, racist or hateful comments, or any other situation that you may consider out of norm or that makes you feel unsafe.

Pre-relationship Checklist Ideas:



Creating a pre-relationship checklist is probably a good idea, and it may include things like:

  1. Are all your conversations civil and respectful?
  2. Are you on the same page on issues you consider important? (from political views to gender-related matters or whatever else is important to you).
  3. If you feel the other party is hiding something or not disclosing information, continue asking. If you don’t get the answers that you want, it’s probably better to move on.
  4. Never agree to meet in a place where you don’t feel safe. If you say you don’t feel safe and they continue to ask, it is probably not a good fit.
  5. Avoid disclosing delicate information. Never trust someone who asks for things such as your social security number or financial details.

If after considering these factors, you are still leaning towards a first date, a quick online search will offer a broader image. While we are not talking about online stalking, contrasting the information you already have to what’s freely available online is helpful. Remember that we all have a “digital fingerprint” and taking a look does not hurt. But be wary of going too far. More information on the pros and cons of googling your potential date can be found on google. One thing is to look for red flags and contradicting information but doesn’t become obsessed. In the end, the actual in-person meeting will be what can best help in order to determine if you are actually compatible.

During the actual date

Going on a date with someone you’ve never met is exciting but it can pose threats. If you have made up your mind and decide to go forward with a first date, remember that safety should always be a priority. Some tips to stay on the safe side may include:

  • Meet in a public place. Fleeing from an uncomfortable situation or asking for help if you feel in danger is easier if you are surrounded by more people.
  • If you are not feeling okay, don’t hesitate to leave. You are not obliged to stay when you know things will not work out.
  • Never hesitate to ask for help if you feel endangered in any way. Most bars and cafes have protocols to deal with someone who is feeling in danger during a first date.

An online search and the information available on apps and dating sites are definitely a useful start. But when you are considering whether or not to date (online dating) someone in the long run, always trust your gut.

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4 Health Problems CBD Can Help With

It is difficult to pick only 4 health problems CBD can help with as there are so many benefits of taking it. The CBD cannabinoids from the cannabis plant have supernatural powers that can help us relax, heal and feel great. The only thing you won’t get from it is the high feeling the THC cannabinoids in the plant give you. CBD is more commonly associated with feeling chilled out and well-being, and has many benefits alone is a pure form than smoking marijuana does. The most popular way to take CBD is in the form of oil. You only need a few drops under your tongue to reap the benefits of the oil, you can also get different flavors to make it tasty. For those who don’t like oil and are trying to give up smoking, CBD vapes are also available. Another option is gummy bear chewies, but it really depends on your own personal preference when it comes to the method of taking CBD. For other information about CBD and the best products around, you can visit trustworthy sources like Area 52. But for now, here are 4 health problems CBD can help… 1. Anxiety and depression Studies have proven CBD can help you relax and as a result help fight anxiety. Depression can also be reduced by taking a bit of CBD every day. CBD’s effect on the receptors in the brain produces antidepressant and anti-anxiety effects and therefore you will be less stressed after taking it. 2. High blood pressure Correlations between heart health and CBD have been proven, this then helps blood circulation and consequently, high blood pressure will drop. Although some have reported a big drop in blood pressure after CBD, so if you don't have low blood pressure, perhaps consult your doctor before using it. 3. Migraines and headaches The anti-inflammatory effects of CBD Miami work wonders for headaches and migraines, they ease the pain in your head. Sometimes it only takes a few drops to make you feel better and luckily you can carry your CBD around with you, therefore if you’re out and about and get a headache you can use some.  4. Backache and continuous pains Continuous aches and dull pains can be annoying and hard to deal with, luckily CBD can also provide some relief from your suffering. It’s an anti-inflammatory that will effectively prevent achy muscles if you take it straight after working out. It can be just as effective as an ice bath if you use it properly. Are there any negative side effects of CBD? Most people have a positive experience with CBD, but a few people have reported feelings of fatigue and drowsiness. Stop taking the CBD if you do end up feeling very tired, but sometimes it’s hard to tell if it is a reaction from the CBD as other outside factors can cause these feelings. If you are on any medication, it’s best to check with your doctor before mixing it with CBD. There are more than 4 problems CBD can help with, but we hope our top 4 have encouraged you to try out CBD as it could be beneficial for your health and wellbeing. Whether you go for oil, vape, or gummies, enjoy your choice. Read Also: CBD for Pets, Anxiety and Pain Management The Top Benefits of CBD Oil For Dogs Reasons to Buy CBD for Dogs with Appetite Loss And Skin Allergies The CBD Health Supplements Making People Feel Good Again

how to get your life together

How To Get Your Life Together – Step By Step Guide In 2024

Sometimes life becomes so hard and harsh. You forget to smile again and do not feel the same warmth. Life can be harsh and tough, but getting over all the negativity and starting to lead your life again is called surviving. The steps of how to get your life together are the most vital questions nowadays.  When you are starting to ask the questions about how life is going on to somebody. The chances of positive feedback are very less. Most of the common answers keep coming with many obligations and life problems.  If you see the last year, you are to see many people are suffering from multiple types of personal problems and they are trying to deal with the issues. If you are one of them and face many troubles and for your problems, you are starting to blame your luck, time, or the surroundings. But you can not find out the way to cope up with the problems. If you are facing challenges, then the easiest trick to cope with the problem is; to ask your inner self how to get your life together. Shattering the dreams is easy but recovering from the problems is a little bit challenging.  How To Get Your Life Together? - Best Guide The long path of life is never easy. The barriers and the hardels are all time present in everyone’s life. Leaving all the tough hurdles behind and taking the initiative to think about life again is the easiest way of getting your life together.  Getting all the parts together when it is already cracked in part is never easy to work. Here is the step by step guide about how to get your life together again. 1. Fix Small Goals And The Targets Fixing the big target and the goal is surely the most appreciating one. Setting the big goals is proof of where you want to get in your life. But when you want to answer how to get your life together. The situations are a little bit different than the usual target and the goals. If you want to get over the work-related frustrations and want to rebuild your life again, this way is the most effective way to sort out your life’s problems. The option is to try to segregate the targets and the goals. The short term goals are the primary footsteps towards progress. The midterm goals can analyze the time which is required to achieve the big target. Following the small footsteps is the smartest way to recover from all your setbacks. And make you more practical about your works and goals. 2. Getting Organized For any type of successful planning and schedules, getting organized is the most attractive step towards success. The organization helps you plan your next steps, loss of the files and the important information is almost impossible. Can you imagine how an organized thing can change human nature instantly? Suppose you are studying on an unorganized desk, but you keep reading but cannot remember the single words.  After one day, you start to collect all the trash from your study desk and organize your books, pens, notebooks, etc. And on the next day, you can remember the text after reading out the article a single time. When you are facing setbacks, your life is becoming like this unorganized desk. When you want to know how to get your life together, the easiest solution is just to keep everything neat, clean, and organized. 3. Cut Out The Negative Minded People  All of us are human beings and social creatures. The negative minded and the positive-minded people are part of our daily life. When you face so much pain in your life, the harsh word of the negative people sounds like a sharp knife. When you are interested to know how to get your life together. The easiest solution to getting over the negative phase of life is to keep the good things in your mind. The negative minded people are discouraging you at every moment. And their negative thoughts are never letting you feel free from the critical phase of life. 4. Do The Outdoor Physical Activity Do not lock yourself up. Enjoy the natural beauty of the surroundings. If you live in a crowded city, take some time and go to the nearest hiking trails and enjoy nature. Physical activity, especially jogging and walking, can make you fit and active and helps to keep your mind fresh. Getting your life together is never an easy way to let go with the flow. Making yourself unique is the key to getting over all the negative phases of life.  The morning meditation and the freehand exercise are very effective in keeping your mind fresh. It can free your mind from all the negativity of the surroundings. 5. Choose The Profession Along With Your Passion The difficulties can always happen, but you have to keep your pressure normal. The challenge of life is a never-ending process. How to get your life together is becoming easy when you are choosing the profession as per your passion and the hobby. The life difficulties are already making your life challenging and full of difficulties. And if you want to recover from your challenging timing. Then choosing the professions as per your passion is the easiest and the most effective solution on your part.  The passion is always keeping you fresh and light-headed. When you are choosing your passion as your profession, you are starting to make more time for yourself. 6. Accept Yourself The bad phases of life are making you think about how you are facing yourself in the mirror. How to get your life together is complicated first, you have to forgive yourselves. When you face setbacks, you start to blame yourself, and the setbacks are starting to cause more pain. The fault is making you more vulnerable, and you then start to become more hard and harsh on yourselves. Do not do it. First, forgive yourselves whatever the faults are happing in your life, then try to deal with the problem. 7. Enjoy Your Small Winnings The small steps of the goals are more associated with the small winnings. How to get your life together is the matter of enjoying the small winning over the small targets and the goals. When you are fixing small term goals for yourself from that moment, you start making the task easy for yourself. Then practice patting your back after the small winnings. The more you are encouraging yourself for the small winnings, you will start to feel more proud of yourself. And these feelings are leading you to feel more real. Bottom Line Accepting yourself is the most challenging part of human life. When you face setbacks and challenges, the first thing you have to do is just ignore the effects. And as soon as possible, you take the stand for your setbacks the decision making also becomes easy. The more you are facing life problems, the more you are getting strong to cope up with the issues. Every fall has two-phase in them, one is associated with the cause of the falls, and the other one is learning from your falls.  How to get your life together has easy solutions, but when you want to fight for your winning against all odds. Getting all the pieces together is a tough job, but it becomes an easy process if you are willing to solve all the personal issues with a calm mind. More Resources:- Unpredictable Valentine’s Day Gift to Surprise Your Lover When Someone You Love Has an Addiction: 5 Tips on How to Help an Addict Planning Your First Date: Here Is How You Can Blow Them Off Their Feet

Benefits of Meditation

Five Benefits of Meditation That Will Change Your Life

Meditating has been a life-changing experience for me in many, many ways. It’s my first best addiction, second best being the use of marijuana. For a long time, I used marijuana to treat my stress and depression because it is a psychoactive drug and it has the capability to cure our mental problems such as stress and depression to a significant degree if it is used in its raw form, read this article here. However, meditation has acted as a game-changer. I no longer roll a joint when I'm stressed, I sit in the designated corner of my room for fifteen minutes, and everything changes completely. The problems seem to disappear, and I encounter this wonderful peace which replaces the feeling of unsettlement. Let me briefly tell you about the few ways in which meditation can alter your whole life. 1. Instant Dose of Happiness: My first ever meditation practice was guided and my yoga instructor helped me with it. Before I even hit the point of feeling serene and in peace, I felt happiness. It was as if a dark cloud has left the sky and it’s sunny everywhere. But it wasn’t just something I felt; there is a medical explanation for this phenomenon. Our left prefrontal cortex is active whenever we are feeling happy. But when everything is going downhill, you can safely assume that this part of your brain is dormant. Meditation can make it active, and positive emotion can flow through your body by the simple act of mindfulness. It also aids with decreasing activity in the right prefrontal cortex which encourages negative thoughts and emotions. Regular meditation can make you mindful of your day-to-day routine which can be especially beneficial for inducing positive thinking patterns. 2. Your Lifestyle Will Change: Another major change that you're bound to notice is that you'll start living a healthier life. Meditation can change your life in many ways, for example, it can fix your sleep cycle. You won't suffer from diseases like sleep apnea and insomnia anymore. You can meditate and do yoga side-by-side, so in a way; you can start working out because of meditation. Meditation promotes positive thoughts in our brain, as I have explained already. So you're likely to give up bad habits like smoking cigarettes and pot etc. It helped me get rid of pot addiction; I can vouch for the rehabilitating effect of this activity. You might as well start eating healthier meals if you practice meditation regularly. 3. It Helps Battle Anxiety & Stress: It is especially useful when you have to combat anxiety and stress. It might as well save you a trip to the psychiatrist. Regular meditation can turn you into a happier individual because it aims to reprogram your whole thought process. So, if you are suffering from anxious thoughts meditation can help you combat these thoughts very effectively. The most devastating of all effects that anxiety can have on your brain is reducing the size of your hippocampus, which is responsible for keeping your memory sharp. But here's the deal, meditation has the capability of reversing any damage that has been done to your brain, and it can even fortify your brain to combat anxiety in the future. Those who meditate regularly are less likely to be anxious. Does this explain the peaceful lives of shamans to you?   4. Age Gracefully: Meditation can lead to graceful aging. Aging is a process that every individual has to go through, and while it seems unlikely that sitting straight for minutes, even hours, it could slow down the process of aging. You can find more than enough evidence of this fact now. Meditation has the ability to slow down the aging of cells of your body. Let me explain to you the whole process. When we stress out or suffer from diseases like diabetes type 2 and dementia etc. the length of our telomeres which are the DNA caps reduces. If this process continues, the chromosomes division process could be inhibited because they no longer have any protection from these telomeres. On a cellular level, your body has now started dying. Since practicing meditation can keep your stress and other chronic illnesses at bay, you are sure to keep increasing the age of your cells thereby ensuring a long and healthy life for yourself.   5. It Helps Your EQ: Just like IQ, your emotional intelligence is measured by the Emotional Quotient, and trust me, you might survive this world without a high IQ, but success without emotional intelligence is a tough call. Since meditating more often can lead you to develop a better awareness of your surroundings, you would be able to read the emotions of others. This will give you an edge over the others, and you can succeed at many things in life by having a higher emotional intelligence level.   Read Also: 1. Easy Ways To Live A Healthier Lifestyle. 2. 10 Tips On How To Ditch The Stress And Start Living A Peaceful Life.