Why you Need to Research People Online Before a Date

Published on: 15 February 2020 Last Updated on: 22 February 2020
Online dating

With more and more people resorting to dating apps and sites to meet potential romantic partners, safety becomes an important factor. Online dating is an industry that has immensely grown over the past few years. While dating sites were frowned upon a few years ago, today they are the most common space to meet new people. There are a lot of options to choose from. You can find niche dating sites that cater to specific religions, hobbies or interests. Some apps work better for those who are on the look for a committed relationship.

Other options work best for people looking for a good time with no strings attached. If you are considering giving online dating a try, a good place to start is to decide which of them suits your needs best. A first recommendation is to always go to reputable sites.

Check out reviews and user comments before making a decision, as one of the first steps is to enter personal information. While most dating apps will gather general data on users and perform some security checks, tricking them is really easy.

Why do you need to Research People Online Before a Date?

So, after you swipe right, or agree to a first chat, what should you be on the look for? From the tone to the content of a conversation, first exchanges are really important. Take your time to know more about someone before committing to an actual first date. While during these first conversations people may want to highlight their best traits, they can be really useful in deciding if you really want to meet in person. Online dating has its dangers, and being cautious is the best way to stay safe. Red flags at this stage may include rudeness, racist or hateful comments, or any other situation that you may consider out of norm or that makes you feel unsafe.

Pre-relationship Checklist Ideas:



Creating a pre-relationship checklist is probably a good idea, and it may include things like:

  1. Are all your conversations civil and respectful?
  2. Are you on the same page on issues you consider important? (from political views to gender-related matters or whatever else is important to you).
  3. If you feel the other party is hiding something or not disclosing information, continue asking. If you don’t get the answers that you want, it’s probably better to move on.
  4. Never agree to meet in a place where you don’t feel safe. If you say you don’t feel safe and they continue to ask, it is probably not a good fit.
  5. Avoid disclosing delicate information. Never trust someone who asks for things such as your social security number or financial details.

If after considering these factors, you are still leaning towards a first date, a quick online search will offer a broader image. While we are not talking about online stalking, contrasting the information you already have to what’s freely available online is helpful. Remember that we all have a “digital fingerprint” and taking a look does not hurt. But be wary of going too far. More information on the pros and cons of googling your potential date can be found on google. One thing is to look for red flags and contradicting information but doesn’t become obsessed. In the end, the actual in-person meeting will be what can best help in order to determine if you are actually compatible.

During the actual date

Going on a date with someone you’ve never met is exciting but it can pose threats. If you have made up your mind and decide to go forward with a first date, remember that safety should always be a priority. Some tips to stay on the safe side may include:

  • Meet in a public place. Fleeing from an uncomfortable situation or asking for help if you feel in danger is easier if you are surrounded by more people.
  • If you are not feeling okay, don’t hesitate to leave. You are not obliged to stay when you know things will not work out.
  • Never hesitate to ask for help if you feel endangered in any way. Most bars and cafes have protocols to deal with someone who is feeling in danger during a first date.

An online search and the information available on apps and dating sites are definitely a useful start. But when you are considering whether or not to date (online dating) someone in the long run, always trust your gut.

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Best Season to Move

What is the Best Season to Move?

If you need to move from one place to another from work or for any other relatively urgent reason, chances are you don’t really have much say in what season you will be moving. However, if you can choose, you should think carefully about which is the Best Season to Move. In order to get some inside info, we asked Miracle Movers to share their insight from their years of experience in moving in all seasons, even notorious Canadian winters. The Best Season to move: Spring Early in spring, the price quotes you can expect from moving companies will be somewhat cheaper, since the peak season starts somewhere in mid-May. That means that if you can nab an April date with fair weather, you basically get the best of both worlds – your move will be relatively cheap, and you won’t have to contend with extreme weather (be it hot or cold). On the other hand, you will have to schedule your move in advance, and knowing the weather that far in the future might be impossible. Additionally, if you have children, spring is peak exam season. Putting your children through the stress of moving in this period is something you should think twice about. Summer The proverbial best season to do pretty much everything is the summer. Some research has found that homes sold in the summer fetch higher prices, so that might be an incentive to consider a summer move. Furthermore, the weather in most places promises to be fair most days, so picking any date will likely result in a nice day. With the summer break, your children will not only not have to worry about school, they will also be available to help you – get them to pack their own things. When it comes to the downsides of a summer move, one of the most obvious ones is that everyone will pick summer, making your favorite moving companies pretty tightly scheduled – meaning the prices will be higher and their availability will be limited. Finally, extreme weather such as heatwaves and hurricanes in certain regions may also give you pause. Fall/Autumn Despite the stereotypical idea of a foggy and rainy season, the fall is actually generally a nice season with plenty of nice days that are ideal for outdoor activities, moving among them. Depending on your region, you may find that the fall is the most suitable season for a strenuous activity outdoors. Additionally, lower prices of homes in the fall may be better for you if you’re buying a home. Finally, if you move in the early fall, you will be all set in your home by the holiday season with Thanksgiving and Christmas in your new home. A major drawback of a fall move is that the school starts then, so moving just as your children start the school year may be less than ideal. With changing schools, leaving friends behind, it’s a lot of stress. Winter Finally, winter is the season when the least moves occur, especially in the regions where heavy snow is common. That, however, means that your move is likely to be much cheaper compared to other seasons. Additionally, with less work, moving companies will probably have more time to adapt to your schedule. On the other hand, the biggest problem with moving in the winter is certainly cold. Furthermore, you may also need to insulate your boxes and protect them from the cold and water to prevent any kind of damage to your things while moving. Ultimately, whichever season you pick, there are clear advantages you will get, and some disadvantages that you will have to contend with. Make sure to pick the season which suits your needs. Read Also: Factors To Consider While Preparing For A Move Moving home checklist: What you need to know 7 Helpful Tips During an Emergency Moving Process 4 Questions To Ask From Your Home Relocation Company Top 10 Reasons You Should Visit Honduras

how to increase sex drive in women

Just Not Feeling it? Tips for Getting Your Sex Drive Back

In a worldwide study, 43% of women expressed a loss of sexual desire after hitting 40. But it's not just middle age women that feel this way. In fact, statistics show that more women than men suffer from sexual dysfunction. If you've wondered, 'how do I increase my sex drive', women you're not alone. Read on for some tips on how to increase sex drive in women. Identify the Cause: The most important thing you can do to increase sex drive is to figure out what the underlying issue is. That way you can find effective treatment options. First, ask for a pelvic exam. Your doctor will look for physical changes such as thinning tissues and vaginal dryness that can contribute to low sex drive in women. A good lube or the o shot can make all the difference in sexual enjoyment in these cases. Your doctor might order blood tests to check your hormones, look for thyroid, liver, or cholesterol issues. The onset of menopause can also throw your hormones out of whack. Another cause could be that in previous years you were excited about sex because you were TRYING TO HAVE BABIES, but now sex isn’t for that outcome. If nothing comes up, you may want to talk to a therapist that can help you explore the emotional factors that contribute to low sex drive. The first step to fixing low sex drive in women is identifying the cause (or causes). Boost Your Self-Confidence: How you feel about your body plays a big part in how you feel about sex. If you have a poor self-image, you are less likely to desire and enjoy sex. Exercise regularly to produce the natural high of exercise. This will not only help you feel better, but it will also help your sex be better too! You can boost your self-esteem and sex drive by focusing on the experience of sex instead of on your perceived flaws. If necessary, put a blindfold on so you can focus on what you feel instead of what you see. Cut Down on Sugar: The biggest culprit that throws sex hormones out of balance is sugar. That includes flour that converts to sugar in the body. Sugar raises your insulin levels. Then that impacts other hormones. Don't you notice that you feel like crap often after eating a donut or two? There's a reason for that. Eat a healthy, balanced diet and watch as this increases your sex drive. Plus, a healthy diet will go hand-in-hand with exercise to help you look and feel your best. Stop Ignoring What's Bothering You: For women, sexual desire is tied to emotion. In fact, a study found that even if a woman was physically turned on, she felt no desire if her heart wasn't in it. If you are harboring resentment at your partner, feel neglected or taken for granted, it's no wonder your sex drive has plummeted. Start communicating with your partner in order to find a way to fix these issues. But sometimes, it has nothing to with your partner and everything to do with your job or kids or other responsibilities. If you feel overloaded, it's harder to feel interested in sex. Good communication will help you deal. Find other ways to decrease stress such as meditation or mindfulness. Bottom Line on How to Increase Sex Drive in Women: So, what's the answer to how to increase sex drive in women? It could be a combination of things. As you identify the cause you are in a better position to make changes to boost your sex drive. Healthy lifestyles, communication, less stress, and feeling confident will have positive results in all aspects of your life. Chances are, you and your partner could use a break. Check out the best vacation destinations for couples. Read Also: 8 Healthy Ways To Improve Your Sex Life Overnight How Does Recreational Marijuana Affect Your Sex Life What Are Virtual Reality Workouts And How Will They Affect Exercise?

Tips to make a flower bouquet for every occasion

Tips to make a flower bouquet for every occasion

Time and again, it has been a real challenge in picking a suitable flower for an occasion. Questions like (Which color will be appropriate for any occasion or event? What kind of flower should I pick?) might be running through your mind. To successfully make a flower bouquet that will fit into every event, there are some factors you need to consider. For starters, you have to figure out what you want your flower arrangement and colors to depict. Having this at the back of your mind will guide you towards making a beautiful flower bouquet that will fit perfectly for any occasion. No two persons are completely identical. The same is true for flowers; every flower has its unique scent, color, and formation. So, to successfully combine flowers to form a bouquet, you have to find a balance, this is because some flowers don't mix well with others while others mix perfectly with other flowers. A decorated floral designer and author of the book "Bouquet with Personality" liked the process of gathering flowers to selecting people for an event. This concept is particularly true because if flowers used for a bouquet do not complement each other, the result will be awful. In this article, we are going to discuss some tips that will help you create a beautiful bouquet that will be suitable for different events. Colour The first tip we are going to consider is the color of the flowers you plan to use in creating your bouquet. If you want to stir up emotion with flowers, then you should use the colors to your advantage. Florist and color experts know that colors are a good way to stir up emotions. For example, yellow depicts happiness, red depicts excitement, and blue depicts serenity. What you should do therefore is to choose flowers that reflect the quality you want to put across. Follow your instincts If you want to express an emotion using flowers, then you must keep in mind the shape of the blossom, the color and the scent of the flower. A flower like the Red zinnias usually makes some people feel happy, light and gives them that sense of summer. So what you should do here is to think deeply about the person you plan to give the bouquet as well as the emotion you want to stir up. Occasion Before going to a wholesale flower market or a local flower shop to get flowers, you have to consider the occasion you plan to use the flowers you plan to purchase.  The kind of flower you are likely to pick will depend on a large extent on the event or occasion you plan on using it for. Your choice of flowers, as well as the vase you plan to use, should match the tone of your event. Below is a quick guide that will push you in the right direction when picking a flower for an event Formality: - Lilies, amaryllis or roses Romance or love: - Tulips or roses Happy events: - Sunflowers or wildflowers Keep your recipient in mind When making a bouquet, don't just pick only flowers that you love and are used to. Rather, think about the person you plan to give the flowers. Also, you have to consider the kind of emotion you want to express. If you want to let someone know that you have them at the back of your mind when picking a flower, find something that reflects their taste or their personality. A tip that can help you here is to find something that is similar to their favorite cologne. The shape and texture The final tip we are going to be considering is the texture of the petals and the shape of the flower you plan to use. When creating a bouquet, ensure that you check the compatibility of the shape and texture of the flowers you plan to use.  Use flowers with bold blossoms to take the major role and use flowers with a softer blossom as a compliment. Making a flower bouquet that will fit into any event is never easy, but if you apply the tips in this article, you will find it easier to make a beautiful bouquet that your recipient will appreciate. Read More: Several Tips For Choosing Funeral Flowers Online Send Flowers To Congratulate Your Dear Ones On Their Achievements  Grow These Flowering Plants In Your Home Garden To Remove Vastu Related Problems