5 Best Online Fundraising Ideas for Nonprofits

Published on: 03 August 2021 Last Updated on: 05 March 2024
Online Fundraising

We live in what is perhaps the most unpredictable time of the century. There is a pandemic out on the streets and we have been forced to abandon our ways of interaction. Businesses have been forced to adapt almost overnight, bringing about a radical shift in operations. Nonprofits have also been forced to do the same. In just the last year the importance of fundraising platforms has risen exponentially.

Fundraising has been the key to the operations of any and every nonprofit. Lately, the more commonly relied-on fundraising methods have been made redundant. A lot of nonprofits have been forced to go back to the drawing board and reevaluate ways to gather funds. Luckily the existence of text messaging platforms for nonprofit can easily get into the middle of it and utilize the same channels to make their ends meet.

Why does online fundraising work?

The reason is simple; we live in times where people are willing to lend out a helping hand, anywhere, anytime. Nonprofits simply need to host events online and let their donors know that they are very much active and are trying to make a difference in their communities irrespective of the condition. Sending your message across and showing them the work you are doing can appeal to all kinds of donors.

Nonprofits can quickly adapt using fundraising platforms to reach out to donors and volunteers using the same methods that businesses rely upon. These channels have now become the normal way to work through and nonprofits have realized that they also need to be malleable. The pandemic has changed our understanding of what normal is and donors will be understanding. This is why hosting events, and especially fundraisers online has shown a lot of promise.

Let us look at five great ideas you can use to supercharge your online fundraising campaign.

Five great online fundraising ideas

1. Peer-to-peer fundraising

1. Peer-to-peer fundraising

The most innovative and proven way to raise funds online is through peer-to-peer fundraising. P2P fundraising accounts for nearly a third of every online donation. The idea is to use the credibility of your donors and their contacts to gather funds for your nonprofit.

A great statistic is that ¼ emails sent by P2P fundraisers to their peers result in a donation. It might seem meager, but it is staggering when you compare it to the fact that 1/1250 emails from nonprofits result in a donation.

Nonprofits can encourage donors to raise funds and run campaigns on their behalf. They can enlist the help of fundraising platforms to build their campaigns and send emails to their peers. Nonprofits can set up these directly on their websites. They can even use a personal appeal and a social sharing button on their website for direct encouragement.

2. Email flash fundraiser

2. Email flash fundraiser

Another third of every donation made online comes through Emails. Yes, even in this day and age when instant messaging is the norm, E-mails more than do their part to raise funds. It is one of the older ways to gather funds and chances are your nonprofit has already finished its email fundraising campaign for the year. No worries, there are no limits to how many times you can leverage email fundraisers.

A great idea would be to select a day and conduct an email fundraising blitz. You should not choose a popular day such as Tuesdays. Enough organizations are running Giving Tuesdays. Instead, choose a day that has symbolic importance to your organization or its cause. Your emails should build up a narrative that highlights your cause, the day, and a call to action. Urgency is the key and the better you express the need of the hour, the more likely you are to receive donations.

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3. A drive for donation matching

The idea behind donation matching is to encourage people to contribute, knowing that in the grand scheme of things the total donated amount will be big. Use the frenzy created by your flash email fundraising campaign to launch a drive for donation matching. You can secure a match from a company and advertise it in your email campaign.

Donation matching is a good way to keep the interest afloat and to attract the younger crowd. Studies show that millennials are more likely to donate if they know companies are going to be matching their donation.

Donation matching can also be used to boost a fundraiser. If there is a noticeable decline in the donations, launch a donation matching drive amid another campaign to acquire more funding.

4. Crowdfunding

4. Crowdfunding

There is this misconception amongst nonprofits that crowdfunding is meant only for individuals. This fact could not be further from the truth. Nonprofits can use crowdfunding to amass a wealth of funds in a very short period. They can also use crowdfunding to appeal to a whole new group of donors.

Through crowdfunding, nonprofits can gather funds for specific causes and projects. Nonprofits can easily set up a page on crowdfunding sites. They also have social sharing options to further promote your cause.

PRO TIP: Before you choose a crowdfunding site, check if they have an easy-to-use UI, integration with compatible software, a mobile-friendly page, and space to tell your story.

5. Prospect research

5. Prospect research

While this may not qualify as an idea as such, prospect research can help you land big philanthropists for your donation pool. Nonprofits can conduct thorough research to identify prospective donors. Doing so can help them focus on donors that can make a difference.

Prospect research is especially important when it comes to online donors. The reason for that is online donations come in small amounts and it is hard to identify which donors can contribute in a big way. Research can help you land bigger donations.

Final Thoughts

These are just some of the ways you can maximize your donation pool through online fundraisers. By using the right tools and strategies your nonprofit will be back on its feet and perhaps, even run better than it did before.

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Safely Prune

How to Safely Prune Your Trees

Trees offer natural shade and property owners need to maintain the condition of the trees through frequent pruning and trimming. Sometimes also be necessary to cut down a tree due to compelling and unavoidable situations.  It is good to choose the services of an expert agency for the cutting and removal of trees. The following information will be of great use in identifying a suitable tree cutting and removal service. Necessary because many property owners end up with damaged property or injury is because of the use of inexperienced resources for cutting and removal of trees. Certification And Training: The first and foremost consideration needs to be the certification and level of training of the resources. Australia has a set of regulations that need to be followed during the cutting and removal of trees. When you hire a competent and qualified tree pruning specialist for cutting trees, you will automatically benefit from their expertise when it comes to compliance with regulations. In addition to compliance, the procedures that are followed will be safe ensuring that no damage to others other than the property or the individuals. Pruning As Per Needs: Four different types of pruning are generally carried out during tree maintenance. Fine pruning is resorted to as an option for improving the appearance of a tree. It involves trimming a few branches and leaves. Standard pruning involves the cutting of more leaves and branches for the purpose of maintaining the health of a tree. Hazard trimming involves the removal of certain portions of the tree that may be considered as a hindrance to power lines or some aspects of a property. According to experts, tree pruning is something that is dangerous. If you are not familiar with using complicated tools, you can get injured. This is why a good idea would be to get Tree Service Sacramento to safely prune your trees. They are experts who exactly know what is in the best interests of the tree. Pruning trees is an art, which if done wrong can jeopardize the life of the tree. It can also result in serious to life-threatening injuries for someone who is pruning but is not aware of following the safety norms. Mandatory Safety Practices: Crown reduction trimming is by far the most complicated type of trimming which involves the removal of sections of the tree. This may be done for various purposes. This requires considerable experience and the involvement of a professional arborist. This is because it is important to ensure that more than two-thirds of the tree is retained after the trimming. Cutting out more portions of the tree will cause irreversible damage to the tree in addition to upsetting the balance which c may result in it toppling at some point in time. Aqf And Level 5 Diplomas: Level 5 diploma holders of AQF are considered to be individuals with the highest levels of training and competency when it comes to tree cutting and removal operations. An arborist with extensive experience and exposure will be in a position to advise you professionally about the most suitable method of maintaining trimming pruning and removal of a tree. Not only will the arborist ensure that your actions are compliant with the Australian rules and regulations it will also be compliant with the local council regulations. Local Council Regulations: Depending on where you reside your property, and the trees on your property will have to be maintained as per the local council regulations. It is therefore prudent to use the services of an agency that is fully aware of the prevailing regulations.  This will be of great importance especially when you decide to bring down a tree. Ensure that you are fully believed the most accountant regulations by the arborist before you take the decision. Suitable Equipment: The use of the right equipment is of great importance when it comes to tree cutting and removal. While it is true that all resources will be trained, it is also important that sturdy and reliable equipment is used to help the resources reach hard-to-access portions of trees. This will prevent the risk of injury by two individuals and possible damage to property. In addition to the right improvement, it is also necessary to ensure that all resources are fully insured. This will take care of any liabilities that may arise if any untoward incident occurs. When you choose a tree cutting and removal service, bear in mind to look at the experience of the resources, the certification of the company, and the nature of the equipment in possession of the company. Do not settle for companies that express confidence in handling any task without the necessary equipment and resources. Improvisations are part and parcel of complex tasks, but if even the basic procedures are improvised, then it indicates that suitable equipment and procedures are not being followed.


Three Ways of Controlling the Population Growth

The world's population is rapidly growing, with the majority of this growth occurring uncontrollably. The average life expectancy has increased considerably as a result of technological and medical advances, and the mortality rate has reduced as a result. That is a beneficial element; unfortunately, reproduction rates are now out of control, and the population growth we are seeing today is unprecedented. This can be regulated in several ways. Let's have a look at a few examples. Family planning is essential It is vital to have a well-thought-out family strategy. There are limited resources, thus family planning is necessary to maximize their use by assessing their availability. Federal legislation has the potential to be a catalyst for a revolution in family interactions. Proposing incentives to limit offspring, as several governments have done in the past, can have a major desirable effect. Have safe sex Several cases of accidental births have occurred as a result of unprotected sex with little regard for the various precautions. Not only can this result in sexually transmitted illnesses with life-altering consequences, but it also leads to abortions, which is a contentious issue. To avoid such catastrophes, it is necessary to exercise prudence before engaging in any sexual activity. The usage of condoms, for example, can be quite beneficial. They are not only simple to use and do not cause any lasting alterations to the body, but they are also inexpensive and thus easily replaceable. Their usefulness has been extensively proved, and because they are so widely available, one should not hesitate to utilize them. Related Resource: Just Not Feeling it? Tips for Getting Your Sex Drive Back The application of pharmacological methods Pills that block the synthesis of sex hormones like testosterone and estrogen are another popular way to prevent reproduction. They're also easy to come by from the drugstore, but you'll need a legitimate prescription to get them. Because these medications can have a variety of negative effects, it is always safer to consult a doctor. Inhibiting reproduction via surgical methods There are a variety of surgical treatments that can be used to inhibit the body's natural propensity to reproduce. However, you should proceed with caution when undergoing these treatments because the results are nearly always permanent. You must ensure that your family is complete before undergoing the surgery and that you are confident that not having children in the future is your choice and you can live with it. Vasectomy is one of the procedures that can be performed. An experienced professional must be consulted beforehand. If you are a resident of the states and live near New York, you can find an exceptionally skilled urologist for vasectomy Brooklyn, New York. Conclusion Scientists have been perplexed by the population explosion. This has a number of negative consequences due to its destructive nature. We live on a limited budget of natural resources, therefore it's critical that we keep track of how much we spend. Our bodies will cease to exist if our blood supply is depleted. The same may be said for our planet. The future will be dismal and grim if we do not exercise caution now. We may be untouched by the dwindling resources around us, but future generations will suffer. It is imperative that we plan for a better tomorrow today. Read Also: How Women Can Boost Their Libido and Improve Their Sex Life How Does Recreational Marijuana Affect Your Sex Life What Are The Types Of Sex Offenders? 5 Ways You Could Have Been Sexually Harassed in the Workplace


Have You Heard of Upcoding? It’s a Big Part of Medical Fraud

What does the term “medical fraud” conjure up in your mind? Do you picture a questionable-looking character going door to door, soliciting personal information of Medicare beneficiaries? Maybe you see a fake doctor administering tests to unsuspecting patients in a dingy medical facility. Sure, these exaggerated caricatures aren’t out of the realm of possibility, but it’s often the case that fraud in the healthcare industry is much subtler, to the point that it can occur to almost anyone without their knowledge. It even happens in the sleekest looking medical facilities, and it can be perpetrated by professionals that one would seldom suspect of being a fraudster. One of the most “subtle” and common forms of medical fraud has a name that belies its simplicity. It’s called upcoding, and while that might sound like a boring, complicated system, it’s quite easy for a medical professional to do. Upcoding is the practice of billing for services other than those provided. It some cases, it’s essentially just overbilling, and it’s one of the easiest ways for a provider to earn a little extra money without risking being noticed by the authorities or by patients. Before we look at just how prevalent this practice is, it’s important to understand that virtually every medical service has a code to which it is associated. These codes are very specific, and a provider lists the code of the service they provided their patient either to the patient themselves or to the insurance company that will pay for the service. When a doctor is guilty of upcoding, it means that they provided a different code than the one representing the service that was provided. While some forms of upcoding are blatant, and could easily be spotted by someone who simply took the time to notice, others are so slight that they would go undetected unless someone was paying close attention. For example:  You see your doctor for a checkup. You schedule your appointment, sit patiently in the waiting room, see your doctor for about 10 minutes, pay your co-pay and you go home. Meanwhile, your doctor has billed you for pretty much exactly what transpired during your visit, with one major exception. Instead of billing you for the 10 minutes he spent with you, he bills you for a much longer period of time. You likely never looked at your bill, and it would be difficult for an insurance provider to say that he didn’t spend that extra 20 minutes in your presence. These face-to-face interactions are some of the easiest for a doctor’s office to “fudge” the numbers ever so slightly in a way that is difficult for anyone to dispute. When time or, more specifically, face-to-face interactions are the services being billed for, it leaves a much larger margin for error or, in this case, for fraud. In addition to face-to-face time, upcoding can also occur when services billed are simply inflated versions of the service provided, whether that be a test or a treatment of a patient. In these cases, even some of the most medically savvy or attention-detailed patients might not catch the fact that they paid for something that doesn’t reflect what they received. Upcoding is so common, in part, because it is so easy to do without getting caught. Investigators are always on the lookout for upcoding as one of the first signs of a fraudulent medical provider. For the aforementioned reasons, it’s not always easy to discover upcoding without the cooperation of someone who is familiar with the services and billing practices of a facility. This is one of the reasons that whistle blowers are so important to the process, and it’s also one of the reasons that whistle blowers are often employees of the company or facility that has committed fraud. And that’s the simple story of one the grossest and most widespread forms of medical fraud in the United States. While we don’t know exactly how much money is taken from programs like Medicare because of upcoding, investigators suspect that it is very significant and it is common. So, pay attention the next time you look at your medical bill. The chances are good that your facility was completely justified in the amount that you were charged, but there is also a slight chance that there is something there that is just a little off - and that slight difference might be part of a larger system that defrauds patients and costs taxpayers vast sums of money. Bert Louthian is a whistleblower attorney in South Carolina who focuses on helping those who have been wronged, or who have witnessed wrongdoing to come forward to report fraud. He can be reached by calling or visiting his website -thewhistleblowerlawyer.com Read Also: Types Of Stethoscopes How Can A Cardiologist Save Your Life? Are Oncology Clinical Studies Facing Challenges? Folic Acid Deficiency Symptoms: Supplement The Deficiency Before It’s Too Late The Disturbing Trend Of Multiple Chronic Medical Conditions