5 steps to take if your personal loan application is rejected

Published on: 15 October 2019 Last Updated on: 25 January 2024
personal loan

Ever applied for a loan, only to get rejected? Having your loan application turned down can be a discouraging experience, especially for first-time borrowers. Or, you may have taken loans in the past and wondered why your recent application wasn’t approved.

The truth is that there are a variety of reasons that can affect your personal loan eligibility. Often times, it’s just one main issue, but other times, it can be a combination of reasons. If you aren’t sure why your loan application got rejected, you can use a personal loan eligibility calculator to check what was the shortcoming in your personal loan application. Read on to find out what you should do to increase your chances of approval in the future.

 1. Check the lender’s eligibility criteria

All banks and lenders have a basic criteria that determine whether a borrower qualifies for a loan. The main reason why most people’s loan application gets rejected is that they did not meet all the lender’s criteria.

The eligibility criteria for a personal loan include age, income, location, credit score, employment, and other factors. Lenders will clearly mention this eligibility on their website or app. Generally, banks have stricter eligibility criteria and only accept applicants with a higher salary and excellent CIBIL score, whereas digital lenders have wider eligibility criteria.

If you have read through the lender’s eligibility criteria but still aren’t sure whether you qualify, use a personal loan eligibility calculator.

2. Improve your CIBIL score

CIBIL score is a summary of one’s creditworthiness based on their credit history. Although the minimum CIBIL requirement varies from lender to lender, one of the reasons that your application may have been rejected is because your CIBIL score is too low as per the lender’s eligibility criteria.

Check your CIBIL score from the CIBIL website. If it is less than 650, you should work on improving your score by using a credit card. Spend responsibly and pay your card in full before the due date. This will help increase your credit score.

 3. Make sure your outgoing expenses are low

One of the reasons that lenders will reject a personal loan application is because the applicant has too many existing debts, and for such a borrower, taking on another financial burden would increase the chances of default.

Take a look at your finances and see if there are any expenses you can cut back on. If you have a lot of existing debt, work on repaying them off before you apply for a new loan.

4. Provide the correct details

Loan applications can get rejected if there is even a small error or a signature mismatch. Ensure that the details you provide in the form are clearly written/typed out, and most importantly, correct.

Providing false details about your income, identity or credit score will certainly be detected by lenders, and this is another reason why many applications get rejected. Be honest in your application form, as some lenders are willing to accept applicants with less than perfect CIBIL scores or incomes.

5. Apply for a lower loan amount

Due to your current financial capacity, you may not be able to take on the responsibility of paying back a huge loan. If you’re still in desperate need of a loan, aim for personal loans singapore as it makes the best offerings in financial capacity. Aim for around 40% or less of your net monthly income.


Don’t feel disheartened if your loan application got rejected. Follow the tips above in case your loan wasn’t approved this time, and re-apply after 90 days. If you aren’t sure whether or not you qualify for your desired loan amount from a lender, be sure to check the eligibility criteria for more information. You can also use a personal loan eligibility calculator to check for your loan eligibility.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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A Discussion On Dropshipping And Crypto

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Sales Tax Compliant

6 Ways to Stay Sales Tax Compliant

The United States is a country made up of many states, and each state has its own sales tax policies. It can be difficult to keep track of the various rules and regulations that apply to your business. This article will show you six ways to make sure you follow sales tax compliance so that you don't end up owing money to the government or getting into legal trouble. 1. Keep Track of Sales Tax Rates and Changes The first step to staying sales tax compliant is to keep track of the sales tax rates in your state and any changes that may occur. You can find this information on your state's department of revenue website. If you have a sales tax permit from your state, they will send out quarterly reports with the latest changes to sales taxes. It's important to be aware of any rate changes, especially if you have a business with multiple locations in different states. 2. Collect Sales Tax from Customers In most cases, you are required to collect sales tax from your customers and turn it over to the government. If you don't, this is a form of tax evasion and can result in legal penalties. However, it's important to note that not all states require sales tax to be collected. The rules for this vary by state, so it's important to check with your state revenue department. There are a few exceptions, such as for certain items like food and clothing, but in general, you should be collecting sales tax on all taxable goods and services. 3. File Sales Tax Returns on Time One of the most important aspects of staying compliant with sales taxes is to file your returns on time. Most states require sales tax returns to be filed monthly, quarterly, or annually, depending on the size of your business. You can face significant penalties if you miss the deadline, including fines and interest charges. Failing to file a return on time can result in penalties and interest charges, so adhering to systematic guide on making tax digital for your retail business, for instance, is essential. This way, you'd skip the hassles of paperwork, and you won't miss the due date for filing your sales tax. 4. Maintain Accurate Records It's important to keep accurate records of all your sales transactions so that you can accurately report them on your sales tax return. It's not enough to report your total sales. You will need to list the amount of taxable and non-taxable transactions separately to figure out your sales tax liability accurately. You may also need to keep records of certain transactions that are exempt from sales taxes, including purchases made for resale and items that are traded in. This includes recording the date of sale, the amount of tax collected, and the type of good or service sold. Taking help from experts like an accountant, and a Tax Law expert in Edmond, OK. Since they will be able to get the records much more efficiently. 5. Pay Sales Taxes on Time One of the biggest problems businesses have with sales taxes is paying them late. Not only can this lead to penalties and interest charges from the government, but it can also damage your credit score. It's important to set up a system to pay your sales taxes on time automatically. This will help ensure that you don't miss the deadline and don't have to worry about paying late fees. Make sure you have a plan in place to pay your sales taxes on time every month. 6. Educate Yourself and Your Employees about Sales Tax Compliance The final step to staying sales tax compliant is educating yourself and your employees about the rules and regulations. This includes knowing which items are taxable and understanding how to collect and report sales taxes. It's also important to understand the consequences of not complying with sales tax laws. You can find a lot of this information on your state department of revenue's website, but it's also a good idea to attend seminars and webinars offered by your state. This will help ensure that everyone in your business is aware of the latest changes to sales tax laws and that they are acting in compliance with the law. Your business must understand and follows the sales tax laws. If you feel like this blog post has been too long, we can summarize it for you in one sentence: be aware of how to stay compliant with sales tax law by following these six steps. Read Also: Benefits of a Sales Tax Consultant Things to Know Before Applying for a Vermont Mortgage Loan 2 Reasons to Invest in GoldBullion Even If You’ve Never Invested in an Asset Before What You Need to Know Before Buying Property with a Tax Lien


7 Reasons Why Crypto Is The Best New Side Hustle For You

Cryptocurrencies have been on the rise since 2015. Although Crypto coins have had their ups and downs, they have maintained an upward trend over all these years. If you are interested in making some passive income, just open an account on thebitqtapp.com/de, and get step-by-step guidance on Crypto trading. Today, we will talk about why we think Crypto trading can be one of the best side hustles of 2022. So, without further ado, let’s get started. Why Cryptocurrency Is The Best Side Hustle For You? Before telling you the benefits of Crypto trading, let us inform you that these perks may not always be applicable depending on how the market functions. But, most of the time, they will be present, so let’s have a look: 1: It Has Low Selling Fees If you plan to sell Cryptocurrency on an online platform, you will have to pay a nominal fee. However, if you work with a Crypto mining expert, that professional will guide you when to sell the virtual coin. You can even share your resources while selling the coin, and the selling fees are almost rounded up to zero if done correctly. If you think the Crypto market is too volatile for you to handle, that’s an invalid consideration. Because when you see the price of Crypto coins is dropping, you can sell them right away without spending too much money. 2: It Has A Strong Firmware Before mining Crypto coins, make sure you collect the right equipment. During the initial years, we know you could use any computer for mining these virtual currencies, but that’s a no-go now. Your computer may become slow because the hardware in the Crypto world is too secure and too intensive for your old PC to handle. It means you need to invest in some advanced computer hardware if you intend to choose Crypto as the best side hustle for you. But, instead of thinking of it as an investment, you can focus on the return. The robust firmware of the Crypto world is what makes it so safe for you to trade in it. 3: It Does Not Consume Much Electricity If Crypto trading had consumed too much electricity, we would not have recommended it because that would have been wrong from a sustainable point of view. However, that’s not the case here. If your country has an affordable electricity price, trading Cryptocurrencies should not be that challenging. Some countries stand in contrast to this philosophy, such as Germany, Denmark, or South Korea, because the price of electricity is much higher there. On the other hand, the price is significantly low in countries like Serbia, Venezuela, Paraguay, etc. So, if you can carry your equipment there, trading Cryptocurrencies will be much more profitable to you. 4: You Get The Assistance Of Mining Experts Since Cryptocurrency is a new field, you should never take the risk of mining alone. However, this field gives you the collaboration of mining experts so that you don’t take the risk alone. It can make the mining process far more manageable, especially if you don’t know the rules of the Crypto industry. Once you have a team of mining experts, your Crypto mining task will be done much faster and more efficiently. You can easily mine $10 every day. Now, imagine how much you can mine in a week, in a month, and a year. 5: Cloud Mining Is Possible Do you know what cloud mining is? It means you get to purchase the Cryptocurrencies on someone else’s rig. If you pay more, you will get more coins. However, there are other benefits when you sign up for cloud mining. However, if you are already familiar with how the industry works, it may not be an excellent benefit for you. On the other hand, if you need guidance on securely trading Cryptocurrencies, cloud mining is one of the best options. They will guide you through every step, but they might want a certain percentage of your earnings. 6: The Value Of Digital Currency Is Going Up If you are afraid of the volatility of the Crypto market, you can be sure that the value of these virtual coins will go up in the coming future. Of course, it may fluctuate a little, but that is true for any stock market. The market is still in its infancy, and it has already managed to stay up in terms of market valuation, so imagine what the value will be in the coming years. 7: Huge Profit Margin If you join the right Cryptocurrency pool, you will profit beyond your imagination. You can add your electricity bills, graphic cards, and even your spare time as an investment and count the profit accordingly. Just do the maths beforehand, and we are sure you will end up making a good return on your investment deals. Closing Thoughts Are you still here? It means you have grasped the concept of Crypto trading well and figured out how it can be a profitable side business. If you are convinced, make sure you start trading Cryptocurrencies right away. For further queries, ping us in the comment box below. Read Also: 5 Pros And Cons Of Investing In Cryptocurrencies HybridBlock: Why Binance Is Investing In Crypto-Fiat Trading 7 Things You Must Know About Dow Jones Stock Market Chart Is there a Place for Bitcoin in the Fashion World?