5 Questions to ask when deciding on an SBA Loan


25 June 2019


SBA Loan

Capital is to a business what oxygen is to a plant. Without it, the business cannot grow and will very likely starve and die. Businesses find their capital in a variety of ways. Some simply have wealthy owners or investors who are willing to take the risk and provide the business the funding it needs to get started up and to take on major projects. Others sell stocks or bonds in the hopes of raising enough cash. While this may be the ideal situation for most businesses, it is not what most end up doing. For most businesses, the standard way to raise money is to get a business loan from a bank.

The government knows this and has created a number of programs trying to help American small business succeed. For instance, the Small Business Administration, or SBA, has several different types of loans that are meant to privilege small businesses and help them grow. These are usually a great option for most small businesses. Is an SBA loan right for your business? Here are a few questions you should ask yourself.

1. Do I have all the information the bank will need?

Since SBA loans are secured by the government, they have a standardized set of required information that must be sent into the bank. A few highlights from this list are:

  • A well thought out business plan
  • A business license
  • A business credit report
  • Business tax returns
  • Resumes of key personnel
  • Personal tax returns
  • Personal financial statements from stakeholders with more than 20% of the business

As you can see, the requirements here are rather extensive. The SBA is trying to minimize the default risk on these loans that they are ensuring.

2. Is my business eligible?

SBA loans are meant to be accessible, but that doesn’t mean that everyone will be able to get one. The program does not rely on taxpayer money, so it takes steps to remain solvent. To be eligible, your business must be based and operate out of the United States. It must also work within an approved (though very large) list of industries. You must show that you are not able to get the same credit at reasonable terms through other means and also be below size requirements, typically meaning less than $15,000,000 in annual revenue.

3. Why am I seeking a loan?

This is a good question to ask whether it is a personal or business loan. When seeking business credit, you must make sure your motivation is correct. Too many business owners get stuck financing vanity projects or trying to keep up cash flows with borrowed money when they really need to fix the root problem. It is always a good idea to speak with an accountant or financial professional before taking on business debt. Not only can they advise you if it is the best course of action, but they can also help you structure the business and the debt itself in the best way for your company.

4. Should I get an SBA Express loan?

Knowing what kind of loan you need is just as important as knowing whether you need a loan or not. The SBA has six major categories of loans, so you will need to do your research before deciding which is right for you. For instance, there are options for businesses that need money quickly. The SBA Express loan program can get you approved for a loan in as little as 36 hours, much faster than the standard three months for most loans. If you need money now, it is there for you, but only if you are financing for the right reasons.

5. How will I pay it back?

Loans are a normal part of business, and many businesses would not be where they are today without the financial help they received early on. That said, having a repayment plan is just as critical as every other step of the process. The bank you take your SBA loan out with will be more than happy to help you plan out how to repay them. It is worth noting that SBA loans do have an extra fee attached, anywhere from below 1% to around 3.5%. This is to make sure the program can stay solvent going forward since it does not receive taxpayer money, as previously mentioned. This fee is amortized over the life of the loan and is simply added into the payments you already have to make, so it is not even an out of pocket expense you need to budget for.

This is certainly not an exhaustive list of questions. Anytime you are considering borrowing money, you need to do a tremendous amount of research and make sure that it is really the right decision for your business. Ultimately, you are the only one that will know whether or not this is the right course of action. Some business owners cite their gut feeling on this, others have methodologies for deciding. Regardless of your process speak to an expert about your financing options. Your business will thank you!

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What Will A Financial Retirement Plan Including Gold Look Like

Planning doesn’t stop once you retire. In fact, you need to increase your efforts when the day arrives to maintain security. Security can look different for each retiree and their investment portfolio, but one commonality that many agree on is ensuring that the assets are diverse. Gold and other precious metals keep a retirement portfolio diverse, meaning the assets are not all tied up in one class, nor do they all correlate with the market similarly. A gold firm, check metal-res.com website for details, will set an investor up with physical gold or a gold IRA to meet plan diversity needs. A financial counselor or advisor can further assist investors by helping strategize for security up to the age when they decide to retire and after. Let’s examine what that strategy might look like. What Will A Financial Retirement Plan Including Gold Look Like The objective when planning for retirement is achieving security. Even after retiring, retirees must continue strategizing to ensure they don’t lose it. When building an investment strategy, a primary method for establishing a secure portfolio is through diversity. Many investors accomplish this by adding a physical commodity like precious metals or gold, boasting as an excellent long-term investment. That would make it ideal for a retiree. Adequate planning for an investment portfolio would include reassessing each year until reaching retirement and after since goals and circumstances change. One consideration is determining an appropriate age to retire. A problem for some is becoming harried about retiring, tending to jump ship a little too soon without considering the consequences. These retirees are often unprepared, with a few finding themselves heading back to work. The priority after the fact is following the guidance of a professional financial counselor for the best way out of the pitfall they find themself in. Other investors are relatively on the mark, with planning working in their favor thus far. Still, striving for security means reassessing the strategy and looking further into the future to discern how the goals will need to change as their lifestyle does. What steps should you follow to ensure optimum security as you head into retirement? Let’s learn. Reassess your needs and what you hope to achieve Each year before retiring and continuing after retirement is reached, it’s wise to consult with a financial counselor to look over your finances, see where you currently stand, and what you see as goals moving forward. A counselor is in a position to offer advice on where to make adjustments to align your strategy with new objectives. As a retired investor, you’ll be less risk tolerant with your investment choices. The idea at this stage is to keep a steady flow to withdraw from instead of being intent on amassing a fortune in wealth. You will still want to protect your wealth, making a case for keeping that little bit of gold in your holdings. The precious metal will provide a store of value and balance the holdings, reducing risk even further. What is your spending plan? The recommendation with an established spending plan is to take no more than 4% from retirement savings in a given year. That doesn’t mean sticking with that plan will always be possible, particularly if emergencies crop up, medical expenses, and critical household needs. When working with a financial counselor or advisor or overall planning for retirement, these things need to be accounted for in the spending plan. That means anticipating that this will be an expense, so you’re prepared for emergencies at any moment. No one can plan when an emergency might occur, but you can ensure that you have money in the event there is one. That’s the urgency with the need to have a spending plan lined out when you retire. No risk isn’t reasonable either You’ll be less tolerant of risk when you retire, perhaps a bit more conservative with your investment choices since recovery takes time when the market spirals. Still, you don’t want such a “safe” portfolio that inflation nibbles it away. For some, retirement can go on for a couple of decades, perhaps more, depending on when you stop working. These savings need to carry you through that timeframe. The idea is to have a healthy blend of investments that will continue to grow throughout the years. Plus, if you have that sparkle of gold diversifying your assets, the precious metals will help to reduce your risks, protect your wealth, and stabilize your holdings. It will take careful planning and adequate guidance to discern investments that are neither too great of a risk nor too minimal but instead offer excellent growth potential. Some ways to improve funds coming into the household include stocks that pay dividends and setting up annuities. These will be the closest thing to a steady, secure flow of income after leaving the workforce. Open for details on how to retire with “millions.” Final Thought Securing retirement, determining when to retire, and planning looks different to everyone. A common denominator is protecting the wealth that you do accumulate. That usually means reducing the risk of loss. Investing in a precious metal like gold can do both these things and more. It’s also a consistent investment, steady and long-term. When reassessing your plan and goals plus your lifestyle changes each year, the only constant that could remain true at any age is possibly your gold asset. Read Also: Smart Ways to Invest in Gold How To Start Your Investor Journey: 5 Credible Options To Explore What Investors Should Know about Investment in Gold and Silver Assets

Trading Forex

Strategies To Implement To Reduce Risk When Trading Forex

Foreign Exchange (forex or FX), where currency pairs dance to global economic rhythms, provides traders with profit opportunities and safeguards to protect investments against possible dangers. 2023 brought new challenges and opportunities in FX trading that necessitated reassessing trading strategies to navigate through the turbulent waters of finance effectively. This article offers several strategies experienced traders may employ to lower risks while maximizing potential gains in this dynamic global marketplace. Understanding Risk Management Principles is Essential Risk management in trading forex is both an art and science, requiring careful examination of market conditions, understanding economic indicators, and employing strategies to protect investments against possible downturns. By using platforms like Metatrader 4, traders can delve into historical currency pairs' data for comparison purposes or track market trends for informed decisions backed by data rather than speculation alone. Utilize Stop Loss Strategies Stop-loss strategies are integral in any forex trader's arsenal. Acting like an automatic safety net, stop-loss orders protect losses and profits by closing trade positions upon reaching predetermined levels in the market. By setting these orders regularly without succumbing to emotional trading impulses, traders ensure their positions are safe from abrupt market fluctuations and safeguard them accordingly. Leveraging with Caution Although leverage can be invaluable to maximizing profits and minimizing losses in volatile forex markets, you should always use it cautiously and carefully. Employing leverage involves borrowing capital to expand potential returns, but in such an unpredictable market, it must only ever be employed responsibly and within one's risk tolerance. Traders should assess their individual risk tolerance and understand market conditions well enough that using leverage does not jeopardize trading capital. Diversification: Expanding One's Wings Diversifying investments across different currency pairs and markets is one way to protect traders against unanticipated market movements. It acts as an insurance against unexpected market shifts by not placing all their eggs in one basket, thus mitigating risk associated with adverse movements in one currency pair or market. However, diversification must be implemented correctly for optimal risk mitigation — making sure the investments chosen do not correlate and provide optimal risk-mitigation results. Continuous Learning and Adaptation Is Crucial The forex market is ever-evolving, driven by global events, economic indicators, and market sentiment. Staying up-to-date with international events as they occur and adapting your strategies accordingly are integral for successful forex trading. Attending webinars, reading recent publications, or participating in forums and discussions are great ways of gathering insight into market trends, strategies, or global events that might affect it. Implement a Risk-Reward Ratio A ratio defines how much one is willing to lose relative to any anticipated profit on any trade. Generally speaking, this should be three times what was risked, as this ensures disciplined trading that adheres to financial objectives and protects capital. Adherence to such ratios ensures discipline is upheld, capital is protected, and discipline remains intact in a trader's trading strategy. Maintaining Emotional Equilibrium Emotionally volatile traders can be both thrilling and dangerous. Striking a balance where decisions don't become clouded with fear, greed, or euphoria is essential in forex trading, as emotional decisions could lead to overtrading, risk-taking, or premature exits that endanger trading capital. Implementing strategies mechanically while adhering to trading plans ensures rational, calculated decisions that align with overall trading strategies. Integrating Fundamental Analysis Is Integral for Business Fundamental analysis plays an integral part in forex, where currency values are inextricably tied to economic indicators and global events, providing traders with a vital edge by helping them anticipate market movements and make informed decisions.  2023 presents no exception; fundamental analysis will likely remain an invaluable strategy as events like policy changes, economic indicators, and geopolitical events have an ever-increasing effect on currency prices affecting them in 2023 and beyond.  Understanding their effects allows traders to stay ahead of market shifts while making better-informed decisions with greater ease than competitors by helping anticipate market movements. Engaging in Social Trading Activities Social trading, the practice of drawing upon the knowledge and strategies employed by experienced traders to expand your own trading horizons, can be a beneficial strategy. Platforms offering such trading provide insight into successful traders' strategies, allowing novice traders to learn, adapt, and potentially incorporate these strategies into their plans if deemed useful by experienced ones.  However, it is essential to conduct due diligence by understanding the underlying rationale behind all proposed strategies and aligning them with personal objectives and risk tolerance before beginning social trading activities. Utilizing Automated Trading Strategies Automated trading strategies or algorithmic trading have proven invaluable for today's traders in an age when technology and trading have become inextricably intertwined. Automated trading involves employing algorithms or bots to make trades according to predefined criteria without manual intervention, eliminating emotional factors from trading, and helping traders execute strategies efficiently while taking advantage of trading opportunities and adhering to their trading plan more consistently. Conclusion Navigating the forex market presents both opportunities and challenges. Effective financial navigation requires strategies designed to mitigate risks while capitalizing on potential opportunities. This strategy must ensure you maximize risk management and potential gains. However, while these strategies provide a comprehensive framework, the rapidly shifting forex market demands that traders remain adaptable, constantly increase their knowledge, and adapt their strategy in accordance with changing market conditions. Global events, economic indicators, market sentiment, and emotional triggers influence currency movements. Prudent decision-making, strategic planning, and continuous learning remain the cornerstones of successful forex trading. Read Also: What to Expect When You Become a Forex Trader Two Trusted Forex Robots in 2019 and Beyond Forex Trading Wisdom: Talk Yourself Out of Bad Trades

Artificial Intelligence

How Artificial Intelligence Is Helping Banking and Financial Institutions?

There is no other global industry that is experiencing the AI revolution as much as the banking and financial industry. These two sectors are projected to benefit the most out of Artificial Intelligence and machine learning algorithms, platforms, and software. The use of Artificial Intelligence in the banking and financial industry is a rising trend and it is creating a huge impact. Also, this impact can be seen in the Artificial Intelligence job market. So, for grabbing the upcoming job opportunities you must enroll for an Artificial Intelligence Course, Online Training and Certification Course. This technology has completely transformed the traditional methods of handling our money deposited in the bank. At the same time, artificial intelligence in the banking and financial sector has changed the way industries are solving traditional banking problems. The solutions are already widely deployed by several top banks and it has enhanced the banking experience by leaps and bounds. The use of Artificial Intelligence in banking and related industries is more than chatbots. It is a fast-evolving technology that is becoming better and smarter day by day. Due to its numerous benefits, the banking sector remains one of the first adopters of technological innovation. Here is why and how artificial intelligence is contributing to the development of the two industries. But first, let’s understand what is Artificial Intelligence? Artificial Intelligence - All You Need To Know Artificial intelligence is one of the greatest technological innovations by mankind. It is a rapidly developing technology that has emerged as the trend to fulfill the needs and desires of humans to create machinery that could mimic human abilities and perform tasks to reduce human efforts. AI, also known as machine learning, is an offshoot of the field of computer science that uses several other branches of the scientific field to develop AI platforms. Some of the commonly used processes in the development of AI software are learning, reasoning and self-correction. And some of the commonly used applications are knowledge engineering, machine learning, natural language processing, machine vision, expert system, deep learning, robotics, automatic programming, virtual personal assistants, internet of things, translation, simulation modeling and more. The list is huge to list it out here. So far, the technology has successfully able to demonstrate impressive human capabilities such as speech recognition, language recognition, decision making, problem-solving, Q&A, manipulation, and recording of data and objects, learning, planning, reasoning, and mathematical calculations. All of this and more helps in accomplishing redundant, complicated and repetitive human tasks without human intervention and a greater level of accuracy. With the advent of AI in banking and finance, financial institutions are able to serve their customers at a reduced operational cost due to the automated processes. At the same time, the banking procedures that were once considered time-consuming and laborious have become far more convenient and efficient. The automated processes have opened up new avenues that allow banking and financial leaders to explore new management styles. With the help of AI, industry experts are able to analyze a huge amount of data and gather insight that is imperative for the improvement of the business. Data-driven management decisions were once considered a tedious task has now become an effective tool for management-level problems. Banks and financial institutions are most vulnerable to cybercrime and fraudulent behavior. With the adoption of AI, using a predictive approach, they provide a safe and secure environment to financial services and banking institutions. With a large amount of information and a detailed understanding of human psychology, such scenarios can be prevented. Also, AI in finance and banking ensures better and stricter compliance of regulatory policies and standards. Meanwhile, technology ensures convenient banking methods for clients. It empowers customers to use voice assistants or chatbots to perform complex banking procedures efficiently. With the help of natural language processing, this technology can provide answers to the questions of the clients and help them make better decisions with customized solutions. Improved customer service is one of its many great benefits experienced by both employees and customers. Application of Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services: The application of artificial intelligence in financial services have benefited the industry massively. This has led to the rise of bionic advisory the latest trend that used machine calculations and human insight to provide much more efficient advice. Risk assessment in financial sectors is another key segment of banking and financial services experiencing many benefits of the use of Artificial Intelligence in banking. Risk management is one of the most complex fields in financial services which is simplified by machine learning and its intelligence. AI can combine knowledge of market trends, consumer patterns, and potential risks to develop an intelligent solution and perform a risk assessment of various financial services and products. The predictive and proactive analysis can help in the smooth processing of the entire procedure. It is apart from the above-mentioned contributions of AI technology in the banking and financial sector, the technology largely contributed to the most recent revolution, the digitization of bank. With the help of Artificial Intelligence platforms and machine learning software, banks were able to move through the elaborate and complicated process quickly and easily. It allowed the massive shift without disrupting the existing structure and records. Future of Artificial Intelligence in Banking and Finance: Implementations ofAI in banking and finance have benefitted in many ways and it has brought a revolutionary change in the industry. All in all, it offers efficient and customized solutions to the problems related to individuals’ personal fortune. Technology is evolving every day. Scientists and experts have made some devoted efforts to explore the potential and learn and relearn the patterns of AI that can contribute to the banking and financial sector. Due to which, AI has led to the massive development of these two sectors and made some valuable addition to the industries. There is a progressive evolution that is expected to take the experience of banking and financial services several notches higher. Studies suggest that AI can contribute nearly $1 trillion to the Indian economy by 2035. Therefore, many industries including banking and finance are investing in technology in a big way. Read Also: Using Short-Term Loans To Help Rebuild Your Credit Score How Financial Trading Can Give You The Life You Want The Importance Of Saving: The Bedrock Of A Bright Financial Future