Read This If You Are Appearing for This Year’s JEE

Published on: 07 March 2016 Last Updated on: 17 August 2019

Every student has heard about the JEE by the time they entered middle school. Some of us saw our own siblings or cousins losing their heads over it. We also saw people who came out with flying colors and got accepted to the top engineering and medical colleges.


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However, we also saw many who were not that successful and got into a not-so-reliable private college and many who decided to change their career plans for the better. If you are one of the lakhs of students who are going to appear for the JEE Exam this year, you must be wondering how to make sure you do not become one of those whose efforts went down the drain. Here are some expert tips from people who have successfully cracked the JEE Mains in recent years.

Know what it is and what it is not

Since the JEE is a hot topic of discussion in our country, many things get blown out of proportion. Parents seem to make it the only career milestone that is worth looking at for us despite the existence of various other options a student might be inclined towards. That is why you need to be very sure of a few things before you go ahead with it:

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• Introspect:

This is the basic step in taking any decision at all. Ask yourself whether you want to go for engineering or medicine at all or whether you are doing it just because it’s what your parents want you to do and you aren’t aware of other options. Find out everything about JEE and evaluate if this is what you want.

• Strategize:

If you have already made up your mind, the previous point is of no relevance to you. Though it is good to give it a thought because that is the case with 2 out of 3 students. However, if you are not one of them, you need to have a timing strategy to cover the whole syllabus. Make a practical schedule for yourself about 6 months prior to the exams so that you can proceed slowly and steadily.

• Collect data:

You need to know some JEE details to ensure that your efforts are channelized in the right direction. Get hold of the last 5 years’ questions and practice them. While you are preparing for your boards as well, club the studies and delve deeper into the subject to simultaneously preparing for the JEE.

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• Sit for mock tests:

You must appear for as many mock tests as possible so that you can evaluate your own progress. Also, keep a track of the questions asked in these mock tests. One mock test per month is enough to proceed steadily.

• Time yourself:

There is no point in knowing everything but not having enough time to finish. For this again, the tests that hoard up one month prior to the real exam will be helpful. By this time you are already pretty well-prepared. You now need to rehearse the performance.

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• Keep a Plan B handy: 

In case you don’t get a good ranking, you need a Plan B. It could be regular B.Sc. or a total change of stream. Understand that the intention of this point is not to scare you into believing that you may not succeed. The motive of this point is to make sure you do not keep stressing over ‘what ifs’ so that you can perform well. Just like it does not rain on most days we carry an umbrella, you are more likely to not need Plan B if you have one.

These tips will help you remain calm and assured about your performance. You’ve got this. With a cool mind and a steady routine, you will excel in this Joint Entrance Exam. Good luck!

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Online Education

7 Reasons why Online Education is Very Popular

Since its inception, online education has been growing faster and faster. While the benefits of receiving an education in person are obvious, what reason do thousands of students have for getting degrees online? Teaches Aid Training Adapt Education put together this list of seven reasons why online education is so very popular. 7 Reasons why Online Education is Very Popular: Flexible Scheduling: Regardless of a student's age, flexible scheduling is a huge factor in seeking education online. Since students are not expected to attend class in person, coursework can be done while the kids are at school, during breaks at work, on the weekends, or whenever coursework is convenient. This allows students who work full time to advance their education in their free time without struggling to cram classes into a work week. It is also great for parents who balance their own schedule with the schedules their children keep. Students who find that they have a difficult time making it to classes can also benefit from a more freeform schedule, taking assignments and lessons at any hour of the day that is convenient. Affordability: Many online programs also offer a much more affordable alternative to traditional "brick and mortar" institutions. Online colleges only need to pay for instructors, software, and support staff rather than spending money on maintaining buildings and internal technology like computers and printers. This cost reduction is passed on to the student in the form of reduced tuition. Indirect costs to the student such as transportation and room and board in a dorm are also reduced. According to My College Board students at a traditional university can expect to pay an average of $10,089 (USD) to live on campus. This also means a lower initial investment for students who are considering changing fields or just want to take classes to expand their knowledge of a subject. Many students change degree programs after taking a few classes, and online education makes for a financially lower risk way to try out a topic before committing. A Variety of Topics and Modes: Often, students will visit a nearby educational institution and be disappointed by the degrees or topics offered. An added benefit of online classes is that students have a world of choices and opportunities at their fingertips. If a specific topic is not available at one institution, the student can find another from a myriad of online degree programs. Just about any class, a student might want is available online through some college or another. Because the educational institution does not have to bother with physical facilities, it is also much easier to offer a wider variety of topics for students to study. Schools can draft professionals from all over the world to teach classes as well, without having to convince them to relocate. The formats of the classes are also highly varied, with classes that are completely self-paced and automated, or with weekly assignments. Some faculty also offer video chat consultations and discussions for students who benefit from live interaction, which leads to the next benefit. Adaptability to a Students Personality: Not all students thrive in the environment of a classroom. For students who are particularly shy, an online environment may seem more comfortable. Many online classes are structured so that students interact with one another mainly through discussion boards rather than meeting face to face. Those who are more outgoing are also thrilled by the premise of making acquaintances and friends from far away, especially if their educational alternative is in a small town nearby where they may already know many of their classmates. Improving Technology: In the early days of online education, many thought it was more of a hat trick than an effective learning tool. These days, everyone knows that online education comprises a huge portion of the degrees offered around the world. Improving technology has largely facilitated this change. Thanks to the increased availability of high-speed internet, better computers, online archives and catalogs, and learning management systems, online learning has become incredibly easy to use. Many online classes also have excellent accessibility for students who have disabilities thanks to improved and widespread technology. This progress is not stopping any time soon either, and each year educators improve their online curriculum and pick up new pedagogical tips on making use of the great tech most people have at home. Pacing: In traditional education, the plan for a students coursework follows a traditional path. Each student takes a certain number of classes each semester and moves on. If the student fails at a topic, the course has to be repeated causing delays that can be costly for them. Since online coursework can be done whenever a student likes, there is less pressure to rush through difficult topics. If a student knows that he or she struggles with a topic or needs extra time due to a learning disability or other problem, they can opt for completely self-paced classes with no set start or end date. This removes the pressure to pass with a minimum grade and instead promotes deep learning of topics. Building Discipline: While students who meet weekly in person are constantly reminded of deadlines and assignments, online students are usually expected to be more self-sufficient. Although online classes typically have a system of reminders, there is no assigned time for students to work. This means that students become self-disciplined and are very motivated learners. According to this list by the University of Minnesota Mankato, self-motivation and time management are requirements of online learners. When looking for job opportunities after completing their education, these traits are highly valued in almost every field. Regardless of the subject studied, online education inherently comes packaged with relevant job skills. Conclusion: While each student has his or her own reason for seeking education online, these seven reasons are a great start. If you are still interested in what online education has to offer, take a look at the programs offered by Adapt Education. Read Also: Effective Contribution Of Educational Apps Why Are More People Heading To Online Colleges? 7 Reasons Why Your Child Is Underperforming In School Academic Writing For UK Students – Why It’s Important?

Bean Bag Chairs

Reasons Put Bean Bag Chairs in Your Classroom

Teachers are always looking for ways to engage their students. They design interesting lesson plans, take students on fascinating field trips, and even create intricate reward programs. They work hard to make sure our children get the education they need and deserve. If you’re a teacher, first of all, thank you. Second, have you considered putting bean bag chairs in your classroom for even more student engagement? The best bean bags on the market are ideal for use with kids of all ages. Here are three reasons to put bean bag chairs in your classroom. They Look Inviting When students come into your classroom, they want to see that it’s going to be a comfortable place for them for the year. They expect to see desks and chairs, but they don’t expect to see several bean bag chairs in the corner of the room where they can sit quietly and read when they’re done with their work. If they see something that reminds them of home, especially younger children who might be apprehensive about going to school in the first place, they are more likely to let down their guard more quickly and feel like they belong. When you pick bean bag chairs for your classroom, consider bright, fun colors that will attract children right away. You want them to notice the bean bag chairs as soon as they come into the room so they can see that your classroom is a welcoming place to be. You only need a couple in the room, perhaps in a reading nook, to completely transform the room. Related Resource: Good Literacy is Good Literacy: Improving Reading and Writing They Can Be Used as Rewards Kids love having a special place to sit, especially if all the other kids have to sit in regular chairs. This is what makes using bean bag chairs in your classroom a special reward that kids can earn the privilege of sitting in. Believe it or not, this is a reward that even older kids will want to work for. Sitting in a bean bag chair while doing your schoolwork makes the time go by more quickly, so it will be a coveted prize for students in any grade. They Can Help With Sensory Issues Many students struggle with sitting still during the school day, especially if they have been diagnosed with ADHD or a sensory disorder. Bean bag chairs can help with both conditions. The “weightless” style of bean bag chair is designed to perfectly conform to a person’s body when they sit or lay on it, which provides gentle, comforting pressure against the body. This pressure is often enough to keep a child that has ADHD or sensory problems sitting still for a longer period of time than in a regular chair. Physical therapists have been using bean bag chairs as therapeutic tools for patients that have sensory disorders for many years. Teachers can tap into these healing properties by choosing bean bag chairs for their special needs students. Related Resource: Online Schools the Only Source for Personalized Education Conclusion These are just three of the most compelling reasons to add bean bag chairs to your classroom setup. No matter how you decide to use them, though, you can be sure your students will feel at home with this small added touch. Read Also: 3 Tips to Help You Perform Better at College 3 Tips For University Application Worldwide Things You Need To Know About Online Statistics Studies

Online Education

Online Services to Help Student

If students have modern gadgets and stable Internet connection they can't complain about the lack of assistance because the number of online services exclusively designated for this purpose is enormous. Some of them haven't realized that yet because they haven't spent time discovering and exploring all the advantages of the Web learning sources and management services. Review the types of online remedies with actual examples to organize the studying process and improve your academic performance. Study planners : When you're not aware of what you have to do how can you complete it? The system and order are essential for any undertaking. These attributes save time and contribute to performance quality. Online services like MyStudyLife will help you to set and achieve your learning goals. Improve your time-management by creating classes and individual learning session’s schedules, keep track of your progress to stick to existing and come up with new studying strategies. Besides the website and browser extension, you can access your account on any portable device with the network connection since it has multi-platform compatibility and online synchronization. Specialty dedicated websites : There are many online services that provide information repositories, special task execution instruments and tutorials for the majority of the fields of study. Consider also sites for the professionals to learn by their experience and extend your overall knowledge range. For instance, if you study statistics the site like Stat Trek will come in handy. It provides various task manuals, definitions dictionary, formulas with their application examples, statistical tables and tools, etc. Other like Wiley’s Statistics for Dummies will supply you with straightforward written materials that will be useful especially for undergraduates. Writing checkers : Academic papers require a multi-stage reviewing and revising process. After hours of the tedious research and the content completion to perform a quality checkup of grammar, punctuation, semantics, authenticity, etc. is hard without assistance. Tools like Grammarly provide more developed writing improving mechanisms in comparison to classical text editors and suggest words, marks, and formulations corrections. This online service available as a browser extension, add-ons for Microsoft Word or Outlook and a desktop application. It can also be applied as a plagiarism checker to increase the percentage of your work uniqueness. Online libraries : Paper books aren't as convenient now for studying as their digital versions. The last ones are always available, more portable and easily quotable. You can access even copies of rare editions that are preserved in museums or private collections. Online repositories like provide thousands of free eBooks in different languages and categories. The books at all or already aren't protected by copyright law. Other services like adhere to the conventional borrow-return library system and contain textbooks and MIT press publications. Homework assistance : Every now and then students struggle with their assignments. The reasons can vary from the lack of organization or exploration skills, limited spare time due to the employment to unclear material and regulations representation at classes. There are online services that provide help from tutors that will assist them to overcome difficulties with tasks completion and clarify puzzling concepts. For instance, Homework Lab - student collaboration platform that also supplies students with study tips and learning-management instruments to adhere to well-known or develop individual efficient homework accomplishment methods. Routine helpers : It's hard to concentrate on studying when your other life is chaotic. Constant money problems, accommodation changes or health issues significantly affect the educational process and can cause its premature ending. The Internet is filled with websites and applications that can help organize and refine all life aspects thanks to helpful advice and tools. Manage your finances, save money with discounts, find a permanent home, learn how to cook, switch to healthy meals, explore various lifehacks, etc. Other services like Evernote can bring order to your daily routine and other undertakings. Create notes, reminders, lists, team projects with multiple instruments and various attachments types. Keep a finger on your day's pulse with it's mobile or desktop app. Exploit to the utmost your devices to find assistance during your studying you are looking for. Don't forget about moral support. Receive it via social networks and various chat and video calls applications from your relatives and friends. Read Also : Ten Ways Technology Is Impacting Modern Education Google And Digital Promise Team Up To Make Teachers More Tech-Savvy Than Ever Perfect Day: How To Manage Everything You Have Planned?