Seven Great Reasons to Use a Car Transportation Company

Published on: 10 December 2019 Last Updated on: 10 September 2024
transportation company

You buy a car to drive it and then someone tells you that rather than driving it to your new home, it should be transported. What sense does it make to spend money on getting someone to transport a vehicle when you can drive it to just about anywhere in the world?

Seven Great Reasons to Use a Car Transportation Company:

There are lots of reasons people use transportation companies for the logistic process of moving vehicles from one destination to another. Let’s take a look at some of them.

1. Transport multiple vehicles:

Most families these days have more than one vehicle. It can be much easier to get a transport company to move your vehicles rather than you trying to transport both to a new location, especially if it involves putting them on a boat to get to a different country or territory. If you have many cars, for example, you are a collector, getting your car transported by transport company will give you peace of mind and facilitate the process of moving everything you love to your new home.

2. Car transportation companies are quick:

All you need to do in order to get your cars moved is to sort out pick up and drop off points, arrange dates, and you are ready to go. Most companies will give you a quote over the phone, and they will explain any import-export taxes that will be involved in the process. The companies will be able to move your vehicle fast as they will have opened routes and bookings on shipping companies, and therefore will have more access to availability than if you’re doing it on your own.

3. Insured transportation:

When you choose a logistics business to transport your cars you can be assured that there is insurance coverage contained within the price. The company will no what needs to be insured in order to ensure that you have full coverage from any eventuality along the way.

4. Less wear and tear:

When you are driving your car over long distances, such as across Australia and to New Zealand, or from New Zealand is to the other side of Australia, you’ll put a lot of miles on the clock. If you ship the car it will be sat in a closed trailer, or an open trailer, but it will be safe from weather, dust, and won’t have all of the accumulated miles of traveling it over potentially thousands of miles.

5. It’s really convenient:

Car transportation companies can pick up a car from your home, and drop it to your new home at your target destination. You need to read some reviews and make sure that the company that you’re choosing is fast, reliable and competent, but after that, you can pretty much leave it to them. It makes life easier.

6. Shipping through the year:

Most transportation companies will work 365 days a year. They will be available to answer your questions and deal with any worries at any time. They also tend to have extended opening hours enabling you to talk to them outside office hours. This can make things even more convenient and can mean you can move whenever you want.

7. Transporting your car can actually be cheaper than driving it:

The price of your car transport process will depend on the size and weight of the vehicle, and any specifics of pick up and drop off. With the cost of petrol factored into a long journey, you could actually save money by shipping your vehicle against driving it, putting it on a ferry and paying for that, paying any road tolls, and paying for overnight accommodation as you travel if you are having to take a break along the way. If you factor in the cost as a whole then you may be surprised that car transportation is the more stress-free and even cheaper option.

Car transportation companies can make life easier. Just make sure that you choose a company that has experience along the route that you are moving so that you can be sure that they can take care of any import duties, can go through clearance at the destination, and that they have the insurance and experience to complete the job.

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Carpool Service

How to Choose the Best and Most Reliable Carpool Service?

Carpooling, also known as shared mobility, involves two or more users sharing transportation services. The idea has long been promoted in many countries, since it reduces both individual costs and road traffic, among other benefits. If you want to carpool, you should take your time to consider all the options available to you. Your type of shared mobility should suit your daily schedule and lifestyle. At the same time, since you are sharing a car with other people, you want to be sure that you feel comfortable. While there is no perfect carpool service, you can find the most convenient one out of all the alternatives. All you need is the right criteria to evaluate your choices. For instance, you can start with an Uber and Lyft comparison and see which of the two would be the best option. You can also compare them further with other available options. Here are some factors you can consider when choosing a reliable carpool service: 1. Punctuality : Carpooling is supposed to make life easier for you. So, when choosing a carpool service, you would want one that gets you to your destination on time. You would not want to find yourself running late for meetings just because you are saving money. 2. Efficiency : If you are carpooling with the aim of commuting from your home to your work location, you should always ensure that the destinations of your fellow carpoolers are not very much out of the way. This is how you could best avoid being in a car that makes unexpected stops or randomly changes routes. 3. Customer Reviews : Customer reviews are another great way to gauge the quality of services offered by the different carpool services. Most of the time, users share their honest opinions about the services that they have used. If you find too many complaints about a particular service, then you should probably avoid that one. 4. Responsibility : A carpool network that is almost always providing poor service can be very frustrating. Although sometimes mistakes are inevitable, you should only choose a service that is willing to absorb costs arising from their mistakes. Good customer service is a must. 5. Peer Recommendations : Asking people who have used carpool services for their opinion is a great way to find the best and most reliable service. If you can get a recommendation from a close acquaintance, then you will be almost certain that that opinion is an honest one. 6. Experience : Although different carpool services out there provide similar services, you can’t trust just about any service. You should choose a service that has sufficient experience providing carpooling services in your area. This way, you will not expose yourself to inconveniences from a new competitor. As new carpool services are established these days, ensure that you choose one that best suits your needs. Using the checklist above will help your elimination process and put you in a great position to find the best service out there. Read Also : Choosing The Right Anti-Theft Devices For Your Car In Houston TX

Dangers of texting and driving for teens

Why Texting Is Not A Good Idea When You Drive

“Nearly 390,000 injuries occur each year From accidents caused by texting while driving.” - National Safety Council, USA (2018 Study) Why Texting and Driving are Dangerous: The rise of social media and the necessity of being connected 24x7 have given rise to many problems. One of the biggest of them all are the dangers associated with driving when you are texting. Youngsters and especially teenagers are the biggest risk takers when it comes to these hazards. The use of WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and Instagram Chat all act as sources of distractions. According to a Study by the National Safety Council, nearly 400,000 dangerous accidents occur each year because of texting. Teenagers and Texting on Roads: The problem of texting while driving is not restricted to teenagers. However, they are affected by it the most. The fear of losing out to something interesting is so great that even though many acknowledge the dangers of driving and texting, they cannot stop. Let us look at some numbers when it comes to dangers of texting and driving for teens According to the American Automobile Association (AAA): Over 95% of teenagers are aware of the risks associated with driving and texting. However, more than 35% were arrogant enough to say that they keep on doing it. The number of teenagers involved in fatal accidents who had been using their mobile phones was over 21%. Compared with their adult counterparts, teenagers were more likely to be involved in texting and driving accidents by 4x times. If there are other occupants in the car, the probability of a texting and driving accident increase by 5x times. How Counselling by Parents can Control this Dangerous Epidemic? While teenagers are to be blamed for this reckless activity, many experts feel that their parents should impart this basic understanding of the dangers to them. It is very important for parents to set a good example for their teenage children while using an automobile. Kids often pick up the habits of their elders. This includes the use of a cell phone while driving. If you are a parent, you should avoid using cell phones while you are driving with your kids. Unless it is a very important call, or a text, or an email, you should not address it. Even if you have to, pull over to a safe side of the road, bring the car to an idle, and then engage on your cell phone. This will make your kid understand from a very young age about good habits and practices. It is also a good idea to set some ground rules for your kids when it comes to driving. Teenagers are very safe when it comes to taking their rights away. You can tell them that if they are caught using their cell phones while driving, they will not be allowed anywhere near the car for a month. The quantum of punishment can wary, but parents need to be tough, in order to protect their children. Dangers of Texting and Driving: The Final Word Due to the changed rules of society and social media, teenagers are already under a lot of stress. They have self-doubt issues, depression, and other pressures. All these play a role when it comes to their driving. It is imperative for parents to talk to their kids and tell them that answering a text after five minutes would not change a thing. The need to be always updated to social happenings is not more important than their lives. No one is invincible, and talking about statistics of the dangers will help them understand the problem better. If you are a parent, you need to start setting examples and ground rules for your children. Read Also: Best New Cars For Teenagers 7 Reasons Why Teenagers Pay Extra For Car Insurance The Effects Of Drinking And Driving Under The Legal Age Of 21

car care

Car Care for Newbies

Car shows are pretty popular. We love to watch people ‘pimping their rides’ and getting car make-overs. Meanwhile, our own vehicles are lucky if they get a weekly car wash. For many drivers, fuel is the only maintenance their car receives. And even this becomes a problem because they ignore their fuel indicator light until the last possible minute. For the record, you should never dismiss your car’s lights or sounds. They were put there for a reason, and if you’re unclear, you could always Google it. Check your car’s user manual, and if it’s too dry and boring to hold your interest, spend some time on WikiHow and YouTube. You can find some pretty detailed, user-friendly tips for your car model. But what exactly does car maintenance involve? Wash your car two or three times a week, or opt for a deep detail. These are offered by mobile car wash services that will drive right to your door and clean your car without it ever leaving your driveway. These detailers may suggest additional car care options, like defogging lights, deodorising car smells and protecting your paint job. Do a manual check Apart from cleaning the car, you should do a cursory inspection each time you step out of the car. It’s that thing guys do when they squat beside the car, kick the tyres and raise the bonnet, except it’s never quite clear what they’re looking for. Here are some suggestions. Stroll around the car and peek underneath, checking for any water puddles or oil spills. Rev the engine and listen to it. If you’ve been driving the car long enough, you can tell when the engine sounds ‘off’, even if you can’t detect the exact problem. If possible, you can use your phone to record the unsettling sound, then you can text it to your mechanic and see what they think. It may be something simple like loose ball joints, or it could be a worn-out clutch plate! On that note, get your car regularly serviced. It’ll only spend a few hours at the garage, and some mechanics will even give you a substitute vehicle to use in the meantime. Back to your car check, kicking the tyres has two goals. One, you’re assessing tyre pressure, in case you need an air refill. Two, you’re inspecting your tyre treads – it may be time for a new set of wheels. Top up your car fluids Your car does not live on fuel alone. You have lots of other car fluid, such as brake fluid, engine oil, lubricant, radiator water, and steering fluid for automatic cars. These need to be refilled at regular intervals, and your car owner’s manual (or YouTube) can guide you on what to check, where it’s located on the car, and how often you need to top up. This keeps your car running. Think of your car like your body. Some days, you wake up off-kilter. You’re not always sure what’s wrong, but you don’t feel like yourself. Put the same amount of focus on your car. As you drive, pay attention to smooth shifting, strange shudders, squeaks, rumbles, or vibrations. Learn what’s normal and what’s not, so that you know when it’s time to call the garage. Read Also: 7 Important Car Driving Safety Tips You Should Not Skip! Washing Your Car: 7 Dos And Don’ts What Do You Need To Change Car Rims?