Is The World Shifting Fast Enough To Renewable Sources Of Energy?

Published on: 30 January 2020 Last Updated on: 11 February 2020
Renewable Sources Of Energy

‘Climate Change’ is not a myth or a figment of imagination anymore. Renewable sources of energy should be received in a manner that does not produce a change in society.

It is one of the strongest realities, which humankind is experiencing every single day. Global Warming is melting our polar ice caps, spreading wildfires in our forests and exposing humanity to rising sea levels.

Even though international organizations like the United Nations, activists like Greta Thunberg are spreading awareness and consciousness; the voices that matter are not doing enough.

In this article, we will look at why the most powerful and richest country in the world, the United States of America should start taking renewable sources of energy more seriously.

Besides, we will also discuss why it is important not to radically disturb the existing infrastructure in a major way.

Why did the World continue to subsidize the Fossil Fuel Industry heavily?

According to official reports, governments around the world gave nearly $300 Billion worth of subsidies to the fossil fuel industry 2017. This number is expected to cross nearly $400 Billion by 2020. At the same time, the entire world cumulatively gave only $290 Billion worth of subsidies to renewable sources of energy.

Science has claimed that burning fossil fuels in thermal power plants, industries, factories, and automobiles are contributing to global warming in a major way. By using so much fossil fuels like coal, petroleum products, and others, we are overheating our planet.

Companies that deal and do business in fossil fuels are multi-billion dollar corporations. They are some of the biggest corporations in the entire world. It is only natural that they use their influence to lobby for their industry and use their financial clout to stop unfavorable legislative attempts that aim to curb their business.

Most politicians depend heavily on campaign funding from these companies and individuals. The quid-pro-quo dictates that once the politician comes to power, he will help the fossil fuel companies in any which way they require. This prevents progressive legislation, empties state coffers through subsidizations and kills innovation in alternative energy sources.

What are some of the major fallouts of Climate Change and Global Warming?

Almost every day, newspapers and television channels carry news items about uncontrollable forest fires, dust storms, snowing incidents in the desert, hurricanes, floods and rising sea levels. While naysayers dismiss these horrendous incidents, almost the entire scientific community believes it to the direct result of humans destroying their planets.

The entire world is seeing a temperature increase on a year-on-year basis. This is not only causing huge environmental catastrophes but also leading us closer to the extinction of the human race. While efforts have been made to rebuild our forests, plant more trees and go electric, the damage being done is far faster than the rebuilding process.

In late 2019 and early 2020, Australia saw one of history’s worst forest fires. It is estimated that the fires killed more than one billion animals and caused billions of dollars’ worth of destruction to the local economy.

The historical city of Venice was in the news for being completely submerged in water following an increase in seawater levels in 2019. Likewise, 2020 also saw steep cold weather conditions in the Middle East, with snowing and heavy hailstorms being reported from UAE and Oman.

What should we do to stop Climate Change and turn back Global Warming?

Global Warming

While pessimists think that we have already lost the world, many optimists like Greta Thunberg who still believe we have a fighting chance. We must reduce our carbon footprint on a war footing.

To do this government leaders and countries must take pro-active actions to reduce the dependence on fossil fuels and promote renewable sources of energy and alternative sources of energy.

Douglas Healy, one of the most famous legal experts on energy issues states that it is important to find a not destabilize the existing infrastructure in a major way. He states that renewable sources of energy should be ushered in a manner that does not create a crisis in society.

Millions of people are employed in traditional power plants and closing them, down might create problems of a different nature. This is why it is important to use the existing infrastructure and weave away consumers as well as employers away from the traditional fossil fuel industry.


Everyone needs to do his or her bit to save our planet. From doing small things like carpooling to avoiding the use of single-use plastic, we can all come together to rebuild our surroundings. We must plant as many trees as possible to maintain the ecological balance of the world.

What are you doing to help counter the effects of climate change? Let us know in the comments section below.

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Rubbish Removal

Clearabee Makes Rubbish Removal Fast and Easy

Upcycling is the act of turning something destined for the rubbish into a useful item for your home. While some things will need to be tossed because they're beyond help, there are a variety of items you might think are just plain trash, but that could actually be repurposed into something beautiful and functional. If you love DIY projects or simply want to do your part to keep the landfills from getting too full, consider the following upcycling ideas then, let Clearabee help you get rid of the rest. Upcycling Furniture: Furniture can be hard to part with, even if it is old and worn out but, with a little bit of tender loving care, you can upcycle certain pieces into a brand new item that you'll love just as much. For example, consider painting an old sewing table and transforming it into a mini cocktail table for your next party. You can upcycle old headboards into wall hangings with hooks for your entrance hall or bedrooms. Remove the doors from an unused entertainment centre and you have a handy catch-all for your laundry room or your children's playroom. While rubbish removal can be quite handy for items that have outlived their usage, think about what each item could become before you dump it. Upcycling Garden Items: Your garden is a reflection of your home and as such, you have a lot of freedom for turning it into your very own space. Items you might be thinking about getting rid of are perfect for the adding your own personal touches. Use old rain boots to create colourful and portable planters for flowers and vegetables. Paint wooden spoons and bury them in your vegetable patch with painted letters telling you what each plant is. Use tyres, old buckets, old wheelbarrows, or even small boats to create one of a kind flower beds that set your garden apart from the rest. You can even use old shovels and rakes to make unique sculptures to adorn your outdoor space. Upcycling Clothes: Many out of date articles of clothing can be remade into something trendy and fashionable, saving you money and keeping you from having to spend a lot of money on rubbish removal. If you have a garment with a small hole or stain, cut a fun shape into the item, such as a moon or star, then sew some lace into the hole, creating a new article of clothing. Cut the legs off a pair of jeans, sew the bottom shut and you have a purse. Use part of the legs to make a strap, then decorate with patches or buttons. Use patterns to make children's clothing out of larger adult clothing. Upcycling Building Scraps: Instead of tossing building scraps, consider all the new ways they can be put to use. Add hooks to leftover chair rail or baseboards and you have a nifty way to hang backpacks or jackets in your hall or porch. Paint scrap wood and use it create a mosaic to hang on the wall. Cinder blocks can be spray painted and turned into beautiful planters for flowers in your garden. Oddly shaped pieces of wood can be sanded, stained, and turned into one of a kind coffee or end tables. Sometimes rubbish removal is the only answer, but often you can use worn out or seemingly useless items to make something brand new. It's fun and it's good for the environment and many things require minimal DIY skills. Read Also: Letting Go: 7 Tips For Getting Rid Of Clutter In Your Home 5 Compelling Reasons Why You Should Rent A Roll Off Dumpster?

recycling information

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: 3 Ways to Find Recycling Information in Perth

We've all been there. Tasked with a large cleanup project, or moving house. You may be getting rid of clutter or downsizing. You may even be working on your yard landscaping. In that sense, you need to learn the proper waste handling. You may also need an ally on your side like the EWM Dumpsters for a large-scale cleanup to provide you with efficient, and recyclable-friendly ways. You know a significant portion of your waste is recyclable, but aren't sure exactly what the rules are. Read on to find out where you can find recycling information for your project. Recycling results in a variety of environmental benefits such as waste avoidance, energy savings, reduced natural resource use, and a reduced amount of airborne pollutants. Recycling also produces positive social impacts such as civic satisfaction and employment opportunities. The West Australian government has a vision for the region to become a low-waste economy that protects both humans and the environment. Some key strategies to achieve this goal are: • Starting a three-bin kerbside pickup system, in which refuse is separated into household trash, recyclables, and organic food waste, • Solid waste planning on a local level • Use of more recycled materials in government procurement plans • Consistent messaging state-wide Where to Start: First, try to assess how much you'll be throwing away. If you need to get a lot done quickly, backyard bins will likely be your best bet. These bins have a wide range of sizes you can choose from. Next, determine what you'll be throwing away. If you aren't sure what is recyclable, you can consult this guide to what Perth recycles. If you're hiring a bin, often those companies will sort your refuse for you. Finally, decide on your budget. It may be worth it for you to have a rubbish removal service come to do the work for you. You can also choose a combination of free kerbside pickup and a small rented bin. Finding Recycling Information: Western Australia has numerous information sources for you to visit. Here are some top channels and some particulars about each one: The Waste Authority. In 2007, The Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Act (WARR) was enacted to move Western Australia toward a waste-free society. The Waste Authority was established under the WARR Act. Their website is packed with information for individuals and businesses, and the Authority promotes good waste management practices. Recycle Right. This is the site for the Regional Resource Recovery Centre, which strives to reduce the amount of waste that winds up in the landfill. They process compost, recyclable materials, and green waste. The RRRC aims to manage waste streams efficiently to lead to a more sustainable future. The City of Perth. The city offers a comprehensive store of information about Perth-specific recycling. There you can request bins, find local recycling centers, and find your pickup day. Promoting Sustainability: Whether you are moving, renovating or decluttering, you can be proud that you are planning to use recycling as a way to complete your project. Recycling is a great way to help the environment by using fewer resources and saving energy. You can also get involved with Australia's national efforts to promote sustainability, like Keep Australia Beautiful Week, and Plastic Free July. Access your free recycling information and start helping your environment. Read Also: Less Waste – Something You Can Do For The World 5 Eye-Opening Reasons To Choose Certified E-Waste Recycling Agencies Do You Really Want To Live On Mars? 3 Sustainability Tips For An Eco-Friendly Lifestyle Omar Ascha, Inspirational Leader, On 6 Steps To Finding Mentors And Transforming Your Life

Environmental Air

Why Environmental Air and Noise Monitoring Is Really Worth Families Health

The pollution of air and sound is abruptly increasing in this modern-day age. Exposure to environmental noise from traffic and construction work is now a common occurrence in many urban areas and has been linked to increased risk of adverse health effects. These bustling traffic sources of noise also produce air pollutants that also ups the risk of these dreaded illnesses with cardiovascular morbidity at the top of the list. Associations between environmental air and sound pollution vis-a-vis health outcomes must be studied and monitored because of their ability to impact health. Noise Pollution: Noise pollution is anything that produces unreasonable noise that disrupts the flow of daily life. It can be a jackhammer pounding incessantly by your office window during the day, the annoying buzz of the flowing traffic, or the noisy restaurant beneath your apartment. There are many sources of noise pollution in this technologically advanced world, and it would just continue to increase with each passing day if not monitored. The most common reason for measuring noise pollution is to respond to a specific nuisance problem. It could pertain to an industrial process in a nearby area that impedes your productivity. The second reason for conducting noise monitoring is to provide data. These gathered and collated nuggets of information support many planning applications in terms of normal business administration and even legislation, which are known for implementing control against noisy offenders. You must not take noise pollution lightly as it can impact your family’s health. Establishments and houses facing major through fares are subject to undue stress, which have serious health consequences. Disturbance of sleep is the leading cause of hypertension and heart attacks. Those who work in jobs that are exposed to environmental noise suffer the possibility of hearing loss. Clearly, unreasonable noise must never be taken for granted, which is why monitoring systems must be set up for the protection of families. Environmental Air Pollution: Between the two, people are more familiar with the effects of air pollution. Typically, people are alarmed when they see air pollution with their naked eyes in the form of black fumes emanating from cars or factories. On top of that, there is second-hand smoke to contend with, which is very harmful to the lungs of anyone that is unfortunate enough to inhale them. But what’s even more alarming is the air pollution that you cannot see because you are complacent while it unknowingly slowly kills you. Air pollution levels in major urban cities are actually at an all-time high. With fumes from cars, manufacturing facilities, cigarette smoke, restaurant exhaust systems, and the like, there are just too many particles present in the air that humans breathe. That’s why there must be monitoring systems in place to keep air quality in check because if not taken seriously, air quality can lead to a host of illnesses, even death. Smog is, unfortunately, ever-present in the modern world. It consists of various chemicals, particulate matter, and hazardous elements that can lead to respiratory diseases. It is now no longer a wonder why many people suffer from allergic rhinitis and asthma flare-ups because the quality of modern air is so much worse when compared to the air quality of the days gone by. Indeed, progress does have its price. Sadly, the people who have to pay and suffer for it are the many families who are exposed to the pollutants. Monitor Air and Noise Quality Index: If the world is serious about dealing with environmental air and noise pollution, agencies like the Threshold Environmental Brisbane must be put in place to constantly check the air and noise quality index of places, especially urban communities that are more susceptible to these pollutants. Vigilance is necessary to continue to protect families, especially younger children and the elderly who have naturally lower immune systems due to their age. As a citizen of the world, you also have the responsibility of monitoring your air and noise consumption. Become more aware of the noise you emit each day. On top of that, your choice in home heating and your transportation fuel has an impact on air quality. Contribute in your own way by having your home fuel system and car transmission inspected regularly to make sure that they pass air and noise quality standards. On top of that, opting for more sustainable transport is the more responsible choice. For instance, you can do days where you walk, bike, or take public transportation to do your own part in reducing the world’s noise and carbon footprint. Read Also: Importance Of Environmental Protection Less Waste – Something You Can Do For The World Dangers Of Chemical Spills On Humans, Buildings, And Environment