3 Safety Regulations That Indiana Truck Companies And Drivers Must Follow


25 July 2022


Safety Regulations

Large trucks can be extremely dangerous on the road. Therefore, truck drivers and trucking companies must follow certain rules to protect themselves and others.

The safety regulations are usually determined by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA); however, local and state agencies may have additional rules.

If you’re a trucker or you’ve been in an accident with a truck driver, it’s important to know which safety rules trucking companies have to follow in case you need to take your accident case to court.

Getting into an accident is stressful, and having to contend with trucking companies can worsen the situation. So you can avoid this type of situation by simply applying the safety regulations.

Let’s have a look ‘what is federal motor carrier safety regulations.’

What Are The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations?

If you’ve been injured in a wreck involving a large truck in the South Bend area in Indiana, you need a truck accident lawyer in South Bend to help you build a personal injury case. 

You’ll need to submit all forms of evidence to your lawyer, including medical records and bills, proof of lost wages, costs associated with the accident’s aftermath, pictures, and written witness statements that will provide more insight into who was at fault for the accident.

Having a lawyer representing you is essential when you’re going up against a trucking company. The trucking company’s insurer will try to give you the lowest settlement possible, and an experienced attorney can help you receive a fair settlement. 

But before you go against a truck driver or their company for causing the accident, you need to know what rules they should have followed to prove that they didn’t.

Here Are Three Main Regulations You Should Be Aware Of What Are Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations


  1. Hours Of Service Rules
  2. Regulations For Cargo And Weight
  3. Regulations Pertaining To Vehicle Maintenance

1. Hours Of Service Rules

Service Rules

Safety regulations on hours of service restrict the number of hours truckers can spend actively driving. When driving hours are limited, this lessens the chances that drivers will be drowsy and lose control of their vehicles.

Studies have shown that drowsy driving affects the body and motor system like drunk or intoxicated driving.

According to the Department of Transport’s regulations, truckers are only allowed to drive for 11 hours at a time. This limit is in effect only if the trucker has been off duty for at least 10 hours before driving. After a trucker has been driving for up to 14 hours, they must take a break. 

Truck drivers have to take short breaks in between drives as well. Drivers who don’t follow these rules are more likely to drive drowsy, which increases the chances of truck accidents.

Indiana truckers must also follow all federal laws regarding HoS and state laws. For instance, truck drivers are not allowed to work over seventy hours without taking a break of 34 hours.

Moreover, if your attorney’s investigation shows that the truck company asked or pushed a driver into exceeding HoS limits, you can also file a claim against it.

2. Regulations For Cargo And Weight

Regulations For Cargo And Weight

The freight on the trucks must be under a certain weight to keep the vehicle from tipping over. The truck’s weight limits depend on the truck type, cargo type, and how far the truck has to travel. 

For instance, with a couple of exemptions, the state of Indiana allows vehicles to operate up to 22,400 lbs. on a single axle and 36,000 lbs. on a tandem axle. Moreover, a few state law provisions and safety regulations are allowing the trucks to exceed some federal limits.

Truckers are also limited regarding the type of cargo they are permitted to transport. For instance, flammable items and chemicals are not transported by truck. However, trucking companies can sometimes obtain a permit to transport some hazardous materials. 

Truckers must take the safest and most efficient route to ensure the materials are delivered safely and promptly. Truckers who don’t attend to these regulations could face serious penalties.

3. Regulations Pertaining To Vehicle Maintenance

Vehicle Maintenance

Trucking companies have to ensure that all of their trucks are maintained. This means that the trucks must undergo regular inspections. If any repairs are necessary, the trucking company must make the repairs as soon as possible. 

Once it is determined that a truck needs any maintenance time, it is unsafe for the vehicle to be on the road. In addition, trucking companies could be liable if they continue to allow truckers to drive malfunctioning vehicles.

In addition to trucking companies having to stick to safety regulations, truckers must also monitor the function of their trucks and notify their companies if any safety issues arise. 

Drivers must also know how to make minor truck repairs, such as changing a headlight or replacing a flat tire. Knowing how to handle these smaller repair tasks will increase the chances that truckers are safe on the road and can avoid accidents.

Bottom Line

All Indiana truckers must follow state and federal safety regulations regarding driving, safety, and avoiding accidents.

But, of course, Commercial Driver’s License violations or hiring and training violations render a trucking company liable in truck accident cases.

For this reason, if you are the plaintiff in a truck accident claim against a driver or/and their company, you should get a specialized Indiana attorney to fight for your rights and the maximum compensation possible.


Sumona is a persona, having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of her professional commitments, she carries out sharing sentient blogs by maintaining top-to-toe SEO aspects. Follow more of her contributions in SmartBusinessDaily

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Navigating The Road With Prudence: Top Tips For Responsible Driving

In a world where roads are growing busier by the day, driving responsibly has become an absolute necessity. Responsible driving goes beyond the basic understanding of traffic rules. It requires a mindset that values safety over speed and prudence over impatience. Whether you're a seasoned driver or someone who recently learned driving from a reputable driving instructor in Victoria, these tips will help you navigate the roads more responsibly. 1. Understand And Respect Traffic Rules The foundation of responsible driving lies in understanding and respecting traffic rules. These regulations are put in place to maintain order on the roads and ensure safety. Understand the meaning of traffic signs, signals, road markings, and right-of-way rules. Remember, these rules are not optional guidelines, but laws designed to prevent accidents and save lives. 2. Never Drive Under The Influence It goes without saying, but no list of tips on responsible driving can overlook the importance of sober driving. Driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or any form of intoxicants can have devastating consequences. It significantly impairs your ability to make sound judgments, react promptly, and control your vehicle properly. If you've had a drink, catch a cab, call a ride-sharing service, or ask a sober friend to drive you home. 3. Limit Distractions Distracted driving is as dangerous as driving under the influence. It only takes a momentary distraction for an accident to occur. Whether it's your mobile phone, car stereo, GPS system, or a conversation with a fellow passenger, any form of distraction can lead to a fatal mistake. Remember, when you're behind the wheel, your main focus should be on the road. 4. Practice Defensive Driving Defensive driving is the practice of driving to save lives, time, and money, in spite of the conditions around you and the actions of others. It involves anticipating potential problems and making safe, well-informed decisions to avoid them. This could mean keeping a safe distance from the vehicle ahead, being aware of the blind spots, or being extra cautious at intersections. 5. Control Your Speed Speeding is one of the leading causes of traffic accidents globally. Responsible drivers understand that the road isn't a race track. Always follow the speed limit, but remember that these limits are not targets. Depending on the weather, traffic, and road conditions, it may be safer to drive below the speed limit. 6. Keep Your Vehicle In Good Condition Vehicle maintenance is an integral part of responsible driving. A poorly maintained vehicle can be unpredictable on the road, endangering both the driver and other road users. Regular checks on your tires, brakes, lights, and engine can help prevent unexpected breakdowns and accidents. 7. Be Courteous To Other Road Users Sharing the road with others calls for courtesy and respect. It's important to be patient with other drivers, especially those who may not be as skillful or confident. Use your horn sparingly, allow others to merge into your lane when it's safe, and avoid behaviors that may provoke or endanger others. 8. Follow Safe Driving Practices In Different Weather Conditions Different weather conditions require different driving techniques. In conditions like rain, snow, fog, or ice, roads can be hazardous. Learning to adapt to these conditions, such as by slowing down, using the right lights, keeping a safe distance, and knowing how to respond if your car skids, is vital for responsible driving. 9. Plan Your Journey Planning your journey can contribute significantly to responsible driving. This includes checking the weather and traffic conditions, choosing the safest route, and ensuring you have enough rest before a long drive. 10. Lifelong Learning Responsible drivers understand that there's always more to learn. Whether it's mastering advanced driving skills, getting updated on the latest traffic rules, or learning about new automotive technologies, continuous learning is key. As we journey through life, let's remember that the way we drive can directly impact our lives and those of others on the road. Responsible driving is not just about getting from point A to point B; it's about ensuring that every journey we undertake is safe and enjoyable, both for us and for those sharing the road with us. The road to becoming a responsible driver is a continuous journey of learning and conscious effort. As you buckle up next time, remember these tips and drive responsibly. Read Also: The 5 Most Important Motorcycle Safety Tips All Riders Need To Know Things About A Personal Injury Lawyer How To Find Best Car Accident Lawyer Near You

inland rail

Effect of Australia’s New Inland Rail on the Trucking Industry

Spanning 18,000 Km from the east coast to the west coast, Australia is the fifth largest country in the world. Incidentally, the bulk of the population is settled in major cities along the coastline. The vast distances between major cities in Australia led to the development of the country’s robust inland freight networks. Australia plays a key role in the global economy and is the 20th largest exporter in the world. In 2017, the country made a positive trade balance of $44 B after exporting $243 B and importing $199 B worth of products. The country relies on its road and rail networks to mobilize all these products across the country efficiently. Significance of the Melbourne to Brisbane Inland Rail In a bold inland rail project to link Melbourne and Brisbane, Australia has invested about $10 Billion. The project will cover 1,700 kilometers to connect more than 20 major towns across three states, namely Victoria, New South Wales, and Queensland. The inland rail will streamline several bottlenecks and time constraints that have hampered freight transport between Melbourne and Brisbane. The project is also expected to create more than 10,000 jobs and boost Australia’s GDP by more than $16 Billion in 50 years. Australia’s Road Vs Rail Debate The development of the inland rail has fuelled the road vs rail debate in the freight industry. The debate questions on the efficiency and costs of using trains over trucks. Additionally, there is a concern on whether the new inland rail will put the heavy-duty truckers out of business. However, there is a lot of room in the country for both systems to coexist. With a few relevant adjustments, the road and rail systems can be integrated and complement each other. In effect, the new rail system in effect may enhance the trucking industry rather than retard it. Advantages of Rail and Road Freight Systems Both road and rail freight systems have niches where they can outdo each other. The following list highlights a few areas where it is advantageous to use road over rail transport and vice versa. Advantages of Road Transport 1. Efficient over short distances: Road transport offers several flexibility advantages that trains cannot match. Trains operate on a fixed rail line that cannot handle door to door deliveries. 2. Fast Scheduled Delivery: Trucks can deliver goods according to your schedule. This can save you from unnecessary storage costs. With rail transport, you have to adjust your programs to fit the train’s schedule. Advantages of Rail Transport 1. Cost-effective over long distances Using trains beats trucks over long distances. Trains carry more cargo and are up to 4 times more fuel-efficient than trucks. Also, the wear on your aftermarket parts for European trucks can be expensive over long distances. 2. Eco-Friendly: Trains are more environmentally friendly than trucks as they emit up to 75% fewer greenhouse gases. Also, trucks consume close to 9 times more energy per tonne-kilometer than trains. There are several ways in which the trucking industry can adapt to benefit from the development of Australia’s new inland rail system. For example, there will be immense opportunities to move cargo from to and from the train stations. Truck operators can extend the life of their vehicles and duration between services by plying shorter routes. Read Also: Freight Factoring Is Solving Common Trucking Challenges What To Consider When Buying Heavy Duty Truck Alignment Equipment Why Times Are Tough For Truckers And Why It Concerns You

Railway Equipment

Essential Facts To Consider Before Renting Heavy Railway Equipment

If you are involved in the repair or maintenance of railways then you can appreciate the need for heavy equipment. In the past railways were fixed manually. Men used spanners, jacks, shovels, and plenty of muscle power to dig up, detach, and replace damaged tracks and signs. Fortunately, this is much easier to do today. However, although heavy equipment makes the job significantly easier, the equipment is generally expensive and it may be difficult to justify the purchase of such equipment. Fortunately, there is an alternative. You can rent the heavy equipment you need from a reputable railway equipment company. This makes the process affordable and practical. But, you do need to know the following. It’s Safer The simple truth is that doing any work on a railway line is dangerous. Trains can be on the tracks and heavy items can injure you. Using specialized equipment, some of which is automated, dramatically reduces the risk. Alongside this, renting equipment instead of buying it means you don’t have to worry about maintaining it. This will be handled by the rental firm for you, allowing you to focus on using the equipment for your intended project. The fact that the maintenance is carried out by a reputable company ensures it is always safe to use. Cost-Effective Purchasing heavy equipment for occasional use is simply not a viable option for many companies. The cost of purchasing would take years to recuperate. In fact, by the time the machine has paid for itself, it would probably be outdated and inefficient. That isn’t something to worry about when renting heaving equipment. You may also like: What to Consider When Buying Heavy Duty Truck Alignment Equipment Training Of course, it is important that a properly trained and registered operator uses the equipment. You will need to confirm you have such an operator before you rent the equipment. If not, the company may be able to supply an operative. Length Of Job This is a key factor in deciding whether to rent or buy. The longer a job is set to go on for the more justifiable it is to purchase heavy railway equipment. But, it isn’t just the length of the job that matters. It also matters how often you would use a specific piece of equipment. After all, if you use it just once or twice, even as part of a ten-year job, it really is better to rent than to buy. Delivery If you opt to purchase heavy equipment you also need to think about transportation. While the manufacturer may deliver it for you, how will you move it when you need it in different locations? This is an important part of the equation as transport costs can be significant. Again, a specialist firm will handle all of this for you, allowing you to get the job done properly, safely, and within budget. After all, if there is an issue with your heavy equipment then the firm will handle all repairs and issues for you. That is useful! Read Also: Why Times Are Tough For Truckers and Why It Concerns You