10 Steps To Take To Set Up Solar Panels At Home

Published on: 26 July 2019 Last Updated on: 19 January 2022
Solar Panel

Solar panel has become increasingly popular in the past few years. This is partly driven by how environmentally friendly it is, although many people have noted how economical it can be too. Despite being a smart decision for lowering energy bills, potential users can be put off by its installation costs.

This shouldn’t be an issue, as installing solar panels at home can be much easier than people might expect. As long as you have some DIY electrical knowledge, then you should be able to install the panels yourself.

As Gem Energy Brisbane Solar Power notes, there are a number of steps that you’ll need to take when installing a solar panel at home.

Steps To Take To Set Up Solar Panels At Home

1. Calculate Your Electrical Load:

Before you decide on anything, you should calculate your current electrical usage. Once you’ve done so, you’ll then be able to determine which solar panels and other parts you’ll need. This is relatively simple to do, and often only requires a bit of math, plus an energy reading from your meter.

2. Battery Selection:

Which battery you choose can be vital for your solar power. Naturally, the panels only generate electricity during the day, so you’ll need to store some for the night. To do so, you should choose a high-quality one that provides a consistent amount of electricity over time. This will make it reliable when you’re running several appliances during the evening.

3. Select Your Solar Panels:

There are a considerable number of solar panels to choose from, which can be overwhelming. When you’re deciding on one, you should look at its energy rating. This is typically determined based on set conditions, with some being more appropriate for certain weather. As a result, you should research how well a model will perform in your area.

4. Know Where To Place It:

When you’re considering a solar panel, you should determine where the best place on your property to put it is. There can be a few factors at play here, with access to sunlight being the most notable. The obvious place to install the panel is your roof, although you’ll need to decide where to place it here.

5. Choose A Charge Controller:

This is a device that’s placed between your battery and solar panel and regulates the flow of electricity between the two. Choosing the right one can make a large difference, as it dictates how effectively your battery will charge. This means that you should spend a considerable amount of time picking one.

6. Pick The Right Inverter:

Solar panels typically turn sunlight into alternating current (AC). However, most appliances function on direct current (DC). As such, you’ll need to purchase an inverter, which switches from one to the other. There are a few types of inverters to choose from, each with its benefits. As such, you should spend time researching each.

7. Mount The Solar Panel:

Once you have the equipment, it’s now time to mount the solar panel. You can either create your own mounting mechanism or purchase a premade one. If you’re not overly familiar with the process, then it’s recommended that you buy a kit. When creating your own, be aware of the angle that you’re mounting it at, as this will affect how much sunlight it receives.

8. Inverter & Battery Stand:

Similar to the solar panel itself, you may need to build a stand to hold your battery and inverter. However, this isn’t a complicated task, as you’ll be able to make do with a box that includes a hole for the wiring. Once everything has been wired, it’s important to note that you should cover this hole as much as possible to keep everything from being damaged. You should also ensure that it’s kept away from running water.

9. Start Wiring:

The wiring may be the most overwhelming part of the process, although it can be more straightforward than you think. Put simply, the connection should go from the solar panel to your charge converter to your load, i.e., your appliances. Alongside this, the charge controller should be connected to your battery, which should also be connected to your load.

10. Start Enjoying Your Solar Panel:

Once you’ve connected everything in the appropriate manner, you can start enjoying your solar power. While setting everything up, you should ensure that you’ve done so in the right way. The wiring is the most important area here, so you should take care of it.

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Save With Solar Panels

How Much Do You Save With Solar Panels? The Ultimate Guide

It's no secret that installing solar panels in your home can save you a significant amount of money. After all, you'll be able to partially generate your own electricity as opposed to relying on utility providers. Not everybody knows just how much they can expect to save from home solar panels, though. How much do you save with solar panels? Let's take a look at the contributing factors to solar panel savings. Sun Exposure As you might guess, the amount of sun exposure in your region will play a large role in determining how much money you save with the best solar panels. Those who live in states like Arizona, California, Florida, or Texas will save more than those who live in Washington. This means that those who live in regions with a particularly cloudy climate may want to hold off on investing in solar panels. The Cost of Installation Those who wish to install solar panels on an average-sized home will need to pay approximately $10,000 to do so. Those who have larger properties will need to spend even more. This also means that it will take you longer to recoup your initial investment. Keep this in mind moving forward so that you can determine whether or not this option is best for you. You can check out this solar installation company to learn more about a reputable resource for this type of equipment. Your Overall Electric Bill The more electricity that you use on a regular basis, the more money you will save by using solar panels. However, those who use minimal electricity each month won't save enough money to justify the costs of installation. So, those who will benefit most are likely those who run a business out of their home, have a substantial number of people living at the property, etc. To get the most precise measurement and the most out of your solar investment, you should be equipped with a smart electric meter. Government Incentives Interestingly, many people are unaware of the fact that the government offers incentives for homeowners to install solar panels. This comes in the form of a tax credit, which allows you to deduct a certain amount of money from your overall income. By extension, this then reduces the amount of money that you pay taxes on. On average, you can expect to receive a tax credit of approximately 23% of the cost of your solar panel installation. Those who spent $10,000 on installation, for example, would be able to write off $2300 from that year's overall income. So, How Much Do You Save With Solar Panels? The answer will highly depend on the factors listed above. In general, however, you can expect to save approximately $1500 per year on electricity. Over time, this number can quickly add up. So, keep the above answer to “how much do you save with solar panels” in mind. Looking for more tips that can help you out later on? Check out the rest of our blog for plenty of more useful information. Read Also: 10 Steps To Take To Set Up Solar Panels At Home The Benefits of Solar Lighting in a Nutshell


What are the Different Types of Industrial Power Solutions?

One fact of industrial production is that without power, nothing gets done. Machinery doesn't move, computers don't work and orders aren't processed and workers are idle. So it is obvious that a reliable, constant source of power is available to industry at all times. When it comes to deciding how that gets done, each company needs to start by asking what are their specific power requirements and how permanent it needs to be and what are the solutions available to meet those needs, usually by employing a specialized power company, such as APR Energy Power Solutions. While many permanent industrial facilities in America can count on public power grid infrastructure available in populated areas, more remote areas need to look at self-generating solutions to provide them with the energy they need to operate. So, assuming public power isn't available, the first question that needs to be asked is how permanent is the operation going to be. An industrial facility electric requirement can be categorized as: 1. Temporary (or interim) and emergency power Shorter-term projects can be done remotely and require a mobile solution to be in place to get the job done. Except for the emergency power situation (which would occur immediately to handle the power needs for the duration of the incident), interim power usually takes from 30 to 90 days to design and setup. This solution can be in place and used for a couple of months to many years into the future. This could include providing emergency power, temporary bridging power when a power plant is being repaired or a new one is being constructed, distributed electrical generation, etc. It can also operate at many different levels of generating support. Whether it only provides power during peak demand, as just standby power source, or being solely for the base-load prime supplier of power for the facility, suppliers of these systems can give that added flexibility to the total needs of their customers. Depending on the size of the operation, the equipment supplier can employ: Diesel, natural gas, or turbine generators and fuel tanks if required. UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply) Systems. With UPS Batteries and Battery Cabinets Power Distribution Units Cooling units Automatic Transfer Switches Load Banks 2. Long-term power Generally, when permanent power plant facilities are being built, a longer-term temporary generating solution needs to be employed. This usually takes many years for a plant to be built, so the long term temporary design has to do the job that the permanent plant will do. This longer-term solution requires more specific planning to meet the demands of a larger operating facility. However, more permanence means that lower-cost sources of fuel can be added into the program such as natural gas, liquid natural gas, Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), ethanol, kerosene, and naphtha. this is usually accomplished by using a turbine generator. These not only offer fuel flexibility but can run more efficiently and with a smaller carbon footprint. Usually, these facilities are supplied by the power company vendor and the equipment ownership is retained by that company. This means that the generating system can remain for many years, but will remain a straight business expense and not a capital investment to the company, simplifying the accounting process considerably. 3. Permanent Industrial power Permanent generating installations are required by many industries when they aren't planned to remove the equipment. Industries such as utilities, heavy industry, EPC companies, mining, oil and gas operations, and military organizations require ongoing power generation. As with the long-term solution, this more permanent industrial placement can take advantage of the latest and most efficient power equipment and control room technologies. The use of direct fuel pipelines to power the generators can be built for permanent reliability as well. But still, have the flexibility of using alternative fuels if necessary. So industrial organizations have many questions to answer before deciding how they will be supplied with ongoing power to run their business. Working with the power companies that are experts in this area is the best place to start. Careful planning and research at this point are critical for its future operational success. Read Also: 5 Technologies Disrupting The Construction Industry What Surprising Industry Is Helping Canada Get Greener? 5 Industry Examples Where Protective Machine Covers Are Put To A Good Use Top Reasons Why Profitindustry Has The Best E-Commerce Platforms For Your Box Subscription Business