Tag: Dogs

bark collar

All You Need To Know About Bark Collar

To begin with, let's analyze the principle of the bark collar. The principle of the collar is based on "negative reinforcement": as soon as the dog starts barking, the device in one way or another causes the animal discomfort. In many models, the intensity of exposure can be adjusted. Usually, they start with the weakest influences, but if they become ineffective, the power is increased. Most pets understand the connection between barking and punishment over time and then break the habit. However, an immediate result cannot be expected: at first, the dog will, from time to time, forget about the collar, especially if frequent barking has become a norm for it. The Bark Collar Appearance A receiver with electronic components, including a bark indicator and a device for influencing the dog, is attached to the tape. The receiver may have a power adjustment wheel, as well as a battery indicator. Some models are equipped with GPS tracking devices. The receiver weighs from 25 to 120 g. The larger the dog, the larger the device should be. The receiver detects barking using a vibration sensor or microphone. Both types have their drawbacks: the former may react to scratching behind the ear, yawning, or throat movement while drinking, while the latter may react to other dogs barking. A bark collar with a microphone device makes mistakes more often. You may also like: 10 Reasons Why Your Dog Can Breathe Fast? Whom Does It Fit? There are collars for both large and small dogs. They are especially relevant for breeds that are naturally prone to frequent barking: Spitz, Yorkshire terriers, etc. Before proceeding with the choice of a bark collar, it is necessary to consult with a dog handler. Sometimes you can get rid of the problem without resorting to the device. In addition, in case of hysterical disorders in a dog, such a collar will only worsen the situation. The collar must not be used for more than 8-12 hours a day. Most dogs stop vocalizing for no reason after just a week. However, to fully consolidate the result, using the device for up to six months is recommended. If your dog has become nervous or depressed because of the collar, you should contact a dog handler. Varieties Of Bark Collar Like the harness and the other pets’ accessories, bark collars are available in different shapes and sizes. The bark collar’s size and features are different from the larger breeds for the smaller breed dogs. When you are going to purchase the bark coolers for your pets, you have first to understand the necessity of the bark collars and then what are the suitable types of bark collars. For example, for the smaller breeds, the minor tingling sensation is enough to stop the barking. But for the larger and aggressive breeds, the collars must be much more powerful than the smaller ones. Here are a few options and the types which are available for your pet dog. Ultrasonic Gas and spray Vibrating Electrical Combined You may also like: Smaller Sized Meal Portions for Dogs How To Use The Bark Collar? To begin with, the dog must get used to the bark collar, so it is kept off for the first 2-3 weeks. It should be positioned higher than the usual model and fit snugly to the skin. When you turn it on for the first time, you must personally monitor how the pet reacts to the triggered device. If the dog is very scared (to the point of hysterics), the collar must be turned off and removed immediately and then put on again the next day. Over time, the animal will begin to respond more adequately simply by stopping the barking. Conclusion: Many times barking is becoming a habit for pets. The bogs barking is like an alarm. When your dog is developing a barking practice, you can not find the real cause behind his barking, and every time he starts barking, you will think there is some issue with security, but you can not find the real cause behind the barking. This is the main reason the owners are taking the help of the bark collar to control the dog’s barking habits. Read Also: Can Dogs Help Writers Stay Positive During Stress? The Best Dog Breeds For Fitness Fanatics What You Should Know About Mini Sofas For Dogs

Anti-Social Kids

Can Dogs Make the Anti-Social Kids Socialize Better?

A dog is a man’s best friend, and this best friend helps in making new friends. Dogs give you more than what you can think of—emotional, mental, and social support. Apart from improving social skills these furry companions also play a significant role in teaching kids important life skills such as empathy, kindness, and responsibility. Caring for a pet dog, making sure the dog gets his nutritious meal, has access to freshwater and stays healthy, can also aid in boosting your child's self-esteem thereby increasing their ability to interact with the people around. With the increasing usage of technology and gadgets, children are becoming lazy, lonely, obese, stressed, and may develop severe mental and heart disease. To socialize children, dogs are the right reason for them to go out, interact, make friends, and play! Dogs have such outstanding qualities including faithfulness, compassion, companionship, and obedience that anyone would love to bring home a dog. Even the most lonely and anti-social person out there can crave for the presence of a furry pooch. Research on Pet Ownership and Social Interaction: Studies have shown that pets positively influence the lives of their owners, and help in attaining physical and mental well-being. Latest surveys have shown that pets not only benefit the cognitive and emotional skills but also improve their social skills. The University of Western Australia, WALTHAM Centre for Pet Nutrition, and Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health surveyed on how pets help people socialize better. The results based on responses of 2,700 pet owners showed that pet-ownership is the 3rd most common way to help people socialize in their neighborhood. The survey has also shown that dog owners, in particular, who took their Fidos on daily walks, were more likely to befriend other pet-owners, veterinaries, behaviorists, and trainers. A survey by PLoS has shown that pet ownerships promote interaction between people. The results of the report revealed that “Around 40% of pet owners reported receiving one or more types of social support (i.e., emotional, informational, appraisal, instrumental) via people they met through their pet.” Around 148 studies have shown that social connections are helpful for maintaining long-term mental and physical health. Moreover, people having social networks had 50% higher chances of living longer than those having less social interactions How do Pets Increase the Chances of Social Interaction? If you are a new dog-parent, you must have noticed how people are attracted by your pooch everywhere you go. Such small social interactions will create positive feelings in you and develop your confidence to communicate with anyone even strangers. Similar is the case with anti-social and shy kids. With greater interactions with other kids, your child will develop the confidence to confront more people and other kids. It helps in the development of a balanced personality of your child as the dog provides emotional support and people provide social support. Moreover, dogs have shown to increase the emotional intelligence of kids. Emotional intelligence includes feelings of compassion, kindness, sharing, care, and love, etc. These qualities will help your child gain acceptance and appreciation from elders. Such confidence boost can help the child make a bigger social circle. Endorphins, the happy hormones, are released due to physical activities of your child with the dog. They strengthen the bond of the child with the pooch and develop feelings of affection in the child. Along with that, taking care of the pooch each day develops a sense of responsibility in the child. Such characteristics add up for balanced personality development of the child. The children should be given an opportunity to take the dogs out every day. If you are worried about flea infestation, have a look at UHL selected flea collars. It is well-known that the children, who go out, have a positive and creative outlook towards life. Do you know positivity is the most sought out personality trait? The children perform better in their academics. Dogs help them earn acclaim at the school. They develop better communication skills as well. Many people identify with others having a similar pet or dog breed. As the two pets interact, the pet owners form a social bonding with each other. Kids having similar pets can relate to each other easily at the pet parks. Read Also : Can Dogs Help Writers Stay Positive During Stress? 5 Reasons Why Your Child Needs A Dog Dog Bites- Steps To Follow When A Dog Bites Your Kid

Dogs Help

Can Dogs Help Writers Stay Positive During Stress?

Writers mostly posses an anti-social personality, which creates greater chances for them to suffer from loneliness and, therefore, stress, anxiety, and depression. However, pets can improve the quality of your life by adding more colors to your dull and monotonous life. Once, you get used to the furry friend’s unconditional love and affection; you cannot think of losing them. Dogs know how to de-stress you and make you experience life optimistically. Here are five ways dogs can reduce your stress: Live Life Realistically : When writers immerse themselves into the illusory world of imaginations, they lose contact with reality. But, imaginations can be dangerous to rely on! Dr. Johnson says that imaginative flights can cause a man to fear or hope beyond the possibilities of life. When the expectations remain unfulfilled, there's stress and depression. You have to take the dog for walks, feed him, pet him, and train him in spite of all your duties towards your stories. You will have to vacuum that pet hair from the furniture, find here: best pet hair vacuum. These responsibilities towards pets will keep you intact with reality. Provide Reasons to Live For : It’s hard to get out of bed each day, but your dog will not understand it. He will provide you with a reason to wake up early, feed him, and go out for a walk with him. Long walks and exercise routines are great therapies for the relief of anxiety, stress, and depression. Exercise and play regulate blood flow and helps to release the happy hormones “endorphins.” Optimistic Outlook : Positive energy is created when the anti-social writer goes out and socialize with people more. The more endorphins are released, the higher are the chances of an optimistic outlook on life. If the writer will simply observe the way a dog explores and enjoys life, communicates with other people, and stays curious at all times; he can develop a positive feeling towards mysteries of life and their unusual ways of revealing themselves. Awaken Creative Powers : When the writer indulges into training the dog using different techniques, his creative powers awaken. Creative skills of a person never let him get stuck at any point and get depressed. As an owner, he thinks of shaping the behavior and skills of the pooch, so he gets more and more creative ideas. By reflecting on the dog’s way of living life and dealing with his human companions, the writer’s creative spirit can be aroused. Paulo Coelho explains it well as: “It's the simple things in life that are the most extraordinary.” Unconditional Love and Acceptance : Writers are introvert and shy. Their struggle to socialize and get accepted is for real. Dogs show unconditional love and acceptance for us despite all our mood swings and personal failing. This creates self-confidence and positive self-image of the writers. Anti-social writers might have been ignored for long, but being a human, they want to be listened to patiently. Dogs are great listeners. They provide such strong bonding and loyal companionship that they are never tired of you. Moreover, physical contact with your fido helps in the release of oxytocin, a neuropeptide that promotes feelings of trust, devotion, and bonding. Wouldn't you suggest your writer friend and anti-social friends get a pooch as soon as possible after reading this? Read Also : 5 Reasons Why Your Child Needs A Dog Dog Bites- Steps To Follow When A Dog Bites Your Kid Food Allergies In Dog And How You Can Prevent It? James is a part-time dog-trainer and dog behavior consultant with years of experience in dog training and the man behind LabradorTrainingHQ.com. He is interested in finding out fun ways to handle dog behaviors, specifically, Labradors to help dog-owners enjoy their companions at all times.