Can Dogs Make the Anti-Social Kids Socialize Better?

Published on: 20 April 2018 Last Updated on: 24 July 2024
Anti-Social Kids

A dog is a man’s best friend, and this best friend helps in making new friends. Dogs give you more than what you can think of—emotional, mental, and social support.

Apart from improving social skills these furry companions also play a significant role in teaching kids important life skills such as empathy, kindness, and responsibility. Caring for a pet dog, making sure the dog gets his nutritious meal, has access to freshwater and stays healthy, can also aid in boosting your child’s self-esteem thereby increasing their ability to interact with the people around.

With the increasing usage of technology and gadgets, children are becoming lazy, lonely, obese, stressed, and may develop severe mental and heart disease. To socialize children, dogs are the right reason for them to go out, interact, make friends, and play!

Dogs have such outstanding qualities including faithfulness, compassion, companionship, and obedience that anyone would love to bring home a dog. Even the most lonely and anti-social person out there can crave for the presence of a furry pooch.

Research on Pet Ownership and Social Interaction:

Studies have shown that pets positively influence the lives of their owners, and help in attaining physical and mental well-being. Latest surveys have shown that pets not only benefit the cognitive and emotional skills but also improve their social skills. The University of Western Australia, WALTHAM Centre for Pet Nutrition, and Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health surveyed on how pets help people socialize better. The results based on responses of 2,700 pet owners showed that pet-ownership is the 3rd most common way to help people socialize in their neighborhood.

The survey has also shown that dog owners, in particular, who took their Fidos on daily walks, were more likely to befriend other pet-owners, veterinaries, behaviorists, and trainers.

A survey by PLoS has shown that pet ownerships promote interaction between people. The results of the report revealed that “Around 40% of pet owners reported receiving one or more types of social support (i.e., emotional, informational, appraisal, instrumental) via people they met through their pet.”

Around 148 studies have shown that social connections are helpful for maintaining long-term mental and physical health. Moreover, people having social networks had 50% higher chances of living longer than those having less social interactions

How do Pets Increase the Chances of Social Interaction?

If you are a new dog-parent, you must have noticed how people are attracted by your pooch everywhere you go. Such small social interactions will create positive feelings in you and develop your confidence to communicate with anyone even strangers.

Similar is the case with anti-social and shy kids. With greater interactions with other kids, your child will develop the confidence to confront more people and other kids. It helps in the development of a balanced personality of your child as the dog provides emotional support and people provide social support.

Moreover, dogs have shown to increase the emotional intelligence of kids. Emotional intelligence includes feelings of compassion, kindness, sharing, care, and love, etc. These qualities will help your child gain acceptance and appreciation from elders. Such confidence boost can help the child make a bigger social circle.

Endorphins, the happy hormones, are released due to physical activities of your child with the dog. They strengthen the bond of the child with the pooch and develop feelings of affection in the child. Along with that, taking care of the pooch each day develops a sense of responsibility in the child. Such characteristics add up for balanced personality development of the child.

The children should be given an opportunity to take the dogs out every day. If you are worried about flea infestation, have a look at UHL selected flea collars. It is well-known that the children, who go out, have a positive and creative outlook towards life. Do you know positivity is the most sought out personality trait?

The children perform better in their academics. Dogs help them earn acclaim at the school. They develop better communication skills as well.

Many people identify with others having a similar pet or dog breed. As the two pets interact, the pet owners form a social bonding with each other. Kids having similar pets can relate to each other easily at the pet parks.

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Little-Known Founder Habits To Advance Your Career & Personal Life

5 Little-Known Founder Habits To Advance Your Career & Personal Life

Inspirational quotes are, well, inspirational. But they usually don’t offer any great insights into the minds of the people they’re attributed to. When they’re properly attributed at all. More often than not, quotes are apocryphal, which means they’re attributed to someone famous who didn’t actually say them (or, at least, wasn’t the first). So let’s dispense with the inspirational quotes and go deeper. Let’s try our best to understand what actually makes successful people successful. Specifically, people who’ve founded and scaled successful businesses. These Five Little-Known Founder Habits Are The Perfect Place To Begin There are multiple five little-known founder habits that will be going to be perfect to begin a successful roadmap. Below I am going to discuss the five little-known habits that are a perfect place to begin.  1. Staying Humble, No Matter How Far You Get  Many entrepreneurs have humble origin stories. Throw an iPhone in Silicon Valley and you’ll probably hit someone who works for a company started in some guy’s garage. What sets truly humble entrepreneurs apart from everyone else is what they do after hitting the big time. Founders like Steve Streit, who famously launched fintech pioneer Green Dot from his home, managed to stay down to earth after his company became a market leader.  Truly humble founders also tend to know when to step back. Streit now lets others run Green Dot and devotes his time to philanthropy and early-stage investing. Many others, from Bill Gates to Craig Newmark, followed similar paths. 2. Never Being Afraid to Ask Questions  There’s a fine line between projecting competence and being overconfident. The first is a good thing, on balance, for founders. The second is not. What does this have to do with not being afraid to ask questions? Well, competent people are more than happy to ask questions they don’t know the answer to. That’s how they learn. Overconfident people are scared of looking like they don’t know something, imagining it to be a sign of weakness. But the opposite is true — being so scared as to be unwilling to learn is a sign of weakness, and likely to hold you back from the success you might otherwise deserve. 3. Being Good at “Two Things” (Instead of One) “Cross-disciplinary” capabilities are in high demand among founders (and their backers) these days. What this means is that investors and other stakeholders prefer leaders who are neither “a mile wide and an inch deep” nor “an inch wide and a mile deep.” People who can do at least two things very well — say, systems engineering and public communication, or marketing and supply chain management — tend to be better placed to lead growing teams. 4. Cutting Out the Business Jargon  A word of advice: Don’t use terms like “cross-disciplinary.” Instead, say “being good at two things at once.” Sure, it’s more of a mouthful, but everyone understands what you’re talking about, and you don’t sound like a know-it-all. Even if your down-to-earth style turns off industry insiders, it’ll endear you to the broader market. 6. Building a Team That Reflects Your Audience  Warren Buffett famously hires for “integrity first.” But integrity alone won’t get your team over the hump. Nor will competence alone, though it certainly helps. The most resilient teams have a broad range of skills, perspectives, and influences, so much so that they can be said to accurately reflect the composition of their addressable markets. In a word, they’re as diverse — or nearly as diverse — as the broader public. Anyone who tells you “diversity” is a dirty word is selling something you don’t want to buy, or perhaps doesn’t understand the true meaning of “diversity.” What’s Your Hidden Superpower?  Self-promotional founders might exaggerate a bit and call these six little-discussed habits “superpowers.” If they make the difference between success and failure, well, that’s a reasonable position to take. Let’s turn the conversation back to you. Thinking about your own strengths and weaknesses, your own routines and work habits, does anything you do (or feel you’re capable of) rise to the level of “superpower”?  Probably so. The bigger challenge, once you’ve identified your own superpower, is to figure out how it translates to success in life and business. You’ve got the goods; now it’s time to use them. What Are The 10 Habits Of Successful People? Did you know that some successful people want to be involved in cultivating certain habits? Below, I will discuss the ten habits of successful people that will help you become successful. 1. Organization One of the most significant habits of successful people is organization. In this case, organization includes planning and setting priorities along with goals. After researching the fact, it has been seen that’s founder, Joel Brown, says that he always used to follow his self-made to-do list. This helps him to become a successful person.  2. Taking Action Did you know that success comes from taking Action? Ultimately, taking Action is one of the most significant habits of almost every successful person. It means a person who dreams of achieving success and goals always has calculated plans. In this case, they also consistently implement their calculated plans. After that, they can see the future’s bright and prosperous light, which usually fills with joyful motivation and omnipotence.  3. Relaxation When this is about relaxation, then it means not just taking naps. But this points to meditating for long hours by closing your eyes. This helps you to become successful in an easier manner. After all, meditation is a big medicine to get your life back; even this can turn your messy thoughts into something streamlined. This will help you think properly, make plans, and move ahead to move right.  4. Personal Care If you have plans to be passionate about any significant domain, then it will not happen. In this case, always remember that taking care of yourself and keeping yourself clean is also part of achieving success. It is a fact that almost every successful person somehow takes care of their health. This can be done in any way, such as exercising regularly, practicing self-care, eating healthy foods, maintaining a good routine, etc.  5. Positive Attitude What do you mean by positive habits? Well, this could be anything, right!! In this case, by becoming humble, expressing properly, talking with others politely, and so on. You always have to showcase your positive habits in your workplace. In this way, you can become successful. Not only that, but this is the easiest way to get courage.  6. Networking Building a network would be an essential part of life. Some successful people always want to add value in exchanging their lives. Networking is mainly known as the value of teamwork and collaboration.  7. Frugality Frugality is one of the most essential habits for being thrifty. This can happen with anything, such as resources and money. This is another habit that will help you learn economics by avoiding multiple wastages. This would automatically give results in this type of efficiency.  8. Rising Early Did you know that you won’t be able to succeed without rising early? In this case, a late-morning person can’t get that success compared to an early-rising person. This habit will repeatedly help you to achieve success. This is one of the most remarkable and notable successes among other habits.  9. Sharing  Sharing is another way to become a successful person. Successful people will always have the habit of believing in their success and passions. This would help them to accumulate wealth, especially for themselves.  10. Reading Books will help you to enhance your knowledge. After all, knowledge transfer and garnering knowledge are also notable habits of a successful person.  In Conclusion I have discussed 5 Little-Known Founder Habits to Advance Your Career & Personal Life and ten Habits of a Successful Person. Building a good habit is a practice of becoming rich. This old proverb, “failure is the pillar of success,” means you must face failure to reach a thriving destination. Otherwise, it won’t be possible to become a successful person.  I hope you liked this article! Learn More About: The 7 Habits of People Who Live Debt-Free Lives Books & Self Development – How Words Can Help Motivate Yourself The Lifeline Of Hope: Exploring The Power Of Life Supports Counseling

Boost Brainpower

3 Ways to Boost Brainpower in Your Older Years

The idea that brainpower decreases over time is a myth. The brain remains fertile through old age. Learning new skills and using your memory not only makes your brain more fertile but also improves overall cognitive wellbeing and may even prevent the onset of dementia. Neuroscientists use the term “neuroplasticity” to refer to the brain’s adaptability. Whereas in the recent past, the commonly held view was that the brain becomes more plastic over time—that people become more rigid in their thinking, that their thought patterns become more entrenched—neuroscientists are discovering that, on the contrary, the brain remains a flexible muscle all through life. That means that, contrary to popular belief, ageing people can change their thought patterns, take in and process lots of new information, and change the way they see the world. Here are three ways to flex your brain in your older years. #1 Learn a New Language Learning a new language is a tried and true way to flex your brain and boost your brainpower in your older years. Yes, it is true that children are better at learning new languages—but only slightly —and it’s possible that children are slightly better at learning new languages only because they have more opportunities and resources and are not afraid of making mistakes. That is to say that, contrary to popular belief, children are not better at learning languages because they possess an innate capacity reserved for the young. With the right opportunities and resources, and without the fear of making mistakes, older people may be able to learn new languages as well as children do. (However, older people do have more difficulty with accents.) If you’re in your older years, try visiting a language class at your local college, community centre, or upscale retirement community to see for yourself how surprisingly easy language acquisition can be. Ageing people who learn a new language have better memories and overall cognitive health than those who don’t. More, learning a new language may reduce the likelihood of developing different kinds of dementia, such as Alzheimer’s. #2 Nurture Your Memory Unfortunately, because people tend to believe that memory declines with age, ageing people tend not to trust their memories as much as younger people do. However, in reality, memory doesn’t necessarily decline with age, especially when people make a habit of nurturing it. You can nurture your memory by maintaining a healthy sleep schedule, eating less added sugar, taking fish oil supplements, exercising, avoiding excessive amounts of alcohol, meditating, and getting enough vitamin D. Also, eat anti-inflammatory foods rather than foods that cause inflammation. Foods that cause inflammation include fried foods, fast food, refined carbohydrates (e.g. white rice and pasta), soda, and foods that contain trans-fat. Anti-inflammatory foods include berries, mushrooms, broccoli, extra virgin olive oil, peppers, green tea, cherries, and dark chocolate. #3 Take Up a Hobby Ageing people can flex their brains and boost their brainpower by taking up a new hobby. If you’re interested in doing so, go with what you’re genuinely interested in, rather than what you think you should be interested in. If you wish you wanted to play a musical instrument but have no real desire to, that’s fine. Instead, choose the hobby you’re genuinely interested in, even if you’re embarrassed by it. Bottom Line The idea that brainpower declines over time are a myth. On the contrary, the brain is a wonderfully flexible muscle that you can exercise well into old age. Learning a new language, nurturing your memory, and taking up a new hobby are three fantastic ways to boost brainpower. Read Also: 6 Ways to Promote Healthy Brain Five Benefits of Meditation That Will Change Your Life

sex life

How Women Can Boost Their Libido and Improve Their Sex Life

Is your sex life suffering and you would like to improve it? Congratulations are in order. Many women do not take measures in this sense and allow their low sex drive to undermine their relationship. They also miss out on the numerous health benefits of sex. Don’t worry! There are many things we can do to boost your libido and improve your sex life naturally. We will review the most effective of them in the following lines. But, before we get to it, there is one thing you should consider: getting a medical exam and make sure your problem does not stem from some medical condition. It could be a hormonal imbalance. You may suffer from hypoactive sexual desire disorder, approaching menopause, or be pregnant. The causes could also be psychological, like stress, anxiety, depression, poor self-esteem, or relationship-related, like communication issues with your partner, different sexual needs and preferences, etc. The best way to eliminate a problem is to identify and eliminate its causes. Until you get a chance to do that, we will review a few remedies that should provide immediate, even though short term results. 9 Quick Ways to Boost Your Libido and Improve Your Sex Life 1. Get into the Mindset If you are not willing to have sex, arousal is less likely to occur. Whether for your partner’s sake, the numerous health benefits, your own pleasure, or all of these combined, you should decide to have sex. Once you start thinking about it and fantasizing, your libido will receive a natural boost. 2. Watch Your Meals If you overeat right before going to bed, or you eat unhealthy foods that cause bloating and gas or are difficult to digest, getting in the mood for sex will be difficult. Therefore, try eating less and focus on healthy, unprocessed foods. 3. Include Aphrodisiac Foods in Your Diet A small bar of dark chocolate, fenugreek seeds, warm spices like cinnamon, hers like Shatavari, and exotic foods like dates can work miracles on your libido. You just have to give them a chance. Consume them regularly or with a couple of hours before your date, to give them time to act. 4. Relax Stress gets to all of us and affects us more than we realize. Try to relieve it through physical exercise, meditation, yoga, listening to music, etc. Just before your sexual encounter, get a hot bubble bath. Add a few drops of essential oils to it, like lavender, sandalwood, clary sage, etc. 5. Have a Glass of Red Wine No, the goal is not to get you drunk. Research has shown that a moderate intake of red wine will improve blood flow to your erogenous zones and increase lubrication. Being rich in polyphenols, and histamines, red wine could also improve your partner’s erectile function and increase sex drive in both of you. It will surely help you get rid of some inhibitions and act more freely, more confident, more determined. 6. Take Supplements It’s common knowledge by now that our modern diet and chaotic lifestyle are depriving us of essential vitamins and minerals. Among others, such deficiencies can contribute to low sex drive and vaginal dryness. You can fight them with supplements based on natural ingredients, like Queen V Livin’ Libido Loca. Taken regularly, they will improve blood flow to your erogenous zones and increase your libido without any side effects for you to worry about. 7. Make Sure You’ll Enjoy Prelude Especially if you’re in a years-old relationship, chances are you and your partner have gotten comfortable with one another. You could be skipping prelude or investing too little time and effort into it. Change that. The ideal would be to talk to your partner and get him to work with you. If you do not feel up to it, discreet suggestions like a massage, a shower together, or a slow dance could help. Changing the location or the position could have a powerful impact as well. A blindfold could help stir your excitement as well. 8. Use Lubricants Vaginal dryness can really hinder pleasure during sex. Until you eliminate its cause, you can find temporary relief in lubricants. Some have a pleasant smell and contain ingredients that help to enhance pleasure. 9. Try Something New Routine and boredom should not find room in your sex life. If they have, it is time to kick them away. There are several ways to do that. You and your partner can try new positions, pleasure one another before the actual intercourse, or use sex toys. Do not be afraid to share your fantasies with your loved one and to experiment. As long as you both enjoy it or consent to it, everything is allowed when it comes to sex and pleasure. All of the above methods are safe and effective. Why deprive yourself and your loved one of the pleasure and benefits of sex when enjoying them is so easy and risk-free? Read Also: 8 Healthy Ways To Improve Your Sex Life Overnight Just Not Feeling It? Tips For Getting Your Sex Drive Back Virectin Reviews – Intense Male Enhancement For Increased Sex Drive