5 Reasons Why Your Child Needs a Dog

Published on: 02 March 2018 Last Updated on: 24 July 2024
Why Your Child Needs a Dog

Probably your child’s storybooks, movies, toys, clothes, and even the decoration of their room is usually populated with pictures of animals and that is the reason behind them falling in love with animals. Therefore, it is easy for kids to get wrapped in the idea of owning a pet. According to a rough estimation, 62 percent of households in the United States own a pet. If you are sitting on the edge and thinking about which animal must be added to the family. The answer to your question is a puppy. Dogs are active and compassionate animals and at this time of age, your child needs someone who does not only love him unconditionally but also helps him develop different personality traits. Let me tell you a few reasons why to get a dog for your child if you are still in dilemma.

Here are: 5 Reasons Why Your Child Needs a Dog:

1. Art of Taking Care of Others:

Growing up with a pet brings a lot of excitement and fun to your child’s life. So, the most important thing is to choose a dog breed that will be a protective and loyal little companion for your kiddo, and one good example is Shiba Inu dogs. They usually tend to spend more of their leisure time with them which ends up creating an unconditional bond of love and care between the two. In addition to this parents must make sure that the experience of owning a pet remains pleasant for both, the kid and the dog. Make a to-do list for your child to take care of his pet. Assign him duties like feeding the dog on time, giving him a bath twice a week, or keeping his furry friend’s toys at place daily. This will help you to bow the seeds of taking responsibility for your kid at the very age of childhood.

Having a dog in the family is a great responsibility. Parents seek to make their kids independent by doing certain things. Having a dog in the house ensures that the child knows about the requirements and needs of another living being. Experts and veterinarians point out that it is important to learn deeply about the relationship of a child and a dog. This helps understand whether the child will grow up to be a responsible human being and allow other needs to get prioritized over their own. Having a dog also helps a child develop psychologically. Studies have shown that kids who have dogs grow up with stronger mental health.

2. Your Child Will Stay Healthy:

2. Your Child Will Stay Healthy:

Where there are many benefits of modern lifestyle it also has negative impacts on our lives. These days’ children tend to sit back at home in front of the TV or gadgets like a cell phone or iPad. Usually, they are not willing to go out and play. However physical activities are very important for your child’s physical development at this age. If you will own a dog there will be more chances that your child will get engaged in physical activities as dogs like to run, chase, walk and play. Staying active decrease chances of getting obsessed, boost up your child’s metabolism which decreases the chance of getting him sick every now and then. One more health benefit of owning a dog is children who grow up with dogs are less prone to allergies.

Read Also: Food Allergies In Dog And How You Can Prevent It?

3. Relax and Calm:

3. Relax and Calm:

Owning a pet as a dog helps in managing behavioral issues in kids. When parents tend to be strict your child needs someone to accompany them. They usually share their sadness, discomfort, and even secrets with their pets. Hyperactive kids learn discipline as they look after dogs. The playful nature of dogs helps to uplift the mood of a child and can calm a hyperactive kid.

4. Dogs Help Them In Learning:

Owning a pet helps your child to learn different skills. From the very beginning, they create a bond of love, and looking after their pet helps them develop emotions and parental skills. Taking them out does not only keep them fit but also makes them interact with different people outside which helps in reducing hesitation towards socializing and brings confidence.

5. Strong family Bond:

Strong family Bond

Do you know a pet like a dog can help you to strengthen your family’s bond? Dogs become part of many activities that family do together like going for walks, watching TV, feeding them, and even going for vocations. With no time they become part of our family and we always have stories of them to share with other family members.


Read More:

  1. Dog Bites- Steps To Follow When A Dog Bites Your Kid

  2. The Best Dog Breeds For Fitness Fanatics

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Baby Formula

Understanding The Carbohydrates In Baby Formula

It is a well-known fact that carbohydrates in baby formula are the main, easily digestible energy material for a baby's body. Then, when the child grows up, the role of the main sources of carbohydrates in his diet is played by fruits and berries, as well as juices, milk, honey, sugar, cookies, candy, and various jams.  But we must not forget that an excessive intake of carbohydrates eventually leads to a metabolic disorder, obesity, and reduced resistance of the body to various infections. How Many Carbohydrates Are Present In Baby Formulas? This may not be news to some, but it is the composition and amount of carbohydrates that determine the child's tolerance to baby formula.  Lactose The main type of carbohydrate in the baby formula is lactose.  For example, in Holle Formula, there are 61.4 g of carbohydrates per 100 g of finished formula, of which 44.7 g is lactose.  Milk sugar is not only a source of energy for a baby but also an ideal medium for the cultivation of bifidobacteria that promote immunity. But the principle of "the more, the better" does not work here.  If there are not enough enzymes to digest, lactose in the intestines can begin fermentation. If the baby had an acute respiratory infection, intestinal infections, or stool disorders might even develop dysbacteriosis.  To avoid this happening, the amount of carbohydrates in the milk mixture is chosen very carefully. And sometimes, paediatricians even recommend the use of fermented milk formula containing bifidobacteria, which aid in the absorption of milk sugars. How Is Lactose Increasing Carbohydrates Amounts In Baby Formula? Quantitative adaptation of lactose involves increasing the number of carbohydrates in the baby formula so that its composition is as close to that of breast milk as possible.  More important is the question of the type of carbohydrate attached. A number of aspects are taken into consideration: osmolarity, sweetness, bifidogenic, and the ability to form acid in the mouth.  Is lactose Best For Infants? For healthy infants, the best carbohydrate is lactose. But for a number of medical and technological reasons, other types of carbohydrates are used.  The first generations of adapted formulas used sucrose and dextrin-maltose or dextrin-maltose together with starch (oat flour, rice flour, buckwheat flour) to correct the carbohydrate component.  The modern adapted baby formula uses primarily lactose, which children usually tolerate well. But there is an opinion that in some cases, babies may have intestinal colic. Which One Is Better Dextrin-Maltose Or Lactose In Baby Formula? The advantage of dextrin-maltose over lactose, and main sucrose, is its low osmolarity in solution.  It is this feature of dextrin-maltose that is taken into account when developing formulas for premature and low birth weight infants since they have a significant risk of developing necrotizing enterocolitis when fed the baby formula with high osmolarity. The greater the energy expenditure of the body (we are talking about fidgety babies), the more "fuel" it needs. "Fuel" for the body is primarily carbohydrates, then fats, and to a much lesser extent - proteins. A healthy diet means a balance of all components. So, to replenish the energy requirements of the baby. Great importance is carbohydrates. It is, they provide energy for muscular work. The more children move, the greater their need for carbohydrates. They should be in the diet of children 4-5 times more than proteins or fats - this is the norm. Simple Vs. Complex Carbohydrates In Baby Formula Carbohydrates are divided into simple and complex. Simple carbohydrates are called sugars and are found in fruits, berries, and some vegetables as glucose (grape sugar), sucrose (beet sugar and cane sugar), fructose (fruit sugar), and malt sugar, as well as in milk and dairy products. Water-insoluble complex sugar enters as starch in cereals and potatoes. It is a complex carbohydrate. But sugars are rapidly soluble in water and therefore quickly absorbed into the blood and well absorbed by the body. Starch must first be broken down into simpler compounds. It enters the blood gradually. Therefore, it is advisable to replenish the main mass of carbohydrates with foods containing starch, and only a quarter or a fifth in the form of regular sugar, confectionery, and as part of the fruit. And you should never forget that an excess of carbohydrates is highly undesirable. Read Also: How to Get Your Baby Started on Solid Foods Is Artificial Sugar Are Adding In Baby Formulas? All children love sweets, but abuse of sweets can cause considerable harm: children quickly put on weight, reduced immunity, decreased muscle tone, the tissue becomes loose, the skin becomes pale. These children become lethargic. They begin to fall ill often and severely, with complications. The growing child receives carbohydrates also from cereals. Add them to different oatmeal, soups, side dishes, puddings, casseroles, and other dishes! A child should eat 40-45g of varying baby formula and cereals in a day.  These also include beans and peas. Be sure to add them to soups and salads! Bread has always been, is, and will be the head of everything! Of the required 150-170 grams per day for a child, 1/3 should be rye bread. How Many Sweets Are Good For Babies? Sugar intake is a separate topic! All children love them very much, but you have to remember that after sugar (40-50 grams per day) or all confectionery (20-40 grams per day) the most useful for your child is honey!  Only 5-10 g on baby formula day, but for the whole week, if you can! In second place - jam, jam, marshmallow, marshmallow, marmalade. Candy is out of the question! Except sometimes on holidays, as an exception! Conclusion: Today, on the shelves of stores, there is a baby formula large arsenal of a variety of mixes of numerous companies with worldwide experience, which allows you to choose the appropriate for individual needs of the child. But parents, in turn, are sure to teach and monitor their composition. And always remember that a balanced diet guarantees good health for the baby. Read Also: Different Ways Of Choosing The Best Baby Rocker For Your Child The Benefits of Using Goat Milk Formula for Your Baby 8 Newborn Baby Care Tips for First-Time Parents

Clothing for Kids

Style Your Child: How to Find Comfy and Cute Clothing for Kids

Dressing your child right can contribute to their comfort, self-confidence, and even their success in school. So, the question is, how well are you dressing your kids to meet their needs? Each kid is different and so their various personalities, needs, and your family's personal priorities will vary. However, there are a few basic ways to choose the right designer clothes for newborns that will arm them to feel and look their best. Choosing the Right Clothing for Kids: Many parents tend to feel that overindulging their kids and dressing them in the latest "trends" is the best way to go. According to research, the opposite may be true. When it comes to picking what your kids wear, three main factors are key: 1. Budget: Let's be honest, even the most adorable Easter outfit is going to fit your little stud or doll for only one season. Kids grow way too fast to consider spending huge amounts of money on designer kid's clothing reasonable. You can maintain a wise clothing budget that accounts for the small amount of time your child will wear those clothes, and still find cute clothes for girls and boys to help them look stylish. One thing that may help is to establish a clothing budget before hitting the racks. How often do your kid's need a wardrobe update? If you have an active child that wears through things often, a slightly higher budget may be appropriate. Regardless of what budget you decide on, having it pre-determined will help you choose cute clothes for your kids, without breaking the bank. 2. Durability: While a proper budget is vital to styling your kids well, the old adage, "buy nice or buy twice," is still important. You can maintain that budget without resorting to getting "cheap" clothes that will just fall apart as soon as they hit the playground. If you're a fan of designer clothing's durability but it doesn't suit your budget, try shopping at an outlet or hitting the season end sales. You can find great quality clothing—designer status—that doesn't cost much. At the end of the day, you don't want your kids coming home with holes in their knees and toes poking through shoes. 3. Comfort and Personality: If your kid's clothing suits their personality, they are going to be comfortable in it. Clothing material and fit are important to comfort (of course), but what style of clothing you choose also adds to how comfortable your little one feels in their own shoes—literally. Don't choose ultra-tight skinny jeans for your daughter if she loves to run and jump on the playground. If your son likes basketball but has a fear of dinosaurs, opt for the "nothing but net," shirt instead of the T-rex. You get the idea. Just like adults, kids are freer to be themselves and enjoy life if they feel good in what they're wearing. Get Your Kid's Style Organized: Now that you're geared up and ready to choose the best clothing for kids that will help them thrive and enjoying being alive in, how about getting their closets ready too? Check out these 10 helpful kid closet organization tips before you hit the mall and start shopping. Happy styling! Read Also: Unique Christmas Gifting Ideas- Gifts For Everyone Are You Thinking About Buying Quad Bike For Your Kid?

Content Rally

A Guaranteed Approach to Raising a Little Genius

There are many forms of success: social happiness, financial success, work success, being loved, and satisfied with life, but one thing is certain – all parents want their kids to achieve success. In order for our children to achieve this bliss in life, they need to be smart. And like many children, there are, there as many ways of being smart, but parents can be the essential factor in raising a little genius. So, if you are seeking ways of ensuring a great life for your child, you need to seek ways of challenging their brain. Raising an Open Mind In order to become smart children need to learn and experience new things. Keeping an open mind about the world allows them to intake new knowledge which increases their intelligence and overall capacities. From an early age, allow your kids to discover the world around them, and take in everything. Raising an open-minded and tolerant child will ultimately result in familiarity with learning, where children are not afraid to experience new and interesting things. Catering to Your Child’s Unique Learning Style Each child also learns its own way, and there are three main learning methods: visual, auditory and kinesthetic. Each targets a different sensory system and finding your child’s main preference, as well as refining all three ensures a smart and individualized approach to learning. Creative arts and crafts projects, pictures, and coloring all tend to the needs of a visual learner. Reading out loud, repetition, speaking out information out loud, or learning through song can be a sure-fire way to satisfy the auditory preferences. On the other hand, dancing, learning through movement, or as part of a game can improve their kinesthetic learning. A Fun Approach to Learning Using play as a way to teach kids has enormous potential of developing a healthy attitude towards learning. Young kids use playing games and toys as a way to make sense of the world and is therefore only natural to use it to improve their intellect. Toys play a major impact on skill development and problem-solving games like puzzles and Lego’s target logical thinking, problem-solving skills, but also improves creativity. On the other hand, kids adore their video games, and incorporating math, language, and science by providing free video games to kids, such as Poptropica, can improve their skills, and overall cognitive stage development. The Value of Reading Incorporating reading into your child’s upbringing, not only expands existing mental abilities but also teaches them to make it part of their lives. During the early years, reading to children stimulates their language acquisition, and positively affect their imagination and creativity. Later, when kids learn to read, and reading becomes a habit, and providing them the best children’s books is a must. By reading people are able to use their senses and emotions, in order to understand the material. This, in turn, sparks imagination, inspiring and motivating children to create stories, as a way to resolve problems and accept any challenge that comes their way. Increasing a Brain’s Physical Properties Since a healthy mind requires a healthy body and brain food to grow and expand, kids need exercise and diet that can make them smarter. Eating regularly and incorporating Omega-3 essential fats into their diet, helps increase brain mass, improving synaptic connections. This is seen through heightened concentration and ability to intake information. On the other hand, regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle can increase lung capacity and regulate healthy sleep patterns. That also allows brain matter to store data and increase thinking rate. In the end, it is important to remember that all kids have the ability to become smart, but in order to create a little genius, kids need a little nudge. By providing them with a healthy environment in which they can grow, you, the parent, are helping them raise their intellect, and ultimately paving their path to success.