Language and Speech Disorders in Children: How Speech Therapists Can Help

Published on: 02 April 2019 Last Updated on: 30 March 2022
speech therapists

Having a speech disorder can impact a child’s life in many ways. Speech and language disorders can affect a child’s social development and relationships. It can impact their self-confidence and emotional well-being and their ability to learn.

Luckily, early intervention methods are available to help children with speech problems.

Speech therapists help struggling children to reach their full potential.

With the help of a professional therapist, speech often improves. Speech therapy can even help children to overcome speech deficiencies completely. At Better Speech you can get a free consultation to get your questions answered about the language development of your child and to address any possible speech disorders early on.

Speech & Language Disorders in Children:

Speech and language disorders in children are not uncommon. According to the National Institutes of Health, one in 12 children in the U.S. has had a speech, language, or swallowing disorder over the past 12 months.

Many parents that identify their children to be specially-abled often seek the assistance of special needs school singapore to help them with speech and language disorders.

If you’re a parent of a child with a speech disorder, you may feel helpless. Speech disorders in children can be frustrating for the whole family. But, there is help available.

How Can Speech Therapists Help Children with Speech & Language Disorders?

Research has shown that speech therapy is an effective treatment for speech disorders. It’s most helpful when continued for six months or longer.

Today, there are many treatment options for children with speech and language disorders. Often, school systems have speech therapists to work with their students.

Parents can also access online therapeutic resources, such as those offered by Global Teletherapy.

Also, most professional therapists accept health insurance plans to cover their services.

Here are some of the ways that speech therapists can help your child.


Stammering or stuttering is the most common fluency disorder. Children who suffer from stuttering may experience embarrassment due to their disorder. Others may even ridicule them because of their fluency issues.

Speech therapists can help children learn strategies to cope with their disorder. They can help your child deal with emotional consequences, and deal with unpleasant reactions from others.

They can also help your child learn how to control the flow of their words. This helps make their disorder less noticeable. Sometimes, it’s possible for therapists to help children overcome fluency disorders.

Voice Disorders:

When a child has a voice disorder, their speech may be difficult for others to comprehend. Often, the child will start mumbling after they begin speaking.

A speech therapist can help children learn to practice awareness of their speaking habits. They will help your child learn to complete sentences clearly. And, they can help make the connection between one’s thoughts and their spoken words.

Better yet, speech therapists know special activities to help children with special needs. They’re also aware of current learning trends for these children. And, they understand that it’s important to make learning fun for your child.


Many children have difficulty pronouncing words. Some even have issues with words that are familiar, or that they commonly use in conversation.

Articulation difficulties can lead to many social and emotional issues if not addressed.

Speech therapists can teach children strategies to discern and correctly pronounce sounds. This helps children gain confidence. It also helps them to feel comfortable speaking to others in social circumstances.

Want More Tips for Helping a Child with Special Needs?

Speech therapists can be life-changing in the lives of children with special needs. Like all children, those with special needs desire acceptance and understanding from others.

Want more tips for parenting a child with special needs?

Check out this post for more tips to help you support friends and family members with special needs!

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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CBD for Kids

Since CBD is doing miracles for a lot of adults it is normal to ask about the possibility to use it for kids. People are not only using CBD products for themselves but also for their pets. The results and benefits are the same or very similar because both have the so-called endocannabinoid system. And when it comes to kids, parents want to know more about the benefits and possible side effects. Assuming that you know enough about CBD, we will not dive into details of explaining what CBD is again and again. Instead, we will dive right into the pros and cons of using CBD for kids. Are parents using CBD to help their kids? Yes. Parents around the world are using CBD products such as CBD oils to treat some conditions. Children may suffer from anxiety and hyperactivity and CBD can help against both. And not only that because other parents who have children with autism use it to reduce symptoms of autism. While there is some evidence about the effectiveness and benefits of CBD, more research is underway. That is because some parents are still unconvinced and uncomfortable giving it to their kids. As we mentioned above, the main factor that is pushing parents to try CBD on their children is the fact that CBD helped them well. These parents took the advantage to use it on a daily basis until it worked. Even though a cannabis plant's ingredient, CBD is legal and safe to use without a prescription in most countries. And the list of health issues it fights is long and getting longer after each scientific study. If we are to mention a few health conditions that some children face, then epilepsy, autism, and anxiety are what CBD is successful in fighting. Assuming that you are sure of using CBD oil, then we recommend you buy the best CBD oil out there. Are there any risks of using CBD for kids? Medical cannabis has a rich history of usage, for hundreds of years to be more informative. CBD oil as a derivative of that is still a bit new to the market. That means that this product hasn't been researched enough for use in children. It helps the adults, it helps the animals, and may also help the children. But when it comes to children more studies are needed to find more about its effects. We are saying that because if the child is taking other medications it is not safe to use other compounds without talking to the doctor first. The interaction between CBD and non-all-natural products may produce negative side effects. While CBD oil has shown to be quite successful for the treatment of seizures in kids, for other issues there is little evidence. In conclusion, it is obvious that more parents are using CBD oil for their kids. These parents are also recommending it to other parents stating that it is very beneficial. However, when it comes to you, we recommend that you think of it one more time and always talk to your child's pediatrician. This is a must if your child is taking other supplements. Read Also: The Top Benefits of CBD Oil For Dogs Are CBD Lotions Good For Your Skin? What is the best way to consume CBD? CBD capsules & softgels! CBD the Solution to Insomnia

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Benefits of Martial Arts for Kids In Modern World

Let’s face it: we now live in an age when tablets, smartphones, and other gadgets dominate children’s daily lives. It’s a surefire distraction, considering how these technological marvels carry apps and/or programs specifically designed to pass time, alleviate boredom, and entertain us But It's also important to learn Martial Arts. Almost gone are the days when our children’s summers feature chopping wooden boards in Karate classes, like today, their eyes – and fingers – are mostly glued to different mobile devices. We always condition ourselves that it’s never too late to change for the better; part of this mantra is to occasionally veer our eyes away from technology and experience the real world through real activities. Yes, it’s sometimes hard to watch our young ones engage in physical endeavors like martial arts – with all the jumping spinning kicks, painful joint locks, and hard throws. It’s even harder seeing them spar with kids seemingly twice their size. Now if we can look past these obvious, unavoidable risks, we, as parents, can open our eyes to the true benefits of martial arts to our youngsters. With that, here are some of the reasons to encourage kids into an active lifestyle. Benefits of Martial Arts for Kids Promotes Self-Discipline: Martial arts won’t transform your child overnight into a walking weapon or any of the fictional characters we see on-screen. However, it’s a sure-fire way to teach them the value of self-discipline. It’s become quite the norm that kids these days are so used to getting what they want – somewhat taking the easier route towards instant gratification. By training in martial arts, they’ll be more exposed to the physical and mental challenges of learning how to deal with delayed gratification. This, in more ways, can also permeate to other areas of life, as well. Encourages a Healthy Lifestyle: What better time to introduce young ones to the apparent joy that is sweating it out in the gym and learning a specific discipline than through martial arts. Aside from acquiring useful life skills, children can develop a one-of-a-kind love for a healthier lifestyle at an early age. This may be way too shallow to be a reason to get children into martial arts, but most of us know how aesthetically important it is for the younger generation to be fit and healthy, especially with how common a sedentary lifestyle is today. In all seriousness, though, being physically active not only makes them look good, they’ll also feel good from within with all the endorphins flowing through their veins. Basically, martial arts can put them in an overall better position – mentally and physically – for years to come. Read more: Easy Ways To Live A Healthier Lifestyle Fosters Camaraderie: To the naked eye, any form of martial arts is an individual venture wherein an athlete tests his or her mettle against an opponent, mano y mano. However, what we don’t see are the people behind the artist who train, condition, and, of course, bond with them. Martial arts – or any type of sport for that matter – offers a great avenue to form friendships, which in turn cultivates teamwork. This is beneficial for kids, especially at a young age, as they get exposed to the dynamics of working with different types of individuals with various personalities. This, as stated earlier, can translate outside the four corners of the gym and into the real world when they grow up. Builds Coordination: With the repetitive movements during martial arts training, a child's muscle memory will begin to develop well. It will develop to the point that these become somewhat second nature. As their fundamentals improve through continuous practice, motor skills such as hand and foot placement develop with laser-like precision. Improved coordination helps their reaction time, whether inside the gym or almost in every facet of their daily lives. In addition, a well-coordinated body exudes confidence, as well as diminishes the risks of injuries. Through constant repetition, children also develop vital training facets such as spatial awareness, distance judgment, and quick acceleration. In Conclusion: Encouraging children to be involved in physical activities at an early age carries with it ample benefits. When we say this, it doesn’t mean we eliminate or discourage the aforementioned digital sources of happiness and satisfaction. Indeed, everything boils down to priorities. So, whether your kid goes to Karate or Taekwondo classes, or rolls with the big boys in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, or maybe even hit pads during Muay Thai sessions, it’s absolutely important for parents to inspire them to take the necessary steps toward a well-balanced lifestyle. Come to think of it, it shouldn’t be that hard convincing them to take up any form of martial art. After all, being even just a vestige of the shadow of their favorite high-flying, quick-kicking, fast-punching fictional character isn’t that bad. Read Also: 10 Healthy Habits To Improve Your Health How Martial Art Can Help You Stay Fit And Healthy

Best Toys

How to Choose the Best Toys For Your Baby

It’s hard to figure out what toys your baby will like, especially since they can’t talk to you. Every baby is different, and since babies grow very fast, it’s hard to tell what they’ll like from one day to the next. Choosing a baby toy doesn’t have to be complicated. But there are some things that you should consider when picking them out while keeping their own safety and fun in mind. For example, some baby toys are safer than others when it comes to the materials they’re made from and the ways that they help with sensory development. All you have to do is make sure you stick to the right requirements and expectations, and you’ll find the perfect addition to your little one’s playroom. Here are our recommendations. Avoid Health Risks, Such as Toxins and Plastic Chemicals: As a parent, your number one priority is keeping your baby safe. Be on the lookout for BPA-free plastics, and avoid anything that may contain harmful plastic chemicals. These toys can cause health issues in your child that you may never realize until it’s too late. Stick to toys that are labeled non-toxic, including the paint and types of plastic. Be on the Lookout For Safety Hazards: Most baby toys are designed to be safe for your little one, but you can never be too cautious. Chances are this toy, among almost anything else your baby comes into contact with, is going right in the little one’s mouth. Make sure you inspect your toys before buying them to be certain there are no hazardous parts. Even the most minuscule things could end up with an unwanted doctor’s visit. Find Something Durable: Toys can take a beating over their lifetime. They get chewed, slobbered on, lost, washed over and over, wrestled with, and more. Choose high-quality toys that are built to be as durable as possible. This may cost you a little more upfront, but in the long run, these toys will last twice as long. If you don’t have to replace them as often, the extra money is well worth it. Choose Wooden Toys: Wood baby toys fit a lot of the boxes on this list. They are great because wood contains natural antibacterial properties, which means that fewer germs will make it to your baby’s mouth and you won’t have to worry about the potential dangers of toxic plastics. Additionally, wood is incredibly durable and you’d be surprised at how much damage one of these toys can take compared to the typical plastic stuff. Focus on Stimulation and Development: There are plenty of great toys out there that are beneficial for your baby’s growth and development. During the first year of your baby’s life, they will go through a variety of different growth stages and learning phases, from developing motor control to creativity. Choose a variety of toys in different textures, colors, and shapes. This will help introduce your child to new sensory experiences that can help them adjust to new aspects of the world. Know Your Child: Ultimately, you know your child better than anyone. So, when you’re looking for new toys, consider your own little one and where they are in their own development. Not every child develops at the same rate, so your baby isn’t always necessarily at the stage that a toy might indicate. Don’t pay as much attention to the age requirements of the toy as you do to your child’s own needs and unique development. This will help you find toys that are appropriate for whatever stage they’re at in their life. Read Also: How To Store Your Lego How To Set Up Your Baby’s Room Care Free Fun: 5 Fun And Family-Friendly Activities For Children With Special Needs