Care Free Fun: 5 Fun and Family-Friendly Activities for Children With Special Needs

Published on: 14 March 2019 Last Updated on: 22 February 2020
activities for children with special needs

54 million people have special needs in the United States.

The same source says that around 2.8 million of those are children between the age of 5 and 15.

That’s a lot of unique young people looking to have fun in their spare time! Kids have masses of energy to burn at the best of times. However, the specific additional requirements of children with special needs can vary widely, and affect the activities they enjoy accordingly.

It’s always helpful to have some fun ideas up your sleeve that’ll ensure everyone’s entertained!

Keep reading to discover 5 awesome activities for children with special needs.

5 Awesome Activities for Children with Special Needs:

Check out these ideas for some extra special entertainment. For some extra help, here’s a great special needs planner!

1. Get Out Into Nature:


The outdoors is often ideally suited for kids with special needs.

Sensory experience is sometimes vital stimulation. The wind, smells, sounds and sights of nature are all valuable distractions for high-energy children!

Likewise, many organizations have set up nature experiences for kids with special needs. There are accessible walkways, activities, and playgrounds, filled with other kids and families having fun.

2. Go to a Story Time Workshop:


Most children love story time.

However, sitting quietly in one place can sometimes be difficult, especially where special needs come into play.

Storytime workshops (often found in libraries) offer a great alternative. A combination of stories, singing, and other sensory activities are sure to keep your kids happy and engaged.

Likewise, you could do the same at home. Sing and dance your way around a story!

3. Get Creative:

Some of the most artistic people in the world have special needs.

Celebrate that by getting creative with your kids. Get out the paper, pens, and paints. Try finger painting, body painting and other methods that involve sensory experiences.

You can also find special coloring pencils and crayons. These are designed to help a child with certain special needs to hold them.

4. Get Immersed in the Senses:

We’ve already noted the importance of sensory experience to some special needs children.

Immersion rooms are specifically designed to cater for this enjoyment. Every sense is covered. Special lighting, sounds, tactile experiences, and so on, are all in one room.

5. Go to a Special Film Showing:

Children often love watching films.

However, special needs children might struggle to sit down for long periods, or dislike the loud noises, and low lighting. Special needs film showings address these factors.

Kids can walk, talk and play, all while a film runs in the background.

Time to Wrap Up:

There you have it: 5 top activities for children with special needs.

Millions of people in the US walk through life with special needs. A significant number of them are children. Every child has the right to a fun-filled childhood, regardless of the personal challenges they may face.

Thankfully, these days there’s no limit to the number of opportunities available to make that happen. Hopefully, the ideas above have provided inspiration for your next day out with your own children!

Did you like this piece? Click here to read how to support family and friends with special needs.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Keep Kids Safe Online

8 Things Every Parent Should Do To Keep Kids Safe Online

It is important for parents and guardians to be aware of the potential dangers of the internet that could affect their children. Children are especially vulnerable to online risks such as cyberbullying, identity theft, and inappropriate content. Unfortunately, these risks can occur regardless of age or experience level so it’s important for kids to understand how to stay safe online. Reasons For Monitoring Your Kid's Internet Use: 1. Online Bullying: Watch Out For The Warning Signs Bullying is unfortunately part of the potential Internet dangers for kids. Make sure you educate your child about online bullying and tell them to alert you if they encounter any negative behavior on the web. Talk with your child about how to spot suspicious activity, such as cyberbullying, and discuss ways to avoid it. 2. Identity Theft: Protecting Kids Online The Internet can unfortunately be an ideal platform for identity thieves to steal personal information. Make sure your child knows never to give out confidential information, such as their address or phone number, without discussing it with you first. It’s also important to make sure your child is using secure passwords and websites, so they don’t become targets of these dangerous online predators. 3. Exploitation: Online Dangers for Kids Children can be especially vulnerable to exploitation that takes place on the Internet. As a parent, it’s important to make sure your child is aware of the dangers of accepting emails from strangers or engaging in online conversations with people they don’t know. Additionally, you should monitor their activity online and warn them against posting inappropriate photos or content that could put them at risk. 4. Malicious Content and Viruses The vastness of the Internet means there are plenty of malicious websites, content, and viruses out there. You should use parental control software to block any potentially dangerous content from reaching your child’s computer or device. Setting up firewalls, filters, and other security measures can also help protect your child from malicious content and viruses. You May Also Check: What Are Some Best Practices To Prevent Phishing Attacks? 5. Inappropriate Content: Setting Limits On Web Activity It’s inevitable that kids will come across inappropriate content online. Be proactive about setting limits for your kid's web activity and periodically reviewing their internet history together. Talk to them about what kind of material is appropriate for them to see, as well as the consequences of looking at inappropriate content. Let them know that if they ever come across something concerning, they can come to you for help. Check this article for more vital information. Keep Your Kids Safe: Tips To Consider To keep your children safe from internet dangers, here are some tips you should consider: Talk with your child about acceptable online behavior and activities. Explain the importance of avoiding risky behavior like giving out personal information or engaging in cyberbullying. Make sure they understand what constitutes appropriate language and content as well as why strangers might pose a threat. Monitor their online activity, especially if they’re younger children who may not know better. Keep an eye on the websites they’re visiting and the people with whom they’re communicating. Teach your child to be cautious about clicking links from strangers or unfamiliar websites and never to download content without you knowing about it first. Explain why opening suspicious emails can lead to malware infections and other potential risks. Make sure they understand that people aren’t always who they claim to be online and that it can be difficult to verify identities over the internet. Encourage them to think twice before sharing information with someone and discourage them from meeting up with strangers in real life, even if they think they’re speaking with a friend. Set rules on the amount of time your child can spend online and which sites they’re allowed to visit. Monitor their activities and use parental control settings to block access to unsuitable websites or content. Talk to them about how cyberbullying works and instill in them an understanding of what is appropriate behavior online, especially on social media platforms. Keep channels of communication open by talking regularly about the risks associated with using the internet, and make sure your child knows that you’re there for support if anything upsets them or makes them feel uncomfortable online. Encourage open dialogue so that your child feels comfortable telling you when something isn’t right. Ensure that your child knows never to give out any personal information - like a home address or even a full name - without explicit permission from you, as this could put them at risk for identity theft and other dangerous situations. Talk about respecting other people’s intellectual property by not downloading copyrighted material illegally or using someone else’s images without permission. Encourage your child to think carefully before posting anything online. Conclusion Keeping your child safe on the internet is an important part of parenting in the digital age. It’s important to establish clear guidelines, open lines of communication, and appropriate consequences for inappropriate behavior online. Empower them with knowledge and tools to help them stay safe as they navigate their way through the online world.  With a bit of effort, you can make sure that your child has a positive and secure experience with technology. By following these tips and having an ongoing dialogue with your children about using the internet safely, you can ensure that they have a positive experience when navigating the web.  By teaching kids how to use the internet responsibly from a young age, you are helping to create responsible digital citizens. Read Also: What Is Zero Trust In Cybersecurity Context? Top 6 Cybersecurity Trends Everyone should Know Top 10 Cybersecurity Features That Are A Must-Have In An Ecommerce Store

Moving Companies

Moving Companies and How they Determine Cost

A lot of the stress that has been associated with moving can be reduced or made worse by the availability of funds or a lack of it. Here’s what we mean. If a person has all the funds in the world, they can afford to get every aspect of their move taken care of. This certainly will reduce the stress they will face. If on the other hand, a person is on a very limited budget, they are likely to face a lot more stress as they will be forced to handle a lot of things that they could easily have outsourced. Since the majority of folks do not have all the money in the world, it is important for each of these folks to have a general understanding of how moving companies arrive at their fees. Having this information may be helpful in helping them plan their move a lot better to both reduce the cost to them as well as the stress they will face. Major Cost Determinants: So, what are the factors that determine how much a person will pay when moving? There are a lot of different factors that can influence the cost as we can see here but we will only focus on the main ones. Distance: This is one cost that most people can understand. A long-distance move will most certainly cost way more than a local move. Therefore, the further your destination is from your point of origin, the more you can expect to pay, and this is regardless of whatever method you choose for the move. Many moving companies determine the costs of distance by taking into account different variables. It is important that you find out the exact distance and communicate the same to the moving company. Credible and reputed companies like H2H Movers are not going to haggle about the prices if the variations in distances are marginal in nature. Stuff to be Moved: What you are moving to will also affect your cost. First, the quantity, size, and weight of the different items to be moved will be taken into consideration. This will determine the size of the vehicle that will be required and of course, this will determine how much you will pay. Consideration will also be given to the cost of the items to be moved. There are some items that will have to be handled by specialists. Some of these include expensive artworks and antiques. Bringing in expert handlers will certainly cost you more money. Present Location and Destination: Where you are taking off from and where you are headed will also affect your cost. While your present location may not be as impactful on your cost as the destination, both play a part. If for example, your present location is not easily accessible, the company will take this into consideration. The same applies to your destination. Simple things like the absence of a functioning lift in a high-rise building will attract some additional charges as movers will be forced to use the stairs. There’s also the issue of the operational centers of the company you choose to work with. If a company has operational centers in both your take-off city as well as your destination, chances are that your cost will be lower. The reason is simple. A company that operates from both bases can easily get another moving job for the van that took your stuff there. On the other hand, a company that does not operate from your destination will have to return to base empty, an expense that will likely be added to you. Moving Option: The choice you make for how you intend to move will be the major determinant of what you will pay as this will influence all other costs. You can check out a list of moving options here: A full-service move will cost you more in monetary terms than will a self-move. Services Offered: Within the option to use a moving company, you have individual services that can add to your cost. Some of the services that moving companies will offer include: Extended insurance. Packing, loading, unloading, and unpacking. Disassembly and reassembly of furniture. Storage space. Cleaning services. These are just a few examples of services that can be offered. How many of these that you choose will determine how much you will pay? Timing: Many folks are not aware of this. When you schedule your move can also affect your cost. Moving companies have periods regarded as peak periods and those regarded as off-peak periods. Scheduling a move during a peak period automatically means a higher cost to you. Weekends, holidays, and summer are regarded as peak periods while weekdays, fall, and winter are off-peak periods. By understanding some of these factors, you can then think of how to work around them to get and enjoy lower rates. Let’s now briefly look at how you can lower your moving costs. How to Lower Your Costs: Determine Your Budget: Getting this sorted out right from the start can be helpful. Determine how much you are willing to spend so you can ensure that all your expenses fall within this budget. Compare Moving Methods: Look at the different moving options and decide which will fit into your budget. You can find some examples above. You can also calculate moving costs online on sites like 9Kilo Moving. They will help you compare quotes from different companies. This will make it easier for you to choose an appropriate moving method. Schedule Your Move for Off-peak Periods: Remember what we said above about peak and off-peak periods. Schedule your move for an off-peak period. Start Packing Early: Get all your stuff sorted out very early. This ensures that your movers do not have to spend unnecessary time. Time is money (This is of course if you have chosen to work with movers). If you are handling it yourself, it keeps things easier and less stressful for you. Look for Free Packing Boxes: Getting free packing boxes and other materials will mean you won’t have to buy or rent them. This, of course, is another avenue through which some savings can be made. Pack Only What You Really Need: Do not be tempted to pack stuff that you do not need. Taking only things you really need will reduce your load and by implication your cost. You can give stuff away or you can even hold a yard sale to help you raise some additional cash. Read Also: 10 Steps To Move In Your New House 10 Things To Do Before You Move Out Of State 7 Helpful Tips During An Emergency Moving Process

Support Family

Seven ways to Support Family and Friends with Special Needs

When parents decide to start their journey of parenthood, they hope that they will get and bring up a perfectly healthy child. However, many are the times when genetic defects, birth complications, injuries, and other problems get in the way, and differently gifted children are born. Not many people take the time needed to understand people with disabilities, and even fewer people are willing to go out of their way to offer them support. If you have family or friends with special needs, here are a few ways in which you can make them feel your love and support. 1. Talk to them: Not many people know this but whether it is at work, school, at home and in other social setups, the productivity of people with disabilities and those close to them depends a lot on the attitude of the general community towards them. If the community around a disabled person has formed a negative attitude and barriers to their inclusion, they end up withdrawing and doubting their capabilities. On the other hand, when they are made to feel included and accepted they blossomed. Parents of children who have disabilities admit that they like it when a stranger walks up to them in a park and shows genuine interest to learn about their child’s condition. What people appreciate the most are people who take time to ask specific questions. For instance, ask how the child’s physical therapy is going as opposed to asking something general or offering that supportive smiles. At times you will find that people with disabilities need a listening ear, and they appreciate it when you take time and pay attention to details about their lives. 2. Be aware of personal space: People with disabilities often use mobility aids such as wheelchairs, walkers, canes and other items. What most people do not understand is that most view these aides as part of their personal space. When interacting with disabled people, you always have to respect their personal space. If for instance, you want to assist them in pushing their wheelchair, do not just grab and start pushing at it, ask them if it is okay to help them move from one point to the other, you can push the chair when they agree. The same applies to when you feel they need you to support them in standing up, sitting down or other movements. You can start by saying something like, “Here, let me help you,” and then wait for their consent. If they feel that you are patronizing them or treating them like they are completely helpless, they will push back and reject your help. 3. Be thoughtful: There is nothing that whispers support to a disabled person more than knowing that you thought about them before you made the plans that you have made. It means that if for instance, you planned a meeting, you made sure that the room was accessible via wheelchair and there are ramps and other relevant accessibility and support features. It is also important to always inform them about all the plans which you have made for the meetings and other get-together arrangements so they can prepare well in advance. 4. Treat them normally: One of the most difficult corners to navigate when dealing with people who have disabilities is learning how to interact with them without making them feel abnormal. Most people think that being sensitive to these people is about hiding the achievement of their normal kids and clapping when the disabled kid does something that is simple and normal. When interacting with disabled people, do not minimize yourself or your child’s achievements. Learn that the disabled kid might not do things like regular kids, but they still get things done, eventually. Treat them like just any other kid, and they will respond positively to this. 5. Do not try too much: Another mistake people make when interacting with disabled people is the need to know what to say and what to do at all times. The truth is that disabled people are just like everyone else. It is okay to have a slip of the tongue when interacting with them. It is alright to listen to them when they are telling you about their complications and tell them that you honestly do not know what to say. If you have no idea how to help them when they are at their weakest, it is still okay to sit with them and listen. Your presence is reassuring enough for them. 6. Go an extra mile in the extreme seasons: Disabled people tend to struggle a lot more than everyone else in. They have to cope with inaccessible sidewalks, flare-ups which are triggered by the low temperatures, chronic pain and other issues that result from being stuck at home too long. These are the things you can do to ease their discomfort during this season: Take food to them-it is possible that they will not access grocery stores and farmers markets Visit them and spend the time to end the feeling of loneliness and depression. Send them a message and genuinely ask how they are faring Help them around the house and help them shovel and salt their driveways. 7. Support their dreams: There is nothing that says love to a disabled person than when you genuinely support their work. People with disability wake up in the morning because they believe they can rise against the odds and make a difference. The least that you can do to make their world a little easier to manage is to support their dreams and their work. When they tell you they are having a talent show, be present and cheer them on. Buy their art, shop from their outlets and all other small gestures which will make them feel appreciated. These are just a few of the things that you could do to help people with disabilities. In case you interact with them and realize they may need counseling from professionals, you can reach out to Regional & Rural Toowoomba Psychologists. They are well equipped to offer the support needed to make the lives of people with disabilities simple. Read Also: Practical Ways To Help Your Elderly Parents 7 Interesting Gifts For Your Best Friends Ways To Emotionally Deal With Chronic Illness Tips For Throwing A Family Reunion People Will Remember For Years 8 Family Friendly Careers That Offer Great Pay And Work-Life Balance