Steps To Emigrating To Australia

Published on: 29 April 2019 Last Updated on: 15 September 2022
Emigrating Australia

Emigrating to Australia can be exciting and daunting at the same time.  There are a lot of horror stories about emigrating out there, but if you know the right steps to take you could avoid some of the major issues.  Of course, if you are nervous about your move, it is recommended that you hire a solicitor or registered migration agent to help you.

Determine The Visa You Need:

When emigrating from the UK, you need to determine the visa you are going to need.  Emigration to Australia is run on a score-based system with various factors influencing your score.

If you are moving without a job offer from an Australian company, you will need to get an independent immigrating visa.  To qualify for this visa you will need to be under the age of 45, have an education that matches the list of skilled occupations, provide the professional experience of this and have a firm knowledge of the English language.  Preference is given to people with Australian education or those in occupations that are in demand in the country.

If you have family in Australia, you can emigrate through the sponsorship program.  When this program is used, the score you need to emigrate will be lowered.  Sponsorship will not provide you with a permanent right to live in the country.  You will need to get a temporary visa for 3 years followed by a permanent visa for 2 years.

If you have a job offer from an Australian company, you will be emigrating through company sponsorship.  You will need to meet many of the same criteria as an independent visa applicant, but it will generally be easier to get this visa.  If the company is based outside of the major cities, requirements will generally be less stringent.

Allow Enough Time For The Visa Application:

Emigration visas take time to be processed and it is recommended that you apply for this at least 18 months before your planned moving date.  There are some visas that can take up to 2 years to be granted and you need to be aware of this.

Prepare Everything For The Move:

While you wait for your visa, you should prepare everything for the move.  Clear out everything in your house that you will not want to take with you.  Shipping your possessions to Australia can be expensive and will have to be done by ship.  The less you have to send, the easier and cheaper it will be.

If you have children, you need to tell their school about your planned move.  This is important because you will need transcripts.  Additionally, the school year in Australia runs from January to December and the 6-month difference will need to be planned for.

Something that you might want to consider doing before you leave the UK is opening an Australian bank account.  This is something that you can take care of once you are in the country but doing this beforehand can make life a bit easier.  There are a number of banks that allow you to do this and they each have their own requirements.

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Family Reunion

Tips For Throwing a Family Reunion People Will Remember for Years

Summer is a popular time to put together a family reunion. Most people book their holiday's during the warm months and the kids are out of school. it's a lot of work trying to sync up everyone's schedules. You also need to plan activities. Kids need to be entertained and teenagers need to be engaged, as well. it's not an easy undertaking, but here are some steps to make it easier. Help Planning Your Family Reunion Planning ahead and getting help from your family will make your reunion the event of the summer. Get a HeadCount: You need to know how many people to expect. Make sure you begin early. Leave a bit of wiggle room for new boyfriends, deaths and last minute cancelations. This is important for booking a space, be it a hall, a campground or hotel rooms. It's also important regarding food. Location: Not everyone will live close and count on someone being upset they have to travel. Plan around the elderly folks, new moms or those who may have trouble getting there due to cost or a lot of people to transport. Food: This will depend on location and the final count of people. Potluck is often a great way to make sure everyone gets fed and there is enough food. Get it down in writing who will bring what to keep the repeats to a minimum and make sure everyone gets fed. Keep in mind people's allergies and special diets, like vegetarians. If you are meeting in a park or campground, you can cook outside and use the park tabes. If it's indoors, you can consider having it catered. Who's Who: If it's a large affair, there will people who have grown, changed and there will be new kids and partners. Having name tags made up will help with the awkwardness of not knowing certain members. You can have tags made up to explain who people are, to help sort out everyone. Make an ID card that says who each person is, "Wendy's Husband" or "Kevin's daughter" This will help to identify those people you haven't seen in a long time or newer members. Entertainment: The little ones will need to be entertained. You can have a variety of games for them to play, outdoor games are the best. If there is a park, then bring your own outdoor games to keep them from getting bored. Teenagers will just spend their time staring at their phones and Uncle Mike will get out his banjo and sing all those colorful songs that embarrass Aunt Julie. RSVP Family reunions are a great chance to see everyone and catch up. Take advantage of the time to repair relationships, talk to your elders and learn about your history. Take lots of pictures, reconnect with old family and make friends with the new ones. If you plan on having the reunion at your home, good luck and keep reading for some tips for getting your home and yard ready for company.   Read More: Fundaments of Happy Family. Tackle Your Shredding This Family Day. Planning a Family Vacation as the Kids Grow Up.      

Household’s Online Safety

3 Ways Parents Can Safeguard their Household’s Online Safety

The internet has reached nearly any part of the world. Studies show that one in every three kids in the United States, Europe, and other regions now uses the internet. In the near future, the number of kids using the internet will continue to increase. A recent study showed that kids in the west are begging to think of internet access as a basic right or necessity. When used correctly, the internet is a good thing. It facilitates entertainment, offers learning opportunities, allows children to interact with their friends, and more. However, the internet is a double-edged sword. On the flip side, it poses many threats to children, teens, and even adult users. Some of these threats include sexual harassment, sexting, invasion of the kids’ privacy, identity theft, and cyberbullying. This is the main reason parents must monitor their children’s online activities. Your children trust you, and that’s your opportunity to talk to them about their online safety. Let them know that they can always turn to you whenever they sense danger online. Generally, understanding what your kids and teens do online is essential when it comes to protecting them from internet-related threats. Here are three effective ways to ensure online safety for your kids and household. 1. Use an encrypted network at home Today’s home network includes a broad range of wireless devices such as phones, computers, smart TVs, IP Cameras, and other connected appliances. Using a wireless connection needs an internet access point like a DSL modem or cable to a router (wireless), which sends a signal via air for as far as 100 feet. That means that the devices within range can access the internet via that signal. Unless you take the right precautions, your neighbors and hackers nearby can access your network. They can ‘piggyback’ on that network and access data from your devices. In case an authorized person uses your household’s network to commit a crime, that activity will be traced to your account. To address this issue, you must use encryption on your home’s wireless network. Encrypting the data you send over your home’s wireless network prevents nearby hackers from eavesdropping on your communications. So, install a VPN router to ensure that all the traffic within your home’s network is encrypted. Also, a VPN router can successfully hide your IP address and encrypt other devices connected to it. This will block hackers from seeing your internet activity. 2. Keep all your devices’ OS up-to-date Keeping your devices’ OS and other software up-to-date is an effective way of minimizing the risk of a security breach and malware infection. Most software updates include new features, security patches, and bug fixes. Delaying or ignoring operating system updates exposes your home computers, phones, and other devices to internet security threats. Also, OS updates offer users new features and improved functionality. Keep in mind that system updates are usually designed to protect users from various levels of cyberattacks. Ignoring them may prove critical to the overall functioning of your home devices. Sure, your children may not understand the importance of updating device systems. But you should always do it for them. 3. Install parental safety software Despite the AAP’s recommendation to choose and view online content with your kids, the advent of internet-connected devices has made it more challenging for parents to monitor and limit their kids’ online activities. Today, children as young as 9 years spend more than three hours daily accessing the internet, according to a recent study. These habits are likely to worsen, and this exposes your child to the dangers associated with various forms of internet content. The chances are that you have already enacted robust protection features on your kids’ devices. However, you need to download and install parental control software. This will help you monitor what your children are doing online. You will be able to know when your kid is being bullied or introduced to content that they shouldn’t be accessing. There might be times when your teenagers might start getting into the rebellious part of their life. Everything you say to them might be taken in the opposite manner. This rebellious behavior has the potential of impairing their judgment and falling prey to online predators that can scar them physically and emotionally. Using parental safety software can ensure that you are keeping track of who your child is talking and interacting with. If you want information, read more here. Wrap up Today’s parents are raising a new generation of techie children. Teens text to communicate while toddlers are using tablets and iPads. It is the duty of the parents to ensure that their children are not exposed to internet threats. Read Also: 5 Things You should know about Safety Alerts Care Free Fun: 5 Fun and Family-Friendly Activities for Children With Special Needs


5 Reasons Why Girls Should propose to boys

Winds swirling, birds humming and butterflies dancing- this is the feeling when two people are in love and cannot wait to make the promise of spending the whole lives with each other. Everyone dreams of finding their perfect partner, their soulmate and their better half. When they do find The One, nobody wants to let go. They just know that they can spend eternity together; laughing, sharing, fighting and loving. A marriage is a symbol of that love. It is a legal bond, uniting the emotional and a spiritual connection between two lovers. People love to listen to the tales of how did the guy proposed for the marriage. There are tears of joys and lots of ‘awwws’. People drool over and dream of the perfect boy who made this perfect proposal. But there are lots of speculations and judgments when it is another way around. It is unusual for a girl to propose the guy. But when she does, she is judged to be desperate and a bit too much. A girl can break all the norms of the society by proposing to the boy. But why is it such a big deal? Marriage involves the love, trust, and involvement of both the boy and the girl, so why is the burden to propose only on the shoulders of a boy? The world is changing, and so people should evolve as well. In the era where women are most forward in the global domination, it is okay and a normal for a girl to take the initiative. In fact, it must be encouraged. If that is not all, the following are some reasons why girls really should propose to the guy: 1. To break the norms: Why go along with society when you believe otherwise? There are many women out there who believe in taking initiative in everything, but they hesitate and stop when they think about what the society would say. An Initiative of one woman inspires many women around her to take the step as well. There might be lots of gossiping when a girl bends on one knee to propose, but they all applaud her eventually when they see that the couple is happy. The image and talks of the girl being too desperate to marry will soon fade with time and this trend will take over and transform the thinking pattern of the society. 2. They know what they want: This fact cannot be ignored that most of the times it is the women who have a very clear direction of what they want. Let us not assume by this statement that men are confused. But yes, they do need a guiding hand to get them through the parts where they need to take strong decisions. They do love their girlfriends very much and want to spend their life with them, but they just need a push to take this life-changing decision. Also, there are some men who are too shy and introvert to make the big move. As an understanding girlfriend and future wife, a girl should respect his nervousness and take the step to the future herself. 3. To share the emotional burden: Marriage proposals create a lot of burden for the men. Some men are not able to handle this type of burden and expectations, and instead, spoil things in confusion rather than making it special. As life partners, it is the responsibility of both of them to share everything and to be each other’s better halves. When it comes to feelings and emotions, sometimes men are even more sensitive than girls. They can be dreamy and also have expectations. For girls, this is the best opportunity to express their feelings and let their men get head over heels in love with them and say yes to the best and boldest proposal ever. 4. To pamper men: It is very normal for a guy to pamper his girl with lots of gifts and surprises. But it is very rare that girls make the boys feel special. It is a pure myth that boys are tough and strong hearted and little things like surprises and gifts do not affect them. Because they do. Their muscles and built has nothing to do with their emotions. So girls, make a point to spoil your guy once a while. And what is a better way to make him feel special than to plan a surprise-filled day, full of romance and propose him for marriage? Pick out his best flowers, his favorite music at a location which is special to him, and ask him to marry by showing him the ring. And oh that ring! It needs to be very special and should be chosen with pure love and affection for your love. You can click here to select the best mens diamond rings for your future fiancé make him happy and excited. 5. To break the myth of masculinity: Other than people judging the girl about her decision to propose the guy, there are people who actually doubt the masculinity of the man. They mock him and call him a coward. This is when the ego hits the guy and begins to question his relationship. This can spoil the most special time of courtship with his fiancé. The guy should, in fact, be supportive and appreciate his girlfriend’s efforts to make him feel special. He should show off to the world about how unique their proposal is, how special their love story is and how strong her fiancé is. By all means, there is just precaution that you should take. Make sure that your boyfriend is ready for marriage and will not be scared away after your proposal. This can ruin your whole relationship. Women proposing men shows how strong women have become and boosted the idea of women empowerment. This inspires women around you and makes them believe that they can do anything. No society norms and judgments can stop them from taking any type of decisions and they are the queen of their own life. Read Also: Taking A Break From Your Relationship 4 Warning Signs Your Marriage Is In A Serious Trouble