How to Select the Best Investment Plan for Your Child?

Published on: 31 January 2019 Last Updated on: 07 June 2021
Investment Plan

As parents, you want many things for your child – happiness, health, and a secure financial future. You also want that your child should excel in his/her career.

Just imagine your kiddo becoming a star athlete or a budding biologist or a successful entrepreneur who appears in headlines from time to time. Your joy will know no bounds!

However, when you want to provide the best of everything to your child, you will have to move beyond the basic parenting skills and contribute to his/her holistic growth. For that purpose, it is sensible to save money for your child’s future and keep him/her financially secure, even in your absence.

A good way to start is to invest in an Online Savings Plan, popularly known as ‘Child Investment Plan’. An online savings plan serves the dual purpose of investment and insurance. Most importantly, it fulfils two major requirements:

  • It secures your child’s future financially
  • It provides financial aid at various stages of your child’s life such as higher education, starting a business, or getting married

However, with several child investment plans available in the market today, it can become difficult to choose the plan that best meets your child’s needs. Following tips will help you make an informed decision:

Determine the Monetary Value Attached to Your Child’s Dreams

As a responsible parent, your first step should be identifying and prioritizing your child’s goals and the monetary value attached to them. The two main goals for which you would need significant financial funding is your child’s education and marriage.

As far as education is considered, for the time being, decide your child’s goal on behalf him/her and know for sure when the cash is required. Reach a decision, for instance – “I am saving for my son’s engineering degree in 2025, and I may require 20 lakhs for the same”.

Along these lines, calculate the required funds while taking into consideration the year of the requirement for the respective milestones. Also, with respect to your child’s education, don’t just consider funds for primary and higher education, but also plan for extracurricular activities.

In short, make estimates of the amount you intend to spend on your child’s education or marriage. Doing so will help you choose the premium amount and the policy term for the best child investment plan.

Go for Equity-linked Online Saving Plans

If you have a higher risk appetite for equities and a considerable investment time frame (more than 10 years), you can consider opting for an online savings plan. It is essentially a unit-linked child investment plan that offers you investment as well as insurance feature in a single product. Further, this plan provides multiple investment options like equity, debt and balanced funds.

So, if you have a longer investment timeframe, you can go for equity funds as investing in equities for longer duration gives the best returns. On the other hand, if you have a lower appetite, you can go for an online savings plan that offers a balanced mix of growth and debt funds.

Remember that just choosing to invest for your child is not enough. Selecting the right investment plan is most important! Therefore, while making your investment decision consider the amount you can spare for investment, your income, cost of higher education, time in hand, and the level of risk.

Look for Premium Waiver Benefit

Almost all insurers, including Max Life Insurance, offer child plans with premium waiver benefit as a key feature of the base plan. This benefit acts as the most vital feature in case of demise of the parent. In such a situation, the child plan pays a lump sum amount to the nominee. Further, the insurer waives off all future premium, and the plan continues to be active until the entire policy term. This ensures that the maturity benefit remains intact as planned.

Check for Provision of Partial Withdrawals

Online saving plans also allow partial withdrawals on fixed intervals. The idea behind such partial withdrawals is to allow parents to meet the financial needs of their kids at the key milestones in their life such as admissions for extracurricular activities, admissions in educational institutions, or marriage. This option is also helpful for meeting unplanned expenses in case of medical emergencies.

Other Factors to Consider for Child Investment Planning

  • Start investing early. It will help achieve your investment target easily. Also, ‘Power of Compounding’ will play an important role when it comes to investing for your child’s future
  • Know the different premium payment modes. You can opt to pay premiums on monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annual basis
  • Invest in a plan that offers a well-balanced mix of equity and debt funds
  • Track your investment at regular intervals and make appropriate changes if required
  • Select a tax-efficient investment option


Today many insurers have come up with attractive child investment plans. However, you need to be judicious about what plan you want to opt for. Also, while making your decision don’t forget to consider criteria like time horizon and age of your child.

We hope that this guide will help you choose the right plan for your child and make his or her dreams a reality!

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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4 Practices to Improve Startup Revenue

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How You Can Grow Your Small Business By Taking Help From Crypto

Cryptocurrency can help your small business to grow at a rapid pace. It can help your business to reach new heights. However, you have to take care of several factors while you want to grow your small business with the help of Cryptocurrencies. In this competitive business world, you have to make your choices in the best way. So plan the idea that works well for you. In the world of Cryptocurrency, numerous doors can work well for you. You have to explore the opportunities that can show positive results for you in all facets. Ignoring them can make things difficult for you. Different Ways You Can Grow Your Small Business You have to take care of several essential factors while you want to develop your small business in this highly competitive world. However, in the world of Cryptocurrency, you can open several options that can work well for you.    1. Elevate The Brand Awareness And Brand Visibility Today’s oversaturated consumer market requires maximum brand visibility, and it is an impossible task for a small business. However, if you want to increase your brand visibility, proper application of the brand awareness program can work well for you. Leveraging a small business strategy can work well in your favor. It can help you to achieve your goals in the best way. You need to choose your niche from all the unique angles to differentiate from your peers. You can visit this site, the bitcoin era, to get accurate trading signals. 2. You Can Attract Booming Consumer Demography Attracting the booming consumer demography is one of the essential aspects for developing the small business using Cryptocurrency. As a result, Cryptos are being adopted across the modern business world. It will help your business to run successfully in the long run. Accepting Cryptos is all about getting legitimate payment methods. The rise of the profit for providing higher customer retention and the acquisition. It makes things much easier for accepting the payment of Cryptocurrencies. It will help you to run a small business venture successfully. 3. Establishing New Revenue Streams Speaking and improving the revenue in the small streams for a long-term period, Cryptocurrency can make things easier for you. However, experienced leaders know a lot more than Cryptocurrencies have to offer.   One of those ways can help you mine Cryptocurrencies and increase the level of revenue system in your organization. Many Miners of Cryptocurrencies are now present in the global world who can provide you with energy-efficient hardware. It possesses higher hash rates and lowers the noise levels. 4. Facilitate Confidentiality And Safety When you adopt Cryptocurrency, you are not improving your revenue streams, but it also implies you are elevating customer safety and anonymity. Every online action and interaction is logged and recorded for various tracking, sales, and marketing purposes. Digital users are growing in the internet companies, and governments are tracking every move on the web. So it is one of the best aspects of Crypto that you can turn into a business opportunity. 5. Cheaper & Faster Transaction For cheaper and faster transactions, Cryptos make more financial sense for your companies and your customers. Moreover, the decentralized nature of Cryptocurrency makes it a quicker mode of transaction. It can help your business to grow at a faster pace in a short period. The reason is it requires no processing fees, and it will have a more straightforward transaction time. It is measured in minutes, not in hours or days. You can make use of these cryptocurrencies to increase the chances of your business profitability. Moreover, it can make things easier for you in the times to come. Ending Thoughts All you have to do here is find out the numerous business opportunities that can help your business grow. Then, proper and effective planning with the help of the Crypto-assets can make things easier for you. Read Also: HybridBlock: Why Binance Is Investing In Crypto-Fiat Trading 7 Tips For Women To Succeed In Business The Most Critical Year For Bitcoin And Other Cryptocurrencies?

Employee Retention Tax Credit

Commonly Misunderstood Facts About The Employee Retention Tax Credit

The ERC, employee retention tax credit, or employee retention credit, is a hot topic regarding business taxes. However, it is often overlooked because it originated with the PPP or Paycheck Protection Program. Additionally, as more people are talking about it, it seems that many misunderstandings have caused business owners to believe that they don't qualify for it when they do.  Some of these misunderstandings stem from prior laws that have since changed, while others are based on the fact that some methods of getting ERC money are more popular than others. Additionally, there are other misunderstandings stemming from scams and confusion about the ERC. Here Are Four Common Misunderstood Facts About The Employee Retention Tax Credit Here are some frequent misconceptions regarding the ERC and the truth around them.  1. Two Eligibility Tests The most notable misconception is that a business must have a decrease in revenue to be eligible for the ERTC. This stems from the eligibility facet that states that companies must have a gross receipts decline compared to their pre-pandemic numbers to be eligible. This is one of the tests used to determine ERC eligibility and is the more popular option. However, some areas of confusion within this test include: An increase in revenue doesn't disqualify you if you still have a decrease in gross receipts.  This test is based on quarters, so failing to meet it in one quarter doesn't disqualify you from others.  There are multiple methods to apply a gross receipt test.  PPP loan money is not included in the amount you claim for the ERC.  While this is one test, there is also another. Although often overlooked, a full or partial suspension of operation due to government orders can also qualify your business without a decrease in gross receipts. Despite popular belief, you can still be eligible for the credit if you meet this requirement, even if you have an increase in revenue and do not have to shut down your business.  2. Credit Amount Employers who qualify can receive up to $7,000 per quarter per employee for the first three quarters of the year. Small businesses that opened during the COVID-19 pandemic can receive an extra $7,000 per employee. However, most companies will cap out at $21,000 per employee per year. If you have 100 employees meeting the salary requirements, you could receive $2,100,000.  The ERC is refundable, which means it will be a refund credit for these employers. That means you can still write off other expenses on your taxes and get a return. That can make it more desirable than other tax credits, which must be taken immediately or forfeited.  3. PPP Loan Disqualification Another common misconception is that receiving funds through the PPP disqualifies employers from ERC eligibility. While that was initially true, recent legislation has changed this. You can now receive PPP loans and an ERC, but you cannot use the same wage money towards both programs. That means that if you take out a loan, the money from it doesn't count towards your ERC. Instead, the money that you spend on paychecks in addition to your PPP loan is what matters toward your ERC.  4. Third-Party Assistance This is more of a warning about issues that have caused concern among business owners. Due to the potential for significant credits, many scams have been established to help business owners file for ERC money. While some small businesses are qualified to help individuals analyze the ERC laws and apply them for you, there are still scams out there. If you file with third-party help, ensure your chosen company is appropriately qualified.  These misunderstandings have kept many small business owners from applying for the ERC when they were eligible—small business owners who have previously missed out need to consider whether they qualify for the ERC. If you are eligible, you can receive thousands of dollars in tax credits. That can help your business recover from the recent pandemic and stay afloat amid future financially challenging times. Read Also: Five Ways an Employee Recognition Can Help Employees Perform Better The Role of Communication in Employee Retainment The Best Ways To Successfully Fund Our Dreams