How Digital Advisors have Transformed the Investment Sector

Published on: 22 January 2019 Last Updated on: 09 August 2019
Digital Advisors

Technology has undoubtedly made a huge impact on our everyday lives. There are new innovations that are unveiled practically every minute and it can be hard to keep up. The rise of the internet has replaced traditional newspapers and other print media as sources of information. Millions of people now rely on online news sources such as Yahoo and Twitter on getting their news. The transportation sector has also transformed from using the yellow cabs to Uber and Taxify. Purchasing of goods and services is now through electronic payments via credit and debit cards. The financial industry has also been affected by this transformation. The rise of digital advisors has resulted in cheaper and more efficient ways of offering financial advice to investors. These offer automated financial planning with different levels of human engagement. An investor will surely appreciate such engagement.

The Difference Between Robo Advisor and Digital Advisors:

A robo advisor uses algorithms and model portfolios relying on certain information that has been obtained from the client. While others may find robo advisors attractive due to their low cost, there is minimal human interaction. There is more focus on investment allocation but minimal focus on financial planning. Making life’s big decisions such as buying your next house or paying for college requires a lot of careful planning. In this instance, there is no one to hold your hand as you contemplate about making these changes in our life.

A digital advisor is a combination of a traditional financial planner and a robot advisor. This affords an investor the ease and convenience of accessing a personal human advisor. These can be reached via phone or chat. The advice offered by digital advisors goes beyond investment options. Since users have real-time access to an actual financial planner, they can talk to someone about their specific needs and work together to come up with a plan that is based on their current situation.

Which One is Right?

There are Robo advisors who are fully automated and have low fees. These provide investment planning to investors. On the other hand, digital advisors offer a combination of this automation and a touch of the human element. Financial advice is also provided. It is important for you to know how these function so that you know which one to choose if you are considering these options. Here are some options to choose from who are considered the well-known players in this space:

  • Wealthfront: this automated service has over $1 billion in client assets and thus considered the world’s largest investment service. There is very little human interaction. The first $10,000 in assets management do not attract an advisory fee. Amounts that are higher than this attracts a monthly advisory fee at the rate of 0.25%. The minimum investment amount is $5,000.
  • Betterment: there is also very little human interaction on this service. Just like the previous platform, the process if Betterment begins by clients being asked a series of questions and then an investment plan is recommended. A monthly portfolio fee of 0.35% and this amount decreases the more the balance grows. There is no minimum investment.
  • Learnvest: although this platform does not manage investments, clients can contact a Certified Financial planner whom they can contact by phone or email and ask questions. A %19 monthly fee is charged.
  • Personal capital & Wela: these two digital advisors have very similar offerings. For instance, both offer free financial advice to their users. You can receive advice pertaining to all things finance and be assisted to set up a unique game plan based on your specific situation. Users are also free to use all the financial planning tools available at the site at no extra cost. A management fee of less than 1% is charged to users who are connected to a personalized wealth management advisor. A similar program at Wela ensures that a user is charged only when he decides to become a client.

If you have your doubts about putting your money with a fully automated system, why not go for a digital advisor that provides you with unlimited access to a financial planner while at the same time providing online convenience so that you are assured if a partner to guide you in making big decisions in life.

How They Work:

You do not have to rely on a human to discuss your financial goals and expectations. These interactions go on through a website. You will fill out a questionnaire that helps these sites to assess your current financial situation, risk tolerance and goals. The firms will use this information to develop manage and also suggest an asset allocation.

Other firms will operate by investing your money in mutual funds and exchange funds. These are passively managed funds. Other firms will be willing to invest in individual stocks although this does not happen so often. Once your portfolio has been constructed the digital advisor will rebalance it on different situations so that you can maintain your target asset allocation.

There are some cases where you will not need to fully rely on a digital platform to offer advice. Some elements of the advisor model are mixed with a human advisor. Therefore instead of relying on your response to the given questionnaire, you will be interviewed over the phone or video. You can also access a human advisor via video conferencing.

These websites rely on their own algorithms to determine what would be a good fit for you as asset allocation. Depending on the firm, some will be more or less aggressive in their suggestions. Investors have found these websites to be truly valuable in a fast-paced world where many lack the time or interest to manage their own savings or investments. Advanced technology makes it possible for investors to be comfortable in a web-based relationship which assists them to allocate their asset and online portfolios. It has truly changed the way business is done.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Bankruptcy Myths

Debunking 7 Notorious Bankruptcy Myths

Bankruptcy is a serious step in anyone’s life and can have serious consequences. However, in many cases, bankruptcy is the only way out for some and can bring about the much-needed change as it helps them get rid of old debts. Understanding how bankruptcy affects you is key when deciding whether to file for bankruptcy with the help of experienced attorneys such as the BK Lawyers. People often turn to familiar people who have been through the same thing or try to find answers regarding bankruptcy on the internet. And while in some cases this might provide the answers they seek, in others, it may bring a lot of misinformation. There’s no reason to turn to unreliable sources for advice when in most cases bankruptcy attorneys don’t charge the initial consultation during which they can provide answers to all the questions you may have about the process. Therefore, we recommend consulting an experienced attorney before consulting the internet. To help you better understand bankruptcy, we are going to debunk some of the most common myths. You Can’t Travel Overseas after Filing : Many people believe filing for bankruptcy prevents you from traveling overseas. However, the truth is that a trustee will let you travel overseas as long as you make the required payments and provide the required information. You’ll also need to provide financial information regarding the trip, for example, who’s financing it, where you’re traveling, etc. Filing for Bankruptcy Costs a Lot : As we mentioned, the initial bankruptcy consultation is usually free. Reliable sources you can consult about bankruptcy include trustees, insolvency experts, and AFSA. You’ll Love Everything : One of the most common myths is that filing for bankruptcy means you’ll lose all your assets in order to pay off your debt. Depending on the debt, you may be allowed to keep a lot of assets including your household items, furniture, and appliances. You may keep a significant portion of your balance to cover the costs of living. In some cases, you may be allowed to keep your vehicles to a certain value, as well as tools of the trade. However, most people worry about losing their home. And even if your home has to be sold to cover your debts, you may arrange to purchase it from the bankruptcy trustee. Your Earning Will be Limited : There are no limits to your earning when you file for bankruptcy. However, if you earn more than a certain level you’ll need to make some contributions every year during the period of bankruptcy. The Debts you leave off the Bankruptcy Form are Not Included : When filing for bankruptcy you need to submit a form listing all your assets and debts. This form is called a Statement of Affairs form. Leaving information out of this form is considered an offense for which you may be criminally prosecuted. While you need to fill out the form as precisely as possible, leaving out a debt unintentionally will not affect whether that debt will be included in the bankruptcy. You Have to File for Bankruptcy if You Can’t Pay Your Debts : There are other ways to cover your debts, but in most cases, bankruptcy is the most effective one. Bankruptcy has a minimal impact on your finances if you’re not able to cover your debts through selling assets and earnings. IF you have a higher income or have reasons to avoid bankruptcy (if you’re a CEO) you can refinance your home, arrange a debt agreement or make informal arrangements to cover the debt. You’ll Never Get a Loan Again : While your bankruptcy is recorded in the credit report seven years after filing and it’s recorded in the NPII, there are still ways to help people with bankruptcy get back on their feet. Credit providers are willing to assist individuals who filed for bankruptcy to get a loan despite that.

GBP Savings Plan

How To Find The Best GBP Savings Plan

If you are in need of a GBP savings plan, there are many different ways to manage your money within current UK economic conditions. In this article, we will begin by describing some of the ways one can go about finding a plan that will best suit their personal needs and rationale for saving money. This methodical process will allow the user to choose wisely which plan they feel most comfortable with and allow them to proceed with purchasing it. Top 5 Ways To Find The Best GBP Savings Plan 1. Obtain a copy of the Minimum Income Requirements (MIR) Checklist This checklist is provided by the Bank of England and is a quick reference guide for those interested in finding out if they are able to qualify for any type of savings account. It lists the various factors that one must consider including certain financial requirements, personal details, and limited circumstances. It is important to note that this resource is not comprehensive, but provides a good starting point when looking into saving money. 2. Consider Your Payment method If you are in need of a GBP savings plan then it is important that you consider your payment method. Banks and financial institutions offer many different ways to manage your money; so make sure that you choose one that you will be able to adhere to and will best suit your needs. The most common methods are direct deposit, a bank transfer, or by making deposits or withdrawals in person at one of the bank's branches. Another aspect to consider is if a bank gives you the ability to write cheques. 3. Consider Your Interest Rate As previously mentioned, interest rates will vary depending on the type of account that one chooses to purchase. It is important that you choose a plan with a competitive interest rate so that you may maximize your money and save more in the long run. Also make sure that whatever plan you choose, that it provides a relatively high possibility of being eligible for ATM Cash Withdrawals. It is important to choose a GBP savings plan that suits your current financial situation and set of personal circumstances. 4. Consider Your Monthly Deposit Amount Understanding how much you are willing to deposit per month into your account will help you in the process of selecting an available option for your savings. To start, make sure that you have the money available to make the initial deposit payment in order to qualify for the account. Once you have been approved for the account and have made the initial deposit, you will be permitted to make monthly deposits that will be put toward your savings. 5. Take Advantage of Available Online Resources Today's technology provides many different useful resources that one can use to help them in their search for a suitable GBP savings plan. Consider using the internet to find out more information on the subject matter if you are not comfortable with taking advice directly from a financial advisor or banker. Many credible online sources are available to help educate you on the best ways to manage your money. You can find out useful information regarding different institutions, their available accounts, and interest rates. Often you can find online calculators that will help you to determine which plan is best for your personal financial circumstances. Conclusion As previously mentioned, many different types of accounts are available to the public, some have more restrictions than others. When choosing an account you should try to assess your own personal financial situation and find an account that best suits your needs. Using the methods and resources listed above will allow you to make the most informed decision possible when choosing a GBP savings plan. Additionals: How Money Management And Technology Combine Features To Ensure Success Of Your Money Saving Service Can Families Be Happier and Healthier And Still Saving Money? A Debate On Saving Money While Using Promo Codes Of Everlane

Insurance Company

How To Choose The Best Auto Insurance Company?

The auto instance is something, which one can be devoid of, and if someone is doing the same then you are putting your automobile at risk. Whether it is a home or whether it is a matter of life or whether it is the matter of automobile, one should have the insurance cover. For having the best insurance cover, it is important to have the best insurance company. If you have purchased any insurance cover in past times then you must be having the idea of how to buy it but if you are buying it for the first time then you should consider some important things, which are mentioned below So, basically here are the important things to consider before choosing the apt insurance company for you. Experience: If an auto insurance company is in any business then it is important to have the experience. Experience does not mean that having the experience of six months is enough. In fact, an auto insurance company is considered as experienced only if the company has the experience of three to four years or more than that. Although the experience may vary from company to company, so it is you who can decide the company on the basis of experience. Mouth recommendations: Mouth recommendation means that your friend or family or any other person is suggesting the insurance company to you. Although it is good to choose the company on the basis of mouth recommendation it does not mean that you have to completely rely on the mouth recommendation. Along with this, you should do the research on your own. Try to know more about the company: Getting the general insurance quote should not be the only necessity. People get the insurance quotes from the different companies and after comparing the quotes, they select the one. Although knowing about the insurance is good but it does not mean that it is more than enough. Try to know about the present, past, and future of the company. If any company is holding its place in the market for the past several years then it is good to go with the same company. Reputation: The reputation and status of the company amongst the people are almost interrelated. If any company is having a good reputation in the market and in the customers then it is always good to go with the same company. Always try to get in touch with the prior customers of the insurance company and such customers can guide you in the best possible way. If any company is having a good place in the people’s hearts then it means that the company has done something good for the customers. Online existence: Nowadays, people believe in online businesses as compared to offline businesses. The online existence of the company is helpful for the customers also because there is no need to go to the different insurance companies for having the insurance cover. In addition to this, either the people get the costly insurance cover or the people get stuck into the traps. So that is why it is advised to get the insurance cover from the companies which are having an online existence. Reviews: If any company is having an online existence then it is for sure that the company will have the reviews. The reviews of the companies vary from their status to status. The better reviews of the company suggest the better qualities of the company and the poor reviews of the companies have the poorer quality. In short, people can make their search accordingly. Affordability: There are several companies, which offer different insurance coverage to their customers, but the price of the insurance cover varies from the company to company. So, always try to find the company, which offers the best insurance cover at the affordable prices. Si, in this way you can make your search in the way of finding the best auto insurance company. Read Also: Your Simple Guide To GAP Insurance Is Telecommunications Equipment A Good Career Path In 2021?