Tips for Breaking Into Finance and Banking

Published on: 31 January 2019 Last Updated on: 08 August 2019

Many people with an interest in money find it quite rewarding (and profitable) to pursue a career in finance and banking. But not everyone gets there on the same path. For one thing, there are many careers in the industry, such as management, financial advising, auditing, and lending.

So, depending on what field you want to pursue and where you hope to work, your career path may look a lot different than someone else’s. With that in mind, there are a few tips you need to know to help you break into almost any field within this sector.

Majors are less important than you think:

Many college students get hung up on narrowing down their major in college to match the specific career they currently want. But the truth is that while you do need a degree, the major can vary quite a bit. In fact, many people start out with a major in accounting and end up with economics degree jobs. Or they might start with a major in finance and end up in economics.

Some people even break into the field with unrelated degrees, like psychology or communication. The point is that most managers in the money field know that the skills and knowledge you obtain from any area in business can translate to the others.

You might start at the bottom:

Not all fields are the same, but certain ones (such as banking) rely more on seniority than your level of education. In fact, many people in the banking industry started out years ago with very little education and worked their way up. Other fields also require working your way up, but they may not require you to start in the lowest positions available.

Some sectors in finance and banking will allow you to work your way up very quickly or even start out in management or mid-management positions. Just remember to stay humble, learn all you can, and work hard on even the small jobs you’re given.

Your resume needs to stand out:

While this is true in any industry, employers in the finance and banking industry are looking for specific skills. And depending on where you live and work, your resume could find itself at the bottom of a very big pile. Aside from a simple, professional format, you need to use the right lingo to get your resume seen. Each industry has its own set of particular skill sets that make someone a quality candidate. And banking and finance are no different.

In fact, because the applicant pool is so educationally diverse, your skill set may be the only thing that matters. The ability to communicate well, for example, is at the top of the list. Hiring managers also look for analytical ability, problem-solving skills, and capacity for innovation.

Networking should be your priority:

Networking isn’t just for business professionals looking for more client leads. It’s also one of the most effective ways to land your first job. About 70 percent of job seekers are hired by companies with which they have connections. And networking doesn’t have to be as hard as it sounds: it’s simply connecting with people in the industry.

You can do this by reaching out on social media to individuals or groups in the field you want to work in. You can amp up your LinkedIn profile to appear as an active job-seeker in the industry. You can take advantage of all the college events where professionals in your degree field will be meeting up. And you can simply ask people you know about their careers and connections in banking and finance. You’ll be surprised at how willing most people are to help you out.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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GAP Insurance

Your Simple Guide to GAP Insurance

When you buy a new or used car, dealerships will often bombard you with the optional extras you can pay extra for. Whether it’s an extended warranty or a deal on the annual service costs, you might not always be clued up on what these actually mean. GAP insurance is one of these additions you might be offered and we’re here to guide you through what it means and whether you need it… What Exactly is GAP Insurance? If you buy a new car, the value drops by a third as soon as you drive away in it, and then it can fall by 40% in the first year and on average, by about 60% in three years. If your car is stolen or written off before you’ve finished paying it off, your insurer will pay out for what it’s worth at the time rather than it’s ‘brand new’ price. This means there’s a ‘gap’ between what your insurer pays and what you originally paid and this is what ‘Guaranteed Asset Protection’, or GAP insurance, covers. What Else is My Car Covered For? When you buy a new car, it will be protected by a warranty supplied by the manufacturer, e.g. a BMW warranty. Usually, this covers you for three years or 60,000 miles (whichever comes first) and means that any defects that might cause your car to malfunction will be replaced or repaired at no cost to you. However, the warranty is likely to be void if your car is written off, and as already discussed, your insurance may not cover the price you’ve paid or have agreed to pay, for the car. What are the Different Types of Policies? There are a few different types of policies available when it comes to GAP insurance, so it’s best to do your research to figure out which one would benefit you the most. Two of the main options are: GAP insurance to cover the difference between the value of the vehicle and your outstanding finance settlement To cover the difference between the cost of the vehicle and replacing it with an equivalent one Do I Need GAP Insurance? The big question is – do you need GAP insurance? It’s not compulsory when you buy a car, but it might be worthwhile as it could save you from being out-of-pocket if you should have an accident. One scenario where GAP insurance would be worth it is if it’s important to you to have a brand-new car and you wouldn’t want a replacement car worth a lower amount. Also, if you’ve taken out finance to buy the car, like a personal loan, for example, you’ll be paying off the full value it was when you first bought it, regardless of whether it's been stolen or written off. GAP insurance would help you pay off the loan earlier, so you’re not forking out for a car you no longer have or a car you're unable to drive. As with your car purchase, deciding on whether or not to buy GAP insurance should be something you have carefully considered and extensively researched. However, when you’ve found the right policy that benefits you, you could save a lot of money if your car is written off or stolen. Read Also : Small Business Guide To Private Health Insurance Exchanges How To Get Low-Cost Life Insurance For Seniors Tips To Lower Your Insurance Costs


Why Exchanges Need To Improve User Experience For More Adoption

You might have thought, what is the reason behind Cryptocurrency adoption taking so long? It has already been a decade since the first-ever Cryptocurrency Bitcoin was launched. Still, people are hesitant when it comes to Cryptocurrency Adoption. Now the question is why? As the reason is, many investors have pointed out the not-so-cool user-friendliness of exchanges. On the other hand, some excellent bitcoin revolution login platforms are considered one of the best Crypto trading platforms. If you are a Crypto Trader, you should answer the following questions. While making a trade, what problem do you usually face? Do you have a proper understanding of the price fluctuation of the market? For overviewing of the market, are there any tools that help you with that? The answers to all these questions are related to the user experience offered by the Crypto Trading platforms. For accelerating Crypto trading, there have to be more Crypto exchanges like Bitcoin Revolutions, which will offer quality guidance. Why Exchanges Need To Improve User Experience For More Adoption Whenever you talk about any of the digital devices in this digital world, the first thing to be considered and checked is the user experience. With the advancement of technology, things are becoming simpler in a complicated way. In order to get access to those simpler things, you first need to learn the complicated way in which they are being operated. For example, online money transfer has made our life easier and saves a lot of time. But in order to transfer money online, you will need to know how to operate the platform, using which you will transfer your money. The same goes for more Cryptocurrency. This is why user experience has to improve for better adoption. 1. Functionality A good user interface has to be always created by keeping the user in mind. The users can be anyone, from a beginner of the Crypto world to an experienced old investor when it comes to the Cryptocurrency world. The user interface of the exchange has to be clean and user-friendly. Only then a beginner trader will be able to understand everything properly. Some features, such as filtering and sorting, are not at all common for most software or tools. It restricts the user from getting to know the market properly. 2. Ease Of Use The best way of understanding the whole user experience thing is how comfortably you are interacting with the help of any device or website. Along with this, you also have to keep track of the feasibility, speed of the platform, easily understand the application, and smooth navigation. We are living in a world where everything has become digital or shifted to the online world. Many businesses are providing their customers with services or products online. It means you have to be really efficient and also fast in grabbing whatever opportunity you are getting. 3. Credibility Whenever we meet a new person, it usually takes around 0.1 seconds to leave a good impression on that individual. But when it comes to a website, the time reduces to half, i.e., 0.05 seconds. So, the website’s user interface must be easy to understand. Whenever you find a website that has created a good impression on you, you will start navigating the website to see what other things it has to offer you. Just the same way a website works, the Cryptocurrency trading platforms or exchanges also work the same way. User Experience Is All While developing a Cryptocurrency exchange, a developer has to keep all these things in mind. The professional has to consider the requirements of a beginner and also of an experienced trader and combine them in the right way to present a reliable and efficient solution for all types of users. So, by improving the user experience, the adoption rate of Cryptocurrency can be accelerated. Read Also:  Is 2021 The Most Critical Year For Bitcoin And Other Cryptocurrencies? Most Common Bitcoin Trading Blunders - You Must Avoid What to Expect When You Become a Forex Trader

Financially Stable

How to Become Financially Stable Before Age 30

Your twenties can be some of the most exciting years of your life. You're young and experiencing life, but you have to remember that decisions you make now will affect the rest of your life. One of the most common questions people ask in their twenties is how to plan for the future. Check out these useful tips to learn some of the best ways to start off your life and learn how to become financially stable for the long term. Make Plans: This gets the top position because it's the most important. One characteristic you'll find among the wealthy is that they plan things in advance. They set long-term goals and create short and medium-term plans to make them happen. The act of creating real plans makes it more likely that you'll become financially secure. This isn't only about your career and investing, though those are important. Set personal goals for self-improvement and growth. Learn how to keep yourself accountable to your plans so that they become reality. Start by figuring out where you see yourself in five years. You should have a real thought about what you want to happen in your career and personal life. Set shorter term goals to help you accomplish your five-year plan. These can include things like: Pay off student loans Get out of credit card debt Save up for a down payment Visit somewhere exotic Buy a car Many of the plans you need to make relate to enjoying life and your lifestyle. By figuring out the kind of life you want to lead, you learn more about the steps you have to take to achieve it. Budget: Once you have plans, you need to set a budget to make them a reality. The thought of making and keeping a budget intimidate a lot of people. Knowing where your money goes is the easiest way to start becoming financially stable. Sit down and write out how much money you make every month. Include your salary as well as any side incomes you have going. Once you know what you make, write out all your fixed expenses next to them. These will be things like your rent/mortgage, car payment, health insurance, and car insurance. Always include your savings in fixed expenses. What you have left over is the money available for food, gas, entertainment, and other things. Always try to build in some 'funny money'. This is a small amount you can spend on literally anything you want. Having a little flexibility every month makes it easier to keep your budget going. Learn How to Become Financially Stable: Being financially literate is one of the most important things you can do to build your longterm finances. It's pretty much impossible to build wealth without knowing how personal finance works. There are lots of online resources you can use to do this. Start with the basics: budgeting, investing, and finance terminology. It's important to know enough about finances to tell when something is too good to be true. If you don't spend some time to learn how finances work it's almost impossible to become financially secure. You don't have to learn advanced finance and trading techniques, just enough so that you can recognize where your money is going and how to make it work for you. Invest Early and Often: Albert Einstein once said that compounding interest is the most powerful force in the world. It doesn't matter what you invest in, only that you invest early and let your gains compound. Historically the stock market goes up on average. By putting your savings in broad basket funds you can generate consistent growth over the decades. If you don't want to spend too much time you can use a fee-based financial planner to help. Look for low fee index and exchange-traded funds to maximize your gains. Take Some Risks: Your twenties is the best time to take some risks for your future. You're young, you aren't tied down, and you've got nothing but opportunities ahead of you. Start with career risks. You can often get significant pay or benefit gains by moving to a top job. When you're young you don't have the baggage that comes with kids, houses, and rooms full of stuff. If you get a great opportunity across the country or across the world, take it. Don't forget to look for other big opportunities. Starting your own business is still one of the best ways to build real wealth. Your twenties is also the time to put your investments into high risk high potential reward mode. Look for emerging industries and markets that have great potential for large gains. You can check out industry sites and investor groups for new technologies, such as NICI for cannabis investments. You'll see some losses in many of your investments, but even one or two big winners can provide you with significant gains. Make Saving Automatic: One of the best ways to continue saving and investing is to make it completely automatic. There are lots of apps and employer programs available that will set aside part of your income every pay period. This allows you to save and built wealth without having to think about it. When you set up your budget, leave this money out to the side. If it was never something you're spending you won't even miss it. An employer-sponsored 401k is a great way to do this for retirement planning. Many employers offer a match if you invest. This is literally free money for saving. You also get significant tax benefits by investing this way. Remember to Have Fun! Your twenties are the best time to experiment and discover who you are and what you want from life. Take risks, make plans, and build the kind of life you want to live. Think about how to become financially stable, but don't obsess over it. If you liked what you read here, check out some of our other interesting and informative articles to learn ways to improve yourself. Read Also: 3 Must Know Accounting Tips To Help You Finance Correctly Everything You Need To Know About Term Insurance Plan Premium