Surviving Loss: What to Do With an Estate After You Lose a Loved One

Published on: 21 January 2019 Last Updated on: 09 November 2021
parent dies

2.4 million funerals take place in the U.S. every year. If you’re not in the funeral business, this is a sobering thought.

When a parent dies, the grief and pain you are dealing with can often be compounded by financial pressures if you are named as their executor.

In a way, it is flattering to be named a parent’s executor. It means they trusted your intelligence, patience, and fairness enough to appoint you the overseer of their property after they are gone.

In other ways, it is overwhelming to consider the number of debts, unknown assets, and contentious relatives you will need to keep a record of.

If you are unsure what to do when a parent dies and you are the executor, take a deep breath, pick up a pen, and begin to approach your responsibilities in an organized, measured way.

What to Do When A Parent Dies and You Are the Executor:

Right after someone dies, there is usually a period of chaos. During this time, the estate needs to be opened, and the executor is appointed to avoid surprises by debt collectors or the IRS. You may have already been appointed the executor in a will.

No one should begin to take or distribute assets yet.

As the executor, it is your job to decide whether or not the will should go into probate, which is the official “proving” of the will in court. If the estate is larger, or if there is some disagreement about the will, probate may be necessary before you can begin carrying out your duties as the executor.

When you go through probate, you will have to file papers with the local probate court, prove that the will is valid, and present the court with a list of debts and assets. You should also explain how they should be distributed. The probate process could take anywhere from a few months to a year.

If your parent set up a living trust, you won’t have to go through probate. The person named as the trust’s successor will be able to distribute assets according to the will without having to go through the courts.

Your overall responsibility as the executor is to make sure that all debts and creditors of the deceased are paid off. Then the rest of their assets can be distributed according to their expressed wishes.

An executor is different from a power of attorney, who makes decisions about life-sustaining medical treatments while a loved one is still alive. Once they have passed, the power of attorney is no longer valid.

If there are any dependent children or pets, you will need to be certain that guardians are appointed in accordance with the decedent’s wishes. These are often complicated things to handle, you might want to enlist the services if an expert right away. Thomas Church, Florida Will Contest Attorney is one of the best Estate Litigation experts in USA.

Get the Right Paperwork:

Your first duty as the executor is to find your parent’s will. It could be filed away with important paperwork or in the hands of their attorney. It is usually necessary to file with a probate court, even if it is determined that probate is not necessary.

If there is a will in place, you will receive letters testamentary, which is a legal document authorizing you as the executor to take control over the decedent’s estate. If there is no will, you will receive letters of administration. You can then begin your work as an executor.

You should also be certain that a pronouncement of death has been filed. This is a letter filled out by a medical professional stating where and when the decedent died.

A death certificate should become available after the funeral. You can obtain it from your funeral home, county registrar, or health department. About 10-15 copies should be sufficient to cover your administration needs.

You will need the certificate to prove the situation to insurance, credit card, and mortgage companies. If you find you need more copies, they can be obtained from the Department of Vital Records.

It is important to begin keeping a list of assets and liabilities before liquidating assets, paying off debts, and distributing funds among beneficiaries.

Acquiring credit card statements, mortgage statements, vehicle registrations, a social security card, and copies of insurance policies will also make the process smoother.

You should be sure to punch a hole in the decedent’s driver’s license and passport to help prevent fraud.

Giles & Robinson, P.A. explains that an ancillary administration can take six to nine months to finalize.

Hire Some Help:

An estate attorney, like Verhaeghe Law, can help you avoid mistakes that could cost you money in the long run. A financial consultant can help with asset transfers. An insurance agent can assist with claims forms to help make sure beneficiaries are paid.

The costs of the funeral, as well as getting the decedent’s affairs in order, are taken from the estate. Don’t be afraid to ask for help to make sure the process goes smoothly and does not end up making you liable for problems that may arise.

Stop Payments:

The decedent’s estate is responsible for any debts that arise after death. Heirs and beneficiaries are not responsible, although some feel a sense of moral responsibility to pay them off.

You should notify all credit card companies, government agencies, utility companies, and mortgage banks of the death. This will help you to avoid late charges, and accounts will be transferred to decedent status. Doctors and other health professionals who may be owed fees should also be notified.

Check the decedent’s credit card statements and be certain to cancel any payments with “auto-renewal,” such as those for magazine subscriptions, AARP, AAA, and clubs. You may want to wait a month or two before closing the decedent’s primary credit card so that you can view the companies that need to be notified.

Be certain to contact the three main credit reporting agencies: Equifax, Experian, and Transunion, immediately. They can flag the decedent’s account so no one will try to steal their identity. It is also a good idea to check back two months later to be certain no fraud has occurred.

You should be sure to notify Social Security so they will stop payments and you will not be responsible to pay back posthumous checks.

If your parent was employed at the time of their death, you will need to call their employer. You can find out about any payments due to them, death benefits, life insurance policies, and beneficiary benefits.

Pay Off Debts:

Keep a list of how much your parent owed to mortgage companies, credit card companies, car payments, etc. You may need to liquidate assets, such as selling houses or cars, to pay off these debts.

Check with a CPA to see if your decedent’s taxes have been paid. Money from the estate can be used to pay any money owed to the IRS.

You will also need to file taxes for your parent from the day of the year they passed until the date of death. If the estate is large, there may also be state or federal estate taxes to pay.

Consolidate Assets:

The executor should open a separate bank account for ongoing bills, as well as incoming checks. Keep valuables safe in a safety deposit box.

You should hire an assessor to see how much their property is worth. It is your duty as the executor to maintain the decedent’s property until it is sold or bequeathed to the proper beneficiary.

Distribute Assets and Maintain Healthy Communication:

After all known debts are paid, you can begin distributing remaining funds to the family as specified in the will. It is important to get and keep a signed receipt from each beneficiary after they are paid.

Many arguments and breakdowns during the asset distribution process happen because folks feel that they are being overlooked or marginalized. It is important to let them know what the timeline is so that they will know exactly what is being done with the funds and when they can expect to receive funds that are due them.

It is a good idea to take some time before making investments with estate funds, as grieving can be an emotionally overwhelming time for most.

Close the Estate:

You may be required to file a petition in court before distributing assets and closing the estate. As the executor, your duty is complete.

Take Care of Yourself:

Losing a parent can be one of the most confusing, disheartening times in an individual’s life. If you are overwhelmed by the complications of what to do when a parent dies and you are the executor, be sure to enlist the help of qualified professionals.

By keeping detailed records, liquidating assets, paying off debts, and distributing assets, you can be assured that your parent’s affairs have been handled properly and you can begin taking steps toward the next chapter in your life.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Employee Retention Tax Credit

Commonly Misunderstood Facts About The Employee Retention Tax Credit

The ERC, employee retention tax credit, or employee retention credit, is a hot topic regarding business taxes. However, it is often overlooked because it originated with the PPP or Paycheck Protection Program. Additionally, as more people are talking about it, it seems that many misunderstandings have caused business owners to believe that they don't qualify for it when they do.  Some of these misunderstandings stem from prior laws that have since changed, while others are based on the fact that some methods of getting ERC money are more popular than others. Additionally, there are other misunderstandings stemming from scams and confusion about the ERC. Here Are Four Common Misunderstood Facts About The Employee Retention Tax Credit Here are some frequent misconceptions regarding the ERC and the truth around them.  1. Two Eligibility Tests The most notable misconception is that a business must have a decrease in revenue to be eligible for the ERTC. This stems from the eligibility facet that states that companies must have a gross receipts decline compared to their pre-pandemic numbers to be eligible. This is one of the tests used to determine ERC eligibility and is the more popular option. However, some areas of confusion within this test include: An increase in revenue doesn't disqualify you if you still have a decrease in gross receipts.  This test is based on quarters, so failing to meet it in one quarter doesn't disqualify you from others.  There are multiple methods to apply a gross receipt test.  PPP loan money is not included in the amount you claim for the ERC.  While this is one test, there is also another. Although often overlooked, a full or partial suspension of operation due to government orders can also qualify your business without a decrease in gross receipts. Despite popular belief, you can still be eligible for the credit if you meet this requirement, even if you have an increase in revenue and do not have to shut down your business.  2. Credit Amount Employers who qualify can receive up to $7,000 per quarter per employee for the first three quarters of the year. Small businesses that opened during the COVID-19 pandemic can receive an extra $7,000 per employee. However, most companies will cap out at $21,000 per employee per year. If you have 100 employees meeting the salary requirements, you could receive $2,100,000.  The ERC is refundable, which means it will be a refund credit for these employers. That means you can still write off other expenses on your taxes and get a return. That can make it more desirable than other tax credits, which must be taken immediately or forfeited.  3. PPP Loan Disqualification Another common misconception is that receiving funds through the PPP disqualifies employers from ERC eligibility. While that was initially true, recent legislation has changed this. You can now receive PPP loans and an ERC, but you cannot use the same wage money towards both programs. That means that if you take out a loan, the money from it doesn't count towards your ERC. Instead, the money that you spend on paychecks in addition to your PPP loan is what matters toward your ERC.  4. Third-Party Assistance This is more of a warning about issues that have caused concern among business owners. Due to the potential for significant credits, many scams have been established to help business owners file for ERC money. While some small businesses are qualified to help individuals analyze the ERC laws and apply them for you, there are still scams out there. If you file with third-party help, ensure your chosen company is appropriately qualified.  These misunderstandings have kept many small business owners from applying for the ERC when they were eligible—small business owners who have previously missed out need to consider whether they qualify for the ERC. If you are eligible, you can receive thousands of dollars in tax credits. That can help your business recover from the recent pandemic and stay afloat amid future financially challenging times. Read Also: Five Ways an Employee Recognition Can Help Employees Perform Better The Role of Communication in Employee Retainment The Best Ways To Successfully Fund Our Dreams

Credit Card Perks

5 Credit Card Perks that are Noteworthy

The use of credit cards has tremendously increased in recent years. Apart from providing credit usage to its customers, a credit card is a must to have possession in the financial market due to the ever-increasing prices. Besides providing creditworthiness to your financial profile, it comes with lots of additional perks. If you already have availed a credit card, or on the verge of getting one, it is important to have an understanding of all the benefits that it offers. A credit card can be considered as the most beneficial tool only when you have the capability to pay off the dues. Now make your every purchase through Standard Chartered credit card types that would provide you with better savings. And as you get aware of the key benefits of using credit cards, just pave your way towards making the best use out of it. Most noteworthy benefits of credit cards: Credit card perks drive the users to make significant use of their credit cards in order to maintain a good credit score that would yield a better credit history of the cardholder thus increasing his creditworthiness in the financial market. Also, a credit card can be great assistance to your overall travelling expenses, including stay, food and luggage management. Credit card perks are the benefits obtained by its users using its key features effectively. In order to procure the credit card perks, one must be confined to its terms of usage. A credit card offers a requisite margin of perks to its users. Some of them are as below: 5 Credit Card Perks that are Noteworthy: 1. Interest-free credit: Generally, a specific rate of interest is involved in the credit value of your card. The more the credit value, the higher, is the rate of interest. Thus the interest rates depend on the price of credit. Certain credit cards offer the benefit of availing interest-free credit on the creditworthiness of the users. This implies that the user can enjoy the use of interest-free credit without paying the extra charge in the form of interest on availing whatsoever credit amount for his use. 2. No-cost EMI: This facility enables the user to purchase goods of his choice without the need for paying interest on EMIs. Thus credit card perk offers an undisputed advantage of availing goods on credit without incurring the extra charges on it. Usually, the rate of interest depends upon the price of the goods procured on credit. Thus credit card perks work well towards removing such inconveniences on the purchase based on price, by enabling the users to buy goods irrespective of the price on no-cost EMI. 3. Reward programs: One of the significant perks of credit cards is the application of reward programs on credit cards. Rewards on credit cards work wonder on building credit scores. Reward programs mainly consist of the facility of cashback and other perks as per the type of credit card. It provides its users with the opportunity to earn in thousands through reward points or to spend lavishly using those points. Amongst which the benefit of cashback on credit card is the key highlight of the reward program, which provides an opportunity to make double purchases of the same amount using a single reward point. 4. Fraud protection: Credit card perks act as a shield against various fraudulent incidents that may come across the way of its holders by providing insurance coverage for the loss or damage of the product purchased by using it. Hence providing a carefree usage of the commodity, the credit card perks work efficiently in covering the various losses incurred by the cardholder on the purchases made by using it. This ensures the user a risk-free usage of the credit card by eliminating the fear of risks that may arise in the near future. 5. Warranty extension: The credit card provides the benefit of extending the warranty period of the respective purchases made through it. You can easily extend your warranty period of the goods by making a purchase by the credit card. This may render a free service of your purchases for an extended period in addition to the existing one, thereby eradicating the future expense that may incur on the grounds of malfunctions. So users are free to make purchases enjoying an extended warranty period, thus removing the extra cost involved in repairing or service of the purchased goods. The above-mentioned credit card perks are most suitable for frequent users and those who maintain a regular balance. In order to avail of the above benefits using the credit card, the cardholder must make sure to make regular payments of his monthly dues effectively. Otherwise, it would negatively affect your credit scores. You can make effective use of the credit cards by renewing the credit rewards based on your purchasing scale. The more you use your credit scores, the better the facility it would provide you with. Read Also: 7 TIPS TO REDUCE CREDIT CARD BILLS Credit Card Fraud The Holiday Season: Things To Consider For Next Year Revolving Debt Vs Installment Debt – Which Impacts Your Credit Score The Most?

Car Insurance

Tips For Reducing Car Insurance Costs

Keeping premiums low when it comes to auto motor insurance does not actually require you to walk a tightrope. All that is necessary is taking prudent measures to identify the most suitable policy and to follow certain measures to keep the premium amount low. Before you set out to identify the various policies and the associated premiums, it would be a good idea to learn all about various measures and practical methods of keeping your premium amounts low. Shared here are useful tips that you can use to ensure that you do not spend more on the premium amount. Compare Policy Details : Make use of the facility offered by the featured site to compare various insurance policies and premium amounts. All that you will have to do is provide certain details about yourself, the car and the kind of policy that you intend to take. You will receive a populated list of various policies and the premium amount. Depending on the choice that you make you can then choose an appropriate one and avail benefits of lesser premium.  The advantages of using the services of the featured site are that costs will never be inflated after you have decided. This means that you will not be paying anything more than what you actually see on screen. Provide Factually Correct Inputs : The inputs that you will have to provide for the purpose of getting details about car insurance premium amounts include your personal details which mean your age, gender, your occupation and details of your driving license. You will also have to furnish details about the intended maudlin make of the car that you wish to insure.  The three different types of policies from which you will choose are the third party only, third party fire and theft and fully comprehensive. Make your choice as per your idea of eventualities. Choose Type Of Policy With Great Care : It would always be a good idea to keep your premium amount low by opting for various other combinations rather than opting for a policy that does not cover you fully. For instance, if you have to take a third party only policy, and if something unfortunate were to occur, you will end up paying from your pocket for expensive repairs to your car. Rather than this, it would be a good idea to keep your premium amount nova by following the instructions of the insurance provider and by choosing a policy that is cheaper. NCB Benefits And Annual Premium Payments : Companies typically offer lower premium payments for individuals who make annual premium remittances, who diligently follow the measures suggested and recommended by the companies, and individuals who carefully maintain a no claims history. The measures recommended by companies include safety measures for the car while it is parked, proof of safe driving history and a pass plus test for driving. Additionally, you could also furnish proof of the names of the drivers who will be using the vehicle apart from you. Read Also : How To Get Low-Cost Life Insurance For Seniors Tips To Lower Your Insurance Costs Fred Loya Insurance Company