Tag: moved into a new office space

Making Your Office Move A Fun Experience

Making Your Office Move A Fun Experience – Where Should You Begin?

Have you ever moved into a new office space from the older one before?  Well, I have. And, trust me when I say this, it was the most hectic and stressful experience of my life. The process felt too long, I kept losing my stuff, my people became restless, and a lot more kept happening at the same time. It’s not like I didn’t have any plans, though. I did, and I executed it perfectly.  Nevertheless, it felt a little boring at times, and all of us wanted to give up multiple times. But fortunately, we were wary about the entire issue the second time.  So, when we started moving. I added a few fun elements to the process. Here’s what I added to make the experience less boring and more exciting this time. Making Your Office Moving Session Fun When it comes to moving your office, the first thing you should do is involve everyone in the project. Even before you start planning, be sure to ask them if they’re okay with a decision or not. They might contradict it and offer you even better advice and make it all easier. In addition to this, you should also do the below-mentioned - 1: Give Everyone A Role Moving and packing is a difficult job and it mustn't be done by a single person. Therefore you can try to give everyone a specific role to lower the pressure from your shoulder.  This way, you can also ensure that you are getting everyone involved in a more structured and elaborate manner. It won’t affect their psychological health in any way at all. 2: Offer Incentives Hold a friendly competition on who can do a better job with the role they have been given. If someone is working better than the other, praise their assistance with incentives and prizes.  However, don’t keep the other people hanging though. Even if they don’t do enough, it doesn’t hurt to offer them a small prize. This way, you can keep both parties happy and content. 3: Snacks And Drinks Moving your office from one place to another can be quite tiring. So, why don’t you set up an epic snacks-and-drinks station near where everyone is working? Yes, it can slow down the pace of your work, but your employees will feel motivated and have fun all the way. Also, eating is a part of working, right? 4: Ask The Employees What They Want In The Workplace It’s always important that your brand-new office caters to all the needs and requirements of all of your employees. So, make sure to ask what they are looking for from the new space. It’s not possible to provide them with everything, though. So, list down all of their opinions or needs in a single place and create a poll. Only focus on offering the top five elements. 5: Celebrate Your Move Once you are done with moving to the new office, don’t forget to celebrate it as much as you can. You can throw a party, treat everyone, or go on a fun tour. Remember, moving to a new office can put quite a lot of pressure on people working with you. For example, they might have to come through a new route, work in a different ecosystem, and so on. So, if you want to ease them into a new system, it will be important for you to keep the individuals motivated. And that’s where the celebratory element will be beneficial for you. The Bottom Line Making commercial moves in Singapore can be a quite difficult thing to do.  After all, the place is quite busy. So, if you don’t have a professional working with you, you’ll certainly mess up the process one way or another. In any case, now, I will be finishing up our article. I hope I could offer enough information or insights to answer your questions and queries.  However, if you’re still worried about anything, make sure to comment below. We will try our best to help you out in any way we can. Read Also: The Five Most Important Things To Know Before Moving Moving Home Checklist: What You Need To Know Moving To Another Country Alone: How It Can Change Your Life