Tag: part-time bachelor degree

Why Should You Enroll In A Part-Time Degree?

Why Should You Enroll In A Part-Time Degree?

While millions of us want to learn new skills and enhance our employability, education takes time, money and effort to pursue . Thankfully, there are more options than ever for would-be students to dive into degree topics at their own pace. Have you ever considered enrolling in a part-time degree, for example? It’s a common misconception that you need to pursue a full-time or in-person degree to get the most out of your studies. In fact, it’s becoming increasingly advisable for people to study part-time in order to maintain balance in the other areas of their life and work. Whether you want to study nursing, computer engineering, animal care or another subject, there's likely to be a part-time course or two that will give you the insight and practice you need to thrive in your field. Here are a few fantastic benefits of studying for a part-time degree that might surprise you: There’s A World Of Subjects And Specialties Out There   It’s a further misconception that part-time study is restricted to a few different fields and subjects. While some people want to dive right into medicine or law right away, there’s no harm in slowing down the pace a little if you need to. For example, it’s entirely possible to learn to become a high school teacher, an immigration lawyer or a social worker through part-time education. It’ll require extended study time on your part if you have to balance life and work alongside it, but providing you study with a reputable body, the end results are nearly identical. There's an unfair misjudgment that part-time degrees don't go as 'deep' as the 'real thing'. This really isn't the case! In fact, many students prefer the pace of part-time learning as it gives them a chance to appreciate the material and industry in-depth. Part-Time Gives You More Time When studying full-time, you are largely up against the clock when it comes to meeting deadlines and ensuring you understand all the material you're provided. That can prove to be highly stressful! While lots of people thrive under pressure, spreading the work across a part-time course could help you gain a closer appreciation for your subject matter and, therefore, your wider industry. If you have more time and space to study, you’ll have the chance to read and research more in an extended timeframe. This means you could effectively benefit from double the time full-time students are expected to use to their advantage. That doesn’t mean there’s any competition between full-time and part-time students, nor does it mean that there’s any kind of correlation between graduation success. What it does mean, however, is that students who want to use as much time as possible to succeed in their chosen fields can do so, without fear of the time crunch. You Can Build Your Life Around Part-Time Study A major problem that many would-be students face is that ‘life gets in the way’. People who raise children and work full-time may want to improve their career prospects and earn more money, but simply don’t have the time or maneuverability to study full-time. That’s where part-time study, and online courses, can come in very handy. Part-time courses and degrees have deadlines spread further apart compared to full-time disciplines. This means students can work on the modules they can feasibly handle around work and childcare. They’re able to continue bettering themselves, and eventually reach for more lucrative positions and salaries, while keeping everything balanced at home. Online courses have opened all kinds of doors for people in a similar respect. Instead of ensuring they are always available to attend full-time study in person, students can take their time to review modules via the comfort of their tablets and smartphones. Where physical needs and life commitments get in the way of personal development, part-time study can break down incredible barriers. If students need to pay off their study during their course, part-time disciplines can help them to earn money to do so. It’s entirely possible to work a full-time job while studying part-time in a variety of different areas. It’s Learning At Your Own Pace In addition to providing students with opportunities to build life and work around their studies, part-time learning can allow for greater flexibility when it comes to learning styles. Those students who may not necessarily thrive under pressure or tighter deadlines can instead plan out their schedules to prioritize their time as they see fit. Providing there’s clear communication between students and tutors, there are no reasons why students can’t adjust their degrees to their demands. Students who may have felt pressured by full-time studies elsewhere may choose a part-time discipline to help ease off the gas. Of course, this doesn’t mean part-time study avoids the finer points that full-time education goes into. As mentioned, many students may find that they gain a deeper appreciation for some areas of their courses when studying part-time. Part-time learning supports both everyday demands and learning styles, making it ideal for anyone who may have struggled with traditional learning methods. It’s A Great Opportunity For Work Experience As well as allowing students to work and make money while learning, part-time study can help people to gain work experience in their chosen fields where they’d otherwise feel restricted. For example, a student on their way to becoming a nurse can take advantage of extra time and physical availability to work or volunteer at a local hospital or medical clinic. Teaching students may have more opportunities to practice as learning assistants when studying on a part-time basis too. Opportunities available through a given university or body may change from year to year, meaning that there will be double the chances to grow and improve in a given field or area of expertise. Work experience is immensely helpful both from a resume perspective and from that of building confidence. By gaining hands-on experience in a physical environment, students can balance real-life practical application alongside theoretical study. It’s a fantastic route towards more confidence at work, as well as towards a greater appreciation for how specific workplaces adapt under pressure. Online Study Is Highly Flexible Part-time study available on an online basis is all the more flexible for students who need additional time and space. As mentioned briefly, part-time students can complete modules from their smartphones, tablets and more without having to worry about in-person attendance. The further benefit to this is, of course, that you can continue with your studies just about anywhere you desire and at any time. Enrolling in part-time MSW programs online, such as the one offered by Florida State, provides students with opportunities to research and draft theses on their days off work, while on the daily commute, or when winding down for the day. It offers further flexibility for learners who wish to get into specific industries at their own pace. Online study is generally available to all who have access to mobile data or high-speed internet. Providing you’re able to download course materials and stream video content during the course of your studies, you can continue to enjoy development when and where it suits you best. It's important to set expectations for yourself when taking on an online course for the first time. Do you have the hardware and connectivity available to complete the studies expected of you? It's important to check the full details of any online program before enrolling to avoid disappointment and to ensure you have access to the necessary technology when you really need it the most! Support Is Widely Available Finally, support for part-time students is just as widely available as it is for full-time learners. Tutors offering support through part-time modules will understand that their students will have commitments elsewhere and will offer some leniency when it comes to understanding and deadlines. Of course, that doesn’t mean students can expect a free ride without any kind of deadlines or checkpoints. What it does mean is that part-time students can expect careful guidance from experts who understand they are trying their best against what may be difficult circumstances. As always, it’s best to discuss your expectations and needs with tutors before starting any degree programs, part-time or in full. Conclusion Part-time degrees offer just as much support and opportunities as their full-time equivalents, so people without the flexibility to pursue full-time learning can take their time to dive into their books. The increasing popularity of online learning has made part-time education even more viable for people all over the US. While there are still plenty of benefits to full-time learning, part-time degrees provide people with the chance to work, make money and invest more time in research than they might otherwise expect to. There’s also a wider array of subjects and disciplines available for part-time students to choose from too. Professional bodies looking to hire degree graduates won’t prioritize full-time learners over part-time students, so there’s never been a better time to look for flexibility in your studies. Read Also: B.Sc. 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