Taylor Swift Announced Release And Streaming Of “Eras Tour” Movie On Her Birthday!  


28 November 2023


Taylor Swift Announced Release And Streaming Of “Eras Tour” Movie On Her Birthday

Swifties are the happiest people in the world right now! When Taylor Swift wrapped her concert tour in Brazil, she announced that her concert movie “The Eras Tour Concert” would be available for streaming on and after December 13th!

It is her birthday on December 13th! The coolest marketing move, if there ever was one, is this. This year has been one of the biggest ones for Taylor Swift; from winning the title “Artist of the Year” by Apple Music to re-recording two of her previous albums, she is doing it all.

The Eras concert tour has set many records and become one of the biggest blockbusters, setting several box-office records! One of her most popular albums, 1989, which had several records, was re-recorded by her again, further adding to her achievements and success.

Taylor has not only created a huge fan following worldwide but has also proved herself time and again to be intelligent, smart, and highly talented. She went on to announce that three songs, “Wildest Dreams,” “Long Live,” and “The Archer,” are added to the concert movie streaming for you at home.

The beautiful American singer has also announced that the different countries across which the streaming will be available will also be announced soon! In her statement, she mentioned Canada, apart from the US, where people could stream her Era Concert movie.

With a master-level marketing strategy, Taylor has created another opportunity to earn from the content she did once while performing in the concert. Around the world, Swift had sold out stadiums, and people had paid for tickets.

Then she released the concert movie across theaters, where people paid money to see her perform. Now, people will be paying for it again while steaming the performance while sitting in the confines of their home. The streaming platforms that will benefit from this development are Amazon Prime Video and Apple TV.So, people pay three times for the same content and are not complaining! What a move, Swift!

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Sagnika Sinha is a content writer who is passionate about writing travel vlogs, entertainment and celebrity articles and literature-based pieces. With a 4 years experience in teaching, she loves reading books. A procrastinator by nature, she loves travelling, listening to music, planting and gardening.

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Beauty Salon

Can’t Go To The Beauty Salon In Lockdown? Here’s How Women Used To Do It

The global pandemic has impacted all of our lives, schools are shut, employees are working from home and our regular beauty treatments have been put on hold until further notice. Even if we haven’t got anywhere to go, it’s still important to take the time for some self-care, feeling glamorous, even at home, can be an instant mood lifter. Flawless Lashes by Loreta know some of us can’t even get to the shops at the moment and it began an interest in how women throughout history achieved that luscious long lash looks we all dream of. Lash extensions are the latest luxury fashionistas are having to do without, the next best thing is applying strip lashes. Check out the range of strip lashes offered by Flawless here. If you can’t get to your nearest beauty store, want to try something new (although some of these techniques we certainly don’t recommend!) or are simply curious about how women still managed to be glam even without the modern treatments we have today, keep reading. Ancient Egypt This is where makeup obsession began. You can’t get more dramatic than the intense eye makeup of the Ancient Egyptians. A copper ore known as malachite was used to create that famous green we associate with the people of the pyramids. It was crushed into a powder and applied in large quantities on the upper lid. Kohl was used to creating the sweeping black eyeliner and also provided the benefit of protection from the searing sun. It may surprise you to know this trend first started among men, the women quickly caught on not wanting to feel left out from this new fashion. It wasn’t reserved for the rich either, poorer families would still adorn this extravagant look. However, they didn’t have access to the more expensive application tools such as ivory or metal, instead, they settled for clay or sticks. Ancient Rome It wasn’t just fashionable to have long eyelashes in Ancient Rome, there was a deeper meaning behind it. It was believed that sex caused eyelashes to fall out, so to prove their chastity (or fool potential suitors)  Ancient Roman women would use kohl to create the illusion of longer, thicker lashes. Another alternative was burnt cork, using a small stick of ivory to meticulously apply this to their lashes. When Christianity began to rise in popularity, Christian women were discouraged from using cosmetics, opting for a more natural look. For centuries after, eyelash modification was forgotten about. The Elizabethans Just like we copy celebrity makeup trends today, people did the same centuries ago. The difference was the only real celebrities were royalty and it was expected that ladies of the upper-class were to follow the reigning monarch’s look, no matter how ridiculous. Queen Elizabeth, I certainly had a distinct look and this meant extreme measures were taken to copy her. Her pale complexion was sought after by ladies of the court but with few being born with the skin of a redhead, they turned to alternative measures. White lead and vinegar became the method of choice, not only was this extremely heavy on the skin, but it was also incredibly toxic. Some women even bled to death just so they could be fashionable. The queen’s famous red hair was the most enticing craze, wigs were the most popular choice but women wanted to copy Elizabeth down to every detail, including her red eyebrows and eyelashes. Oil was mixed with saffron, cumin seeds, and celandine for an at-home dye treatment. However, it was deemed ‘unacceptable’ to do this so many women had to attempt this beauty regime in private. Considering high-class women often had little knowledge of how to do anything themselves as they were used to being served by maids, it’s likely many suffered the consequences of this going wrong. The Victorians The Victorians are infamous for some grisly medical practices and the beauty salon is no different. You can’t get more Victorian than teaming painful procedures with dangerous drugs and that’s exactly how women of the time achieved long fluttering eyelashes. We definitely don’t recommend you do this one at home! Cocaine was used to numb the upper lid of the poor client, then individual human hairs were trimmed to size and sewn with a sewing needle through the epidermis. Thankfully this fad didn’t last for long, women across the globe can thank Eugene Rimmel for inventing the first mainstream mascara and creating the Rimmel brand that still stands strong today. This mascara was a mix of vaseline and coal, although it was worlds away from the precise mascara we see today, it was certainly a welcome alternative to poking eyelids with sharp objects. The early 1900s 1902 saw the first patent for false eyelashes registered and they certainly weren’t subtle. While they may have finally given women the long lashes they wanted, they were certainly far from perfect. More specifically, the glue needed a lot of work. They were made popular by the Hollywood actress Seena Own adorning them in Intolerance. The director, D.W Griffiths requested her lashes ‘brush her cheeks’ and they have become iconic for the era. Unfortunately, the glue caused irritation to Owen’s eyes and was hard to remove, it was so bad that her eyes swelled and they were glued shut. Griffiths didn’t regret his decision, especially as this reaction happened after all her scenes had been shot. So are you still feeling sorry for yourself not being able to visit the salon? Just think what these poor women had to endure in the name of fashion. While using a safe, natural makeup alternative could be a fun thing to try in lockdown, the other methods are definitely best left in the past. 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Video Production Companies In Barcelona

Video production in Barcelona, Spain, is among the most popular international video production projects. A video shoot is among the most popular video production jobs since it allows you to record amazing scenes in a video and incorporate them into a documentary for yourself.  If you think that your passion for film production might include this, then you can consider taking video production in Barcelona. One of the main advantages of choosing video production in Barcelona as your next movie production location is the large selection of different filming locations that this city offers.  3 Top Places For Video Production In Barcelona Whether you are an entrepreneur, just a startup, or have a long history in business, you may benefit from video production services in Barcelona. With the internet growing every day, it is easier than ever before to reach a global audience.  Businesses may need to find new ways to market themselves and increase their customer base. Whether you are considering creating a corporate video to promote a new product or using an SEO animation to explain how your business idea will benefit your clients, you may find that video production in Barcelona is right for you. Here are the top three best places to consider when looking for video production in Barcelona. 1.La Rioja This is one of the oldest video production studios in all of Europe. Ovarian Studios is located in La Rioja, a few kilometers from Barcelona - this means that if you are planning to create corporate video production services using the services of Ovarian Studios, you won't have to travel very far.  If your budget does not allow for production services, you may want to consider the services of a good videographer, sound engineer, and colorist. There are many options available when it comes to online video production in Barcelona.  Online video and other video productions are a little bit different. Both of these two have different types of audiences. And La Rioja is the perfect place to find the best choices in the video production industry. 2.Spain's Costa Del Sol Most of the other Ovarian Studios locations are located in Spain's Costa del Sol, on the northern coast of Cadiz (where it is also the capital), and also in Mallorca. Ovarian Studios has a long history, and they are known for being among the top video production companies in the world. If you are interested in video production in Barcelona and other Spanish cities, this is where you need to be. Video Production Barcelona provides professional video services and has created video tours for tourists and locals for the past thirty years. You can choose from tours to sights across the country and even the entire world! With years of experience, they have also created promotional video production services for corporations and other organizations. In addition to the video tour option, they also offer audio commentary, archival footage, and much more. 3.Ovarian Studios Another video production company you may want to consider when looking to expand your business is Ovarian Studios. They offer many options, including corporate video production, SEO animation, Barcelona explainer video, corporate videos, short films, and much more. There is a plan that fits any budget, and you can get all the services that you need from their team of professionals. You can find everything from short online videos with music to feature-length documentaries. You can also find web video production services in Spain for websites and blogs, including tutorials on SEO animation, online videos, advertising, events, and more. If you do your research, you can find an experienced video editor or colorist that works in Barcelona or the rest of Spain and can help you create the best video possible. Wrapping It Up: When you are in Barcelona, everything is in your hands, the incredible picture from the great footage. For the still and the video production, Barcelona video production companies are just exceptionally professional and reasonable. If you are going to think you have a smaller budget or a different kind of demand. Then we must say you will get multiple good options when searching in these three places. Read Also: FilmoraPro review Movavi Video Suite Review: A Comprehensive Tool to Create Videos How to use Video Animation on your Website


Evolution of the U.S. Patent System

Patents have actually existed since the 1300s when an inventor was granted a right to a monopoly. While the specifics of the grants, the complexity of the issuing process, and the number of patents that exist have greatly expanded, the principle idea of the right has not changed significantly. However, we now have a robust industry of patent attorneys like Tampa’s The Patent Professor, a profession you probably wouldn’t have stumbled across in the Medieval times. Read more below about the evolution of the United States patent system to what we know it to be today: The Colonial Period: In the Colonies, there was no set patent process or a centralized patent office, since each colony operated essentially as a completely individual territory under the British monarchy. However, each colony issued “patents” on a case-by-case basis, with the first being issued to Samuel Winslow by the Governor of Massachusetts in 1641. Winslow was granted a 10-year monopoly on a particular method of harvesting salt. Adoption of the US Constitution: In Article 1, Section 8 of the United States Constitution, there is a provision that specifically addresses the protection of intellectual property. This was the first official mention of a patent in US documentation and signaled that the United States would support innovation with legal tools that allowed term-limited “monopolies” on registered inventions. The Patent Acts: 1790: 3 years after the adoption of the US Constitution by the newly formed United States, the Patent Act of 1790 was passed. It gave limited protections, a short, 14-year term for protection, and was found to be fairly unsatisfactory to most concerned citizens of the new country. It would only last a few years before being replaced. 1793: In 1793, the modern definition of a patent was introduced, and the application process was simplified. This Patent Act stood for over 50 years and granted over 10,000 patents before being updated once more. 1836: In 1836, a new Act was passed that formally established the United States Patent Office, whereas previous patent applicants had to appeal directly to the Secretary of State (and in the first Patent Act, to the Attorney General and Secretary of War as well). In addition, it created a database of all existing patents, available in public libraries, so that people could research before submitting their application to ensure that it was a truly original idea. Finally, it created the option for patent holders to extend from 14 to 21 years in some cases. Depression and Anti-Patent Sentiments: In the 1890 Depression, and again during the Great Depression, US citizens held an exceptionally negative attitude towards patents, and these sentiments led to the establishment of antitrust laws. These laws created limitations on the monopolies that major corporations were able to form and gave power back to the smaller players of the industry. The Modern United States Patent and Trademark Office: The Patent Act of 1952 created the current patent system as we know it today. It added additional stipulations for the final approval of a patent, such as ways that it could be infringed, explaining how it is useful and non-obvious, and other details that are still present in the application process to the USPTO. Patent law is constantly evolving, and as more patents and new technologies develop, you can be certain that they will continue to evolve, even more rapidly as the rate of innovation increases. Read Also: Tips To Improve The Onboarding Process At Your Company Preparing For Your Initial Consultation With An Immigration Lawyer