How The Texas Department Of Criminal Justice Inmate Search Works


01 November 2022


Texas Department Of Criminal Justice

The Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) is a state agency that oversees prisons, jails, and other correctional facilities. The TDCJ monitors these institutions to ensure they meet specific standards related to security, health, and other factors.

If you have a friend or family member who has been arrested in Texas and is currently serving time in jail or prison, it’s important to know how to locate them.

The TDCJ Inmate search makes it easy for you to locate an inmate based on their name and ID number. Follow this guide to learn more about this helpful tool.

It’s important to note that the TDCJ inmate search is a database containing information about offenders currently incarcerated in Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) facilities. 

The database was created so citizens could easily search for information about inmates, only showing inmates currently in TDCJ facilities.

Some people want to find out if a convict was released, and others seek information about when family members imprisoned may return home. Thus, this database should only ever be used for personal purposes.

TDC J’s online prisoner portal displays specific information about each prisoner. A prison profile page displays charges, custody, and other details. Anyone wishing to locate an inmate can use the direct link or search online for the offender information search page.

To perform a successful search, you must enter at least the following details:

  • Inmate name(last name and initials of the first name)
  • SID (state identification) number
  • Race
  • gender

The system searches for a match with the last name provided

Other Ways Of Finding An Inmate

Finding An Inmate

The texas department of criminal Justice is a big and vast system. If you like to seek help in finding the inmate, there are many other alternative solutions as well as that department.

Here are the other alternative ways for finding an inmate. Read it and learn about the other alternative ways of finding the inmates.

1. Email Request

The Texas department of criminal justice jobs is complicated. Especially when you want to do the job with the help of pen and paper. But there are certainly some other ways for finding the inmates by simple information gatherings.

You can obtain the following information (please be specific in your email about what you are requesting):

  • Inmate location
  • TDCJ number
  • Offense of Conviction
  • Prior and current incarcerations: offense, county, and court for which the inmate was previously imprisoned
  • Date of projected release

Send the TDCJ number and inmate’s full name to You may also provide their approximate age and county of conviction if you do not know their TDCJ number. Your email subject line should include the name of the inmate.

NB: You do not have to pay for this service. Also, inmate photographs or Social Security numbers will not be released.

2. Telephone Request

If you have the contact numbers of the inmate, the finding process is going to be far more accurate and streamlined. Here are some of the ideas following which you can find the inmate status and locations.

You can find out an inmate’s status/location by calling the following numbers:

  • Call (512) 406-5202 for inmate parole release status (following approval by BPP). Date of birth or TDCJ or SID# is required.
  • (936) 295-6371 and (800) 535-0283 – Inmate Locator/General Information Line

*NOTE: You must provide the EXACT date of birth of the inmate if you do not know about their TDCJ or through the SID number.


Digitalization has become easier than ever to access TDCJ or federal inmate records. If an inmate has been arrested and charged, you can use the TDCJ website to find the charges and other information about them.

You can also look up current inmates eligible for parole or probation. What is your opinion? If you think we are missing any of the points, then let us know your opinion through the common section.

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Arnab is a professional blogger, having an enormous interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, He carries out sharing sentient blogs.

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Personal Injury

What Is Considered A Personal Injury?

A personal injury is an injury that a person receives while they are not at work and not in their workplace. Personal injuries can be caused by negligent actions and omissions, or negligent failures to take precautions, of those responsible for the safety of the injured party. A personal injury can also occur as a result of negligence on the part of another person or entity. A personal injury can occur when a person suffers bodily harm, mental suffering, psychological trauma, death, or another form of damage that can be considered a financial loss. Personal injuries are caused by several different things including motor vehicle accidents, slips, and falls, defective products, medical malpractice, boating accidents, dog bites, and property damage. A personal injury can cause you to incur expenses for medical care and other expenses related to the accident. The most common form of personal injury is when there is a car accident that causes physical injuries to a person or damage to their vehicle. This can also include damage to another person's vehicle or property as well. Recoverable Expenses in a Personal Injury Claim: Medical bills for treatment related to an injury, or for a condition caused by the accident, damages for lost wages, loss of earning capacity, pain and suffering, and other bodily injuries. These expenses can be estimated fairly accurately as they often witness medical records. Personal costs of living because of the accident such as loss of work due to injury or medical treatments including dental costs. An attorney can advise you on your rights, guide you through the legal system and work on your behalf to resolve the accident. The attorney will be able to help question witnesses and gather documents, photos, etc., that may be needed to prove that the accident was caused by someone else's negligence, and not yours. Determine Your Eligibility for a Personal Injury Claim: In order to receive benefits under the Workers' Compensation Act, or other federal or state laws, you must have first been injured as a direct result of the actions or negligence of another person. A situation that is considered an "industrial injury" is one in which you do not ordinarily find yourself working in the same type of industry that caused your injury. The injuries for which you are receiving compensation can be caused by any accident in which you were involved whether it be a car accident, dog bite, slip, fall, etc. The main factor that is considered in your eligibility for compensation is whether or not the injury was directly caused by the actions of another party. If a person's injuries are deemed to be an "industrial injury" they may not be able to receive compensation under workers' compensation. The parties that are responsible for the accident will still be held responsible for any personal injuries as well as property damage incurred or caused by the accident. An Accidental Injury Can Be Dangerous and Costly: There are many reasons why someone may want to file a personal injury claim. Whether you or a loved one has been hurt in an accident, you may want to speak to an attorney about your rights and options. A personal injury attorney can help take some of the stress and worry out of dealing with insurance companies and ensure that your claim is processed correctly and fairly. Personal injuries can be very dangerous and expensive. A personal injury attorney can help guide you through the process and make sure that your rights are upheld. If you have been injured or know someone who has, a personal injury attorney can help you navigate the complexities of insurance companies and medical bills to get the compensation you deserve. Make sure that your rights are protected and get in touch with a personal injury attorney today to get started with your claim. The Benefits of a Personal Injury Lawyer: 1. A Personal Injury Lawyer can help you when you do not know where to start. Many people are fairly certain that they know the answers to their questions or that they are doing all they can to resolve the matter on their own. However, if a personal injury has been caused by someone else's actions, it is possible that an attorney can assist you in determining what your rights and legal rights are. 2. If you have been injured in an accident, a personal injury lawyer can help you understand your rights under the law, and how to defend those rights against those who may be responsible for your injuries. They can also help you make sure that the process of pursuing a claim is done correctly. 3. Personal injury cases are complex and can require a lot of time to resolve properly. A personal injury attorney can guide you through every aspect of your case so that it can be properly resolved as quickly as possible. 4. Personal injury cases can sometimes involve multiple parties who may be responsible for the accident. On top of dealing with insurance companies and medical bills, you may also have to deal with more than one party who is responsible for your injuries and their actions. An attorney can help you go after all parties that may be responsible for your injuries as quickly as possible so that you're able to recover compensation for what you've been through as quickly as possible. Conclusion: When you have been injured in an accident, the last thing you want to deal with is figuring out who is responsible for your injuries and how to resolve the issues related to your accident. You may be dealing with physical injuries, emotional injuries, and severe financial strain that makes it hard to see the way forward. A personal injury attorney can help you understand your rights under the law so that you can make sure that everything is done properly and fairly. Additional: Top 10 Colorado Springs Personal Injury Attorneys Red Flags To Avoid When Hiring A Personal Injury Lawyer What Are The Effective Ways To Communicate With A Personal Injury Lawyer Filing A Personal Injury Lawsuit In South Carolina: Here Are 7 Things You Should Know

Personal Injury Lawyer

5 Things To Look For In A Personal Injury Lawyer

The saying that bad situations can happen to good people is extremely accurate. And it best describes many personal injury incidents. Good people are minding their own business and behaving in the right way - but they are still hurt by the negligence of another person. It could be a car accident, defective product or bad food served at a restaurant. But the person who did nothing wrong can suffer the most serious consequences. That is why hiring a lawyer can be so helpful. These attorneys are able to sift through the facts in a case and help their client get compensation. Here are five things to look for when you are hiring a personal injury attorney. 1. Helpfulness: It goes without saying, but the best personal injury lawyer is one who is helpful from the moment you walk into their office. While lawyers are professionals who are just doing their job, they should also be caring individuals who genuinely want to help their clients. 2. Great Reputation: The internet makes it easier than ever to learn about a lawyer’s reputation. You can read reviews about the lawyer and the firm they represent. You can also ask any friends you may have in the legal profession if they have an opinion on the attorney you are about to hire. It is wise to hire a lawyer with a stellar reputation among their clients and peers. 3. Extensive Experience: These personal injury cases can be determined by the skill of your attorney. But even the best attorney would struggle if they are not familiar with the type of case they are handling. For instance, a slip and fall lawyer with ten years’ experience in handling such cases is more helpful than the best corporate lawyer who has never handled such a case. 4. Informative: Your lawyer should be able to explain every step of this process in a clear and meaningful way. Too many attorneys dismiss their clients’ requests for information, because they view it as a waste of time. Do not hire such attorneys. Choose a lawyer who not only has the expertise to win your case, but will make sure you are completely aware of every step he or she is taking. Not only will you feel more comfortable with such an attorney, but you can make informed decisions about your case. 5. Understands Medical Bills: The process of paying off medical bills and getting time off work is a major part of any personal injury case. Your lawyer should have a good understanding of how these steps work. They can help as you are trying to make sense of the many documents you must sign and turn over, while requesting appropriate compensation given the medical bills you have to pay off! The most important decision you make with respect to a personal injury case is the lawyer you will hire. It is imperative to choose correctly. These five tips will help you in finding the best personal injury attorney for your case. Read Also: Things About A Personal Injury Lawyer 6 Important Questions To Ask A Personal Injury Lawyer

Personal Injury Attorney

Reasons For Hiring a Long Island Personal Injury Attorney

Bad things happen to us all the time. This is just how life works. Sometimes we are rewarded for our troubles; sometimes other people cause us that trouble. Almost everyone has suffered an injury by the negligence of someone else. This doesn’t mean that the person intentionally wanted to cause you harm. A lot of accidents happen throughout the world, but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t get compensation for the trouble. After all, you’re the one who got hurt and has to deal with the pain. Read more about it from the link Furthermore, there is a way to get money from being hurt by someone else. This can be better explained by your lawyer if you ever decide to hire one. Your recovery is what matters the most. And you should be able to get compensation for all the trouble that the person has caused you. This can include medical bills, rehabilitation, and support. There is a legal term that exists called "personal injury." Your lawyer could use this term to help you get the necessary compensation. Here are several reasons why you should definitely hire an attorney: Leave it to the professionals: Not everyone has the time to do all that tedious paperwork for the claim. One thing is for sure. If you don't have the experience for it, then it is best to leave it to the professionals. They ate trained to finish the procedure as quickly as possible and to deliver you excellent results. All you have to do is rest at home and heal that injury as soon as possible. Let the responsible party take care of your medical bills. This can be only achieved by filing a personal injury claim by an expert that knows what they're doing. Click here. A personal injury claim is not restricted to a car injury. It can involve any harm done to you by the negligence of another person. Therefore, before you absolutely decide to file a personal injury claim, make sure that you're in good hands. After all, you deserve some money for your troubles. They know all the rules: You can't just wake up one morning and suddenly become a lawyer. This type of profession requires a lot of dedication and will to help others. Not to mention that you need to know the law by heart. Of course, this profession has several branches that allow attorneys to be focused on their chosen field. Personal injury attorneys know all the rules regarding filing a claim. This is why they are the perfect option for you to get your compensation. You just have to sit back and relax while they take care of the problem. Also, they aim to please all of their customers. You can tell them practically anything regarding the accident. Attorney-client privilege forbids them from spreading the information further to other people. Make sure to be as thorough as you can about the accident, because of every detail matters. Trust your lawyer and be patient with the process. The situation can be tedious, but in the end, it is worth it. Check for Long Island personal injury attorney among others to find the right one. They are objective: Who likes getting hurt by another person? Basically, no one. You are entitled to feel angry and upset. These are precisely the reasons why you shouldn't represent yourself to the court or file a claim. In situations like that, you won't be able to think rationally, and you might end up worsening the situation. Everyone knows that lawyers are objective when it comes to matters like these. They can think with a cold head and figure out the best option for you. They would have to consult with a lot of other experts about insurance, medical bills, judges, etc. But they can do all of this efficiently because they are knowledgeable and objective. That's why it is advisable to hire the best personal injury lawyer there is to you can get a sense of justice coming your way. Injuries are painful, and they take much of your time to heal. That's why reasonable compensation can be a great start to getting things better. Read Also: 5 Things To Look For In A Personal Injury Lawyer Do I Need A Lawyer For A Car Accident That Wasn’t My Fault? Learn How Personal Injury Claims Are Resolved In 5 Steps