7 Things You Must Know About Dow Jones Stock Market Chart

Published on: 12 September 2018 Last Updated on: 25 March 2020
Stock Market

Dow Jones Stock Market Chart has made investment research easier and more comprehensive. The world of the stock market is quite enticing and, inspired by the movies or a real-life story, most of you must have thought of investing in stocks. Eventually, people give up the idea and continue watching the movie or reading the newspaper. The most common reason behind the dropping of the idea of investments is – people generally think of investments as a really complicated matter, which is completely untrue. Investments are not complicated but they need a bit of practice and you have to be good with numbers.

Various Stock Market charts like Dow Jones Stock Market Chart, have made investments a lot easier. Now, stock market indexes have made the trend analysis more numeric than imaginative. So you have a number to trust on, rather than your instincts or other such unreliable figures. One of the most popular and most used stock market indexes is – Dow Jones Industrial Average or DJIA. Securities Research can help you benefit from your stock investment.

Stock Market Chart

DJIA is a collective price-weighted index that uses the share prices of its 30 component companies to weigh the fluctuations in the US Economy. Dow Jones Stock Market Chart is one of the oldest stock market index and is still is one of the most used indexes, in spite of various criticisms. So, let us understand this stock market chart by knowing various facts about it.

Here are 7 things to know about Dow Jones Stock Market Chart

1. The Component Companies: 

Currently, DJIA takes into account its 30 component companies. This includes the current business-leaders of the US economy like – Apple, Microsoft, AT&T, Boeing, etc. DJIA, in its beginning, has only 12 component companies mainly from the industrial sector.

2. The History:

DJIA was coined in 1896 by Charles Dow and Edward Jones for providing a proxy for the broader US economy. DJIA was weighted arithmetic mean at the beginning, which means, it was just the arithmetic mean of the share prices of individual stocks of its component companies.

3. It is a Price-Weighted Index:

DJIA is a price-weighted index. This means – more the share price of a stock of a component company, greater will be its weight. The resultant sum is then divided by The Dow Divisor rather than the number of contributing stocks. Thus the next point of interest is – The Dow Divisor.

4. The Dow Divisor:

The Dow Divisor came onto the scene to avoid the minor changes like split-dividends, spin-offs, or such others. This ensures that the final value of DJIA and the Dow Jones Stock Market Chart doesn’t get affected by these minimal changes.

5. Trend Analysis:

The Dow Jones Stock Market Chart has been a reliable source for the trend analysis of the stock market. It can also be used to study the falls and spikes in the share prices of individual stocks of a certain company.

6. Reading Dow Jones Stock Market Chart:

Dow Jones Stock Market Chart is really helpful but the most important thing is to know how to read them. Reading these stock market charts takes a lot of practice and experience. Securities Research has more than 80 years of experience in the field of investment research. Use our experience to benefit from your investment. Learn to read DJIA Charts with Securities Research; download your free eBook now!

7. Components keep changing:

The contributing companies of DJIA keep changing according to the change in the leadership in business trends. One of the grandest replacements in DJIA was Apple replacing AT&T to get in the 30 companies of DJIA on April 18, 2015.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Benefits Of Choosing The Right Water Provider

Unleash The Benefits Of Choosing The Right Water Provider

The water provider you use for your business water needs isn’t necessarily the right one for you. Being familiar with them or having a longstanding contract doesn’t guarantee that you’re receiving the best deal you possibly can. It doesn’t even occur to some people to switch water suppliers, it can seem like an unnecessary step to take. However, switching your water suppliers fairly regularly can actually cut down on your water bills. Watching your usage won’t be as effective of a strategy for reducing costs if the tariff you’re paying is quite high. Therefore, it is important to compare prices offered by different water suppliers in your area, so that you can make sure that you are always paying the best possible rate for your water consumption. Better Prices Finding a different supplier for your business water needs can actually reduce your water bill. You will find that different suppliers offer different deals and tariffs. Staying with the same supplier can lead to paying higher tariffs than necessary. There could be a better deal out there for you but you won’t find it if you don’t at least go looking! You can easily compare multiple suppliers simultaneously to find the best deal, find out more, and see what’s on offer. Tailored Packages Aside from finding better tariffs when you look at other water suppliers, you might also find that they have packages that are better tailored to your needs. You may also find the different suppliers will allow you to create your own tailored package at a better rate. By comparing the different suppliers and their offerings, you can make sure you get the best possible deal that meets your individual needs Better Customer Service If you’re unhappy with the level of service that you’re receiving from your current supplier, that’s more than enough reason to switch suppliers. Customer service is an important part of your choice of supplier. You want to feel secure in the knowledge that any issues you may encounter will be resolved quickly and professionally. You’ll also want to deal with a supplier who is quick to respond to you when you need assistance. Same Water Quality The water you receive will still be as good with a different supplier. The water quality will not change because you change providers! The water quality will still be great but you will also have other benefits such as better tariffs. There are more reasons to switch water suppliers than there are to stay with the same supplier. Easy To Switch For some people, the only reason they are still with the same water provider is that they aren’t aware they can switch. Alternatively, most people believe that switching energy suppliers is actually harder than it is. The process is fairly simple and hassle-free. We’ll break it down into a few easy steps! • Keep track of important dates on your existing water contract. This means you should know when the contract expires and when the notice period starts and ends. • Send your termination letter to your current supplier within your notice period. If you don’t, you may have to pay a cancellation fee. You may also have to pay this fee if you decide to terminate your contract early. • Now, all you have to do is find your new supplier before your existing contract expires. Once you've chosen your supplier and signed your contract; they will handle the rest for you! Streamline Water Bills If you have multiple sites for your business, switching to one water supplier for all the sites can streamline the bill-paying process. You can sometimes get better deals from water suppliers if you’re using them to supply water to multiple locations. You can also reduce your costs across the board if one supplier has a favorable tariff. This will also mean less hassle and paperwork as you can have all your sites covered in one agreement and one contract. So instead of keeping track of multiple expiration dates, you’ll just have to worry about the one. Final Thoughts The provider you have isn’t necessarily the right provider for your business. There are always new deals being offered by different suppliers. You’ll miss out on deals that might be right for you if you don’t keep an eye out for better! Always compare your current supplier with other suppliers as your contract nears the end. You may find that a new supplier is offering you a better tariff or tailored package than the supplier you’ve already established a relationship with. Additionals: 4 Simple And Cheap Methods To Attract More Customers Tips for ensuring your company’s customers are content with its content Your Ad Can Show To A Potential Customer When Your Targeted Language Matches

Succeed In Business

7 Tips For Women To Succeed In Business

Corporate culture has evolved over the years, as today, gender participation and role see new twists. In the present age, many women own businesses and are running them smoothly. Women now work in authoritative positions and run successful companies. Being an entrepreneur in the competitive business world requires business owners to demonstrate their A-game all the time. They have to stay abreast with the emerging technology, keep an eye on the market trends and be innovative with their marketing techniques to persuade customers into purchasing their services. Today, the representation of women in the business world is comparatively better than before. Still, the corporate world is primarily male-dominant. Women juggle many responsibilities and have to put in earnest effort to make a name for themselves. Modern women understand that entrepreneurship is not for the faint-hearted. Yet, many are courageous enough to take the plunge and venture into the business world. Women can succeed in the business world by demonstrating dedication, being flexible, and having nerves of steel. Many females have business ideas that they want to turn into reality and earn money through them. Embarking on an entrepreneurial journey is exciting for many females. Still, they also have a flick of fear in their hearts. Below we are stating some tips which will help women overcome their anxiety and succeed in business: 1. Focus on Continual Professional Development Successful people understand that there is always room for improvement, and they continue to strive for it. Women in the business should keep an open mind and not feel shy about learning something, even from juniors. Technology dominates the modern world, and many practices have been shifted online. Women entrepreneurs can take advantage of e-education and enroll themselves in online learning business programs. Several prestigious higher educational institutes have now waived off the GMAT requirement, a multiple-choice test, from the prerequisites of MBA admission. Women who want to make their companies flourish can enroll in online programs. They can search for online MBA no GMAT required programs to equip themselves with the latest business skills. Women who believe in constantly challenging themselves can groom professionally and thrive. 2. Get Skillful People on Board Entrepreneurs cannot take care of all the aspects by themselves and need to hire several people. They must ensure that they take competent people on board who are well-versed in their fields. Women business leaders must promote open communication and create an inclusive team environment where all employees work together to achieve the common goal. Besides, hiring professional people minimizes the chances of errors and enhances organizations’ productivity. Competent people know their jobs well and are committed to their companies. Female entrepreneurs must have a strategy for hiring their team and getting skillful people on board. 3. Know your Market Women entrepreneurs must realize that they cannot run businesses in a vacuum. They need to have a market and in-depth insight into it. Having a clear idea about the market enables them to formulate a business plan, devise strategies, and design their campaigns. Additionally, it helps them identify their position in the market and determine their competitors. The modern world has provided entrepreneurs with many options. Women business owners can use technology to conduct surveys to learn what their customers want. They can be creative and use other ways to get an idea about their audience and modify their techniques accordingly. 4. Learn to Prioritize Leaders have one thing in common: they prioritize their tasks and finish the utmost important ones without delay. Women entrepreneurs need to understand the difference between urgent and essential and should focus on significant tasks. The art of 'putting first thing first' helps business owners make their companies thrive as they accomplish their tasks on time efficiently. 5. Carry a Positive Attitude Women entrepreneurs can do wonders with an ‘I-can-do-it’ attitude. They must have confidence in their abilities and exhibit positive vibes. Entrepreneurs who empower others and have tremendous energy build a positive work environment and impact people in a good way. Another tip is to have positive self-talk as it boosts confidence and gives women business leaders the strength to overcome challenges. The key is to carry a positive attitude, believe in oneself, and be self-aware at the same time. Women entrepreneurs must not cross the line and be overconfident as it can adversely affect the business. Carrying a positive attitude helps in taking failures in stride and derive learning lessons from them. 6. Learn to Say No The world has changed massively and has started accepting women as leaders; still, there is a long way to go. Women entrepreneurs have to go through more challenges than their male counterparts. They may have to bear unnecessary pressure, but they need to develop a thick skin and learn to say no. If they disagree, then they should voice it professionally and should not give in to pressure. Women must realize that giving in the stress and agreeing to something they do not believe in can harm their company in the long run. 7. Take Care of Wellbeing Women entrepreneurs must realize that they cannot take their health for granted and look after their physical and mental wellbeing. Stress is part and parcel of the business world, and they should learn to manage it. Eat healthy food, be physically active and take proper rest. Good health is critical to succeeding in the cut-throat competition of the corporate world. Conclusion Words like ‘shepreneur’ or ‘womenpreneurs’ create a buzz in the business world as an increasing number of women take the plunge and enter the competitive market. They understand the challenges and the hard work that entrepreneurship demands and give their heart and soul to their companies. Women who are confident about their abilities committed to their cause, and learn from their mistakes put their companies on the path to success. They should equip themselves with the latest business skills, be strategic and thoughtful about their success, and demonstrate consistency to succeed. With each passing day, more and more women are launching their companies and are ready to do what it takes to succeed in the market. Read Also: How Business Leadership Plays an Important Role in Business Success? 4 Business Leadership Skills for Business Success

Call Center Tracking

Why Your Business Needs Call Center Tracking

Customer service is the cornerstone of your business's success. It's also the key to keeping the customers you already have. In fact, companies with a thought-out customer service approach enjoy a 92% retention rate. If the bulk of your customer service efforts is in the hands of a call center, it's important you make this operation as efficient as possible. To do this, you need detailed information about what's going on behind the scenes. Utilizing call center tracking is the best way to get this data. Implementing call center tracking software will help show you where improvements need to be made. The result is a better customer experience. Monitoring your call center can help your business in a number of ways. Read on to learn more! 1. Understand Your Revenue and ROI: Knowing what products and services are driving revenue is important for any business. It allows you to make decisions about future products and improve ones that aren't doing so well. By tracking your call center, you know what customers are more excited about and what they find troublesome about your products. You'll be able to see the source of each call to get a better grasp on exactly where most of your profit is coming from. This data will also help you understand what your return on investment is for the marketing campaigns you're creating for each product. Where your calls are coming from clues you into which advertising channels are working. Tracking call center metrics makes all this very easy. Detailed reports from your tracking software will lay all this out in an easy-to-read manner. 2. Measure Adherence to Scheduling: A huge benefit of tracking your call center is a better understanding of the KPI (key performance indicator) of your customer service reps. This information will help you streamline your call center scheduling. You may be asking yourself how this works. Well, you can monitor inbound and outbound calls, the average length of calls, and the location of inbound callers. All this helps you improve in-house scheduling and reduce the chance of calls going unattended. You'll also be able to measure the productivity of each rep. You'll then know if your call center isn't robust enough and if certain employees are causing bottlenecks. All this information helps call center managers create a more well-oiled, effective operation. It also greatly helps with optimal shift scheduling so customers are more efficiently serviced. 3. Refine Marketing Strategies: Detailed call monitoring provides invaluable information about your customers you wouldn't otherwise have access to. Such information includes customer loyalty, purchasing trends, and who your potential customers are. Think of call center tracking as a way of becoming more familiar with your target audience. All this information allows you to make changes and strategize future marketing efforts. It can also give you some insight into which strategies you should do away with. Your marketing team can use this information to focus their efforts on the right channels. They'll also be able to better understand the strengths of your products and services and emphasize them in advertising campaigns. All this will have a positive effect on your overall revenue and help maximize your ROI. 4. Recording and Routing Calls: Call center tracking software provides the capability to record calls between your reps and customers. This feature can help in a number of ways. First, you'll be able to get a firsthand account of what problems customers are having with your products and services. You'll also be able to tell which products consumers like the best and what elements of your product are the most desirable. This data will allow you to refine your product and make more informed decisions on future designs. Recording calls will also help you determine which employees need further training and which have the potential for promotion. Tracking software will also help in figuring out kinks in your routing procedures. This is important, as misrouted customer service calls can lead to a loss of existing customers. 5. Improve Your Quality of Service: One of the biggest benefits of tracking calls is the effect it can have on the quality of customer service you're providing. You'll be able to pinpoint exactly where setbacks occur in your current operation and remediate them. Find out how easy it is for callers to reach a solution to their problems. If the process is difficult, you'll need to take means to streamline it. You can also see what the average wait time is for callers. If you notice customers abandoning the call because of long delays, you know you have a problem. This is where you can use caller id reputation to filter out the callers whom you must prioritize to make the most out of the conversion. Are you seeing missed calls or routing issues? You may need to beef up your staff or reposition certain employees. You may even find that a virtual receptionist service would benefit your operation. Whatever solution is right for you, call tracking services can expose areas that need improvement. 6. Cut Down on Employee Turnover: A high turnover rate causes a loss of time and money. When you track your call center, you're able to fully understand the skill level of each employee and the overall morale of your department. You can then make changes to your training protocol. It also provides an opportunity to appropriately place employees in roles more suited to their strengths. All of this makes for a much healthier work environment. It also creates a more rewarding experience for each employee. These things are key to keeping your turnover rates low. Boost Your Customer Service with Call Center Tracking: Knowing what's working and what's not is the first step in creating the best possible customer experience for your business. Implementing call center tracking can allow you to undercover information about your operation so you can make educated improvements. Call tracking software has come a long way and now offers many features that can help you streamline your customer service process. Look into implementing it for your call center and let your customer experience evolve. For more articles that will expand your knowledge in the business world, check out our blog. Read Also: Top 4 Creative Team Building Ideas For A Call Center Industry This 2016