The Top 5 Trends Of 2020 Which Sets Generation Z Apart


28 May 2020


Generation Z

It is time for the Millennials to move over. There is a new generation, which is making all the right waves right now. Generation Z is a generation, which has been born in the late 1990s. They have grown up in the age of social media, eCommerce shopping, and cryptocurrencies.

Gen Z, as they are fondly called, is different in many ways to the earlier generations. In terms of their approaches towards life, finances, health, politics, and society, Gen Z is much more aware, conscious, and willing to take action.

In this article, we are going to discuss who or what is Generation Z. In addition, we are going to look at five top trends; Gen Z is leading, following, or heralding in 2020.

Generation Z: Meaning and Introduction

According to the global consulting firm, McKinsey, members of Gen Z are born between the years 1995- early 2000s. They use the term ‘digital natives’ to accurately describe them and also differentiate them from earlier generations, like the Millennials and the Alpha.

Being digital natives, Gen Z was born into information technology. One of the major fallouts of being born into the age of information technology is that their habits, patterns, interest areas, worldviews, culture, and relationships are entirely different.

Some of the immediate aspects, which can be tangible, presented are- social media, eCommerce, online learning, online gaming, cryptocurrencies, etc. One other aspect, which needs to be considered when understanding Gen Z is the time period of their birth.

Gen Z has seen the Financial Crash of 2007-2008 at close quarters. They saw their parents losing jobs, defaulting on mortgages, social service benefits, and so on. This has impacted them in a severe fashion.

Top 5 Trends being ushered in 2020 by Gen Z: The List

1. Vaping-


If there is one generation, which can be credited for not only introducing but also making vaping mainstream, it is Gen Z. Being careful about their health, and not taking tobacco, is a statement for the generation. This is why vaping has become not only a cultural phenomenon but also a new and hot trend in 2020 in different parts of the world.

Tobacco companies and cigarette manufacturers are lobbying hard so that favorable components like e-liquid and vaping cannot replace them. However, it is very difficult to offset vaping in 2020. This trend is not only cool but also much healthier.

2. Electric Vehicles (EVs)-

Electric Vehicles

There is no doubt that Gen Z feels passionate about the environment. They have seen and experienced what the previous generations have done to the environment. Climate Change and Global Warming have made them abandon fuel vehicles in exchange for EVs.

In essence, Gen Z has even forced mainstream automobile manufacturers to create good products, which are- economical, affordable, feature-rich, and reliable. The year 2020 is going to be a major year for electric vehicles as they look to attract members of Gen Z.

3. Financial Investments-

Financial Investments

When it comes to finances and investments, Gen Z is more conscious than the earlier generations. As they had seen their parents go through the hardships of the financial crash, they are also very distrustful of governments and traditional financial institutions.

This makes them invest in new areas of investment like cryptocurrencies, vintage cars, wine, and other non-traditional areas. As they are innovative in their options, they are also earning high profits in the process.

4. Ecommerce Shopping-

Ecommerce Shopping

One of the starkest effects of Gen Z’s digital behavior is E-commerce. We are not only talking about buying things from eCommerce platforms. We are also talking about getting services, food, booking tickets, consuming entertainment, all from the internet.

This has led to the creation of a new trillion-dollar industry, which caters to different populations all over the world. You can practically get anything home delivered from any part of the world. Gen Z is the major driver of initiating changes in consumption patterns.

5. A Young Entrepreneurial Culture-

If someone had told you fifteen or twenty years back that, a 20-year-old created his own multimillion-dollar empire (self-made), would you have believed them? The answer is no. Gen Z has redefined the rules of entrepreneurship. They are setting up businesses when they are as young as 15 or 16 years of age.

They are also getting support from their families are using the internet and digital platforms in order to boost their businesses. This is why many members of Gen Z never want to work for anyone else. They prefer setting up their own businesses and running them.


In recent years, Gen Z’s influence on the state of world affairs is palpable. They are using technology and other resources at their disposal to create new needs, consumption patterns, and demands in the world economy. Many brands are strongly catering to the specific nature of demands made by this generation.

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Healthier Lifestyle

Easy Ways To Live A Healthier Lifestyle

If you’ve been feeling less than fresh so far this year and none of those New Year’s resolutions made a dent in your overall lifestyle, it’s not too late to make some changes. The secret to leading a healthier lifestyle is to make gradual, sustainable changes that you can truly stick to without abandoning within days. If you’ve been finding it hard to make the switch to a way of living that’s better for your body and mind, try incorporating these simple changes into your day. Change the portions on your plate : Revolutionizing your entire diet is no easy feat – anyone who’s attempted to make drastic changes to their food intake all at once knows that. What’s more, quick-fix diets don’t tend to be successful in the long-term. If the way you eat is one of your concerns when it comes to your overall health, then simply adjusting the way you portion up to your plate could help. Shop at supermarkets that source fresh produce from wholesale fruit and veg suppliers, and try to increase the number of fruits and veggies on your plate at each meal while decreasing the less healthy foods. Add a walk to your daily routine : If you want to improve your fitness but are starting at a basic level of, well, zero fitness, then hitting the gym every day and transforming into a gym bunny may not be realistic. Taking a walk each day, however, can be great for both your physical and mental health. Start off with a short stroll and increase the distance to see a gradual but substantial improvement in your fitness levels. Make a snack exchange : Another small food-related shift you can make in your day is to change out the snacks you’re munching on between meals. If you tend to grab a high-sugar snack to give you a lift in at mid-afternoon crash period, try swapping it out for something nutrient-dense that will give you energy without the crash. A handful of nuts, yogurt, or other protein-packed snacks with a small number of healthy fats all make great alternatives to your usual unhealthy pick-me-up. Reach out to your friends : If your emotional health has taken a knock recently, then making connections could be even more important to your overall well-being than any diet adjustment or a trip to the gym. Social media has its benefits, but it can also leave us feeling isolated, rather than genuinely connected. Give an old friend a call, make plans to do things you enjoy with people you feel comfortable talking openly to or just start picking up the phone more often instead of resorting to communicating through memes. Understand sleep hygiene : The quality of your sleep can have a huge impact on your overall health and lifestyle. If your nights haven’t been as restful as they should be, take a look at your sleep hygiene. This means getting electronics out of your room at night, developing a relaxing evening routine, and ensuring that your bedroom is a soothing, comfortable space that makes it easy for you to settle down. It may seem surprisingly simple, but just making a few tweaks to your evening routine may drastically improve the quality of your sleep, which could make you feel physically and mentally stronger. Read Also : How To Stay Healthy And Fit Despite A Hectic Schedule Important Habits To Protect Your Ear Health And Hearing Must-Have Appliances For A Healthier Life

Throuple Relationships

Full Guide To Throuple Relationships: Rules & Tips

A throuples is a romantic and sexual relationship between three consenting adults. It can be a triad of three people in a relationship with each other or a couple who bring in a third partner to form a throuple. The ties can be heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual, depending on the sexual orientation of the individuals involved. Throuple relationships have become more accepted and visible in recent years as society becomes more open to non-traditional relationship structures. Throuples typically share a deep emotional connection and intimacy, and they may live together, share finances, and raise children. Throuple relationships can come with challenges, such as jealousy, communication issues, and societal stigma. However, with open and honest communication, clear boundaries, and a willingness to adapt and grow, throuple relationships can be successful and fulfilling for all involved. Before we move on to the rules, let us just give you a small explanation of Throuple Vs. Polyamory Vs. Open Relationship, so that you don’t get confused. Throuple Vs. Polyamory Vs. Open Relationship Throuple, polyamory, and open relationships are all types of consensual non-monogamous relationships, but they differ in their structure and dynamics. A throuple is a romantic and sexual relationship between three consenting adults. It involves a committed and intimate relationship between all three individuals. The throuple may live together, share finances, and raise children together. Polyamory, on the other hand, involves having romantic and/or sexual relationships with multiple people simultaneously, with the knowledge and consent of all parties involved. Polyamorous relationships involve any number of individuals, and the relationships can be hierarchical or non-hierarchical. An open relationship is consensually and non-monogamous. Here partners agree to engage in sexual or romantic relationships with other people outside of the primary relationship. Open relationships may involve casual sexual encounters or more serious romantic relationships outside of the primary partnership. While all of these relationship structures involve consensual non-monogamy, they differ in their level of commitment and emotional intimacy. Throuples involve a committed and intimate relationship between all three individuals, while polyamorous relationships can involve varying levels of commitment and hierarchy. Open relationships tend to be more focused on sexual exploration and may not involve the same level of emotional commitment as throuples or polyamorous relationships. Rules & Tips For Throuple Relationships Throuple relationships, also known as triad relationships, are romantic and sexual relationships between three consenting adults. These relationships are becoming more accepted and common in today's society, but they come with their own challenges and rules. This guide will explore the basics of throuple relationships, including the rules and tips for making them work. Communication Is Key Communication is essential in any relationship but becomes even more critical in throuple relationships. Open and honest communication between all three partners is necessary to ensure everyone's needs and boundaries are respected. This means discussing your feelings, concerns, and desires openly and without judgment. Set Clear Boundaries Setting clear boundaries is crucial in throuple relationships. Discuss what is and isn't acceptable in the relationship, both sexually and emotionally. Each partner should be free to express their boundaries and be respected for them. Create A Schedule Throuple relationships can be complicated, and it's important to establish a schedule that works for everyone. This can include date nights, sex nights, or even alone time with each partner. Having a schedule can help ensure everyone's needs are met, and no one feels neglected. Be Open To Change Throuple relationships can be fluid, and being open to change is essential. As feelings and circumstances change, so too may the relationship dynamics. Being flexible and adaptable can help the relationship grow and evolve. Practice Safe Sex In throuple relationships, it's important to practice safe sex to protect all partners from sexually transmitted infections and unwanted pregnancies. This means using condoms, dental dams, and other forms of protection during sexual activity. Respect Each Other's Privacy Respect each other's privacy by establishing boundaries around communication and social media. Each partner should feel comfortable sharing their life with others but also have the freedom to have private moments and conversations. Seek Professional Help When Necessary If any issues arise in the throuple relationship, seeking professional help from a therapist or counselor can be beneficial. This can help resolve conflicts, improve communication, and strengthen the relationship. Closing Thoughts Throuple relationships are a valid and increasingly accepted alternative to traditional monogamous relationships. They require high communication, trust, and respect among all three individuals involved. Establishing clear boundaries and rules is important to ensure that all parties are comfortable and happy with the relationship dynamic. Throuple relationships can come with their own set of challenges, such as jealousy and societal stigma, but with open and honest communication, they can be successful and fulfilling for all involved. It's essential to remember that every throuple relationship is unique, and it's up to the individuals involved to determine what works best for them. Ultimately, the key to success in any relationship is open communication, respect, and a willingness to adapt and grow together. Read Also: The Best Dissertation Service With a Personal Manager


What Are The Key Features Of Addiction?

When a drug, activity, or behavior becomes the primary focus of an individual's life, it causes physical, mental, or social harm to themselves or others; this is called addictive behavior. Anything may cause a person to become addicted or reliant on it. There are different types of addictions, but a few specific symptoms are typically present for all kinds of addictions. So, how can you tell whether someone has gotten addicted? Continue reading to discover the most common key features that you or someone you care about is on the approach of becoming addicted. 1. Eliminating social and leisure activities Substance abuse can make some people drop out of their activities. An internet junkie, for example, may decide not to go camping if they know they won't have access to the internet while they're there. In the same way, an alcoholic may avoid extended journeys where they know they will not have access to alcohol. 2. Dangerous conduct Addicts may engage in hazardous conduct to obtain their substance of choice, such as exchanging sex for drugs or money or even stealing to satisfy an addiction. Drug users, on the other side, may participate in dangerous behaviors such as irresponsible driving. 3. Relationship conflicts Due to their concealment, addicts frequently have interpersonal problems, which can lead to distrust difficulties. Armed conflict and emotional abuse are common when a relationship degrades. 4. Dependency on resolving problems An addict frequently believes that they can't deal with their issues without their drug of choice, so they misuse it as a kind of self-medication. 5. Obsessiveness An addict may spend more time and energy thinking about obtaining more of their substance or even using it in new ways. 6. Secrecy and Opacity Many addicts use their drugs on their own, with or without the knowledge of others. When confronted with their behavior, they either refuse to admit or deny that there is a problem. 7. Having legal issues Addicts may face legal issues due to the dangers they incur when they use due to poor judgment. Alternatively, people may breach the law to get their preferred medication. 8. The individual is unable to quit using the drug In many cases, such as with alcohol or drug addiction, a person has made a genuine attempt to break free from their addiction at least once but has failed. 9. Addiction persists despite health concerns Despite acquiring illnesses connected to the medication, the individual continues to use it. A person who is addicted to alcohol, for example, may continue to drink even after learning that they have liver disease. 10. Financial problems If the substance is expensive, the addicted person may sacrifice their budget for rent or food to maintain their constant supply of the drug they're into. In whichever angle you look at it, addiction negatively impacts one's career, dreams, goals, and life in general. The struggle doesn't only affect the addict but also their families, friends, loved ones, and even the community they live in. It's important to be knowledgeable and identify signs of addiction so it can be prevented or cured at the early stages. It might be a painful experience for both sides, but it's the best choice for the benefit of everyone. Read Also: Famous Alcoholics and the Symptoms of Their Addiction When Someone You Love Has an Addiction: 5 Tips on How to Help an Addict