Top cloud security controls you should be using

Published on: 30 August 2018 Last Updated on: 08 August 2019
security controls

Most organizations use at least some form of cloud storage, yet security issues are still a top concern. Data loss and security breaches are always in the news, with some of the most high profile data breaches to happen in 2018 so far including those that occurred at Reddit, Timehop, and FedEx.

What this shows us is that even large companies can make mistakes that seriously compromise the security of their data.

A 2017 survey conducted by Clutch revealed that while confidence in cloud storage security is high among small businesses, most are not doing enough themselves to protect their cloud storage. After all, cloud security requires involvement from the user, as well as the provider.

We go over some of the top cloud security controls your business should be using to help ensure your data is adequately protected.

Why do you need cloud security control?

Every day, sensitive information continues to fall into the wrong hands.

wrong hands

That’s according to Breach Level Index, as of August 2018.

While cloud computing can be great for businesses, providing several benefits such as cost savings and data portability, it does come with certain information security risks. To protect your business against vulnerabilities, you need to put specific controls and standards into place.

That’s where cloud security controls come in.

They help to address, evaluate, and implement cloud security. They can include the following types of controls.

types of controls

  • Deterrent: These serve as a warning to potential attackers, warning of possible adverse effects if they were to proceed in their attempt, thereby helping to deter unlawful access.
  • Preventative: These controls strengthen the system against attacks, protecting and managing vulnerable parts of the storage.
  • Corrective: These help to reduce the consequences of an attack, which typically involves limiting damage. This could take place during or after the incident occurs.
  • Detective: These controls will identify or detect an attack, and then respond to the incident. If an attack is detected, the detective control will signal to the corrective and preventative controls in an attempt to minimize damage.

Using different types of controls will help to limit and prevent potential damage when using cloud storage solutions.

What seems to be the problem?

What businesses need to understand is that you cannot rely on your provider to do all the hard work. The issue is not that the cloud environment itself is insecure, but that customers are failing to configure their networks, applications, and data accurately.

For instance, let’s take a look at what went wrong with Timehop. On 7 July 2018, the company was affected by a significant data breach that included email addresses, names, dates of birth, and phone numbers being taken.

What was the issue? A cloud account that didn’t have multi-factor authentication.

For Reddit, although they had two-factor authentication in place, their SMS-based authentication was not as secure as it needed to be.

As for FedEx, the problem traces back to Bongo International LLC, a company bought by FedEx back in 2014, which had been storing sensitive client data on an open Amazon S3 bucket. The data had been available for public access for several years, having been collected from 2009 to 2012.

Data can be put at risk in many different ways, so it’s essential to have the proper controls in place from the start.

Find out what you are responsible for

Many cloud services will offer some level of security. What companies need to do is find out exactly what they are responsible for when it comes to securing the data that is uploaded to the cloud.

Ignorance is no excuse. Speak to your provider and find out which cloud security controls you are responsible for and what services they offer. Whatever tools are at your availability, make sure you use them all.

Ultimately, you are responsible for securing your data, so take advantage of any security tools at your disposal, then make sure you take care of the rest.

Limit cloud access

A good way to reduce risk is to limit who has access to the sensitive information you are storing. Public cloud storage resources, such as Amazon’s S3 bucket, should not allow external access. Leaving SSH open is another common mistake.

You should only allow those who must use the data directly to carry out their job to have access to the data. You can grant temporary access on an as-needed basis to any additional employees.

Make the most of the identity and access control tools used by most major cloud providers, so you always know who has access to your data.

When granting access, you have the option to limit what data someone has permission to access. Delegate appropriate permissions as needed and remove or disable accounts if an employee leaves the company.

Keep your data secure

One of the most common mistakes that companies make is to leave data unencrypted. You want to be sure that even if all other security measures fail, you have at least encrypted your data as a last measure of protection.

While some providers offer encryption, companies should still use their own encryption techniques alongside these. Your decryption keys should remain within the company so that you can maintain control over these at all times.

Learn from past mistakes

Even large companies make mistakes when it comes to cloud security.

You cannot merely rely on your provider to handle all aspects of security. Users need to ensure they are using current cloud security controls to ensure their data remains secure.

The good thing is that we can learn from others’ mistakes.

You can take extra precautions and implement certain controls and standards to improve security. Just make sure you pay attention to what is happening in the world of cloud security and update standards and controls accordingly.

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HR Software

How To Choose The Right HR Software For your Business?

Human resource management is a complicated responsibility. It involves a bunch of different tasks, from payroll to management of employee benefits and much more. This is where human resource management software comes in, to streamline the tasks and make them easier to manage. Management of responsibilities creates a productive and happier work environment. They can significantly boost efficiency and performance in the workplace. However, finding the right HR reporting software is very important. It is best recommended to look for an all-in-one management software that helps you gather data, store it securely, yield reports, and help you analyze the HR performance too. Types of HR Systems and Software: There are all-in-one HR solutions and software but at the same time, you can get individual ones too. For instance, if you are looking for a separate HR staffing system, then you can easily get it too. Here are some of the most basic types of HR systems that you can come across: StaffingWorkforce managementDevelopmentOnboarding You can also look for software that offers you all of these basic features, or solutions, within one platform. Now the question is; what should you be looking for when choosing the right software for your human resource department? Must-Have Features When Choosing an HR System: Remember that software or system must make the task easier and more efficient for you. It must improve your workplace efficiency. Thus, choosing the right one is important and requires your attention and time as well. Here are a few features that you must look for when choosing the right HR software for your company. 1.  General Features: To begin with, the software must have all the basic HR features. From administration to self-service tools; you need to have a look at what the basic features are. Understand the functionality of these software and their purpose. This will help you choose the best one possible for your organization. 2.  Compatibility: HR software must offer you solutions that are easy to project, throughout different devices. Whether you manage the software through a laptop, PC, or phone; it must work equally well. This is extremely important to pay attention to. The solutions must be accessible on all types of devices. Therefore, always check the compatibility options of the software before choosing a software. 3. Employee Scheduling: The HR software must have employee scheduling. This can be extremely helpful in creating attendance modules and managing schedules. It further sets alerts and notifications that allow you to keep tabs on overtime and overall attendance. 4. Compliance: No matter wherever you work, you have to attend to legal regulations and compliance. You must follow all the workplace legislations to fulfill the compliance standards. HR software usually comes with features that allow you to utilize data for compliance purposes. This further allows you to set notifications for whenever the regulations are not being met by the HR team. It helps you stay ahead in the competitive market. 5. Payroll Integration: Managing payrolls can be hectic. But with HR software management, you can integrate time modules and attendance. This crafts a precise payroll cycle. CONCLUSION: HR software tools enhance the overall performance of the human resources team. With the passage of time, the need for this software has increased which has led to a huge number of HRM vendors in the market. Additionals: Importance of Flexibility with Business TechnologyNew Technology in Business: 4 Inventions in 2019 That Are Changing the GameInformation Technology and Business Success: The Things That Connect Them7 Ways A Software Development Company Can Help Mitigate Technology Risks In Business

Diagmonagent has stopped

How To Fix Diagmonagent Has Stopped Error In Your Android?

Are you facing the problem causing Diagmomagent, and your Diagmonagent has stopped? While you are playing an exciting mobile game, suddenly, a popup shows that you can not see the video because your Diagmonagent has stopped working even if you are a passionate game player. You may not hear about Diagmon agents. But when this pop-up is just in front of you. You do not have a single hint, what is happening behind the screen. But the video is getting interrupted. This problem is common even when you are not using a PC. You are playing the game on your mobile phone. You can face this problem. And as you have not heard about this problem, most of the users are thinking this is a virus. While seeing these popups, the users mistake this as a virus. Digamonont agent error pop-up is a common problem. So if you want to fix the problem on your own, you can do it. So let’s first take a look.  What Is Diagmonagent Error? After you see the error message on your screen about Diagmonagent has stopped. You may be thinking this is a virus. This popup shows in front of your device screen. But, whenever you are clicking on any part of the screen, the message disappears. Diagmonagent error is not the intimation of the virus attract. So what is the Diagmonagent app on android? Digmonagent app is an app on your android device. This is an inbuilt application, and this application is keeping its eye on every performance of the devices. This application is more effective than the virus. So do not mistake this error message as the alarm of the virus infestation. How To Resolve The Diagmonagent Has Stopped Issues If your device is showing the message about Diagmonagent has stopped working. By using two ways, you can solve the issue on your own. Check out the most effective two methods to resolve the problem on your own. 1. Reset Your Android Device When your Diagmonagent has stopped working, your Android device’s resetting method will short out this problem. But while you are doing the resetting method, the data loss chances are high. So when you want to do the factory reset or reset your android device, always first take all backups from your device. Method 1: To Resolve The Diagmonagent Error Resetting the android device is the first method to solve the here is the step-by-step guide to reset your android device. Reset Your Android Device Application Step 1: First turn your android device off. Step 2: Then do the long-press of the volume up and down key along with the power button. You have to press these three buttons at the same time. Step 3: Then, one screen is displaying on to your screen with the different types of options. Step 4: In this list, you have to choose the factory reset option or the wipeout data option. To choose the option, you have to use the volume up and down key. Step 5: Then choose between three options  1)Wipeout all data 2)Factory Reset 3)Reboot Your Android Device Among these options, two are causing data deletion, but the Diagmonagent has stopped showing error messages. Method 2: To Resolve The Diagmonagent Error When you are repeatedly facing the problem, the Diagmonagent agent’s uninstalling almost solves all the issues. So can you uninstall the app? As the Diagmonagent app is a built-in application, app deletion is really hard. But it is possible. Check out the process to uninstall the Diagmonagent app from your device. Uninstall The Diagmon Agent From Your Android Device Step 1: Before uninstalling the Diagmonagent app, try to disable the app from your device. From the setting options, you can see the install application list. Choose the Diagmonagent app, then disable the running application. Step 2: As you know, the Diagmonagent app is a built-in application, so when you are trying to uninstall the app, it may cause your device to run slow or face many software problems. Step 3: After trying the disabling options then uninstall the app from your device. First, open the settings options from your android device. Step 4: After opening the settings options from your device, the users have to choose the system apps options. Step 5: Choose the Diagmonagent app and open the Diagmonagent app settings. Step 6: You can see a storage option there. First, click on that storage option and force stop the running application.  Step 7: This force stop is giving you a temporary relaxation from the Diagmonagent error message. If your Diagmonagent has stopped working, then there is no alternative way out without the force stop of the application. Step 8: As this is an inbuilt application. You may not be able to uninstall the application within seconds. But if you are taking the third-party app uninstallers to perform the task. The uninstalling is completed within just a few seconds. Is It Safe To Uninstall The Diagmon Agent From Your Android Device? If the Diagmonagent has stopped running in your device. First, try to clear the cache memory from your android device, then do other work. After clearing the cache memory, you can make the installation or force stop the application if you see the error message. Because Diagmonagent is a built-in application, you are uninstalling the apps. You are probably uninstalling many other essential features that come with the apps. And factory reset is also causing a data loss. So first, try to clear the cache memory if still, you see the error message. Then do the force stop. Wrapping It Up Many users are complaining about Diagmonagent has stopped working? But do you know the facts? This application is not a virus or not the alarm of the virus threat. This is an essential application for any android device, especially for Samsung devices. This app is monitoring the functions of your android devices. So how are you planning to solve the issue? Do not forget to comment back to us. More Resources: Top 10 Best Android Games to Play How to Download Facebook Videos on Android? How To Fix android.process.acore Has Stopped Error? 2021 Guide

EQMS Solution

Guide on Choosing the Right EQMS Solution

EQMS solution is an emerging enterprise software category that manages business processes and content for compliance and quality across the value chain system. You can view it as a high-quality management podium with an integrated data model and IT design that facilitates collaboration and cross-functional communication. While the general management systems and practices behind the management of quality have remained to be consistent for several decades, the methods and solutions used to ensure the production and delivery of high-quality products and processes across the value chain have changed considerably. With modern technological developments, there is a shift towards organizations implementing point quality solutions most of them quality-specific and home-grown modules in ERP systems to manage quality. With the market need, there has been the emergence of a new software category, EQMS (Enterprise Quality Management Software). How To Choose The Right EQMS Solution? Below are things to consider when choosing the right EQMS: Understand The Type Of EQMS Solution Providers You Need For Quality Management: Due to the increasingly globalizing and competitive economy, there’s the need for more integrated and better compliance, quality, and risk processes on the value chain system. The EQMS market has continued to mature together with these needs, and companies now have a variety of alternatives for achieving them. Thus one needs to know what is right for their organizations. If you highly focus on manufacturing or engineering, PLM-based or MOM-based EQMS may be the best option you have. If you are leveraging the use of contract manufacturers and suppliers, and wish to get visibility into upstream operations, ERP-based or PLM-based EQMS may still be the best way forward. If it’s engineering or manufacturing, it may make a lot of sense to choose a MOM-based or PLM-based EQMS. If it is a corporate quality control system, ERP-based or stand-alone EQMS may be the best option at your disposal. Find Out Where Your Focus Is, Either Compliance And Risk Or Driving Business Value And Product Quality: In case your organization is highly regulated, or you run asset-intensive industries you should aim at taking a positive approach to compliance and risk with EQMS functionalities. If business value and product quality are your motives for quality implementation, products like ETQ Reliance QMS software offer an extensive catalog of options to ease this practice. Identify Your Current Maturity Look Like And IT Footprint And Understand The Projects You Are Already Investing In: It is common for a company to make IT-related investments that promote its principal competency. If your company is in the middle of an ERP exploitation, ERP-based EQMS should get special consideration. If your company generates most of its value through its production effort and design, then you are likely to have a significant MOM or PLM footprint already in place. In this case, extending EQMS through these platforms will be the most cost-effective. If you are not pouring a high level of resources into the current system, then the value that stand-alone EQMS provides may be easily justifiable. The Budget And Speed Needed For Implementation: Knowing how much money you need and the specific time to solution value will play a significant role in your solution approach as the valuation time has a tight connection to the current IT investments. Most stand-alone EQMS providers have a leg up in this area, but there are some ERP, MOM, or PLM vendors today who are looking towards expanding quality capabilities and willing to remain flexible with new clients in the industry. Your Quality Vision: As you determine the best solution approach for your business, it is critical to think about your long-run quality vision. That is, don’t continue on this path and make an investment to fill a need. Instead, do your due carefulness and invest in a scalable IT solution that continues to deliver cross-functional value with time. Conclusion: Determining your solution approach is critical only if you find the correct vendors that could fill your needs bearing in mind the above considerations. Read Also: 6 Software Technologies That Will Dominate 2018 Riding The Wave Of Popularity: 7 Most Popular IT Buzzwords And What They Really Mean Featured Image: