Top 10 Computer Security Mistakes

Published on: 30 August 2018 Last Updated on: 08 August 2019
Computer Security

So you’ve gone out and purchased a brand new laptop, and now you have plans of using that laptop in the workplace. Well, for anyone who has experience running a company, knows that laptops can be conduits for spyware and viruses. Once data is being processed, thought must go into who is capable of stealing it, where they might store it, how they could archive it, and how valuable the data is to the company.

Well, if you want to ensure you’re never in any unfortunate positions, then I suggest you check out my list of common mistakes most new computer users make.

 1. Connecting to an Unsecure Network

If the network is open, then it should be fine for you to connect to, right? I wouldn’t say that. You should always be suspicious of open networks, especially ones at hotels and airports. If it’s possible for you to connect to a network without using a password or agreeing to any terms, then there is a good chance you could be leading yourself into a trap.

 2. Opening Attachments from Unsolicited Emails

You want to check the content of your emails, if anything in it looks suspicious, or if the sender is asking you to do something that you do not feel comfortable doing then there is a good chance its spam.

Check the sender, if you’re not familiar with the person, then try searching for the email on any of the major search engines. If you’re at your workplace, then consider contacting your email administrator for verification on whether or not the email is spam.

3. Using Common Passwords

While the vast majority of people are wise enough not to fall into this trap, especially when signing up for services online, there are still many work colleagues that have a knack for using basic passwords, like their birthday or their username123.

You’ll want to re-work your password by combining uppercase letters, numbers and uncommon symbols. If you chose London as your password, then you could rejig it to something like L0nd3N. Even though it isn’t the most complex password, it would be much more difficult for a hacker to guess.

4. Not Making Backups

When it comes to archiving files, many end users make the common mistake of backing up data too infrequently. I can see how the lazy approach can be more comforting, but if your company files are that important to you, then you’ll want to ensure that they are backed up as often as possible, using a number of different mediums, such as the cloud, external hard drives, etc.

 5. Leaving Your Webcam Enabled

It’s a great idea for you to familiarise yourself with your webcam so that you can determine when it’s disabled or active. Hackers are very adept at hacking into your webcam, especially in the workplace, and they can even record meetings if you’re not careful. Covering the webcam with tape won’t do much since audio can still be recorded; it’s for this reason why you’ll want to ensure its disabled when not in use.

6. Searching the Deep Web

The deep web, unfamiliar to most internet users, is the shady part of it, not accessible from the major search engines like Bing and Google.

Work systems should be used for work only, there are many deep websites out there that will stick malicious code onto your computer and use that to track whatever you say and do.

7. Assuming Your Hard Drive Will Never Fail

In this world, there are two different kinds of computer users, those who have lost computer files and those who will eventually lose computer files. You want to back things up as often as you can. You also want to think about alternative media, like using an external hard drive to save certain confidential data onto it.

8. Using a Suspicious Thumb Drive

Everyone needs a place to store their work documents. If you’re in the office, it’s not uncommon for you to find a thumb drive lying around. My advice is not to use it, especially if you don’t know where it came from, that’s because there’s a good chance it could have a virus on it.

9. Using the Same Password across Accounts

It’s very important that you make a habit of changing your passwords. It’s not uncommon for end-users to keep the same password for many years. That is something you do not want to do.

For business-critical, sensitive data, you want to ensure that all passwords are changed at least once every three months.

Make sure all your accounts have different passwords. Having multiple passwords for your many accounts reduces the chances of all your accounts being compromised. With the increasing amount of cyber-attacks, the age of your password, along with its length and complexity are far more important today.

10. Agreeing to Install Anti-Virus Software

Have you ever visited a website that asked you whether or not you wanted to check your system for a virus? You may have asked how or why it knew you needed a virus scan. In most cases these prompts to install antivirus software are in fact attempts to install malicious software on your system.

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intuitive inventory management

An Overview of an Intuitive Inventory Management

The role of intuitive management software is to track orders, processes, sales, inventory levels, and deliveries. It is also crucial in creating documentation that relates to the production of work orders and bills of materials. Businesses use this solution to avoid product overstocking. The main benefit of inventory management includes tracking trends, upgraded data, security, enhanced efficiency, reduced costs, and warehouse organization. Additionally, inventory management system does not operate in a storage facility because it works towards impacting profitability and the sales of the company. It needs to be integrated and bundled with other business processes like CRM, ERP, shipping, and accounting. Do you require this system? Yes, to enhance the overall profitability and efficiency so that you can ride on future trends like the Internet of Things that help to boost business performance. Cloud connectivity of your product will speed up the order of fulfilling repeat sales cycles. Your manual services cannot match the industry requirements, and it is time you shift to intuitive inventory management software. This system also centralizes and consolidates several business processes. Read also: Tips To Choose The Best Inventory Management Software The intuitive management system does not need to be complex Your business does not need to have a complex inventory system just because it has complex inventory processes. An intuitive design of the system needs to give it a user-friendly interface that simplifies the management of inventory. The complexity of your inventory processes does not matter because they make all steps of management straightforward. Eliminate non-value-adding functionality An intuitive inventory management system needs to be customizable to allow you to eliminate functionality that is not adding any value. You need an out-of-the-box system that is built with solutions that will satisfy the requirements of the companies using it. It needs to have all the requirements a system needs to offer regardless of the firm requires them or not. Unused features will end up hindering the levels of productivity by making navigation difficult after cluttering the system. The right system needs clear functionalities that base on a user-to-user. Your staff will work inefficiently when the required tools are easily accessible and readily available. The system makes the completion of tasks a straightforward practice because you can access the required features. Managing tasks easily The design of the right intuitive management system makes it easy to navigate and complete tasks. All tasks in the queue appear on the system’s homepage in the to-do list. You can customize tasks that appear on the to-do list to fit the specific workflow of your firm. Common processes or tasks which appear on the to-do list include shipping, pick and pack, acknowledgments, inspections, and issues. Additionally, the overview of all outbound and inbound orders show the total number of items that are shipping, need an inspection, have issues, billing, or receiving. Completing day-to-day tasks and navigating the system becomes simple. Achieving intuitive inventory management Intuitive inventory management is among the most important aspects of determining the financial health of your business. Managing your inventory intuitively and learning techniques of fulfilling orders and receiving shipments can be done with the help of an inventory system. The system of controlling your inventory involves implementing a process and system designed to give a broad view and immediate awareness of your items. All the info you require is found in the central database that makes tracking, receiving, organizing, and ordering inventory more efficient, more convenient, and less time-consuming. Efficiency reduces money and time and reduces the chances of over-ordering. What is the importance of good inventory control? Using intuitive inventory control is more than purchasing a product to replace the old version. The idea of adopting good inventory control is that you will know what to purchase, how and when to make the purchase. Robust management software will give you the required knowledge through its reporting tools. Since it possesses a centralized database, this system has the awareness of what is getting in and what is going out. Since the data is updated and shown in real-time, the numbers gotten will be in real-time, and no decisions will be made without evidence. Nowadays, surplus inventory is affecting businesses and increases their costs. The loss of working cash, cost of products, cost of additional labor to control this inventory, and the expense of holding this inventory eats into the basic profits. How do you get intuitive with your system? Intuitive inventory management involves automation. You can set this system to send alerts in case something happens. The supervisor can get an email when the inventory item attains its safe stock level. The manager will also get an alert when a particular company places an order exceeding a certain amount of money. This system reports and alerts you with customized info that will keep you apprised of every important inventory situation. Possessing this info will allow you to take necessary action without looking at numbers. You will jointly come up with strategies for identifying opportunities to retain and grow the customers base and reduce costs. Key features of an intuitive inventory management If you want to appreciate the features of a reliable solution, it is vital to understand the things that comprise a robust, intuitive inventory management system. Order management It monitors the placement of orders and gives you alerts to restock based on the preset levels. You can use it to manage stocks at cost0effective levels that will help you minimize costs and anticipate revenues. Tracking It monitors products that are in stock through bar codes or serial numbers, batch labels, or lot numbers. Purchasing management It features purchase history, processes reorders, and costs associated. Sales management It manages invoices, receipts, and quotations Product catalog It acts as the central hub for product specification like inventory optimization Manufacturing inventory It handles particular manufacturers' requirements like kitting assembly, work orders, and job costing. Examples of intuitive management software Brightpearl Brightpearl is an intuitive inventory management system that firms use to manage crucial processes like orders, accounting, inventory, reporting, and customer data in one location. Additionally, this application gives real-time reports on the buying behavior of customers, profitability, inventory, cash flow, and much more. This system integrates with Bigcommerce, Magento, Amazon, Shopify to give the company access to many channels that expand the business. It also has an inbuilt reporting and accounting system that goes down to the channels and customer levels. The owner has tied with several shipping carriers to ensure timely and accurate shipment. LoMag inventory LoMag inventory management system assists businesses to automate inventory management, orders, and track delivery. This system is ideal for e-commerce businesses of all scales. It also integrates well with cloud retailers and shipping systems. It facilitates complete tracking of inventory from ordering to delivery. This system offers tracking services for mobile devices that have Android and iOS software. Using this system is quite cheap compared with other inventory management solutions. Managing work-in-progress, raw materials, and finished goods is critical to the whole process of managing your inventory. Accessing data allows you to track levels of inventory by location, item, historical usage, and product family. Employing an intuitive inventory management system will help increase user productivity and simplify daily inventory transactions with automated features for routine tasks. The right system will give everything you need to control all transactions, material usage, and cost of the products


Pros & Cons Of IoT

In the modern world of technologies that are rapidly developing, people are increasingly asking: What is IoT? Today we will try to answer this question, analyze this topic, and identify the pros and cons of this technology. Enjoy reading. What Is IoT? IoT (Internet of Things) is a technology that unites devices into a single computer network. In this network, devices can transmit data both to people who are responsible for providing them and to "communicate with each other. The Internet of Things was created with the aim of making human life easier. To make production or other activities easier. The IoT system uses various protocols and languages for its operation. Usually, IoT devices operate on their own (but people can still interfere with the operation of the system in order, for example, to correct some mistakes or make new tasks for technology). Various Use Of IoT Such systems began to be popularized in 2015 2017 when the level of High tech development was good enough to massively develop this area (where possible). The IoT system is already in use: In the power industry. IoT can control power plants, parts of these power plants, and more; In medicine, IoT can diagnose and examine a patient in an automatic mode. This will significantly reduce the time required for treatment; In farming and agriculture. IoT can control various equipment that works in this area; In transport. IoT can manage the vehicle fleet; In an urban environment. IOTs can control various areas, such as traffic or lighting without human intervention; In logistics. IoT can monitor cargo transit and more; In the field of sales. IoT can help sellers to work with customers by selecting suitable advertising or proposal; In the field of mining of field minerals. IoT can analyze the places of collection of field minerals. In networks and Telecommunication. It has become one of the major networking investments. Despite the huge amount of capital that is pouring into this area and the vast prospects of this system, nothing is perfect. IoT has its pros and cons, and now we are going to take a look at them. Adopting The IOT Technology Advantages: IoT systems can be a very profitable business for many IT corporations (mainly in the USA, Canada, and Europe, since only there are now enough financial resources to support such projects). The list of corporations involved in IoT includes Microsoft, Google, Amazon, Cisco, and others. 1. System Saves A Person's Time      The system saves a person's time and not only. Many processes that were solved by human labor will not take time. A person will be freed from routine or even hazardous work. In addition, due to the introduction of this system, it is possible to seriously increase the quality and quantity of the work performed. This will drive even more progress. 2. Security The technology is based on complex advanced algorithms. These technologies are created by the largest companies on earth that are very concerned about the security of their systems. It is almost unbreakable. This means that the user is protected from attacks. 3. Safety For Human Life Safety for human life is also important here. This system will do all the dirty work for the person. 4. Reducing Business Costs The user does not have to hire many qualified specialists to perform a specific task. For example, pay wages, pay for a vacation, sick leave, think about insurance for workers.  The IoT system will help to cope with the work with minimal human cooperation. And also, there can be an increase in income due to a significant reduction in labor costs and an increase in the performance of the work itself. 5. Easier Automation  The Internet of Things is essentially the connection between machines, which makes automation easier and more possible. IoT is an enhanced version of M2M in which consumers can also communicate with these devices to control and automate services.  Cisco estimates that M2M connections holding IoT applications account for more than half of the 27.2 billion devices and connections. Cons Of IoT Technology: With the help of the Internet of Things, this addiction will become even greater in everyday life. No app is free of bugs, and every technical app has its drawbacks. The use of IoT devices can create problems if the IoT framework fails or fails. 1. Accord Currently, millions of devices are connected to IoT devices and their ecosystem. Since smartphones are developed by different businesses, there is an accord issue in tagging and monitoring. Many phone devices run into network issues. It’s all because the original supplier didn't think you would connect your smartphone to any IoT device, so they don't care.  The accord issues can force buyers to choose specific businesses, which can also lead to a monopoly in the market. 2. Complexity The Internet of Things does not mean success, as it cannot eliminate human failure. For example, you and your partner receive a message from the device that you are out of milk, and you both pick it up on the way.  There will be two packages and a waste of money. Things like this make every process more complicated. So it would be better if you only registered for IoT-enabled devices. 3. Privacy And Security Everyone loves the privacy of their information. With IoT devices, the risk of losing privacy is enormous as your data travels across IoT devices over the network. You cannot see if the data is encrypted or not.  Due to the rapid growth of the Internet of Things, it faces security and privacy concerns. And despite the good security of the system. There is a risk. 4. Less Employment Or Service Personnel The Internet of Things is growing day by day, and the process is becoming more automatic. Because of this, he replaces jobs, dismissing unskilled specialists. All this creates problems of unemployment in society. 5. Technology Controls Life  The Internet of Things has impacted almost everyone's life in every possible way. Whether it's the older generation or the younger generation, they are all passionate about technology in their day-to-day activities. Conclusion: So what is IoT? The Internet of Things has made our lives easier and smarter since its inception. We cannot ignore its weaknesses, as these are also important aspects to consider. No matter how good a technology is, you always need to consider its downsides. You should also choose the right devices to help make your life better. Read Also: The significance of face-to-face networking for freelancers

Technologies on Private Jets

10 Cool Technologies on Private Jets

Fly in Style With the Latest High-Tech Features in Private Aircraft Whether for business or pleasure (or a little of both), owning private jets should evoke a sense of comfort and luxury. To add even more convenience, make sure your jet includes all the latest technology to heighten your traveling experience, no matter where you’re going. 1. Satellite internet Business tycoon Warren Buffett summed it up best when he said, “I can buy anything I want, but I can’t buy time.” Because of the fast-paced world we live in, you can’t afford to go anywhere without the ability to stay connected to life on the ground. Having access to a strong, reliable internet signal while in the air is of the utmost importance. Make sure your private jet is equipped with satellite internet and a strong onboard router. With this option, you’ll be able to send and receive signals through a satellite that is orbiting thousands of miles in the sky. How’s that for high-tech?  2. Plane-wide Wi-Fi As we mentioned previously, having a strong onboard router is key. Your router will distribute your internet signal throughout the jet. This way, you and other passengers on board will be able to have full access to email, shared documents, social media, internet search engines, news outlets, and any other website, just like you would in an office or your home. The best part? You’ll have access to all of this and more right at your fingertips regardless of where you are in your private aircraft. If you’re using your jet for business, this is a must. 3. Streaming media The ability to stream your smartphone screen to an onboard TV or media board is especially useful if you’ll be hosting meetings at 30,000 feet. This is also a must if you’re ever going to have children or teenagers traveling with you. The ability to stream movies-on-demand will keep everyone occupied. To limit the amount of Wi-Fi bandwidth you need to use, you can fit your aircraft with an onboard media server with hundreds or thousands of movies and TV shows. 4. Climate control zones One of the worst parts of flying on a commercial airplane is having no control over your comfort. Either overcrowded and warm or dark and freezing, you can never find the perfect temperature commercially. And let’s be real - those little air jets above your head aren’t exactly effective. When flying on a private jet, you have ultimate control over your environment, including the lighting, the temperature, and who you are (or are not) sitting next to. 5. Heated and cooled seating Technology today is allowing you to take control over your own comfort to the next level. Some jets offer heated seats, just like many cars do. You can also create different climate zones depending on what part of your jet you’re sitting in by having separate controls for temperatures and fans in each seating area. 6. Improved lighting Another vast improvement to private jets is the use of LED lights throughout the aircraft, allowing them to be brightened and dimmed to better reflect natural lighting so you always have just the right amount of light for whatever you are doing. With smart tech, you can have the lighting switch on and off automatically based on rules you define. 7. A comfortable bedroom and bathroom Not all traveling is about getting work done, and you should be able to relax while in the air, just the same as you can in your home. Improved technology has allowed private jets to be built with improved bathroom facilities ranging from a standard toilet and sink to a full-size lavatory, including a bathtub, a shower, or even a jacuzzi. Most personal private jets come with a bedroom suite and even the ones that don’t have reclining seats that allow a more comfortable place to take a quick nap on shorter flights. 8. Advanced AI auto-piloting Technology is not only being used to make your trip more comfortable and productive, but it’s also making it safer. Flight technology allows the pilot to switch on autopilot so that the computer can make all the adjustments for weather and turbulence, resulting in not only a quicker flight but a smoother one as well. Technology also makes it almost impossible for inflight collisions, sending aircraft signals to one another. This way, regardless of whether or visibility, the jet will always know what other aircraft are in its flight path and surrounding area. For the passengers, the advanced AI can show more real-time information on the flight. 9. Synthetic vision systems Enhanced navigation systems are making flying to unfamiliar destinations easier by using synthetic vision systems to create a realistic 3D image of your surroundings. Flying is already one of the safest forms of travel there is, and new and improving technology is making it even safer with continuing advancements and inventions. This 3D tech can be incorporated into your in-flight infotainment systems too, so passengers can see up-to-date information on the flight. 10. Gaming systems For the ultimate in entertainment, why not include the latest gaming systems on your flight? PC systems are the most flexible, but game consoles are easier to install and update. Consider wireless peripherals and keeping all cabling hidden from view. Buying a private jet If you are in the market for a private jet and don’t know where to start your search when looking for an aircraft for sale, be sure to find a reputable seller. Using exclusive, accredited private aircraft brokers are a great option for reliability, as well as for finding the perfect jet to fit your budget and lifestyle. No matter where you find the perfect jet, make sure it comes with the technology features that make sense for your flying needs. In today’s high-tech world, there’s no reason flying shouldn’t be just as comfortable and convenient as hanging out in your own home. Read Also: How Drones Help Us in Our Daily Life? Fly With Saudia Airline For A Pleasant Experience Offer Discounts On Flight Tickets Top Tips for Choosing the Best Private Transfers from Madrid Airport Avoid Getting Stuck at the Airport After Arrival