Topic Sentences and Thesis Statements: How do they differ?

Published on: 06 July 2017 Last Updated on: 11 February 2020

For many writers, topic sentences are transition tools that help their readers to transition smoothly between paragraphs. These sentences state the primary ideas paragraphs carry. They are like another form of “mini theses” that give readers a direction regarding where you are taking them. At times, this similarity in roles makes it possible for some inexperienced writers to confuse the functions of these elements. However, many clear differences exist between topic sentences and thesis statements. That is why our writing help discussion will show you these differences. So, remain with this post up to the end to learn more.

Thesis statements play different roles

Ideally, thesis statements are primary or controlling ideas that show your stand on the topic you are discussing. They set the stage ready to announce specific and narrowed perspective on a topic. Additionally, these statements appear once at the end of opening paragraphs for a shorter paper or at the end of the second or third paragraphs if your papers have longer introductory chapters. However, it is necessary to note that your thesis statement only appears once in the paper while it is necessary to have a topic sentence for each paragraph as you progress with the defense of your essay. Lastly, these statements set the general scope of writing projects and they point your readers to what lies ahead in your paper’s discussions.

Topic Sentences

We have already looked at the essence, meaning, as well as the primary functions of these statements in your writing assignments. As this section unfolds, we shall shift our attention to the details of topic sentences because they are the primary elements of our discussion.

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  • The positioning of topic sentences

Unlike thesis statements, topic sentences appear at the start of your paper’s paragraphs so that they can point the readers to what you intend to discuss. However, we have a few cases of exception where you may need to incorporate them after the first sentences. For example, if your paragraphs’ introductions require some background information, you may not use the topic sentences at the start of such paragraphs.

  • Creating connections to the thesis statements

Another feature of topic sentences is that they use keywords and phrases in thesis statements to tell the reader those parts of the thesis statements the paragraphs will discuss.

  • Creating links to preceding paragraphs

Unlike thesis statements whose primary goal is to point readers to what is coming, topic sentences serve two purposes. They connect the reader to preceding paragraphs while guiding them to what you intend to discuss in the current paragraphs.

  • They create a progressive flow of thoughts

Topic sentences help in the systematic flow of your assignments. Unlike thesis statements, these sentences use transitory words such as “moreover, similarly, in addition, first, and lastly.”

  • They play supportive a role

Another feature that differentiates hypotheses and topic sentences is that these sentences are supportive tools that uphold the validity of your thesis statements. However, the supportive role they play does not mean they are less important because without them, your audience will not see your thesis statements’ validity since it will be wanting due to lack of evidence to support your hypotheses. The symbiotic relationship that connects these two elements is similar to the one that exists between the egg and chicken. But without thesis statements, there is no need for the very existence of topic sentences. Inversely, thesis statement can exist without a topic sentence even though they will remain barren statements without proof and life.

  • They are general in nature

In addition, topic sentences are general in nature. They are general declarations that are followed by other sentences that give more information on the initial declaration. On the other hand, thesis statements are narrowed elements that need the support of similar arguments to prove their validity. Moreover, they stand on the validity of proof and evidence while topic statements require additional materials to serve their purpose.

  • They serve an organizational purpose

The last main difference between thesis statements and topic sentences is that they serve as organizational tools. They help you to organize your ideas so that your readers can understand your message better. On the other hand, thesis statements serve as overall roadmaps that require intensive debate to defend their validity.

Even though thesis statements share a few similarities, we still have many significant differences that separate them. For instance, these two components are different in their essence and function. In addition, the positioning of topic sentences differs with the thesis statements appearing at the end of your introductions while your topic statements appear at the beginnings of each of your paragraphs. Knowing the fundamental differences in the nature and function of these two elements will help you to know how you can use them appropriately.
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How to write a personal essay

How to write a personal essay?

What is a personal essay? A personal essay is a broad form of essays that requires writers to present an important person or event or a period significant period in their life. The main aim of writing it is to present why an event is significant to the audience. What is the purpose of personal essay writing? Personal essays are different from other types of an essay in that it presents the writer experience of an event using descriptive words. The writer presents an account of an event, including his feeling, emotion, personal opinion, and experience to present to the reader why the event is significant and is worth writing about. How to start a personal essay The first step is to choose a good topic, personal essay topics needs to be relatable, topics, like falling in love, overcoming obstacles, discovering something new and making difficult choices,  are all interesting topics one can explore to come up with an interesting personal essay. Students should choose a topic that has a significant impact on your life, perhaps it can be something that you have never examined in detail before. Writers can describe his family and why the family is important including some of the most memorable events you had had with your family. If you decide to write about the importance of the family, the author needs to vividly describe the events they have undertaken as a family.  A good personal essay topic should capture the sensory environment to enable the audience picture what the story is all about. A good personal essay should connect facts, events, reflect back and include sensory detail to engage the audience. Example of an outline on the random topic Introductory sentence Thesis statement Brief background about your family Body Paragraphs Paragraph 1. Why the family is important Some of the personal experience your family Paragraph 2 Supporting the thesis statement about the importance of the family Present details about the meaning and the importance of a family. Paragraph 3 The third supportive paragraph to justify why a family is important Restating the thesis statement Summarizing the main point Making the final, conclusive sentence. To begin a personal essay, the first sentence is the introduction, which informs the audience about the topic. The introductory paragraph makes readers be aware of what the writer intends to talk about. The introduction needs to grab the audience attention right from the beginning. The introduction should have a thesis statement to show the audience the main theme of the essay. For example, you can start by stating that, we all know that the family is the foundation of the society, the family shapes us by supporting us in achieving our goals in life. When writing an essay, you should have the main idea or the central message you want to present.  A thesis statement needs to reflect this main idea at the beginning of an essay. A thesis statement needs to answer the question you want to raise. According to, a good thesis statement should present the topic and state the writer’s position regarding the topic. The thesis should be provided relay in the essay within the introductory paragraph to give the reader a sense of direction. A good body needs a detailed explanation of the main idea, the body paragraphs should be three paragraphs each paragraph explaining the topic in detail.  The body paragraphs need to have organized ideas into the different section to enable the reader to follow through. When writing a personal essay, the writer needs to show what happened using detailed descriptions using strong verbs. The writer should incorporate sensory detail when describing an event or the topic he wants the readers to know that is important to him. Using a variety of senses like smell, touch, sight, and taste reader can be brought into the essay. Connecting the event and place into a larger idea without necessarily losing focus on the main idea. Describe how such experience or event has changed you and describe how all this fits into the thesis. Do not forget to specify the importance of the event or a person. Even though you will be describing a past event, be sure to use appropriate verb tense. To make your essay lively describe the past event using the present tense, remember to be consistent. Remember to use transition words to enable readers to connect the ideas of different paragraphs and sentences. When finalizing an essay summarize all the main ideas presented in the body using a few sentences to show the significance of your topic. A good conclusion needs to convince the reader or leave the reader with a lasting impression. A personal essay is one of the common types of writing assignment that requires students to present an account of an important event or a person in her life. By following the above steps, students will learn how to write a personal essay. Read More: 10 Tips For Writing A Dissertation 7 Tips For Writing A Dissertation Linc Pens- Rewriting Rules In The Writing Instruments Industry Improve Your Life With A Coach Expert Advice On How To Learn All The Notes On The Guitar How To Write And Design An Article That Attracts New Customers To Your Business Solve Assignment Problem In UK How To Crack Civil Service Exam In One Attempt


How to write an effective dissertation

Dissertation is one of the major headaches the student has. Here are 10 practical steps that will help you during your school life and, most likely, during your professional life. To make the effective, the leading dissertation writing service recommends that you follow the steps of the draft project to the letter, without going ahead or skip any. Planning is very important and real. In other words, you will not impose impossible tasks. A quick thesis, spending some time every day and following the steps without skipping any, can leave in a month. Then take into account the reading times of the tutor, and the evaluation process. It is very important to write about what is known, not to innovate in grandiloquent subjects, but rather to add to the discipline without wanting to cover subjects that to be able to handle we should study another career. If it is a thesis of degree, if you are doing a master's thesis you will aim at deepening on a topic, and if you are from doctorate to knowledge building. To achieve a thesis in record and good time, it is necessary to begin with the construction of the subject and the problem. The problem is the most important because of the following sections: the objectives, the theoretical framework, the state of the issue and the index. Once you have the subject, it would be good to look for the theses published in your study house to be aware of the progress, your topic, which was reached so far. Then continue with the search in Google Scholar. All this material is going to serve you for the arming of the state of the matter, and perhaps, the theoretical framework. How to order the material, to begin with, the writing of the thesis In order not to lose anything, because you will read infinite materials in a short time, I recommend you to point titles, author, and page of each text that you find interesting. It is very common to be reading something and believe that - as it is great and goes right with our theme - we will never forget where we saw it. It will be the first thing we forget. It is worth opening a Word document and pointing out every quote that we find and/or document. Remember that Google Scholar shows you the appointment of selected texts in different modalities, for example, shows you how to quote for APA. In addition, the Word document has an option to do so too. In Word, go to Reference >>> Style and select the style of quote you are using. It will give you the method quoted in the bibliographic reference. If you want to also see the quoted mode in text, you can add a grammar checking app to your Word. The steps are the following: Know very well what the subject to expose, the extension of the subject, the time available in the exhibition. If done in a group it is very important to choose colleagues who feel like working. 2 - Make a little script with everything you want to remember and that is information that is difficult to remember by heart. Keep in mind that the exhibits are not read, so they should only be specific points. Everything else leaves it for the support material. Organize the parts of the exhibition, for example, presentation, introduction to the subject, content, conclusions, questions. Coordinate the materials with which you will count, such as projector, computer, pointer, blackboard, and scribble notes. 5 - Prepare support material, such as posters, models, videos, photocopies, etc. These are tools that will support the dissertation and not the other way around. Do not leave this to the last minute as there may be a thousand unforeseen events that can harm your presentation. 6 - Try before. You can ask your friends or family for help. This is important in calculating the time you take, correcting errors, and preventing difficulties. 7- Calculate the exposure time well. It is always better to get a little bit of time because otherwise, you can stay without exposing the most important of your presentation, which is often the end of the conclusion. During the presentation: 8 - Do not be bored. Be original. You can insert some "joke" (with great caution) or anecdote. Try not to include lists of data or figures (best to give them in photocopies). 9- We should not expose what we are sure our audience will not understand. Do not expose data that you do not understand, as it will make it harder to explain. 10 - Take care of the rhythm, intonation, and voice. Pause, change the intensity of the voice and use the correct intonation depending on what you are counting. The idea is to keep the listeners attentive. Then, with all this first survey, you build the problem. The problem is the basis of your research. It will be the key to your success. Once the problem is raised then you can continue, with absolute tranquility, with its development. The first thing we need to know is how to prepare a dissertation. This mental order will help you not to have problems during the presentation and also not to panic before exposing. The bottom line is to be sure that everything is very well prepared and that the content is dominated.

Research Paper

Research Paper Help to Compose Great Pieces

Students have to write various academic assignments. One of such is a research paper. This is a challenging and interesting piece of writing. Due to various reasons, students aren’t able to complete it properly. As a result, one may come across multiple Internet requests that sound like this – Who can do my research paper instead of me? Some students begin to grow desperate and look for the help of professional English writers. For example, is a very popular platform, which is rated at the top service of its kind. The company provides the best online services. Besides, it’s a cheap research papers writing service and its affordable prices make it even more attractive. In the meanwhile, we believe that you should try to compose this paper on your own first. Only if you feel that you lack time or competence, you should choose a cheap term paper writing service and buy cheap research or term paper or some other papers. Research Paper Help to Compose Great Pieces: Choose a topic: Firstly, choose a proper topic to begin your work. This stage doesn’t differ from any essay or even a dissertation. Every assignment must have a relevant and interesting theme to attract readers. It must focus on something currently important and offer an effective solution. You’re free to get a reworked idea. There are some themes, which seem to be “eternal”. For example, these are love, friendships, courage and so on. Nonetheless, they aren’t suitable for research papers that require scientific research and approach. Look through the most popular themes in the discipline and try to cover one of them. Find relevant information: Secondly, find proper data that will support the main claim of your assignment. You have to be careful and selective. Don’t use some tips offered by simple bloggers who express their opinion but cannot offer dependable results of at least a single official study. You ought to be sure that you use officially approved facts. Pay attention to websites with .edu (educational website), .gov (government), or .org (nonprofit organization). These are commonly trustworthy resources, which offer dependable data and studies. They are suitable for all types of essays, as well as for a research paper. Create a strong thesis: Thirdly, create a thesis statement. It’s a single (sometimes one may write 2 sentences) sentence, which clearly underlines the entire project. It clarifies your readers the main purpose of your work. Any thesis ought to: Explain the readers the purpose of your research; Tell why you’ve chosen the main problem; Answer the question you were asked; Clarify what to expect from your paper. You ought to make all these points clear in one or two sentences. Make a plan: After you find data and know what exactly to research, make a plan. It’s an effective tool to get organized and outline the main steps of your paper. It should include: Introduction; Main plot; Conclusion; Referencing. Write several drafts: Before you submit, your project you’d better write at least two drafts. They will help to evaluate the effectiveness of your paper. Reread the first draft and see how good you are. Pay attention to logical transitions, grammar, punctuation, style and so on. Afterward, write the second draft and revise it again. Make sure it doesn’t have any mistakes and/or some weak parts. Improve what’s wrong. Get online assistance: Finally, use the help of a reliable cheap research paper writing service. As we have already stated, is one of the best writing companies of its kind. Its writers are certificated and experienced. They are attentive with the details and make in-depth research on any issue and in any discipline. They are fast and original. Professional writers and editors manage the most urgent orders without delays and always provide 100% authentic content. It’s a great chance to solve a lot of academic problems. Moreover, the company offers cheap research papers. You’ll enjoy the help of the highest quality and won’t overpay. Everything depends on your needs and possibilities. Customize your own orders and choose the total cost. The company works 24/7 and ensures total anonymity. Moreover, you can learn a lot from its writers to use in your own projects. Read Also: Top 5 Benefits Of Writing Term Papers Tips On Cheap Paper Writing Assignments Are You Safe When Looking For The Best Essay Writing Service?