A Beginner’s Guide To Truck Accidents: Causes, Tips, And Legal Remedies

Published on: 11 October 2021 Last Updated on: 29 October 2024
Truck Accidents

Trucks continue to remain an integral part of the world’s economy. They are responsible for moving millions of tons of goods and products across the length and breadth of the country every single day. Whether it is day or night, trucks and truck drivers continue to drive.

However, being such large vehicles there is no denying the fact that they are a major threat to other motorists on the road. Car drivers, motorcyclists, bicycle riders, and pedestrians are constantly in danger from being at the receiving end of one of the many threats that trucks pose.

According to experts, heavy trucks are involved in one out of ten deaths that are reported in the United States every year. The weight of a fully loaded truck can reach up to 40 tons! That is 40 tons of moving mass that needs to stop at a heartbeat and be careful of every small car, bike, or individual occupying the same road. That is a tough ask.

In this article, we are going to discuss some of the major aspects of truck accidents-

  • Leading causes of truck accidents in the United States
  • Safety Tips to help you steer clear of the danger posed by trucks
  • Legal remedies that need to be pursued in case you are involved in a truck accident

We take help from a leading Atlanta truck accident lawyer to help list down some of the important details on truck accidents.

5 Leading Causes of Truck Accidents on our Roads and Highways

5 Leading Causes of Truck Accidents on our Roads and Highways

In this section, we are going to list down the five of the most causes of truck accidents

1. Tired and Exhausted Truck Drivers-

The efficiency of any trucking operation depends on the completion of orders. In very simple words, the faster the deliveries are done, the more orders a specific truck can generate. This means long hours in bad weather conditions with poor food, lodging, and most importantly, no sleep. Tiredness and exhaustion make drivers fall asleep or slow down their reflexes.

2. Poor Quality and Condition of the Vehicles themselves-

Most commercial trucking companies can be guilty of not paying proper attention to the maintenance of their vehicles. They do not check whether all the parts of the truck are working properly. Since trucks tend to be on the roads most of the time, checking them for regular service becomes difficult. This leads to accidents when, for example, the brakes stop working.

3. Improper Training and Lack of Driving Experience-

Taking control of a vehicle that weighs 40 tons is no joke. It involves a lot of practice, experience, and training. When normal truck drivers are sick or unavailable, the company can ask a rookie to do the job of a seasoned pro. There are so many things that can go wrong when someone who is not adept at handling such a heavy piece of machinery starts to handle it.

4. Not Confirmation to Road Safety Norms, and Regulations-

Truckers know that since they are so big, they are not the ones that should be paying attention to following safety norms. In other words, they believe that if others want to be safe, they should be maintaining a distance from the truck. This makes them drive on one-way streets, not give way to oncoming traffic, and park at the side of highways where it is dangerous.

5. Engaging with Intoxicants like Alcohol and Marijuana-

Being on the road for months on end can be frustrating for truck drivers. To keep themselves engaged, they turn to alcohol and smoking weed. This dumbs down their reflexes and gives rise to the possibility of falling asleep at the steering wheel. Many studies have found that alcoholism is an issue that is rampant among truck drivers in the United States.

Safety Tips that Motorists should follow to avoid accidents with trucks

Safety Tips that Motorists should follow to avoid accidents with trucks

Every year in the United States, the Federal Motor Safety Administration comes out with a handbook for motorists that contain safety tips to avoid trucks and encounter accidents.

The following are some safety tips that motorists should be following to keep them safe-

1. Visibility

The first thing that is prescribed is to ensure that you are visible to the truck drivers. Make sure you are honking and putting on your headlights every time you are passing a truck. Do not position your vehicles in the blind spots of the truck driver.

2. Passing

Every time you are looking to overtake a truck make sure you have the space to do so. Do not try to make a pass in a tight squeeze. Make sure that you wait for the truck to give you the passing signal before you step on the gas for the pass.

3. Cutting-Off

Most accidents are when motorists try to cut off a truck. When you do this at speed, you end up being in the blind spot of the drivers. This prevents their ability to break on time and results in a violent crash. You should look to avoid this at all costs.

4. Distance

If you are tailgating a truck, you are not visible to the driver! This means that if they break, you are likely to slip right under the huge vehicle. Ensure that you maintain a healthy distance between your vehicle and the truck in front of you.

5. Anticipate

Riding on the same roads as trucks require you to be patient. Trucks have wider turning radiuses than small cars. They cannot also make quick maneuvers on the road. As a motorist, you need to be patient and anticipate the movements.

If you are following the above-mentioned safety norms, you can reduce the chances of coming into contact with a 40-ton truck.

Legal Remedies to pursue in case of Truck Accidents

If you have been in a truck accident, you are well within your rights to file a lawsuit. You need to claim compensation for the material damage caused, as well as seek payments to help you tide over any medical injuries you might have suffered as a result of the accident.

The first thing that you need to do is hire an expert and experienced truck accident lawyer. You need to make sure that they have prior experience in filing personal injury lawsuits of this nature. Make sure that you gather all the possible evidence and build a solid case.

When it comes to truck accidents, the company operating the vehicle is a party to the lawsuit. They need to ensure that the insurance covers all possible material and physical damages that have been the result of the accident.

The following information should be collected from the site of the accident-

  • The type of truck- make, model, brand, and license plates of the truck.
  • The name of the truck’s driver and his commercial license.
  • The information about the insurance company and details.
  • Names, addresses, and call numbers of the trucking company, head offices, and more.
  • Photos, videos, and witness statements from the scene of the crime.

The Bottom Line

In this article, we have discussed some of the probable causes of truck accidents. We have also discussed safety tips that will help you keep your distance from heavy vehicles. Finally, we have looked at what legal recourse needs to be pursued if you are involved in a truck accident.

If you have any more questions that you would like us to address on truck accidents, please let us know in the comments below. We will be glad to help you out.

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Second Hand Car

Honda Cars in Watertown NY: 8 Things to Check Before Buying a Second Hand Car

Buying a second hand car is a smart choice for people who don’t have the budget for brand new vehicles. A car’s value depreciates and for a lot of people that’s the time when they can afford to buy one. However, second-hand buyers should always be cautious when they go buy one since repairs could end up costing more than a brand new car. Check Before Buying a Second Hand Car: If you’re trying to buy a second hand car, here are some things you need to check first: 1. Reviews of the Car Model: Before heading to the dealership, make sure to do your research first. Find a site and look for the car model that you want and take note of its details. If you don’t have anything specific in mind yet, you can make a list of your options. Read reviews online and see what people think about the car. Check to see if they are verified owners of the car model, so you’re sure they’re giving legit comments. You can also check the price so you can gauge whether what you’re paying for the second-hand version is worth it. 2. The Controls: Buyers who are looking for a new car always test drive the vehicle before purchasing to make sure that it is the right feel for them. It is doubly crucial for second-hand buyers to do so too because you need to make sure that the car is still in good condition. Otherwise, you’ll soon find yourself browsing the Internet for the best car accident lawyers near you. Here are some of the controls you check on: Check whether all the control buttons are working Test the brakes, make sure it doesn’t have any vibrations and that it doesn’t swerve Make sure all warning lights light up when you turn on the ignition Turn on the heaters and air conditioners too 3. The Car’s Body: Checking the exterior surface of the car is an excellent way to tell whether the vehicle has been in an accident or not. The telltale signs include major dents on the surface and mismatched paint. The indentation is a dead giveaway so the previous owner would most probably have it fixed already. But carefully inspect the paint job. If one spot appears to look a different shade or as if it’s newly applied, then the previous owner might be covering something up. 4. The Tires: If the previous owner properly took care of the car, then there should be even tire wear on all of the tires. Car tires need to be rotated properly, and if they aren't it causes uneven wear. It could also mean that the wheels are poorly aligned caused by other problems like damage to the frame or worn steering components. 5. The Smell of the Interior: The moment you open the car door and get in, there should be no sign of suspicious odors. Make sure that there are no smells of gas because it could be a sign that there is a leak in the engine. If you smell mildew, it could mean that the car got flooded or there’s water leaking somewhere. 6. The Seats: Since you’ll be spending most of your car time in your seat, make sure that they’re in good condition as well. Adjust the seats and the seatbelts and see if they’re all working fine. Check the upholstery too. Make sure that there are no huge rips and tears that may cost you extra to get fixed. 7. The Fluid Levels: The fluids in a car are like its blood. Vehicles need it so they can function properly. The fluids or oils in a car lubricates its different parts. It protects your engine or brakes from wearing down much faster than they’re supposed to. Below are the different fluids you need to check: Engine Fluid - Good car owners always make sure to top up the engine fluids. A car won’t work as smooth as it’s supposed to if the engine fluid is at a low level. Use your dipstick to see at which level it is. Transmission Fluid - Make sure that there are no foreign particles in the transmission fluid like water droplets or metal particles. It should have a pinkish color and no burnt smell. Brake Fluid - The brake fluid should not have a dark color. It makes sure that your car properly stops when you step on the brakes. If it has a dark color, then it means that it may have internal corrosion or brake failures. 8. The Windows: If there are any minor scratches on the windows, it’s okay. However, if you see any small cracks, be wary. It may not seem like a serious issue at that moment, but over time it could turn into a big problem. You can also raise it as a concern to try and set the price for a lower bargain. Final Thoughts: Buying second hand cars could save you a lot of money if you pick the right one. You need to check everything that’s listed above to make sure that you’re spending your money on something worth it. If you’re not quite sure, you can always bring along a mechanic with you to help you inspect. Read Also: Pros And Cons Of Buying A Used Car Why You Should Have A Code Reader For Your Car

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Best New Cars for Teenagers

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maintaining garage

Top tips for inspecting and maintaining garage

A large percentage of homeowners stroll in and out of their garage and don’t give a second thought about it. But it is extremely important that you don’t neglect your garage and keep it in the best condition possible. For maintaining garage you have to understand the facts that can help you to achieve your goals. After all, it protects one, if not a couple of the biggest investments you and your partner have ever made (your cars), along with whatever else you have in there. Think of it this way, the odd maintenance job could save you and your family from losing out on thousands. If you’re looking for a brand-new concrete garage to protect you, your family and your belongings from the dangers of the outdoors, look no further than Dencroft Garages. Their friendly, experienced staff are always at hand to help out, give them a call now. Different Ways You Can Apply For Maintaining Garage Keep the door running smoothly A lot of new garage doors these days are self-lubricated, but if they aren’t, it is recommended that you apply oil to the rollers, hinges, and tracks every couple of months. Another important note to take is this – occasionally be checking the rubber seal at the bottom of your garage door as it can tear and wear, and allow the elements to creep under (replacing this seal can cost £100). Also, regularly check that the sensors on either side of your garage door still work by closing when something crosses its path. Clean the floor To prevent hazards, slips, and from occurring, clear your garage floor and hose it down. If there is a serious trip hazard due to a bit of concrete which has crumbled or separated, you can try to patch it back up yourself or call a contact a concrete contractor. If you’re looking for further tips and instructions to clean the floor in your concrete garage, this article has five fantastic tips to make sure your garage floor is looking the best it can be.For maintaining garage Monitor the walls You should check your walls at least twice a year to see if there any cracks or moisture. If you see any discolor or mold on the walls, then moisture is seeping from the roof or the walls and needs to be seen to straight away – call a building or roofing contractor for the further inspection. For maintaining garage you have to monitor walls. Clean interior doors Your interior door plays a huge part in the safety and insulation of your home, so once a year you should clean it and make sure that all the weather-stripping is still intact. If not, then replace the weather-stripping – this stops all the elements from entering your home. Watch for pest invasions Insects such as termites and carpenter ants can seriously damage the quality of your garage walls, so to prevent them from invading your garage, inspect dark, cool and moist spots – particularly where the walls meet. If you see chewed wood you will most likely have termites, or if there are trails of sawdust, it’s carpenter ants – this is when you should call in pest control experts. Read Also: 5 Factors To Consider When Buying A New Garage Door 5 Other Uses For Your Garage