Why Times Are Tough For Truckers and Why It Concerns You

Published on: 22 September 2016 Last Updated on: 29 May 2021

It wasn’t all that long ago that truck drivers were paid competitive wages and offered benefits for doing their jobs. But in recent decades, a job that once provided stability and a comfortable paycheck has become much more trying for truckers.

 When the trucking industry was deregulated in the 1980s, there was a rise in the number of trucking companies, leading to an increased demand for drivers. That need for more drivers has been a pox upon the trucking industry virtually ever since, and it shows no signs of letting up anytime soon. The American Trucking Associations says that the industry is currently short about 48,000 drivers. By 2025, that number will rise to approximately 890,000 drivers.

 Ask a commercial driver who has been working a big rig for a long period of time and they will tell you how much times have changed. In many ways, drivers feel as though they are under siege, either through regulation or by the companies that find more and more ways to save the money they pay some of their hardest workers.

 The changes in the trucking industry are important to everyone who shares the road with tractor-trailers. The fact that the industry is in limbo is a big concern for all of us.

Truck Driver Pay Isn’t Keeping the Pace

The trucking industry has been struggling to retain the number of drivers that they need in order to meet shipping demands. While the industry refers to this as a shortage of drivers, many labor experts also believe that it is really a shortage of truck driver pay. Workers that used to gravitate toward the role of a truck driver are finding other sectors that offer more pay, or at least similar pay for more optimal working conditions.

Truck drivers spend long stretches of time away from their homes and families. Unless adequate pay entices those workers to get behind the wheel of an 18-wheeler, they will find other sources of income. This means that the current workforce is stretched thin. Truck drivers are increasingly being hired as independent contractors, which means they lack the benefits that they used to enjoy and end up footing the bill for downtime.

Self-driving Trucks are on the Horizon

Though not an immediate threat to those who choose truck driving as a profession, the possibility of self-driving trucks is an ever-present entity in the trucking industry. While many believe that the automated trucks of tomorrow will have a human being in the vehicle to oversee and intervene in case of an emergency, the possibility of self-driving trucks raises a number of questions that remain unanswered.

Now that companies are throwing their hat into the automated truck ring, the recent fatal crash involving the Tesla Autopilot system has also raised major concerns about the effectiveness and safety of a human operator taking over from an automated system. Until this technology is truly road-ready, it will remain a big question mark in terms of its impact on road safety and trucking labor.

Many Regulations Currently loom Over the Trucking Industry

A number of regulations have been hanging over the trucking industry in recent years. Electronic logging devices are slated to be mandatory on all trucks. Speed limiters are expected soon. These devices are promoted as being a boost to road safety by slowing trucks down and holding drivers and companies more accountable for hours spent on the road and for traveling too fast. However, many in the industry, including drivers, are concerned that these devices could cause more problems than they fix.

Some drivers feel as though logging devices are a way to shift blame for violations onto them, and there have been many concerns (and lawsuits) over how the information from these devices is used to harass and intimidate drivers behind the wheel. Likewise, many drivers are concerned about the implementation of speed-limiting devices, which inhibit the ability of a truck to exceed a predetermined speed. Some safety advocates say these devices will improve road safety, but others are concerned that speed limiters will limit the ability of a driver to be as flexible and adaptable as they need to be in order to avoid causing traffic congestion. Yet another concern with speed limiters is that they create large speed differentials with other vehicles on the road, which increases the likelihood of collisions.

Trucker Health and Sleep Apnea

One of the biggest challenges for truck drivers is maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Driving a truck means being sedentary for long periods of time. Eating healthy while on the road is difficult. It’s easy to see why truck drivers, when compared to the average worker in the United States, have twice the rate of obesity and diabetes. Sadly, they are also twice as likely as all other workers to not be covered by an insurance plan.

These less-than-optimal conditions set the stage for the high rate of sleep apnea among truck drivers. The FMCSA says that close to one-third of commercial truck drivers have obstructive sleep apnea, a condition that affects the quality of sleep and diminishes daytime alertness, among other health concerns. One report found that truck drivers with sleep apnea are five times more likely to be involved in vehicle crashes.

These issues represent some of the greatest obstacles in the path of the trucking industry. As long as there is a demand for shipping, these companies will no doubt find a way to meet it, but the price is being paid by those who are behind the wheel. The fact that we all share the road with them means that we, too, have a vested interest in these struggles.

There will be many changes to come for the trucking industry in the years ahead. Unless those in charge find a way to keep these drivers healthy, happy and better-taken care of, many of the problems mentioned above will only get worse.

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Lucia Patterson is the woman behind TheLegalGuides, a blog solely focused on legal guides, tips, and advice. Lucia loves essay writing and blogs at EssayWritingGuides from her college days.

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Truck Clean

Keeping The Truck Clean After Off-Roading Trip – Effective Tips

Off-roading can make your truck extremely dirty. You might see mud, dirt, and small rocks stuck in different places. Cleaning the truck immediately after the trip is extremely important if you want to avoid rust and any permanent damage to your vehicle. Most people act lazy and end up working harder than required to truck clean. Sometimes you may have to take it to professionals for stubborn stains. Checkout Four Simple Ideas Help You To Truck Clean After Off-Roading Trip: If you want to avoid extra expenses, here are some effective tips to truck clean after an off-roading tour. 1. Pressure Wash As Quickly As Possible When you get back to the road after an adventurous trip in the rough terrain, make sure you take your truck for a pressure wash. You can do it yourself at home or take your truck to the cleaning station where professionals will thoroughly truck clean. Pressure washing will remove the dirt, mud, and debris from every nook and corner. A regular wash might not be as effective as a pressure wash. If you keep your truck covered with mud and dirt for too long, its body may be damaged and you might end up increasing your expenses. 2. Inspect The Vehicle Thoroughly After the pressure wash, you will be able to see a neat and truck clean. Now you can inspect your truck thoroughly. Make sure you check the underbelly, the exterior body of the truck, engine, and radiator, and other sensitive parts that might have a chance of damage in rough terrain. This thorough inspection can help you fix the problems before they become bigger issues. You might have doubted some trouble during the trip, now would be a good time to get it checked and fixed before it gets worse. 3. Use Surface Protectant Pressure washing your vehicle is not enough. You need to polish the entire body of the truck with a surface protectant. You can explore the market and look for the perfect sealant for your truck before you take it on another adventure. When choosing the surface protectant, check out its ingredients. A silicon dioxide formula would be great for window shields, paint, and wheels. It also lasts longer than simple wax. Apply the seal on cold and wet surfaces. Clean with a microfiber towel to avoid water marks. 4. Clean The Interior Completely Cleaning the interior of your truck is just as important as the exterior. When you are on an off-road trip, the majority of your time is spent inside the truck. You might eat and sleep in the truck. Therefore, it might get dirty. Oil, sweat, and food crumbs can make the interior dirty and smelly. You can vacuum clean the interior by yourself. Make sure that you are using car floor mats rubber instead of carpet. Rubber mats are much easier to clean and they look as good as new after every wash. Moreover, they will not trap any smell as a carpet does. Read Also: How Crane Trucks Can Drastically Improve Project Efficiency4 Things You Need To Know About Commercial Truck InsuranceWhat to Do if You’re in an Accident with a Placarded Truck in Tampa

Rental Companies

What to Expect from the Packages of Equipment Rental Companies?

Hiring plant or machinery is considered to be one of the most efficient and cost-effective methods of acquiring access to a range of equipment that is otherwise too expensive to purchase outright. Many companies involved with industrial type contracts hire equipment for short-term use and relinquish their responsibility according to the terms of the lease. If you are new to the practice of renting machinery, you may find yourself overwhelmed with different aspects of the process. Here is a guide to what you should expect when you rent equipment. The first thing that you need to remember when hiring equipment is doing so from a credible and reputed company. This is because not only will you get the latest and modern pieces of machinery there is, but you can rest assured that in case there are any problems, the same will be resolved by the company. Most of the leading companies hire from experienced firms like Lakeside-hire.co.uk. This is because the pricing, machinery quality, along with the onsite expertise that is provided is simply unparalleled in the industry. What types of equipment are available for hire? The availability of equipment will vary from one rental company to another. In general, equipment from rental specialists such as Plant Hire Chesterfield can be categorized as follows: Construction equipment and machinery Vehicles used for transporting various materials Machines used in moving and handling materials on-site Equipment used to excavate and move earth While the categories above are some of the most common, you can also find other kinds of specialty machines from different rental companies. The fact is, whatever the job entails, you will likely find a company that rents out what you need. Since renting is quite common and considered to be the norm for most contractors, rental companies are always diversifying their services to include all industrial applications and cater to the changing needs of different sectors. Are there other charges apart from the rental fee? The rental fee is usually a predetermined amount set by the rental company which is multiplied according to the length of time the equipment will be used. Nevertheless, there may be additional charges included in the rental agreement. Some rental companies will include the fuel charges in the rental agreement, while others will not. You can also expect the rental company to charge for insurance and maintenance when applicable. Before signing a rental contract, always check the detailed itemization of the charges to avoid any surprises later on. What are the responsibilities of the renter? The center has the responsibility to exercise due diligence and honor the terms and conditions indicated in the agreement. On the other hand, the rental company is responsible for ensuring that each piece of equipment being rented out complies with the regulations set by the government concerning health and safety. Rental companies are also required to periodically test and maintain equipment to diagnose defects and make necessary repairs. While it is the primary responsibility of the rental company to conduct checks and tests on the machine, renters also need to take the necessary precautions of checking the equipment before use. Do rental companies provide operators? Whether the rental company provides an operator for the equipment will depend on the agreement. There is an option for the renter to request and pay for an operator, but this is optional. If the renter has qualified employees who can operate the machine, it would be more cost-effective to rent the equipment only. But this is on a case by case basis, especially if the equipment requires licensed operators which the renter may not always have available. Read Also: Does Equipment Rental Really Result In Savings? Furniture Removal Are An Uphill Task For The Home Owner

Used Car

How to Choose a Perfect Used Car for Tour Family

As your family grows, the kind of car your family needs will also change. You will want to look for a car that comfortably seats your family and all the extra luggage that comes along with your growing family. Make use of the Used Car that can work well in your favor.  From SUVs to station-wagons, a lot of cars are offering options that are family friendly like extra storage, more leg room, backseat DVD features, and additional safety features. Different Ways The Used Car Can make Your Life Easy  There are multiple ways the used car can make your life easier than ever for you. Outline a budget: Before you drive down to the dealership, do thorough research on which features are important for your family and which models are best for you. Outlining a budget will help you conduct your car-buying research more effectively. Calculate your down payment: With a growing family, it is important to manage your finances effectively. So it is important to figure out how large a down payment you are able to make without making a huge dent in your financial planning.  Decide on how much you can afford to make in payments towards your car every month. It is helpful to know how long you would want to be paying off your car loan before the car belongs to you. Research new cars as well as used cars: New as well as used Nissan cars in the UAE are good models and easily available at most dealerships. Depending on your budget you can do some research online and narrow down on cars or SUVs that meet both your family needs and fit your budget. Most car dealerships have both new and used options. Do a comparative search online for used cars for sale in your budget and for new cars for sale in that budget. For example, Ford cars are known to be solid cars and to fit your budget you could look for used Ford cars in Dubai. Look for family car features: While some families focus on the seating capacity and extra room for storage and leg room, some families focus on the additional safety features available. Before you head to the dealership take some time to make a note of some points like who will be driving the car? Is it just you?  Or will your spouse be driving the car as well? If you have teenagers, will they be allowed to drive this car? If you have children, do you have children that require extra space for booster seats? How many seats will your family require on a regular basis? If your children are going to be seated at the back on a regular basis you will want to ensure that the car you buy comes equipped with side airbags. Size of your car: Depending on the size of your family you can consider a sedan or if your family is larger,  consisting of five or more people you can look for an SUV, station wagon or a minivan. Car interiors: If you have a family with small children you will want to choose interiors that can be cleaned easily. In such cases, leather seats or other smooth materials are easier to clean than fabric seats. Usually, darker interiors are easier to maintain as the stains are not very obvious in these interiors. Additional features: Try to think of the features that will let your family get the most out of the car. Maybe you are looking for a car that has entertainment options for your children. Sometimes small additional features like cup holders or armrests can add to the comfort of traveling. Review and compare: Once you’ve finalized your car options according to your priorities, research for specific car models that meet these needs. Find as much information that you can through reviews, ratings, and comparisons. You can find all this information and more online. You want your family to have comfortable and pleasant riding experience in your car. So it is best if you get as much information about your potential buyers before your purchase. All the features, major or minor addition to the comfort of your family to take time to list these down. Involve your family in the buying process or take them along for a test drive, that way you can see first- hand if the vehicle fits your family comfortably. Read Also: Best New Cars For Teenagers Spring’s Favourite Car: The Ford Mustang 2018 Tesla Model S: The Complete Electric Vehicle Buying A Used Car? Few Negotiating Tips, You Can Use Choose The Best BMW Model: The 5 Best BMWs Of All Time