How To Shop For A Car With Your Teen Driver?

Published on: 08 October 2016 Last Updated on: 29 May 2021
Car shopping

For most parents, buying a car for their teenager is a necessity to encourage independence and free up your schedule from having to drive them everywhere. Guess what? Your child feels the same.

Upon receiving their driving license, they cannot wait to put those skills to good use. If your teen is not persistently nagging you for a set of wheels, count yourself lucky!

Pondering what type of car to buy can become an arduous task and may often lead to frustration. Selecting the perfect car model to gift your teenager is further complicated with varying tastes.

You, being the parent, wish to find an economical car that is safe to drive. If you are planning to buy a car for your teen, you have probably encountered different opinions that left you a tad confused. In this article, we aim to share insights on how to shop for a car with your teen driver.

Car shopping

1. Prepare A Budget

While buying a car for your teen is an adventure, do not get carried away by expensive models at your local dealership. Start by deciding how much money is available to spend.

Think about other pressing needs in the future while allocating the family budget. Remember, college tuition is right around the corner. Discuss the final budget with your teen and explain the argument behind it.

Talk about the various options that can fit your budget. Old cars are cheaper, while new vehicles may not need much maintenance. Understandably, your teen may be upset if they expected a fancy ride only to have the budget slashed by half. Reason with them and reach a compromise.

2. Safety Features

When choosing between different car models, safety should be the top of the list of concerns. You want your child to be safe as they drive to school or their summer job at the local fast-food joint. Inspect the car to ensure it has updated safety features such as electronic stability control and front and side airbags.

Even the best-trained drivers can get into a fender bender in traffic or worse, a car wreck on the highway. Naturally, you fear more for your teen as they are new to driving and you want to be sure they are safe while on the road.

Request the dealer to give you the car safety report that indicates what happens in the event of an accident. Do not forget to purchase sound insurance over. Compare different options and select wisely.

3. Other Features

Once you have the handle on safety, you can get down to the fun part. Your teen is likely to suggest a car with modern interiors and high-quality sound.

If you are buying an old car, they may not have advanced features that your child desires such as door speakers for bass. No worries, you can install quality door speakers at an affordable price. This upgrade is bound to make your teen happy!

4. Establish Ground Rules

As you may have observed, teenagers are prone to distractions even while doing mundane tasks like watering the plants, washing the family dog or even putting cereal in a bowl. Do not fault them; their frontal lobes are still developing. Driving a car is not a mundane task. Each time you get behind the wheel, you stand the risk of getting involved in minor or major accidents.

Your newly minted teen driver needs to understand that owning and operating an automobile calls for a high sense of responsibility at all times. Make it crystal clear that they are not allowed to take calls, read or respond to messages or any social media. All this can wait till they get to their destination safely. Agree on what time they need to get home by and the consequences of failing to adhere to stipulated curfews.

As difficult as it may sound, your teen could easily be drinking behind your back. Add this to the column of DONT’S! Drunken driving will not only earn them a DUI and probably ruin their chances of getting into a good college; it can cause permanent damage or worse.


Buying a car for your teen can be difficult with the different choices available. Make a list of possible models they are interested in and investigate each model. Bring your teen to the dealership, so that they can get firsthand information from a car expert. Be open to making a few adjustments like installing door speakers for bass, so your teen can enjoy his favorite jams.

Read More:

  1. Invest In A New Car, Without A Financial Liability
  2. Will Self-Driving Cars Replace Human Error?
  3. Tips To Keep Your Kids Safe In A Car
  4. Turn The Tables For Helpless Children With Car Donation In New Jersey

Lucia Patterson is the woman behind TheLegalGuides, a blog solely focused on legal guides, tips, and advice. Lucia loves essay writing and blogs at EssayWritingGuides from her college days.

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Buying A Tractor? Here Are the Things That You Need to Consider

The importance of technology and mechanization in agriculture cannot be overstated. Tractors are among the machinery being used today in modern farming for ploughing, tilling, planting seeds, spreading fertilizer, landscape maintenance, lawn care, and much more. Tractors come with an advantage in farming as they are versatile, easy to operate, and durable as power engines run them.    Tractors can be complicated, and if you have no experience with them, you may have no clue what to consider when choosing a tractor for your farm. TRADUS.COM is a platform where you can find all the heavy machinery you need, even for your farm. The platform hosts vetted and verified professional sellers and buyers, allowing them to share their machinery information. TRADUS boasts a wide range of features that help buyers find the right equipment at fair prices and, through artificial intelligence, helps them compare the specifications of the equipment and prices.   Whether you are shopping for a tractor at TRADUS or anywhere else, here are the factors that you should put into consideration before you make your purchase. Buying A Tractor? Here Are the Things That You Need to Consider: 1. The engine It is important to note that your tractor is only as powerful as the engine it has. This is why the engine is the first thing you should be looking at. The engine determines the horsepower of the tractor and the kind of work the tractor can handle. The higher the horsepower, the more power the tractor has. It is essential to be in touch with the type of work the tractor is expected to handle; then, from there, a professional will help you point out the engine's size that would be ideal.   2. Your budge Tractors can cost an arm and a leg, which makes it a significant investment. As expected, you need to have a budget to guide you to get what you are looking for in a tractor. You do not want to purchase a tractor then you are left with no money, even for maintenance.   Note that this does not mean that you should go for the lowest cost available in the market. Have a budget, and a professional will guide you in finding the best tractor that will meet your farming needs within your price range. Also, when it comes to the price, you might want to consider paying more upfront then complete the remaining amount with time until you complete the purchase. This will ease the financial burden that may come with it.   4. Hydraulics The hydraulics of a tractor is something you should consider when buying the machinery. Note that the work of the tractor on the farm involves a lot of turning and lifting. The hydraulic system is what makes this possible. The hydraulic fluid transmits energy through the hydraulic system making it possible for the tractor to move and work. The hydraulic fluid is also responsible for lubrication and control heat transfer.   Before you take a tractor home, ensure that the hydraulic system is functioning optimally. If you are not conversant with how tractors work, it is best that you also involve a professional in assessing a tractor's hydraulic capabilities. Whether it is used tractors or new ones, they should be able to turn easily and lift attachments.   4. Tires Tractors can do the heavy work thanks to the traction provided by its tires. If you are buying a used tractor, this is something you want to consider to avoid having to buy new tires after a short while of use (they can be expensive). Ensure that the tires are ideal for the horsepower of the tractor and the load weight. Between bias and radial tires, you should consider the later as they have better traction even though they might cost slightly more.    At this juncture, you might want to involve a farm tire expert to give you the best advice on what to choose.    5. Rollover protection While it is essential to look at the functionality of a tractor, it is also vital to think about the driver's safety when operating the tractor. Note that tractors at times rollover during operations. A cage or roll-bar around the operator would provide the operator with increased safety.   There are tons of other things to consider when buying a tractor, such as the hitches and transmission, to mention a few. To get the best deal and quality machinery, it is essential to buy from a reliable dealer. Read Also: What to Look for When Buying A Flail Mower What You Need to Know about Mini Power Packs Things You Need To Have On Your Checklist For Your Car


Why Times Are Tough For Truckers and Why It Concerns You

It wasn't all that long ago that truck drivers were paid competitive wages and offered benefits for doing their jobs. But in recent decades, a job that once provided stability and a comfortable paycheck has become much more trying for truckers.  When the trucking industry was deregulated in the 1980s, there was a rise in the number of trucking companies, leading to an increased demand for drivers. That need for more drivers has been a pox upon the trucking industry virtually ever since, and it shows no signs of letting up anytime soon. The American Trucking Associations says that the industry is currently short about 48,000 drivers. By 2025, that number will rise to approximately 890,000 drivers.  Ask a commercial driver who has been working a big rig for a long period of time and they will tell you how much times have changed. In many ways, drivers feel as though they are under siege, either through regulation or by the companies that find more and more ways to save the money they pay some of their hardest workers.  The changes in the trucking industry are important to everyone who shares the road with tractor-trailers. The fact that the industry is in limbo is a big concern for all of us. Truck Driver Pay Isn't Keeping the Pace The trucking industry has been struggling to retain the number of drivers that they need in order to meet shipping demands. While the industry refers to this as a shortage of drivers, many labor experts also believe that it is really a shortage of truck driver pay. Workers that used to gravitate toward the role of a truck driver are finding other sectors that offer more pay, or at least similar pay for more optimal working conditions. Truck drivers spend long stretches of time away from their homes and families. Unless adequate pay entices those workers to get behind the wheel of an 18-wheeler, they will find other sources of income. This means that the current workforce is stretched thin. Truck drivers are increasingly being hired as independent contractors, which means they lack the benefits that they used to enjoy and end up footing the bill for downtime. Self-driving Trucks are on the Horizon Though not an immediate threat to those who choose truck driving as a profession, the possibility of self-driving trucks is an ever-present entity in the trucking industry. While many believe that the automated trucks of tomorrow will have a human being in the vehicle to oversee and intervene in case of an emergency, the possibility of self-driving trucks raises a number of questions that remain unanswered. Now that companies are throwing their hat into the automated truck ring, the recent fatal crash involving the Tesla Autopilot system has also raised major concerns about the effectiveness and safety of a human operator taking over from an automated system. Until this technology is truly road-ready, it will remain a big question mark in terms of its impact on road safety and trucking labor. Many Regulations Currently loom Over the Trucking Industry A number of regulations have been hanging over the trucking industry in recent years. Electronic logging devices are slated to be mandatory on all trucks. Speed limiters are expected soon. These devices are promoted as being a boost to road safety by slowing trucks down and holding drivers and companies more accountable for hours spent on the road and for traveling too fast. However, many in the industry, including drivers, are concerned that these devices could cause more problems than they fix. Some drivers feel as though logging devices are a way to shift blame for violations onto them, and there have been many concerns (and lawsuits) over how the information from these devices is used to harass and intimidate drivers behind the wheel. Likewise, many drivers are concerned about the implementation of speed-limiting devices, which inhibit the ability of a truck to exceed a predetermined speed. Some safety advocates say these devices will improve road safety, but others are concerned that speed limiters will limit the ability of a driver to be as flexible and adaptable as they need to be in order to avoid causing traffic congestion. Yet another concern with speed limiters is that they create large speed differentials with other vehicles on the road, which increases the likelihood of collisions. Trucker Health and Sleep Apnea One of the biggest challenges for truck drivers is maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Driving a truck means being sedentary for long periods of time. Eating healthy while on the road is difficult. It's easy to see why truck drivers, when compared to the average worker in the United States, have twice the rate of obesity and diabetes. Sadly, they are also twice as likely as all other workers to not be covered by an insurance plan. These less-than-optimal conditions set the stage for the high rate of sleep apnea among truck drivers. The FMCSA says that close to one-third of commercial truck drivers have obstructive sleep apnea, a condition that affects the quality of sleep and diminishes daytime alertness, among other health concerns. One report found that truck drivers with sleep apnea are five times more likely to be involved in vehicle crashes. These issues represent some of the greatest obstacles in the path of the trucking industry. As long as there is a demand for shipping, these companies will no doubt find a way to meet it, but the price is being paid by those who are behind the wheel. The fact that we all share the road with them means that we, too, have a vested interest in these struggles. There will be many changes to come for the trucking industry in the years ahead. Unless those in charge find a way to keep these drivers healthy, happy and better-taken care of, many of the problems mentioned above will only get worse. Read More: Important Things To Transport During A Relocation Finding The Right Moving Company How To Get A Loan On A Day With Bad Credit?

Truck Driver

5 Clever Tips Every Truck Driver Should Bear In Mind

Some people are committed to truck driving only for the monetary benefits associated with it. Obviously, truck driving can be an exciting job especially when you're lucky to drive afar, see new places and get to interact with new people during your trips. Truck Driver can make the selection of time when to drive and how to drive?  However, truck driving does come with lots of mishaps that can mar your experience while on the job. Besides normal safety rules for driving trucks, there are a handful of tips you should always bear in mind to avoid discomfort and any other unpleasant experience. Luckily, this very article will show you the 5 clever tips every truck driver should bear in mind. Whether you've been driving for long or just beginning to try your hands on truck driving, you'll likely benefit from following these tips. Clever Tips To Keep In Mind From A Truck Driver Point Of View  Keep Your Diet Balanced and Healthy : In reality, your diet can impact significantly on your truck driving experience. To stay alert and keep your eyes focused, it's vital that you cut back on the intake of caffeinated substances. Also, try to stay away from most of the junk foods you find along the road. By doing this, you're likely to improve in health and perform your driving job excellently. As a truck driver, you're expected to get items delivered within deadlines but again, you have to incorporate the need to stay healthy into your objectives. Get Thrilled : If you're a truck driver who often travels across busy areas for prolonged hours, you're damn likely to get bored. Of course, this is one of the things which make truck driving a seemingly tedious job. For safety on the road and to keep you in a lively mood, you may have to listen to some of your favorite podcasts during driving sessions. Stay Oriented with a GPS : As a truck driver, you're expected to have a clear sense of direction while driving but at times, you could get disorientated by some things. To avoid getting stuck in an instance like this, having some digital assistance will help you out. Basically, a GPS system will provide you with the important needs for navigating routes but you shouldn't be too dependent on the system. Do Safety Check before Setting Out : Whether you are an experienced truck driver or not, you should easily agree that doing a pre-trip safety check can go a long way to prevent you from most of the accidents that occur on the part of drivers. Before embarking on any trip, be sure your truck is in perfect working condition. In addition to doing a pre-trip safety check, endeavor to equip your truck with essential repair tools in case you will have to do slight repairs during your trips. If this seems like too much to handle, you can utilize DOT compliance services to help manage pre-trip checks. Other than that, having a comfortable 18 inch steering wheel can help you have better control of the truck. The use of truck fenders plastics too can avoid you many accidents. It is also good to make sure that your truck has stable dump truck bodies if you want to keep it on the road for longer. Get Prepared for the Snowy Days : The snowy days often surface during winter and of course, winter months can have a frustrating effect on your driving experience. In preparing for the snowy days of winter, ensure you're practicing the safety precautions that will keep you and other drivers safe amidst unwelcome winter circumstances. Read Also : Why Times Are Tough For Truckers And Why It Concerns You 5 Ways Camera Monitoring System Will Enhance Vehicle Safety How To Get A Loan On A Day With Bad Credit?