5 Clever Tips Every Truck Driver Should Bear In Mind

Published on: 25 July 2018 Last Updated on: 14 December 2021
Truck Driver

Some people are committed to truck driving only for the monetary benefits associated with it. Obviously, truck driving can be an exciting job especially when you’re lucky to drive afar, see new places and get to interact with new people during your trips. Truck Driver can make the selection of time when to drive and how to drive?  However, truck driving does come with lots of mishaps that can mar your experience while on the job.

Besides normal safety rules for driving trucks, there are a handful of tips you should always bear in mind to avoid discomfort and any other unpleasant experience. Luckily, this very article will show you the 5 clever tips every truck driver should bear in mind. Whether you’ve been driving for long or just beginning to try your hands on truck driving, you’ll likely benefit from following these tips.

Clever Tips To Keep In Mind From A Truck Driver Point Of View 

Keep Your Diet Balanced and Healthy :

In reality, your diet can impact significantly on your truck driving experience. To stay alert and keep your eyes focused, it’s vital that you cut back on the intake of caffeinated substances. Also, try to stay away from most of the junk foods you find along the road. By doing this, you’re likely to improve in health and perform your driving job excellently.

As a truck driver, you’re expected to get items delivered within deadlines but again, you have to incorporate the need to stay healthy into your objectives.

Get Thrilled :

If you’re a truck driver who often travels across busy areas for prolonged hours, you’re damn likely to get bored. Of course, this is one of the things which make truck driving a seemingly tedious job.

For safety on the road and to keep you in a lively mood, you may have to listen to some of your favorite podcasts during driving sessions.

Stay Oriented with a GPS :

As a truck driver, you’re expected to have a clear sense of direction while driving but at times, you could get disorientated by some things. To avoid getting stuck in an instance like this, having some digital assistance will help you out.

Basically, a GPS system will provide you with the important needs for navigating routes but you shouldn’t be too dependent on the system.

Do Safety Check before Setting Out :

Whether you are an experienced truck driver or not, you should easily agree that doing a pre-trip safety check can go a long way to prevent you from most of the accidents that occur on the part of drivers. Before embarking on any trip, be sure your truck is in perfect working condition.

In addition to doing a pre-trip safety check, endeavor to equip your truck with essential repair tools in case you will have to do slight repairs during your trips. If this seems like too much to handle, you can utilize DOT compliance services to help manage pre-trip checks.

Other than that, having a comfortable 18 inch steering wheel can help you have better control of the truck. The use of truck fenders plastics too can avoid you many accidents. It is also good to make sure that your truck has stable dump truck bodies if you want to keep it on the road for longer.

Get Prepared for the Snowy Days :

The snowy days often surface during winter and of course, winter months can have a frustrating effect on your driving experience. In preparing for the snowy days of winter, ensure you’re practicing the safety precautions that will keep you and other drivers safe amidst unwelcome winter circumstances.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Carpool Service

How to Choose the Best and Most Reliable Carpool Service

Carpooling, also known as shared mobility, involves two or more users sharing transportation services. The idea has long been promoted in many countries, since it reduces both individual costs and road traffic, among other benefits. If you want to carpool, you should take your time to consider all the options available to you. Your type of shared mobility should suit your daily schedule and lifestyle. At the same time, since you are sharing a car with other people, you want to be sure that you feel comfortable. While there is no perfect carpool service, you can find the most convenient one out of all the alternatives. All you need is the right criteria to evaluate your choices. For instance, you can start with an Uber and Lyft comparison and see which of the two would be the best option. You can also compare them further with other available options. Here are some factors you can consider when choosing a reliable carpool service: 1. Punctuality : Carpooling is supposed to make life easier for you. So, when choosing a carpool service, you would want one that gets you to your destination on time. You would not want to find yourself running late for meetings just because you are saving money. 2. Efficiency : If you are carpooling with the aim of commuting from your home to your work location, you should always ensure that the destinations of your fellow carpoolers are not very much out of the way. This is how you could best avoid being in a car that makes unexpected stops or randomly changes routes. 3. Customer Reviews : Customer reviews are another great way to gauge the quality of services offered by the different carpool services. Most of the time, users share their honest opinions about the services that they have used. If you find too many complaints about a particular service, then you should probably avoid that one. 4. Responsibility : A carpool network that is almost always providing poor service can be very frustrating. Although sometimes mistakes are inevitable, you should only choose a service that is willing to absorb costs arising from their mistakes. Good customer service is a must. 5. Peer Recommendations : Asking people who have used carpool services for their opinion is a great way to find the best and most reliable service. If you can get a recommendation from a close acquaintance, then you will be almost certain that that opinion is an honest one. 6. Experience : Although different carpool services out there provide similar services, you can’t trust just about any service. You should choose a service that has sufficient experience providing carpooling services in your area. This way, you will not expose yourself to inconveniences from a new competitor. As new carpool services are established these days, ensure that you choose one that best suits your needs. Using the checklist above will help your elimination process and put you in a great position to find the best service out there. Read Also : Choosing The Right Anti-Theft Devices For Your Car In Houston TX

inland rail

Effect of Australia’s New Inland Rail on the Trucking Industry

Spanning 18,000 Km from the east coast to the west coast, Australia is the fifth largest country in the world. Incidentally, the bulk of the population is settled in major cities along the coastline. The vast distances between major cities in Australia led to the development of the country’s robust inland freight networks. Australia plays a key role in the global economy and is the 20th largest exporter in the world. In 2017, the country made a positive trade balance of $44 B after exporting $243 B and importing $199 B worth of products. The country relies on its road and rail networks to mobilize all these products across the country efficiently. Significance of the Melbourne to Brisbane Inland Rail In a bold inland rail project to link Melbourne and Brisbane, Australia has invested about $10 Billion. The project will cover 1,700 kilometers to connect more than 20 major towns across three states, namely Victoria, New South Wales, and Queensland. The inland rail will streamline several bottlenecks and time constraints that have hampered freight transport between Melbourne and Brisbane. The project is also expected to create more than 10,000 jobs and boost Australia’s GDP by more than $16 Billion in 50 years. Australia’s Road Vs Rail Debate The development of the inland rail has fuelled the road vs rail debate in the freight industry. The debate questions on the efficiency and costs of using trains over trucks. Additionally, there is a concern on whether the new inland rail will put the heavy-duty truckers out of business. However, there is a lot of room in the country for both systems to coexist. With a few relevant adjustments, the road and rail systems can be integrated and complement each other. In effect, the new rail system in effect may enhance the trucking industry rather than retard it. Advantages of Rail and Road Freight Systems Both road and rail freight systems have niches where they can outdo each other. The following list highlights a few areas where it is advantageous to use road over rail transport and vice versa. Advantages of Road Transport 1. Efficient over short distances: Road transport offers several flexibility advantages that trains cannot match. Trains operate on a fixed rail line that cannot handle door to door deliveries. 2. Fast Scheduled Delivery: Trucks can deliver goods according to your schedule. This can save you from unnecessary storage costs. With rail transport, you have to adjust your programs to fit the train’s schedule. Advantages of Rail Transport 1. Cost-effective over long distances Using trains beats trucks over long distances. Trains carry more cargo and are up to 4 times more fuel-efficient than trucks. Also, the wear on your aftermarket parts for European trucks can be expensive over long distances. 2. Eco-Friendly: Trains are more environmentally friendly than trucks as they emit up to 75% fewer greenhouse gases. Also, trucks consume close to 9 times more energy per tonne-kilometer than trains. There are several ways in which the trucking industry can adapt to benefit from the development of Australia’s new inland rail system. For example, there will be immense opportunities to move cargo from to and from the train stations. Truck operators can extend the life of their vehicles and duration between services by plying shorter routes. Read Also: Freight Factoring Is Solving Common Trucking Challenges What To Consider When Buying Heavy Duty Truck Alignment Equipment Why Times Are Tough For Truckers And Why It Concerns You

EV Fast Charger

How To Integrate An EV Fast Charger In Your Garage

Electric vehicles (EVs) are rapidly becoming more popular as the world shifts towards sustainable transportation. This surge in EV ownership brings new considerations, especially regarding charging solutions. While public charging stations are growing, the convenience of charging your EV in your garage cannot be overstated.  This guide will walk you through integrating an EV fast charger in your home garage, ensuring that your vehicle is always ready to go when you are. What is EV Fast Charging? Fast charging for electric vehicles is a game-changer in the EV industry. Unlike standard chargers that can take several hours to charge an EV fully, fast chargers significantly reduce this time, enabling quick and efficient charging. This efficiency is particularly beneficial for those with busy lifestyles or for emergency charging situations. Types of EV Chargers There are three levels of EV chargers – Level 1, Level 2, and DC Fast Chargers. Level 1 chargers are your standard home outlets, while Level 2 chargers offer a faster charging speed. DC Fast Chargers, however, are the quickest, providing substantial charge in a fraction of the time. These are the chargers in which companies like Blink Charging UK specialize, offering a blend of speed and convenience. Assessing Your Garage for EV Fast Charger Installation Space Requirements The first step in installing an EV charger is assessing the space in your garage. You'll need a designated area accessible for your vehicle and compliant with local safety regulations. This space should also be near an electrical source and free from potential hazards. Electrical System Evaluation Before installation, it's crucial to evaluate your home's electrical system. It must be able to support a fast charger, which may require an upgrade or a professional assessment. Ensuring your system can handle the load is critical for safety and efficiency. Choosing the Right EV Fast Charger Features to Consider When selecting a fast charger, consider its power output, vehicle compatibility, and additional features like Wi-Fi connectivity or intelligent charging options. These features can enhance your charging experience, making it more efficient and user-friendly. Cost and Incentives Cost is a significant factor when installing an EV charger. However, various incentives and rebates can make the process more affordable. Researching local incentives can significantly reduce installation costs. The Installation Process DIY vs. Professional Installation While some may opt for a DIY installation, professional installation is generally recommended. It ensures that the charger is installed safely and compliantly, reducing the risk of electrical issues. Step-by-Step Installation Guide Although each installation will vary, the process generally involves mounting the charger, connecting it to the power source, and configuring intelligent features. It's a process best handled by professionals to ensure safety and functionality. Maximizing Your EV Fast Charger Experience Maintenance and Care Tips Regular maintenance of your EV charger is crucial. This includes routine checks and keeping the unit clean and free from obstructions. Regular maintenance ensures long-term efficiency and safety. Integrating with Smart Home Systems Many modern EV chargers can integrate with smart home systems, allowing remote monitoring and control. This integration can add convenience to your charging process, making it a seamless part of your daily routine. Transform Your Garage into a Power Station: Easy and Efficient EV Charging Solutions In conclusion, integrating an EV fast charger into your automotive garage is a forward-thinking move that aligns with the global shift toward sustainable transportation. It provides convenience and ensures that your vehicle is always ready for the road. While the process may seem daunting, following it can make it manageable and rewarding.  Remember, the key is to choose the suitable charger and install it correctly. And for those looking for top-notch solutions, a company like Blink Charging can offer the perfect blend of efficiency and reliability. Embrace the future of driving by setting up your home EV charging station today! Read Also: The Evolution Of Braking Systems In Modern Vehicles: A Leap Towards Preventing Rear-End Collisions The Best Car Brands To Buy As An Investment Used Car Buying – How To Do It Right.