Role of messaging apps in enhancing a company’s market prospects

Published on: 24 May 2016 Last Updated on: 19 August 2019
Messaging apps

Business firms are always in search of new ways in which they can enhance the user experience of their customers. After all, that is the best way to retain customers in a market that is characterized by increasing levels of competition. Apart from maintaining strong lines of communication with their customers, business houses also need to promote their brands and products in an effective way without sounding too pushy. This can be only achieved with the help of a tool that creates strong ties of communication with the end-users while at the same time provides a creative platform for brand promotion.

A messaging app is a great way to accomplish this and are light and easy to use. These apps come with numerous features that help in various tasks necessary for today’s businesses. By allowing a company to learn about the needs and preferences of their end-users, such in-app messaging tools really help to enhance the overall customer experience. The latest messaging apps are designed in such a way that they are not only convenient for day-to-day use but also perfect for keeping detailed accounts of customer conversations and transactions.

A well rounded messaging app can be used on both desktop and mobile platforms for easy customer communication at any given time from any place. Since most people prefer to stay in touch these days via their mobile phones, a good messaging app needs to be made for smooth mobile use as well. Apart from offering the option for two-way communication via chat and messaging, these apps also allow a company to send emails and push notifications to their customers to let them know about the status of their account or orders and also about a product’s latest features.

Over the last few years or so, in-app messaging tools have also gained considerable momentum as efficient email marketing tools. Email marketing is a direct form of marketing in which prospective customers send emails about products and offers that would interest them. A lot of research is carried out before sending such emails so that companies are aware of the kinds of products and services that are preferred by a specific customer.

Messaging apps allow a company to learn not only about the personal preferences of the customers they are trying to appeal to but also about their personal habits through live interactions on the messaging app and analytics from their visits to the product or website. These messaging apps, therefore, make marketing automation easier and allow a company to make efficient plans for smooth marketing campaigns.

If you are the owner of a business looking to find new ways in which you can garner customer satisfaction from your end-users, invest in a messaging app that will help you to communicate easily with them and implement effective marketing campaigns. By investing in such messaging apps, you will be able to enjoy greater ROI within a very short period of time

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Resale Apps

How To Make Money From Resale Apps

Many an article, story or copy have been written about making money and storing it. There is literal truth in it. A number of entrepreneurs have been selling used stuff from time immemorial. Earlier, sellers have it hard, being forced to stand at street corners or selling pre-owned stuff by moving from one door to another. The Internet has taken the hassle out of the process. You take a photograph of what you want to sell, upload it, write out a nifty description, and you are all set! Buyers will start knocking on your door! If there are business people selling used items, then there will be facilitators too. App developing companies know this and they have built apps that cater solely to the used goods market. Since the market for second-hand goods is booming, it is no wonder that many mobile app developers have joined the fray to make a smart buck. It is a vast field and there is no shortage of buyers as well. If you are an app developer in Singapore or in any other part of the world, do pay heed to the following. Get To Know The Market: Any businessperson should know his or her marketplace. In your case, the marketplace is Google Play and The App Store. Read Apple's cheat sheet to comprehend the App store. You can see in real-time the top-grossing, top-free, and top-paid apps. Apple offers identical lists in individual app categories. Do review the information at certain intervals. Note down the potential trends you have spotted. Frequently doing this enables you to successfully design an app, do marketing and enjoy success in various pricing models. The research is simple and does not involve any money. Look For Successful Apps For Inspiration: You should understand whether the market needs your app or not. Examine the Top Apps chart. Do these apps resemble the ones you want to make? In case the answer is in the affirmative, you will have greater chances of achieving success. If you do not find them, start searching again. The full process is this simple. Do not pursue your own love idea if the market hates it. If you do so, it will be an extremely costly error. For apps specializing in pre-owned goods, a mix of free and freemium pricing schemes are found to work wonders. Your App Experience Must Be Good: You can turn all that research you did previously into something tangible. The aim is to successfully convey the idea which is at this stage present in your head. To do this, draw what you thought of into a piece of paper. If you are uncomfortable with the physical form, use any drawing program. If you have any doubts, look at similar apps in the Apple and Google marketplace. Be clear in your mind about what you want. This will help not only yourself if you are the programmer but also the one who is doing it if you have outsourced the app development to any other person. Convey clearly as to how the app will look like and what will be the consequence if a few icons are touched. Get registered as a developer: When you have fixed on a certain concept, it is time to sign up as a developer with that platform for which you want to create your app. There is no need to be intimidated by the “developer” title. It only conveys to others that you are the publisher of this particular app. Do not forget to go over the marketplace guidelines. Both Apple and Google strictly enforce them. Read Also: Is Investment Managers A Good Career Path In 2021? Is Commercial Banks A Good Career Path In 2021?

Mobile app

How To Market Your App Successfully Mobile App Marketing Agency

The mobile app is becoming quite popular and are being used to sell products and services. Hence, it is not surprising to note that as of January 2017 there are around 2.7 million apps I App store and around 2.5 million apps in the Google Play Store. These numbers are simply staggering, and they are going up quite satisfactorily with each passing day. However, many thousands of apps fall by the wayside because of wrong marketing and improper selling of the same. It would be wrong to expect that users will flock to your app even if the services are offered free. If you sit down and expect miracles to happen, it is not going to happen. This is because of fierce competition. Hence you must find out ways and means by which you can identify the services of a good app marketing agency for marketing and popularizing your app. Additionally, here are a few more important points to be kept in mind when it comes to marketing to your app. How To Market Your App Successfully Mobile App Marketing Agency: Website Presence : Unless you have an online presence for your app, you will find it difficult to reach a big mass. People would like to find out ways and means by which they are aware that you have an app that offers them value for money. Towards this objective has a good website is a starting point, and it should have a link to your app. The website should prominently talk about the services being offered by the app, and it should not just be a link in some indiscreet corner. Hence, this is one of the most important points to be kept in mind when marketing an app successfully. A good mobile app advertising agency would be able to do the job properly. Presence In Social Media : The next important thing is to ensure that your app is actively promoted on social media. Today social media plays an important role in all our lives, and you must be able to take advantage of the same. You could have an organic approach and have a Facebook page, Instagram or Twitter profiles. You could use it to follow people who you think are the target audience. However, you must not spam people by being excessively promotional. You should try and connect with your audience in a meaningful and decent way. The promotion should happen in such a way that you can engage the audience in a conversation with you rather than being pushy and spamming in your approach. Here again, the role of agencies could play a big role because they know how to go about it professionally and effectively. Paid social media promotion is also effective. This could include scientific and intelligent CPC programs. This could increase your CTR or click-through rates by almost 40%. Public Relations : Media and public relations could also play a big role. You could have a press release and host a local party where the local media is invited. You also could give interviews to local newspapers. These are expensive but could be done on a small scale using the services of professional mobile app promotion agencies. App Store Optimization or ASO : Just as SEO you should also appoint agencies for ASO which is known as app store optimization. It is effective because it helps to identify your app in a market that is fierce and oversaturated. Your app name must be unique, and you must learn to include relevant keywords but should not make it keyword stuffed. The app should have a good description which talks about the objective and values it offers to customers. You should know how to promote your app using such ASO techniques graphically. Word Of Mouth Advertising : Finally, the good old word of mouth advertising also works. You could try and incentivize people who promote your app, talk about it and ensure that it is being downloaded and used by people. You could appoint local franchisees for marketing the app and ensure that they are paid handsome commission for installation and downloading as the case may be. Hence, there are many ways by which agencies can play a role in marketing your app in a good way. Read Also : 7 Of The Best Entertainment Apps On Android 7 Reasons Why Your Business Needs A Mobile App 7 Essential Apps For Your Mac In 2018

favorite apps

With 2018 Coming to a Close, Here Are Our Favorite Apps of the Year

Every year, people from all over the world download hundreds of billions of apps. Which ones are actually worth giving up space on your phone or computer for, though? How do you know which apps you should download and which ones you should skip? Read on to learn about some of our favorite apps of 2018. You can use this list to help you decide which apps to look into and which ones to pass on. Google News: Every day, we're bombarded with news stories and it can be hard to keep everything straight. Even if you watch the news every day, you can still end up missing major events. Google News is a great app that helps you keep up with the latest news stories. It's well-designed and easy to navigate. It also strikes a good balance between personalizing your news feed and showing your varying perspectives on popular topics. Otter Voice Notes: featured image: Do you hate typing out notes on your phone, computer, or tablet? Are you tired of looking for those little scraps of paper that have important pieces of information scribbled on them? Try using voice memos instead. Otter Voice Notes is an app that uses AI to learn your voice and transcribe your voice memos so you can return to them later. You can also go back and add notes and photos for context so your memos are easy to understand when you need them. TikTok: featured image: Apps don't always have to be about function. There are plenty of fun apps that you ought to consider downloading. One of the best apps of 2018 is TikTok. It may not have been developed in 2018, but TikTok made a major comeback this year. This fun app is free to download and makes it easy for you to make all kinds of fun and hilarious videos with your friends and loved ones. Hotspot Shield Free: featured image: Apps aren't only for your phone and tablet. There are also some great apps out there that can help you stay organized and protected while using your computer. Of all the Mac apps available on the app store, Hotspot Shield Free is one of the best. This is especially true if you frequently rely on public Wi-Fi. Hotspot Shield Free is an app that secures your computer and internet browsing when you connect to the Wi-fi network in restaurants, coffee shops, libraries, and other public places. It allows you to choose the IP of a specific country and access services that might otherwise block you. BuildFire: featured image: Did you know there are apps out there designed to help an app creator make their own app? If you're interested in building your own app but aren't sure how to do it, BuildFire is a great tool to have in your toolbelt. BuildFire gives you the option to build your own app from scratch or work with a certified professional who will do all the heavy lifting for you. The choice is yours! Adobe Premier Rush: Want to edit videos on the go? If so, you need to download Adobe Premiere Rush today. This app is easy-to-use and can handle multiple video clips at once. It offers all the same tools as a professional video editing software, but it's intuitive and perfect for putting up high-quality videos. You also don't need to have the paid desktop version of this program to make use of the free mobile app. If you do have the paid version, though, you can sync it with the app to work on projects no matter where you are. Asphalt 9 Legends: Another fun app to download when boredom strikes is Asphalt 9 Legends. This game will take you back to your childhood arcade days, but with much better graphics. This racing game is easy-to-master and features a realistic lineup. It's the perfect game to play when you want to relax, zone out, and have some fun. Filto: There are tons of free photo editing apps out there, but they're definitely not all created equal. Filto is one of the best free photo editors that will let you add a variety of filters and effects to your photos and videos. It's easy-to-navigate and provides you with both subtle and more extreme editing options. Filto also lets you re-size photos and videos to the perfect aspect ratio. 1Password: With reports of hacking coming out every day, password security is more important than ever before. If you're willing to pay to keep your passwords safe, consider downloading 1Password for your computer. It's not a cheap app by any means, but it allows you to create a master account for all your passwords and confidential information. As a result, you only have to remember one password instead of dozens or even hundreds. This is an especially useful tool for those working in the corporate world. Heimdall Parental Control: Worried about your child's mobile device usage? Now, you can use your own phone or tablet to exercise more control over what they use and how often they use it. Heimdall Parental Control is an app that you install on both your child's mobile device and your mobile device. Then, you can control various aspects of their usage. For example, you can block specific content or the installation of new apps. Many of the features on this app are free. You can also pay for a premium version if you want even more control over what your child sees and how they use their particular device. Want to Learn About More of Our Favorite Apps? These are some of our favorite apps from 2018. But, there are lots of other great apps out there, including older programs that we use on a regular basis. If you want to learn about other great apps, be sure to check out the technology section of our site today. There are tons of helpful articles here that will teach all about the best personal and professional apps you ought to be using. Read Also: