UAE Insurance Authority Sets New Regulations for Insurance Broking


29 December 2020


Insurance Broking

The UAE Insurance Authority has rolled out new draft regulations for insurance brokerage and online transactions. This draft has 13 chapters and 38 articles that explain insurance broking like governance, registration and licensing, the insurance broker and insurance company roles to the broker, insurance broker’s roles, solvency, mergers, financial reports and disclosures, supervisions, dispute settlements, and penalties.

Who is an Insurance Broker?

The new draft law defines an insurance broker as a juridical individual who intervenes in insurance or reinsurance activities between the insurance/reinsurance proposer and an insurance/reinsurance company and receives a commission from the insurance/reinsurance company.

The provisions of the new draft apply to distribution channels, companies, and any other insurance-related business approved by the authority. These regulations focus on shielding policyholders and guarantee that they receive value for their money by purchasing various products.

The New Insurance Law Provisions

The new insurance law requires an insurance broker to adhere to these regulations for electronic transactions.

Criteria for Insurance Brokerage Licensing

A company must be established in the United Arab Emirates and registered based on the Commercial Companies Law. The company should own a share capital of AED 3 million or more. You need to pay AED 10 million or more and register with the UAE Commercial Law if you run a branch of a financial Free Zone or a Foreign Company. You can consult a law firm in Dubai to help you with these procedures.

It is mandatory to submit an unconditional Letter of Guarantee from a bank; this is paid on demand to the Insurance Authority chairman board of directors. This can be fully or partially liquidated to guarantee the broker’s settlement of transactions and obligations.

You must obtain an insurance policy to cover your profession at a value of AED 2 million for UAE companies and a minimum of AED 3 million for a financial Free Zone or a Foreign Company branch in the UAE.

You must appoint the administrative and technical staff continually. You need convenient headquarters, software, and technical systems for your profession. It is also mandatory to have an internal control system to govern applications of laws, regulations, resolutions, and circulars in adherence to the Insurance Authority regulations. The next step is to submit the agreement between you and the bank, pay the full fees, and comply with any extra regulations. The Insurance Authority approves or rejects the application within 20 working days.

Technical and Administrative Staff

The technical staff of an insurance broker has specific regulations. It is a requirement to appoint at least 1 General Manager, Internal Auditor, Operation Manager, and 1 qualified worker for each type of insurance. Below are the qualifications for the appointment of technical and administrative staff;

  • A natural individual enjoying full capacity
  • An individual of good conduct; never been sentenced for freedom restricting punishment in a moral decadency crime without rehabilitation.
  • Pays his commercial debts even if not declared bankruptcy.

You need to notify the Insurance Authority of appointments, transfers, terminations, or modifications within 60 days.

Roles of the Insurance Broker

You must make internal by-laws and submit a copy to the Insurance Authority Dubai offices within 3 months after obtaining a license. You must review and update the internal control system continually; this ensures that you have proper laws, regulations, resolutions, and circulars.

It is necessary to design an Operations Guide for periodical updates, risk management, and review it according to the rules. Create a professional code of conduct for the staff and supervise and plan their duties according to the Insurance Authority (AI). Collaborate with the internal controller to enable employees to perform their tasks and report any violations to the authority.

You can only dismiss the internal controller by the board of management or board of directors’ decision; this happens if you notify the internal controller and IA of the dismissal at least 30 working days before the dismissal.


The IA developed penalties so that insurance brokers do not violate the instructions, regulations, laws, and circulars.  If you violate any laws, you receive a warning that compels you to remove the infringement and ensure this does not happen in the future.  The IA might suspend you from practicing for a maximum period of 1 year.

The Insurance Authority cancels licenses in the following incidences;

  • Violating any license conditions
  • Gross breach of your obligations
  • Failure to renew your license (delay paying fines or failure to pay renewal fees)
  • A final bank declaration associating you with bankruptcy
  • The dissolution and liquidation of your practice
  • Failure to practice your licensed profession within 6 months after obtaining the license
  • If you obtained your license through false information.

The insurance sector in the United Arab Emirates is expected to rise; this is why the Insurance Authority issued new regulations to govern insurance brokerage. Brokers have to adhere to set regulations or face penalties. Technical and administrative staff also has to meet various qualifications. This allows brokers to have a set of laws to refer to.

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If you find that you are going to be represented in a court of law, you need to make a decision that can severely influence your future - do you wanna be your own representation or do you want to hire a legal professional to represent you? By hiring someone, you can avoid having to spend time, energy, and precious resources figuring out how you are going to defend yourself and how you will create your argument in a court of law. The same principle goes for those who are trying to legally claim money that is rightfully theirs from the government. If you have been injured in an accident, you have been injured on the job, or you find that you are owed money, you might be thinking - how can I legally obtain this money on my own? If you are someone that has been denied their social security claims, you are in luck. In this article, we speak to leading security disability claim lawyers at Ryan Bisher Ryan & Simons. Being experts in this specific niche, they have been able to help thousands of individuals get their rightful claims from the government. In this resource article, we request them to list down some of the steps that individuals affected should take recourse to in such legal cases. The answer will most likely be confusing and daunting - something that can put you off from even trying in the first place. Instead, hire a reputable professional who has vast experience in this field! Why you should hire a social security disability attorney If you are wondering if you should hire a social security disability attorney, the answer is yes! This type of legal professional is very skilled, experienced, and knowledgeable when it comes to any issue that you may find occurring when it comes to the application for social security benefits. Social security is one of the most common benefits that you can apply for in the United States, helping those who cannot legally work earn enough money to get through daily life without any hardships. A social security disability attorney like Betz and Baril will be able to review your case and see if there is any information missing. Even though you may think that you have it covered, typically there is a lot of paperwork, extensive information, various documents required, and other important details that are critical if you miss them. A social security disability attorney and go over every single step with you to ensure that you did not miss anything. Furthermore, this type of professional lawyer will be able to go over your case in extreme detail before it is submitted to the organization. This way, they can ensure nothing is missed and your argument is proven via disability letters and information from doctors and other medical professionals. Make sure that before you hire a social security disability attorney that you do enough research to ensure they are well-reviewed, educated, and have won cases in the past. Conclusion If you are debating if you can do your social security disability claim on your own, think again - hiring professionals will make the process easier, faster, and seamless! By hiring a social security disability attorney, you can ensure that your alignment is fully formed, you have the required documents, and you have all of the supporting evidence required to get the money you truly deserve. Doing research ahead of time to find a reputable social security disability attorney is key to winning your case and getting the compensation you need to move forward with your life. Read Also: Hagen Rosskopf Explain What to Look for in a Personal Injury Attorney How A Sexual Assault Attorney Can Psychologically Help A Victim Deal With Their Trauma 5 Ways A Workers’ Compensation Attorney Can Help You In Your Case

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A Quick Guide to the Legal Steps of Buying a House

Finding your ideal home is a fantastic feeling and then finding out it is within your budget feels like a dream come true. However, learning about the amount of time and effort it takes to complete the sale can be daunting. Here is a quick guide to all the legalities of buying a house, so you are in the best possible position. Find the Best Solicitor for You Your solicitor will be your guide throughout this whole process. They will help you exchange contracts and complete all the paperwork you need to fill out. With a solicitor comes many overhead costs. In addition to their time fees, you will need to pay for any potential searches and other expenses. Therefore, it is necessary to find a solicitor who is within your budget. This does not necessarily mean you should always go for the cheapest option as there may be a great solicitor who can handle everything for you for a slightly higher cost than their competitors. Begin the Conveyancing Process Conveyancing is all the legal processes that take place from the exchange of contracts to you getting the keys for your new property. It is the bulk of the work which your solicitor will do, and so you need to know how much it is going to cost in advance. Get an instant conveyancing quote here from Tayntons Solicitors, a practice of qualified and experienced conveyancers. Firstly, your solicitor will examine the draft contract and supporting documents sent by the seller’s team. They will be able to talk you through everything they have received and will advise you on any place where you wish to raise an issue. They will also be your go-between for you and the local council. There will be many different forms that will need to be filled out, such as making sure you are on the Land Registry, and it will be essential that nothing is forgotten. Finish Up When everything is ready, the solicitor will oversee the transfer of funds from you to the seller. They will then make all the necessary arrangements for the remaining fees which will need to be paid before you finally get the keys to your new home. There will be tax returns to fill out, and conversations with your mortgage lender if you are using one. These are all incredibly important parts of the buying process which are as crucial as the exchange of contracts. Buying a property does not end with putting an offer into an estate agent. It is a very long and potentially difficult legal process, and you need to make sure you have the right person beside you helping you out. Searching for a conveyancer who is accredited by the Law Society will assure you that you will be working alongside a professional who knows the ins and outs of the business. With their help, your dream house will soon be yours forever. Read Also: Choosing The Right Conveyancing Solicitors For You How A Solicitor Can Help You To Set Up A Business

Car Accident

5 Things To Do Immediately After You Get Into A Car Accident

A car accident is never expected. When you are a part of a car accident, there are certain things that you need to do to make sure your rights are protected. The very first thing that you would need to do is to stop after getting into an accident. If you are thinking of running away from the accident scene, you are giving away your only way to stick with your rights. Even if you know that there is no damage taken or given, it is important to stop the car. Then again, don't apologize right away. This will show that you are taking all the blame upon yourself voluntarily. If you have a car, that means you have car insurance. In the car insurance policy, it is mentioned that the policy will stand only if you do not take responsibility for the accident. Hence, your apologizing will nullify the car insurance policy. What To Do At The Scene Of A Car Accident? You need to be careful while driving so that you do not fall victim to any car accident. However, once you are a part of the car accident, you need to prepare yourself with the question that needs to be answered to claim your car insurance. The best way to claim your car insurance policy will be to hire a Los Angeles car accident lawyer. They are professionals in handling this kind of work. Here is a checklist that will help you with the things needed to be taken care of after the car accident. 1. Determine The Extent Of Damage Caused By The Accident When a car accident happens, it is better to stop your car to see the damage's extent. If possible, do not move your car from the position. Let the police take the things from over here. Doing unnecessary things will only make the car accident more complex. 2. Protect The Scene A car accident scene can be quite confusing for the third parties and can even give rise to new accidents. So it is better to flare or barricade the accident scene to make people aware of the accident. In the case of a night accident, you need to have a flashlight at your disposal to signal nearby cars about the accident. 3. Contact Police It doesn't matter how big or small the accident is or how much damage you have accrued. It is always best to call the police. It is important to have a legal report at your disposal. This report might be helpful while filing a claim for car insurance. 4. Get The Facts About Your Car Accident This part is one of the most important things that almost every person knows. However, amidst all confusion, they tend to forget. It is important to get the names, addresses, and contact info of every person related to the car accident. You can even add a description of the car and its number. 5. Take Pictures Today smartphones have become quite common. If possible, you can take pictures of the damage you have accrued in the car accident. You can even take pictures of people involved in the accident, picture of the car, and number plate. However, make sure that you are not interrupting the police investigation. 6. Report The Accident Report your insurance policy about the car accident. There are insurance policies that prefer immediate reports. So make sure that you can report them back as soon as possible. There are certain medical claims as well that your policy might cover. However, being late with the report might backfire at you and nullify those claims. 7. Seek Medical Attention Car accidents can sometimes be brutal, so no matter how big or small your wound is, take immediate medical attention. In an accident with minor injuries, you can sustain long term spinal cord injuries. If you have suffered a loss of consciousness for even a couple of seconds, that means you have suffered a concussion. If left untreated, it can leave permanent damage. Protect Your Rights Perhaps the most important thing you can do after a car accident is to consult an attorney. Your attorney can protect you from false claims and make sure that the valuable evidence is not destroyed. Your attorney can also help you with your insurance claims and ensure that you get the best medical treatment.  Read Also: Do I Need a Lawyer for a Car Accident that wasn’t My Fault? The Benefits of Hiring A Personal Injury Lawyer What Steps Should I Take When Involved In Car Crash?