Bail Bonds: What You Should Know


08 January 2020


Bail Bonds

Paying bail bonds are not as simple as it seems. Knowing and having the right understanding of how these work, how it is determined, what the payment methods are, and other important issues are very important for anybody who is facing an arrest or who has an arrested loved one. There are several questions asked online to shed light and find out what bail bonds are all about which you may also have, click here to find out the answers.

What is Bail?


It is a term to describe the release of a person arrested for a criminal offense before the end of the criminal case. It can involve – but not every time – the defendant paying money to a court; this is not a punishment. It ensures the court that the defendant returns to the court now and then while the case is ongoing. It ensures the court that the defendant does not fail to go to court without having to keep him in custody all the time.

Bails are significant in both ends – the arrested and the authorities. It ensures that people, no matter if they have a case at court, are free and, also, it avoids having to jam-pack jails with offenders, while have not been convicted yet. With it, offenders can be released almost in any stage of the criminal justice process, either immediately after arrest or while the case is ongoing and the court has not issued a sentence yet. This means that if someone gets arrested, three possible scenarios can come to place: he is arrested and released without charge; he is arrested, charged, and released on bail; or he is arrested, charged and is held in custody until the verdict of the case comes out.

Schedule of Bails

This is a list of the amount of money applied to individual crimes and can be paid in terms of bails.

State laws determine the amount appropriated for a crime, and they decide whether the arrested individual be released without posting any bond at all or if the individual is allowed to post any or not; or if allowed to post bail, should it be posted (and individual is released with it) after booking or should they wait for a hearing. If the state laws allow for immediate release after the appropriate amount is paid, the defendant can post this immediately and release will follow. But if the state law requires a hearing, the defendant will not be able to pay immediately after booking and be released, instead, he will have to wait for the hearing to ensure before anything else.


During a hearing, the court would determine the amount applicably. However, courts do not always allow this; they can also deny it according to applicable state laws. If allowed, the amount will be determined using the following factors as a basis:

Flight Risk Level:

Sometimes defendants would escape the system especially when they are facing possible major sentences such as death or life imprisonment. These defendants are most likely to flee and escape the penalties.

Degree of Connections to the Community:

An individual who has a strong connection to the community where he belongs would be less likely to flee. For example, a defendant who has a business in his locality or whose entire family is in that locality, he will have a lesser likelihood of fleeing compared to individuals who have nothing to lose in that locality.

Obligations in the Family:

Sometimes the court will consider and require lesser bail to defendants who are responsible for the well-being of his family or who have other dependents.

Assets and Incomes:

When a defendant has a lot of money and/or assets, he may likely not be considered for a low amount. If the defendant is employed, the court may consider that the defendant may likely lose the employment.

Court and Criminal Histories of Defendants:

Especially individuals who have had histories involving failures to appear in court will most likely have to face higher bonds compared to those who are first-timers in court. Also, the court would look into the number of times a person may have been granted bail and have violated conditions related to the given considerations or who have failed to appear in court. The court will most likely impose higher bond amounts to these individuals as compared to someone without such history.

The gravity of the Crime:

More serious crimes require higher bonds and lesser serious crimes require lower bond amounts.

Public Safety:

If the release of an accused individual would pose a risk to the safety of others and/or the community, the courts would most likely refuse to allow bail. Examples for these are cases of treason, rebellion, terrorism, or conspiracy – a defendant charged with these crimes would most likely not be allowed to post bail.

The Types of Bail Bonds

Most of the time bail bonds are associated with money. The notion is that when one is arrested and he has the money, he can get out of jail immediately. However, it is more complicated than that. There are several questions asked online to shed light and know what bail bonds are all about which you may also have.

Different states may have different types of bails, some may apply to another and in others, it may not. The different types may include cash bonds, signature bonds, property bonds, surety bonds, and others.

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Civil Cases Versus Criminal Cases

Civil Cases Versus Criminal Cases: What You Need To Know

If you have been following the news lately, you must be aware that there have been many misconceptions revolving around criminal cases and civil cases. Since you have clicked on the link to this article, I will presume that you are someone who likes to keep a keen interest in law. As responsible citizens, we must know all the specificities of the law. It will help us be aware, and it will save us in times of trouble. I am a defense lawyer myself, and I have been enjoying my job for the last ten years. And in my opinion, the Federal court in Missouri has some of the best lawyers in the entire U.S. So without further adieu, let us take a look at the major differences between Civil Cases Versus Criminal Cases What Is A Civil Case? Civil cases are those cases where the persons or organizations involved are entangled in private disputes that are not considered to be harmful to society. Civil offenses are considered to be offenses committed against the State or jurisdiction. Since both civil and criminal cases are offenses nonetheless, there are bound to be some similarities as well as differences. As law-abiding citizens, we must ensure we know everything there is to know. When it comes to Civil Cases, there are two parties involved, one that has raised the dispute, known as the 'plaintiff,' and the other party who has been charged against, also known as the 'defendant.' The plaintiff may approach the court to ensure that the defendant has fulfilled its duty or ask the court for compensation for the damage done. Both the Federal Court and State Court entertain civil cases. For instance, if a computer shop owner signs a contract with a customer and agrees to deliver the computers at a specific price that has been agreed by both the parties and later if the computer shop owner fails to deliver the computers, forcing the customer to buy the products from some other computer shop at a higher rate. Then the customer has every right to sue the computer shop owner for the extra cost that he had to bear to purchase the computers from some other place. If the parties belonged to completely different states, then the case would go to a federal court like Federal Courthouse Springfield, MO. What Is A Criminal Case? Criminal cases are those cases where an individual is accused of a crime, which may range from minor misdemeanors to murder in the first degree. The government taking the side of its citizens prosecutes the individual via the Attorney's Office of the United States if the individual has been charged with the federal level's crimes. The District Attorney's office, also known as the D.A., deals with state crimes. According to America's law, it is not for the victim to bring to produce a criminal case in the courthouse. For instance, if a person is kidnapped, the government can press charges on the individual regardless of whether the victim wants it. For instance, the state government has the power to prosecute people who are involved in drunk driving as it poses a threat not just to a single individual but to many people. This is quite unlike the cases entertained at Federal Courthouse Springfield, MO. What Are The Similarities Between Civil Cases versus Criminal Cases? Both these cases have a few things in common. Usually, both civil and criminal cases involve private parties. A person can be charged with both civil and criminal cases at the same time. What are the key differences between a civil case and a criminal case? There are a ton of differences that you should know about. Keep reading The grounds of acquiring proof are different in both civil and criminal cases. Criminal cases took place in front of a jury. All defendants in criminal cases have the right to an attorney Criminal and civil cases vary greatly in terms of punishment. Final Thoughts Life can often be a handful; you never know what might happen next. That is why you always need to have proper contact with the best lawyer to guide you. Stay safe and well informed. Read Also: How To Find The Right Criminal Defense Attorney For Your Next Case? What Do Criminal Defense Attorneys Do? How to Choose the Best Murfreesboro Criminal Defense Attorney A Civil Way of Separating: 6 Questions and Answers About Collaborative Divorce

Perfect Attorney

5 Top Tips to Help You Hire The Perfect Attorney

Tips to Help You Hire The Perfect Attorney: Finding a Perfect Attorney can be the most valuable step you can take to win a legal case and it doesn't have to be a challenging task. You have to invest time to find the perfect attorney for your self. Focus your efforts on finding an attorney who has dealt with your specific legal issue in the past and who you personally get along with, as well as someone who’s within your budget. 1. Look Up Law Firms If you’re struggling to find a Perfect Attorney, try searching up famous law firms. There are plenty out there that you’re sure to have heard of. Weisinger Law Firm is one such example, but there are many others. Spend time looking for a good law firm and you’ll be one step closer to hiring the best attorney! 2. Determine Which Area of Expertise You Need Locating an attorney with specialized expertise in the practice area that involves your case (e.g., malpractice law, bankruptcy law, etc.) is always preferable. It's also a good idea to find a lawyer who's familiar with the courts and laws in the area you live in. This will allow your prosecutor to best represent your interests. You need to understand that not all lawyers are adept at handling all kinds of cases. There is always a specialization, which makes them good for a specific kind of legal case. If you want to get experts for handling seniors, a bankruptcy lawyer is not going to help you. In that case, you would need the help and support of only Port Charlotte FL attorneys for seniors. 3. Ask Friends and Family Talk to family members and friends who have used a Perfect Attorney. Find out who they hired, what kind of service they hired, if they were happy with the services. Ask if they'd recommend the prosecutor. You can be candid with these people, so make sure you fire off any and all questions you have. Ask about the lawyer’s manner of speaking, experience, and whether or not they won the particular case. Your friends and family will give you unfiltered and honest opinions! 4. Check For Size Law firms can vary in size from one Perfect Attorney to many Perfect Attorney so you need to choose a law firm that you think will best suit your situation. Big companies might want to hire a big-time firm to deal with extremely complicated, often international, legal issues. If you are simply looking for someone to help you with your divorce or to help you write a will, you should feel comfortable hiring a lawyer from a smaller company. 5. Prepare Questions for Potential Attorneys The basic information about the lawyer can generally be found online, such as how long he/she has been practicing, where he/she went to law school, etc. Ask about matters relevant to your particular case for questions in-person. The lawyer should have no problem answering any questions you might have, and should not sound hesitant or uncertain. You can ask all about pricing, previous cases, other experience, and whatever else you are concerned about. You will need to have a clear picture of your future attorney because you’ll need to be able to put all your trust in them. Make sure you ask them whatever you need to know. Read also: Your Federal Disability Attorney and Lawyers Don’t Battle It All Alone: 5 Reasons Why You Need an Adoption Attorney

Truck Accident Attorney

Advantages Of Hiring A Truck Accident Attorney

There are many reasons that truck driving accidents happen, and all can be very dangerous. As a driver in a passenger car, you must be very careful around truck drivers because they can’t always see you and where you are. It is also very difficult for them to stop quickly, even when they are watching closely. If you are a truck driver or a driver of a passenger car, you know that accidents between these two vehicles happen. In the event that it happens, the services of a truck accident attorney are very much needed. To rule out differences between these 2, you will need to be able to have the right type of attorney to do the job correctly. What To Know Because big rigs and other commercial trucks can be larger and more difficult to drive, there are things that can happen that don’t happen with passenger cars. They need more room to turn, smaller roads are hard to manipulate, and they are more difficult to stop quickly. Because of these things, they are more likely to have accidents if they are not careful. Learn here about the difficulties that can happen with big rigs: There are other things that can cause accidents with these big trucks, and they could be caused by the truck driver or the driver of the passenger cars. Big Rigs Inadequate Training – Sometimes the truck driver hasn’t had all the training that they need and that can cause accidents. They haven’t learned all the driving techniques, safety techniques, and defensive driving. If they haven’t learned all this, they are more likely to not be able to drive safely. Fatigue or Exhaustion – Truck drivers have tough schedules set forth by trucking companies and they are expected to be places quickly to make the company money. Sometimes this causes the truck driver to have to drive for too many hours at a time. Some trucking companies even expect the drivers to speed to get to places in time, as well as get fewer hours of sleep. They even pay their drivers more money if they can make more deliveries in shorter amounts of time. Passenger Car Drivers Sometimes the accident is caused by the passenger cars because they don’t realize how big the truck really is. They also don’t realize that trucks don’t operate the same as passenger cars and that this can cause difficulties. See here for some defensive driver hints when you are dealing with big rigs. You can learn how to be more careful around them. Disabled Vehicles – Sometimes passenger vehicles become disabled and must go to the side of the road. If the cars don’t get completely off the road, it can cause problems for other vehicles on the road. This can be especially bad for truck drivers who have vehicles that are bigger and harder to drive. If a passenger car is only partially off the road, a truck driver can easily hit it. Blind Spots – Truck drivers have bigger blind spots than passenger cars and sometimes passenger cars drive in those spots. If that happens, the truck driver can’t see them and they may make moves that can cause an accident. Driving Between Big Rigs – Sometimes passenger cars get into a hurry and decide that the best place for them to be is between two big rigs. This can be very dangerous because it makes it difficult for the truck drivers to see them and if there is a reason to stop suddenly, the passenger car will get caught between the rigs. Fast Maneuvers – Cars will sometimes make fast maneuvers like changing lanes quickly in front of the trucks. This means that truck drivers can’t stop in time to avoid accidents. The smaller cars don’t realize that these big rigs can’t stop quickly. Moving into Traffic – Passenger cars don’t always accelerate quickly enough to move into traffic from the shoulder or from the on-ramps. If they move in front of a big rig, this could cause problems and the car could get hit. Right Turns – Car drivers don’t always realize that big trucks need more room to make right turns and they move into the space that the truck driver needs to turn in. If the truck driver doesn’t see the car in time, this could cause an accident. Passing too Close -  If a passenger car gets too close to a big rig while trying to pass them. They don’t expect the turbulence or crosswinds that happen and they can get blown off the road or into oncoming traffic. Left Turns – If the car is making a left turn in front of the big rig and don’t realize how fast they are going, it can cause an accident. They forget that the big rigs can’t stop quickly, and it is also difficult for them to slow down quickly. Trucks Merging – Passenger cars will often fail to speed up or slow down when trucks are merging, and they can get hit when that happens. When to Consult an Attorney You will want to consult an attorney as soon as you can after you have alerted the authorities, especially if you are injured. You need to handle things differently than if you have an accident with another car. Trucking companies can afford to make accidents and victims disappear with a little money. You have to be careful, especially if you have extensive injuries because the costs may end up being more than they are offering. You will need to consult a truck accident attorney to make sure that you are compensated for all your medical expenses, your lost wages, and your pain and suffering. There may also be other expenses that are caused by the accident and you want to be sure that you are compensated for that. Conclusion There are many reasons that accidents happen between passenger cars and big trucks. It doesn’t really matter what the cause is if you are injured and can’t work. You will want to be compensated for this, so you will want to call a truck accident attorney to help you get what you deserve. 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