Understanding Search Engine Optimization

Published on: 27 July 2016 Last Updated on: 19 August 2019

Why is it that certain websites end up at the top of the search engine results? There are certain mathematical SEO equations that come into play that you have to understand to get To The Top, and Grigoriy Ichshenko has offered some free tips to help with your website’s SEO setup.

Understanding Search Engines

There are three main factors that are part of the database and rankings of search engines, known as SEO. Everything from the words used in a search to the order in which the results are displayed is based on mathematical calculations that give people the results they are looking for.

1. Search engines use a web crawler, also called a spider or a robot, that “crawls” the web. This web crawler looks at various websites and finds links based on certain topics. When the web crawler finds various websites that relate to a topic in the index and that have good information, it adds those sites to the database. That means databases are constantly growing and being updated. That is how search engines give the best results for each search.

2. Search engines have an index where the website data is stored after they are picked up by the web crawler while it searches the Internet. Anytime a website gets a The new data will go into the index to replace the old information. Indexes keep growing as time goes on.

3. The actual search engine is a computer program that looks the data kept in the index every time someone does a search on a browser. The search engine provides results based on a mathematical equation that determines the relevance of the websites based on the search criteria. Search engines place websites in order by determining which of them are most strongly related to the topic searched.

What Do Search Engines Aim to Do?

Search engines aim to give people results that are relevant to the keywords they used in the search. Search engine optimization can be used to determine how well search engines work. Each search engine will provide different results based on the method of calculation used. People who have a website want to use the algorithm to their advantage to get their rank up, by using SEO.

Tips for Effective SEO

  • SEO Tip 1: Add links, which are pathways that lead back to your website. These links make your website more visible to search engines. If someone is doing a search, you can have your URL show up despite the fact that a different website is the source of your link.
  • SEO Tip 2: Write a good page summary. Include things like your meta tag names and the keywords for your website but in moderation. You should write a creative and interesting page summary so it will get noticed even if it doesn’t match the search perfectly. That way, you can get your website noticed on search engines and get more traffic.
  • SEO Tip 3: Carefully consider your title. No one understands how the algorithms that search engines use work, but some people will tell you that a title is beginning with “A” through “E” is more effective.
  • SEO Tip 4: Choose your keywords carefully. The keywords are very important. You don’t want to have too many keywords, or that will lower your website’s ranking because of the repetitive nature. It is best to have no more than 4 or 5 keywords on your website to raise your search engine ranking.
  • SEO Tip 5: Getting your URL out is important. If your URL is in a lot of databases, you will see better results on search engines. Use blogs, emails and more to share your URL as much as possible.

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Good Guest Post

5 Basic Tips How to Write a Really Good Guest Post

Being a guest blogger is something that you will need to work on it to remain relevant and provide useful information and will win the hearts of your audience. Taking a thoughtful approach to writing a guest post is key in determining whether you will succeed or not. Therefore, it will be a lot helpful to even consider to buy an essay from professional writing services to help you learn the basics of how to do it. Over and above that, here are 5 basic tips that you will need to really write a good guest post: Know the Audience: Get to know the kind of people you will be writing to. It helps a lot to tailor your thoughts and ideas around those who will be reading your post. There is a lot that you can learn from your audience hence the need to study their demographics and understand their language and needs before getting started with your writing. It all begins here – know the people you are targeting to be able to write content that is relevant to them. Write Catchy Headlines: Be creative in how you write your post headlines. Article headlines create the impression of what readers should expect from what you have written. In that case, you need to work on your ability to write attractive headlines to get you the attention you need to succeed in wooing your readers. Make the readers want to find out what you have written by crafting great headlines. Use Bullet Points: Long paragraphs and clumsy information is likely going to send many readers away. Knowing that readers will first scan the article, it is important to use bullet points to highlight key points in your article. These are easily noticeable and will encourage readers to take time and read the entire article to get ideas on what you have written in the entire post. Include Visual Content: A picture is worth a thousand words. Visual content is therefore key in making your post effective in communicating your message to the readers. As you endeavor to put your points across, use images and videos where possible to help readers connect with your writing with ease. A really good guest post must include visuals where possible to enhance the information provided through the writing. Optimize for SEO: Ensure that the post is optimized for search engines. This makes sure that it is ranked highly hence easily noticeable by readers online. This aspect should be included when writing a guest post. Look for keywords and keyword phrases to include based on the title of your post. It will help readers find it when they come to search for information online. Final Thoughts A good guest post is all about attracting readership. In that case, writing should revolve around what readers are looking for. Your audience is looking for meaningful information that will add value to their lives. All thoughts and ideas should, therefore, be organized in a way that enhances the interest of the readers! Read Also: Improve Your Local SEO Via Content Marketing How To Become A Great Travel Blogger: 11 Secrets Best Ways To Get More From Your Outreach Campaign

Web Host Providers

Things You Should Know About Web Host Providers

Choosing a web host is an important decision you need to make before you launch your website. Take a web host as a brick and mortar location where your business will reside, so making the wrong choice would mean your business would be ruined. With many companies offering web hosting services, it could feel challenging to pick the best from them. To choose the right web hosting provider, there are few pointers you should consider. Below are some of the things a reliable web host should have: Server reliability : If you check the top web hosting providers for Australia, you will note server reliability as one of the key features that are highlighted when comparing these companies. The reason for this is because you want to ensure your website does not experience downtimes. It could be frustrating to suffer downtimes if you are running a business that expects a lot of traffic. That is why you need to choose a host that is reliable when it comes to uptime scores. Backup and security : Security is also something that should feature in your list of factors to look at when choosing a web hosting provider. A reliable hosting provider will include all essential security features that will protect your site and all data. Backups are one of the ways you can secure your data, so when there is an issue you can easily restore the data. Look for a company that allows auto backups so you will not need to do it manually. Security features like SSL certification systems are necessary to ensure connections through your site are encrypted. Support (Live chat or telephone) : Support is another factor you have to look at when choosing a hosting provider. A reliable web hosting provider should include seamless communication channels that allow you to reach support whenever you have an issue you want to be addressed. An unreliable support department means you could have to wait more than a day to have an issue resolved, and this could damage your reputation if access to the website is compromised and your clients are unable to access data. Server speed and responsiveness : A responsive server is a good idea as it guarantees quick access to vital information. Responsiveness is measured by the time it takes a user to get full access to the site from when they hit the domain. Speed is one of the metrics used by Google to rank sites, so good speeds could help you achieve better SERP ranking. Don’t be carried by the price because this is something many hosting companies use to win over buyers. Look for the features you will get and make sure your site will have a good platform. Before you choose a hosting provider, you need to look at the features that are offered. Some web hosts that charge low prices will not give you important features like security and their server responsiveness may not be good. Consider security and verify that the hosting provider offers reliable support when you need to solve a problem. Features like SSL encryption and site backup are necessary to secure your files. Read Also : What Makes A Web Hosting Good? Why Is Server Colocation Hosting In India Becoming More Popular Than Dedicated Servers? 7 Reasons Why You Should Be Using A CDN With WordPress


Tips And Tricks To Gaining Great Results From PPC

PPC can be difficult to get right, particularly if you have a limited level of experience, but with a detailed plan as well some planning beforehand you can create a campaign that delivers outstanding results. In this article, we will be looking into some of the tips and tricks at your disposal to deliver great PPC results. Choose The Perfect Bidding Strategy For PPC Getting the perfect bidding strategy is a time-consuming process but it can help to take your PPC campaign to the next level. By bidding on keywords with a higher search volume you are likely to see a return of investment as your ad will place you on the first page of Google even when using a PPC Essex service. Though bidding on expensive keywords can lead to an expensive start-up cost, this could be a benefit to the business depending on the amount of traffic you gain to the keyword. Time Your Ad Placement Perfectly Though bidding on keywords is essential to a successful campaign, the time that the ad is showing can make or break the campaign. This needs to be perfectly timed to coincide with the target audience to ensure the best possible results. Therefore, a corporate target market will be on their phones or commuting early in the morning and later on in the evening, this, therefore, means that you will put your advertisement up at these times. However, a younger target audience will need to be marketed between school hours and at lunchtime for the best possible results. Use Dynamic Keyword Insertion To Your Advantage Dynamic keyword insertion is one of the ways that you can improve click-through rates to your website when running a PPC campaign. This is a clever strategy particularly for smaller businesses as you are making any links in home pages look natural whilst generating call to actions that are engaging. This is important when running a PC campaign as you want the best possible results to capture as much of the organic traffic as possible for the money that you are paying to be advertised on the first page of Google. Keep Trying And Testing Though PPC is beneficial on its own, it can also be used alongside an SEO strategy to provide faster results and capture more of organic traffic. Whether you are running it as a stand-alone campaign or as part of a collective it is important to try and test a number of different keywords as well as call to actions. This is important when looking to generate quality leads as different keywords may have a differing search volume. Though this can take time to get the perfect combination of keywords and call to actions, this will benefit you in the long term when it comes to campaign success. With this in mind, there are a number of ways that you can improve the outreach of your PPC campaign and deliver an outstanding return on investment when timing is right. Where will you start with your next PPC campaign? Read Also : Top 4 Reasons To Outsource White Label PPC For Your Business Organic Traffic Vs. Paid: Where Should You Focus Your Budget?